Mobility is the mortal enemy of this tactic. If you encounter a unit with a lot of cavalry, large-scale cavalry can quickly reinforce and supplement the targeted right wing, making it impossible to quickly defeat the opposing elite.

Therefore, this kind of tactic is rarely recorded in ancient China, and almost no one will use it, because facing a large army with a reserve team and a mixture of infantry and cavalry, using this tactic is tantamount to death.

But today, when I saw the formation of the Southern Tang army on the opposite side, I immediately thought of this tactic.

Because the formation of Nantang on the opposite side is a bit... confusing!

First of all, I don't know if the opposing general is looking down on him, or because he doesn't know how to fight a large army battle. There are tens of thousands of people lined up, and there is no reserve team at all!

Secondly, there were few cavalry in the first place, and each phalanx placed cavalry in front, infantry in the back, and repelling horses and sharp-edged iron chains in front, which made it impossible for the infantry in the rear to meet the enemy immediately. Take the lead in responding to the front cavalry.

This is why Shi Congyun asked his father to pretend to attack the left wing of the Tang army, so that all the cavalry at the forefront of the many large formations in the Southern Tang Dynasty could be dispatched to defeat them.

He didn't dare to let his father go directly to the Southern Tang army formation, there were more than [-] army formations everywhere, even if Zhou Jun's iron cavalry rushed in, it would be a dead end.

Dad has already helped him as much as he can, and the rest will be all up to him.

Shi Congyun took a deep breath, looked at the Southern Tang army approaching all over the mountains and plains in the distance, and said to the orderly soldiers beside him: "Left-wing phalanx, advance!"

The messengers everywhere carried the Quartet flag and quickly issued the semaphore. They were located on a high ground, so that the whole army could see the flag.

The left wing is the most elite First Army, Second Army, and Third Army. Shao Ji, Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui, and Luo Yanchao are all arranged there.

The thick formation even reached the terrifying fifty rows!

Starting from the far left, the eight phalanxes of the Zhou army began to move forward one by one, and the farther to the right wing, the formation lagged behind by about a hundred steps, in order to allow the weak central army and right wing to meet the enemy later.

Shi Congyun watched the formation getting closer and closer in the distance, and tried his best to calm himself down and remain motionless.

At this point, his heart became transparent and peaceful...

He has done everything he can do, and what he has to do now is to stand still like a mountain and let the handsome flag stand high as the spiritual pillar of the army.

After a while, there was a shout of killing ahead, and the sky above the green field was covered with black arrows, like large black locusts, whizzing and throwing towards each other.

Then the shouts of killing echoed like thunder, and the large formation in the east began to meet the enemy.

The shouts of killing were higher than the waves, like the waves echoing in the wilderness, and the flags of various colors were intertwined. From a distance, you can only tell where your army is by distinguishing the flags......

Shi Congyun's eyes passed through the sea of ​​people all over the mountains and plains, and locked on the right wing of the Tang army in the east.

The Zhou army, like a wave, all rushed to the right wing, but at this time their central army and left wing did not meet the enemy for a long time, because the Zhou army advanced in steps, and when the right wing started to attack, the central army and left wing were still hundreds of steps away from the Zhou army phalanx. .


But soon the Southern Tang army in the east realized that something was wrong, because a lot of people poured out from behind the right-wing Zhou army, they were fighting and outflanking them at the same time.

There are too many Zhou troops on the right wing!

The right-wing phalanx was originally composed of the most fully armored elites of the Zhou army, but suddenly fell into a situation of fighting more with less, and the Zhou army on the opposite side was also full of leather armor, all elites with strong backs.

The general of the Tang army on the right was a little confused. What's going on, how could there be so many people on the Zhou army's side!

Seeing that the soldiers in front were cut down one after another, it was difficult to maintain the formation, and they roared for help.

However, the Southern Tang Army's front line was too long, covering several miles from east to west. Only the two phalanxes near the far right realized that something was wrong and changed direction, trying to support the elite right wing eastward.

The rest of the large formation didn't understand what happened to the right wing in a short time, and continued to advance according to the order.

Shi Congyun stood on the top of the mountain and watched the situation, clenched his fists tightly.

About ten minutes later, the Chinese army also began to meet the enemy. Most of the Chinese army's troops and elite were transferred to the east. At this time, the army was weak, with only eight thin rows, and it was certainly not possible to stop the enemy for a long time.

