A large group of Black Lotus believers charged towards the depths of the mountains quickly against the barrier.

The Tianyun Mountains are full of forbidden barriers, the Black Lotus Cultists don't run fast, and the four-tailed Shadow Leopard is about the same.

The four-tailed shadow leopard is originally a beast of the speed and shadow system. If an eighth-level four-tailed shadow leopard is released outside, the group of Black Lotus cultists in front of them may not even be able to see its shadow, and they will be hunted down.

But in the Tianyun Mountains, the speed of the four-tailed Shadow Leopard was strictly restricted, and there was no room for it to play.

It can only pursue the Black Lotus Cultists with difficulty under the obstruction of various prohibition barriers.

The two sides are you fleeing and chasing each other, and they continue to go deep into the Tianyun Mountains.

Yuyi followed unhurriedly.

The Black Lotus Cultists have trespassed on the territory of yet another tiger creature.The shadow leopard and the tiger-like primordial beast fought.

The Black Lotus believers took the opportunity to run away.

Seeing the advancing speed of the Black Lotus disciples, Yuyi couldn't help frowning.

Their speed is too slow, and they don't know how long it will take to follow them to the depths of the mountains.

Yu Yi decided to leave the group of Black Lotus followers aside and go forward alone.

He hid his aura deeper, crossed the territory of powerful creatures one after another, and quickly traveled through the mountains.

The depths of the Tianyun Mountains are already the territory of holy-rank monsters, and Yuyi even saw several holy-rank primordial beasts.

They are entrenched deep in the mountains.

Without exception, the eyes of these primordial beasts are as black as ink, and none of them are normal.

When Yuyi came to the center of Tianyun Mountains, he felt very strange.

In the rest of the Tianyun Mountains, there are powerful prohibition and suppression cultivation levels.

The suppression in the central area has not only not become stronger, but has become weaker.

Yuyi was originally suppressed to the eighth level, but after reaching the central area, his level has risen a lot.

Although it has not returned to the peak holy rank, it is still hovering around lv.95.

There are already many Black Lotus believers gathered here.

The Black Lotus disciples in the central area were not the group he followed before.

He saw Lu Xiao, Candice and others.

The members of the Black Lotus Cult who can enter the deepest part of the Tianyun Mountains are all super geniuses, and they all have a lot of cards.

In the center of the Tianyun Mountains, there are no mountains or trees, but a piece of white land.

In the Tianyun Mountains, no matter the rocks, vegetation, or even animals are black.

The land in the center is white, which is very strange.

Within the scope of Baitu, there seemed to be a powerful formation that blocked the space and made it impossible to fly.

There is a large altar with a diameter of several thousand meters in the middle of Baitu.

On the altar lay a huge monster hundreds of meters long.

The body of the monster was like a lion, but there was no hair on the body surface, but scales that shone with cold light.

The tail is also the cane of some kind of plant, covered with spikes.

Its limbs are not the usual lion's claws, but like dry roots.

The weirdest thing is that there is a black flower several meters in diameter growing on its head.

The rhizome of the black flower is several meters high, and a strange face can be vaguely seen in the stamen.

The monsters feel like they are parasitized by mysterious black flowers, and they seem to co-exist with each other, which is very strange.

A large amount of black mist drifted out from the stamens and spread in all directions.

Lu Xiao, Candice and the others stayed at the junction of the black land and the white land in a sneaky way, watching the giant beast on the altar from afar.

Yuyi was shocked.

Isn't the monster the grimacing black flower beast in the foggy forest back then?

How did it get into the Black Lotus Secret Realm?

Could it be that Lu Cangqiong brought it in?

What else is inside the altar?

Could it be that the altar is a passage leading to the sleeping ground, and the monster is guarding the passage?

But looking at the actions of Lu Xiao and Candace, this place doesn't seem like a place where the background is sleeping.

Not knowing what Lu Xiao and Candace were up to, Yu Yi could only calm down and hide in the dark to observe quietly.

Lu Xiao and Candace observed for a while, and finally decided to act.

They ordered their subordinates to catch a low-level rabbit beast and throw it into the white soil.

The low-level primordial beast sensed the horror of the grimacing black flower beast, and fled the white land in a panic.

The Grimaceous Black Flower Beast didn't wake up, it was still in a deep sleep.

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Chapter 520 Living White Land

Lu Xiao saw that the living rabbit beast could not attract the monster's attention, so he threw another injured rabbit in.

He wanted to stimulate the grimacing black flower beast on the altar with the smell of blood.

Yuyi was also observing in secret.

Of course, he didn't care about a holy black flower beast with a grimacing face.

He wanted to see the purpose of Lu Xiao and others.

