Where the Tianyun Mountains can suppress levels, he may not be able to defeat the Grimace Black Flower Beast.

Temporary retreat now is the best choice.

Thousands of people in the central area scattered and fled in all directions, and quickly disappeared.

The Grimace Black Flower Beast chased directly towards the provocative target.

When the breath of the Grimace Black Flower Beast completely disappeared from the vicinity, the fleeing Black Lotus Cultists quietly returned to the central area.

Yu Yi also came back, he was still hiding in the dark to make old silver coins.

Lu Xiao and Candace led the team into Baitudi and came to the altar.

Yuyi was secretly thinking about whether to use blood to activate Baitudi and wipe out Lu Xiao and Candace.

He thought about it, and finally put this unreliable idea behind him.

There are many treasures on Lu Xiao's body, and Bai Tudi may not be able to kill him.

Moreover, Lu Xiao and Candace must have teleportation jade charms on them, and they can definitely escape under the attack of Baitudi.

Not to mention that activating Bai Ditu rashly will not kill Lu Xiao, and will expose him in advance, which is not worth the candle.

He chose to continue dormant, waiting in secret.

Candice stood on the altar and watched for a while, and couldn't help frowning: "How to activate this broken altar?"

A follower suggested: "Master Ninth Regiment, how about destroying the altar with a blood sacrifice? This is the most versatile method."


Candace slapped the followers away, and couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, why are the followers of labor and management so stupid? Blood sacrifices in places with white soil, how brainless would they come up with such a method? "

Edith beside him couldn't help laughing.

Lu Xiao frowned and said, "Don't be angry, the head of the Ninth Regiment, the young man's proposal just now is not unreasonable."

Candice glanced at the white earth outside the altar with fear: "Your Highness, you are not going to be stupid, are you?" Let Baitu come into contact with blood, and it shouldn't wake up."

"I still don't think it's reliable. What if Bai Tutu wakes up after smelling blood?"

Lu Xiao laughed and said, "It's very simple. We can build a pipeline high in the sky to connect the altar with the black earth outside."

"Then prepare enough primordial beasts on the black earth, and pipe their blood to the altar."

"In this way, we don't have to worry about the hidden danger of being trapped by the activation of Baitu."

Candice turned his gaze to Edith.

Edith nodded lightly and said, "His Royal Highness, Head of the Ninth Regiment, His Royal Highness Son's proposal is fine."

"it is good."

Candace was confirmed, and there was no further objection.

He took his followers to capture Yuan Beast.

Lu Xiao led people to depict the blood sacrifice formation and build high-altitude pipelines on the altar.

The altar is tens of kilometers away from the normal black land.

To build such a long pipeline, a lot of materials are needed.

Lu Xiao's followers took out materials and refined the pipes.

They used formations to fix the pipe at an altitude of several hundred meters, and added a breath-isolation formation to prevent the white soil from smelling the blood in the pipe after activation and destroying the pipe.

One end of the pipe is on the black earth, and the other end is directly descended from a high altitude to the center of the altar.

It takes a long time to prepare.

Yuyi was bored waiting.

After spending most of the day, Lu Xiao's talents built the blood sacrifice formation and pipeline.

Candice has already captured an unknown number of middle and low-level beasts, subdued them with runes, and threw them near the black earth pipeline.

Lu Xiao glanced at the altar and said in a deep voice, "Let's begin."

A follower standing on the altar activated the Blood Sacrifice Formation.

Bloody light erupted from the formation, covering the altar.

Candice immediately commanded his followers to kill the beasts, extract the blood from the beasts, and inject it into the pipeline.

A large amount of blood of primordial beasts flowed along the pipeline to the direction of the altar, and sprinkled from midair onto the formation of the altar.

After absorbing the blood, the Bloody Formation became even more monstrous.


The silent Baitu smelled the smell of blood on the altar, and immediately came to life.

It turned into a liquid like milk again, rolling around the altar.

White land condensed many white tentacles, trying to rush into the altar to plunder blood.

The Black Lotus disciple on the altar turned pale with fright, and his legs were trembling.

Fortunately, when the white tentacles approached the range of the altar, they would be annihilated by a mysterious force.

It simply cannot touch the altar, let alone snatch the blood.

Faced with the delicious food, Baitudi became very violent and set off a huge white wave, trying to submerge the altar.

But they were all blocked by mysterious forces.

The Black Lotus disciple on the altar was also relieved, his heart almost jumped to his throat just now.

Lu Xiao and Candice also smiled when they saw this.

It appears that the plan is correct.