The three bluffing phalanxes of the Chinese army fought bravely under the command of Du Commander Yu Cheng, and fought hard against the Southern Tang army, but the number of the Southern Tang Chinese army was too large, and they were forced to retreat slowly. It was because the Zhou army was good at fighting that they did not collapse. , The Crane Control Army is his elite soldiers.

After a while, the weak right wing, led by the commander of the army, Shen Zhiyi, began to fight the Southern Tang army, and was forced to retreat continuously.

Seeing the Southern Tang army in the middle and the west approaching his position step by step, Luqiu Zhongqing and the messengers and personal soldiers around him were extremely nervous.

The guards raised their shields in front of him to protect him.

Someone persuaded: "Lord of the chamber, step back, it's too dangerous here!"

Shi Congyun shook his head mechanically, straightened his waist and remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the right wing of the army in the east. There, the three elite troops of the Crane Army were encroaching on the Tang army's elite right wing with absolute superiority.

"The owner of the compartment!" Someone was anxious and wanted to pull him away, but Shi Congyun remained motionless like a mountain.

At this point in the matter, Shi Congyun has also made up his mind. He has fought a lot in the past two years, and he has learned a lot. The spiritual pillar of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to fight must not be moved!

When the banner moved, he didn't know that it was him who moved, and he still had the morale of the army!

"If you talk too much, I'll cut you off, and I'll kill you all four times. There's nothing to be afraid of. Stand up straight for me!" Shi Congyun cursed, but he was actually using this to vent his fear, anxiety and other negative emotions.

When all the soldiers heard this, they all no longer came from their birthplaces, and followed him to stand up straight.

The fighting in the front became more and more intense. Shi Congyun clearly saw that at the forefront of the Chinese army phalanx led by Cheng Yu, some soldiers had several spears stuck in their bodies and bit off the enemy's nose. Press and pull on the enemy's neck, blood sprayed all over his face...

In the distance, the phalanx of the Central Army of the Southern Tang Army gradually realized that their right wing was outflanked, and began to move back, towards the east, wanting to support them.

Because Nantang not only arranged elites on the right wing, but from a distance, their handsome flag was also behind the elites, near the right wing!

Looking to the east, the right wing of the Southern Tang Army is being encroached and surrounded by the Zhou Army with absolute strength!

After nearly half an hour of fierce fighting between the two sides, the sun began to tilt to the west. The first large formation arranged by the Tang army in the east was completely surrounded and dispersed by the Zhou army with superior forces. The second large formation on the right wing approached the enemy and quickly began to collapse. , It's hard to hold on, the third phalanx to the west is the phalanx where Shuai Qi is!

Slowly, as the situation on the battlefield was communicated to the various ministries by the messengers, the Central Army of the Southern Tang Dynasty began to panic, and the phalanx on the right wing desperately moved to the west, thinking of getting rid of the Zhou Army's First Army, Second Army, and Third Army. outflank and strike!

Zhou Jun's central army and right wing pressure weakened, began to slow down the retreat speed, and even made some active counterattacks to buy time for the eastern battlefield.

When the sun touched the treetops to the west, Shi Congyun remained motionless as a mountain, his feet seemed to be numb. Looking from a distance, he saw the flag of the Southern Tang Army Commander on the opposite side also began to move!

Two big flags face each other several miles away.

A flag with the word "Shi" and a flag with the word "Liu", one side is as immobile as a mountain, and the other side hastily moved westward.

Seeing the big flag on the opposite side start to move, Shi Congyun's hands trembled, and he tightly grasped the handle of the knife at his waist, almost wanting to shout out!Go to hell with the dog!

He knew that he had won, and when the flag of the Chinese army moved, it would trigger a snowball-style interlocking screening. The soldiers of the large army couldn't see the people, they could only look at the flag.

Watching the movement of the commander flag, the soldiers thought the commander was running away, so they would run away desperately. Once the soldiers escaped, the commander could see the whole situation, and would be afraid to run away faster. Seeing the commander flag moving faster, the soldiers felt more and more defeated. Fleeing more and more...

This avalanche of trust can easily sweep through the entire army.

Therefore, the basic quality of being a coach is four words-immovable as a mountain!