After the injured Rabbit Yuan Beast was thrown into Baidi, he also wanted to escape.

The grimacing black flower beast didn't wake up, but something happened to Baitudi.

The blood from the Rabbit Yuan Beast's wound flowed down the leg to the white soil.

The originally peaceful Baitu seemed to come alive.

The white earth was tumbling violently, changing from solid to liquid, like a huge lake of milk.

The Rabbit Yuan Beast was directly swallowed by Bai Ditu without leaving a trace.


Bai Di Di came back to life, and the Grimace Black Flower Beast was also awakened.

It looked at the white spray outside the altar with fear, and walked back and forth anxiously on the altar.

"Fuck, what happened to that white land? Why is it alive?" Lu Xiao cursed angrily.

Candace wondered: "Your Highness, didn't you bring us here? Why don't you know the situation here?"

Lu Xiao said unhappily: "I don't know what the hell, I just heard Grandpa mention the situation in the central area."

"He said that this place is very dangerous, and he specifically asked me not to approach the center of the Tianyun Mountains. I just came here out of curiosity."

The followers of the two also exclaimed in low voices and discussed in low voices.

"Damn it, it's a living white land and a black flower beast with a grimacing face, isn't there some kind of terrifying monster sealed under the altar?"

"Probably not. Don't forget that the Black Lotus Secret Realm is the inheritance secret realm of the Black Lotus Sect, and the foundation of the Black Lotus Sect is still sleeping in it. How could it be possible to seal a terrifying creature in the Black Lotus Secret Realm?"

"Doesn't that mean that the seal under the altar is some kind of treasure?"

"There is a good chance it is."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's work together to break open the altar and get the treasure."

"Are you stupid? There is white land, how do we get there?"

"Ah...that's very true. The grimacing black flower beast can lure it away, but Bai Tutu can't."


Yu Yi hid from a distance and frowned.

Bai Tutu's weirdness was a bit beyond his expectation.

I don't know what kind of creature that is?

Usually, it is like a dead thing, and it will come back to life when it touches blood.

It's amazing.

Candace suggested: "Isn't that white land like water? I wonder if it can be crossed by boat?"

Lu Xiao shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. The density of the white land is too high, and it is a living thing. A boat driving on it will definitely be submerged by the tide."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if we can reach the altar by boat, the grimacing black flower beast can't deal with it."

Edith spoke up: "His Royal Highness is right. After the white land is alive, the ghost-faced black flower beast is very afraid and can't leave. We will definitely be attacked from both sides in the past."

Candice shook his head: "Then there is no other way, we can only wait for the white earth to be silent, and then lure the grimacing black flower beast away."

Yuyi waited quietly at the side.

Anyway, with Lu Xiao and Candice leading the battle, there is no need for him to stand out.

At worst, wait until the treasure is born, and then cut off the beard.

At that time, Lu Xiao will definitely die of anger.

Everyone waited for three days.


three days later.

Bai Ditu didn't meet the food and gradually calmed down.The boiling white earth gradually cooled and solidified, and became solid again.

Lu Xiao and the others didn't act immediately, but waited for a few hours before making a move.

They continued to throw some low-level beasts onto the white earth.

No one dared to injure the primordial beast this time, they all threw it out completely.

Without the stimulation of blood, Bai Tutu did not wake up.

Lu Xiao and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that there was no danger, the grimacing black flower beast on the altar also roared up to the sky.

It focused its attention on Lu Xiao and the others.

Lu Xiao told an eighth-level follower beside him: "Go and lure that ghost-faced black flower beast away, and lead it to the territory of some holy-level monsters. Remember to hold it long enough."

The eighth-rank cultivator's face changed, and finally he gritted his teeth and accepted the order.

The eighth-level monk rushed to the altar and threw an energy ball at the Grimacing Black Flower Beast, then turned and ran.


The Grimace Black Flower Beast, as a holy rank powerhouse, was actually provoked by an eighth rank ant.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it anymore.

The Grimace Black Flower Beast raised its head to the sky and roared, and the sacred aura on its body enveloped the area around the altar.

The vines on its body stretched out quickly, trying to catch that nasty ant, and then chewed it up and ate it bite by bite.

The expression of the eighth-rank monk changed, and he used extreme speed to escape.

Facing the sky full of vines, Lu Xiao and others did not dare to stay on the edge of the white soil, and they all fled towards the deep mountains and old forests.

The surrounding black trees seemed to come alive, and they stretched out their roots and branches to stop the escapers.

Yuyi was also affected and had to evacuate quickly.

He has seen the ability of the Grimace Black Flower Beast to control animals and plants.

It can be troublesome if you get tangled up.

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