The pipe was high in the sky, and the breath was concealed again. Bai Tui didn't notice the blood flowing in the pipe, so he focused his attention on the altar.

Bai Tutu seems to have only instinct, but no wisdom.

Otherwise, it must have been able to detect where the blood on the altar came from.

This made everyone a lot easier.

If Baitu had enough wisdom, it would be impossible for the pipeline on the sky to be preserved.

82 Chinese Network

Chapter 521

Bai Ditu could only look at the delicious blood, but couldn't enjoy it, and was so anxious that the waves rolled.


A terrifying roar came from behind the jungle.

"Fake! Why is that ghost-faced black flower beast back?" Lu Xiao's face changed drastically.

"What now?" Candice frowned.

Lu Xiao gritted his teeth and said: "The blood sacrifice must not stop, once it stops, it will fail. It is impossible for us to catch a large number of primordial beasts."

"All the middle and low-level beasts in this area have been wiped out, leaving only the high-level and holy-rank beasts. Those beasts are hard to catch and can't be defeated."

"Do you want to give up?"

Lu Xiao shook his head: "I definitely can't give up, it's just a low-level holy-level ghost-faced black flower beast, and it's not impossible to fight."

"Okay, then kill this monster."

Candace gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement.

Lu Xiao shouted: "Everyone, form the formation immediately! Use the formation to trap the Grimace Black Flower Beast, suppress its level, and then seek opportunities to kill the monster."

Most of the followers who follow Lu Xiao have been trained by him in a special way.

Among monks of the same level, he has extremely rich combat experience.

His followers quickly dispersed, lurking around, secretly arranging formations.

Numerous rune pillars were erected and distributed around the periphery of the battlefield.

A large number of runes were driven into the base of the formation, making the rune pillar even more brilliant.

Lu Xiao's people all went to set up the formation.

Candace knew that he and his followers had to resist the holy black flower beast.

Otherwise everyone will be screwed.


The ghost face black flower beast rushed into the battlefield.

Candice immediately led people head-on.

They more or less have the means to resist the coercion of the holy rank, and they are not timid because of the coercion of the Grimace Black Flower Beast.


Candace was the first to rush forward with his saber in hand.

Numerous Black Lotus believers also showed their own special abilities.

But facing the ghost-faced black flower beast of the holy rank, it is still not enough to watch.


The Grimace Black Flower Beast let out an angry roar, and the terrifying sound wave directly sent the Black Lotus Cultists flying away.

Fortunately, this group of elites have good treasures on them, otherwise they would have been shattered by the sound waves just now.

The black flower of the Grimace Black Flower Beast sprays out a large amount of black mist, trying to use the mist to make the enemy fall into an illusion.

The vines on its body pierced out like lightning with the help of smoke.

A dozen or so Black Lotus cultists were unable to dodge and were directly pierced by vines.



The screams were endless.

Those black lotus cultists who were stabbed were quickly rolled up in front of the grimacing black flower beast by the vines.

A large number of vines wrapped them up like rice dumplings.

Soon the dozen or so Black Lotus followers were sucked dry by the vines and turned into mummies.

The vines divided the mummy into two batches, one batch was sent to the mouth of Heihua, and the other batch was sent to the mouth of the giant beast.

The grimacing black flower beast eats plant parts and animal parts at the same time, and the sound of chewing bones makes people's scalp tingle.

After eating the prey's carcass, Black Flower and Lion Head roared to the sky at the same time, with joy in their voices.

Yuyi was sweating coldly as he watched from a distance, the method of grimacing the black flower beast was too horrifying.

This monster that combines plants and animals has two feeding systems, which is simply unbelievable.

Candice got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and cursed: "The holy monster is really strong, that monster has a low IQ, and it is so powerful."

"If it was replaced by a holy master, I'm afraid we were all wiped out by one move just now."

Lu Xiao's face was not good-looking: "Ninth Regiment Commander, don't worry. You still need to withstand the wave, and the formation is almost ready."

"His Royal Highness, don't bully this regiment leader. If after the next attack, your suppression formation is not done yet, this regiment leader will immediately take people away."

"Don't worry, we are grasshoppers on the same rope now. If my Son cheats you, I won't be able to escape myself."

"hope so."

Candice continued to charge with his men, trying to intercept the ghost-faced black flower beast of the holy order.

His actions were still in vain.

Many followers were blown away by the aura of the Grimaceous Black Flower Beast, and more than a dozen subordinates were killed and swallowed.

Lu Xiao didn't seem to be playing any tricks, and quickly arranged the formation.

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