Chapter 126, My Champion

The daylight slanted to the west, and the large fields in the southeast were no longer green.Remnants of limbs and broken arms, corpses everywhere and fields dyed red, the thick blood is caught in the spring breeze, which can be smelled from a long distance away.

Shi Cong Yunzao's nose has long been used to that smell, otherwise he might feel sick.

The lush and dark green wheat seedlings in the field were crushed into mud by soldiers in heavy armor, and then watered with warm blood.

The soldiers of the first, second, and third armies of the Crane Control Army were encircling the Tang army from three sides in the southeast, and then quickly chased the Tang army in the fields.

The Tang army in the southeast corner was in a disorganized formation, and it was difficult to gather together. They only wanted to flee for their lives, and gradually turned into a mess of scattered sand, like chaotic ants, fleeing separately, and it was difficult to gather together to resist...

A large number of soldiers of the Crane Control Army with a tight formation drove the Southern Tang Army to the west. Many Tang soldiers had no fighting spirit and directly dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees in the fields.

Slowly, the central army in the front and the Tang army on the right also found that their commander had fled, and the elite in the rear were defeated, and they were about to be outflanked by the Zhou army. flee.

At the beginning, not many people escaped. The supervising army at the back of the army chopped down a few people to temporarily prevent the collapse. However, as the rear command flag began to move, more and more people fled. The supervising army was afraid that it would be difficult to stop the escape .

The overall change only happened within half an hour. Ever since the banner of the Southern Tang Army began to move westward, the turmoil was like waves, centered on the Shuai Banner, spreading in all directions and far away, quickly destroying the formation of the Tang Army.

At this point, in the overall situation, most of the Tang troops in the mountains and plains lost their fighting spirit and began to run and flee to the southwest. The situation of this tens of thousands of battles became more and more clear...

Shi Congyun wanted to yell a few times in his heart to vent his emotions, but he held back.

On the surface, he still looks like a normal person, expressionless, looking at the distant battlefield calmly, full of force.

The soldiers around him looked at everything in the distance, and their voices trembled with excitement: "Xiangzhu! We won, we seem to have won!"

"Why are you excited?" Shi Congyun tried his best to remain calm, raised his hand slightly as if he was in control, "I knew the result two hours ago!

Don't make a fuss, go and inform Deputy Marshal Shi, the enemy army has fled and can pursue. "

Everyone looked at him with reverence, and when the messenger heard this, he straightened his waist and answered loudly: "This is it!" After speaking, he quickly got on his horse and rode off towards the peach forest in the south.

After a while, the ground under his feet began to shake, and Shi Yanchao's army in the west began to go south again, chasing the defeated Southern Tang soldiers.

Just at this time, the sound of drums and horns sounded from the left rear, and a large number of flags and figures crossed the wheat field and began to advance southward. The Li Chongjinhu Jie army on the left rear also began to march southward.

"When we had the hardest beating, they didn't fart a single fart. Now they want to come here to take advantage!" Someone said dissatisfied.

Shi Congyun was also dissatisfied, but he couldn't help it. Li Chongjin's troops entered the battlefield only after the Southern Tang Army was defeated, and the battle reports would definitely credit Li Chongjin and Hu Jie.

This kind of thing is hard to say, anyway, the officials have the final say on the affairs of the world nowadays, and it is impossible to fight wars under the watchful eyes of the officials.

At this time, the entire situation in the south of Zhengyang has become that the Southern Tang army ran southward all over the mountains, and the Zhou army in the rear followed closely behind.

Luqiu Zhongqing admired him from the bottom of his heart: "The owner of the chamber is really commanding, with a strategy in his chest, and a hidden soldier in his belly!

At first, the old man thought that there were many soldiers in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and Li Chongjin would not help us easily because he was just watching from the sidelines.

The owner of the chamber is young, such wisdom and determination are rare in the world. "

Luqiu Zhongqing stroked his beard, he didn't speak deliberately to please, but he was as calm as expressing emotion: "This old man spent half his life from Qidi to Hebei, Hedong, and out of Saibei, wandering and wandering. a lot of,

There are quite a few outstanding people among them, each with their own strengths, and they may be compared with the owner of the chamber, but I have never seen them.

But the host gave the old man a strange feeling. "

"Strange?" Shi Congyun looked at him curiously, and the joy of victory swept over him. At this moment, he relaxed. The sun was setting in the distance, and the horses on the plain cast long shadows. The situation had become a one-sided pursuit.

"Well, the owner of the chamber has a lot of talent and strategy, and seems to be someone who wants to do big things, but it seems... not ready to do big things..."

Shi Congyun nodded, "You are right."

"Order the whole army to pursue. Mr. Luqiu will follow the army to command and dispatch. I will stand here for a while..." Shi Congyun said deeply.

Luqiu Zhongqing nodded: "If you have something important to think about, I will try my best to do it well."

He nodded. In fact, he was too nervous to pay attention because he had been standing all day. When he relaxed, he realized that his whole leg was numb. He had almost no intuition. If he moved, he might fall down. It would be too embarrassing.

In the distance, the sky gradually dimmed. Two or three stars away from the sky, many light spots flickered below. It was the chasing army who began to light torches. It was even more dazzling than the evening starry sky. For a while, it was hard to tell which was the sky and which was the earth. up.

Since he couldn't stand upright, Shi Congyun simply sat down where he was, thinking how much it would be if a young lady came to rub his legs at this time.


The same thing, in the eyes of different people, is a different situation, and people's ideas are always different.

So the view of this victory is another scene in the eyes of others.

At dusk, the mountains and rivers were bathed in blood, and thousands of miles of land turned into a fiery red world.

The top of the mountain in the southeast of Zhengyang is guarded by many soldiers. The blood-colored sunset is reflected in the canal below. It seems like a channel of hot blood is flowing, scorching the eyes. The fire in the distance flickers and forms a long dragon. The fire dragons all over the mountains are slowly moving south, wandering in the wilderness. .

It was Zhou Jun who was chasing the defeated soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty, all the way south.

Half a day ago, the overwhelming Southern Tang Army, which spread all over the mountains and plains, made her tremble and fear, made Wang Pu and others uneasy, and made Li Jixun eager to persuade the officials to retreat to the north bank of the Huaihe River. The Southern Tang army that had been prepared was completely defeated at this time, as if the ground was scattered all over the place, throwing away their helmets and armor, they fled towards the south.

Armors, weapons, and flags discarded everywhere in the fields reflected beautiful light in the setting sun.

Everything is like a dream, a dream and an illusion, and reality is like a two-hour long dream. I can't believe that this is actually done by human beings, and it is something that people can do.

Empress Fu stared blankly at everything in the distance, and forgot what expression to use to decorate her beautiful and dignified oval face, just like she used to do.

I also forgot to pay attention to the conversations between the officials and the people at both ears. Looking at the calm and calm figure standing behind the army from a distance, it became more and more blurred, and I felt a strange emotion in my heart.

For a moment, she even wanted to speak abruptly and ask someone to call the legendary Shi Congyun who was only sixteen or seventeen. She had a good look in person. , what kind of young man.

What kind of person can be calm and calm in front of thousands of troops, as immovable as a mountain, and strategize......

It was as if he was standing there like a mountain, thousands of people would not be able to get over it, and nothing would happen if the sky fell, and he ignored all the people across the mountains and plains.

Empress Fu felt that this might be the most man-like man she had ever seen in her life......

Such thoughts made her very nervous and scared, and her heart beat fast. Fortunately, others didn't know it. Everyone was looking there, so she wouldn't look so abruptly. No one cared what she thought.


Today's events are too dramatic, and the variables involved are unpredictable.

She is the one who can understand everyone's thoughts best when she is present, because women's thoughts are more delicate. At first, even the officials felt that they could not win the fight, thinking that Shi Congyun was fighting indiscriminately.

The officials asked Dongxiban to guard the pontoon, and asked Li Chongjin and Shi Yanchao to protect themselves. They already felt that there was no chance of winning.

But when Shi Congyun concentrated all the soldiers in the east, the army formation lagged behind from left to right.

She didn't know what kind of dismissal it was, but when the two sides really started fighting, the official's expression became gradually surprised, and Wang Shenqi made several guesses.

At first he said, "Perhaps Brother Yun wants Deputy Marshal Shi to attack the right wing", but later he vetoed it, saying "Brother Yun may want to find out the truth of the Tang army" and "Brother Yun may want to deceive the enemy with himself".. ....

In short, she could see that Wang Shenqi was trying to defend Shi Congyun in front of the officials. The relationship between the two should be very good, and Wang Shenqi was really worried about Shi Congyun.

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