Just like the Tang army on the opposite side, the east-west front is at least two miles away. If the left wing collapses, the soldiers on the right wing want to support them, and they need to run 1000 meters in armor!That's a fart to support, even the cavalry can't provide support in time.

At this time, only the reserve team in the rear can replenish in time the areas where the battle is tight.

This is the reason why the army is arranged in this way. According to Zhou Jun's arrangement, he led the Crane Army to take the lead. Li Chongjin's Tiger Jie Army was behind the left flank and could support the left wing at any time; Support the right wing of the Crane Control Army at any time, and can also wait for an opportunity to go around and attack.

It can be seen from the meaning of Tang Jun on the opposite side, it seems that all the soldiers should be put at the front...

Shi Congyun thought to himself, what a fucking breath!

Did the general on the other side want to eat them all in one bite?

Or do you think you have an absolute superiority in military strength and are sure to win at any point on the front line, so you don't bother to keep the reserve team?

Shi Congyun was nervous and scared at first, but suddenly he became angry. Does this mean that he doesn't take him seriously?


When the sun was fully up and shining on the large fields south of Zhengyang, the seedlings of the crops had already been trampled into mud by the army.

Shi Congyun saw that the moving figures in the Tang army on the opposite side gradually settled down, and the formation of the army was basically completed.

Their large formation is divided into twelve phalanxes, stretching from east to west for several miles. The phalanxes are a mixture of infantry and cavalry. The cavalry is in front and the infantry is in the rear.

Because the dominant hand of a person is the right hand, the soldiers who can best fight are the soldiers on the right wing of the army. Therefore, most of the time when the formation is formed, the most elite soldiers are placed on the right wing to use their combat effectiveness by charging.

However, Shi Congyun had been trying his best to look at the rear of the Southern Tang army formation, and they really didn't leave a reserve team!All troops are on the front line!

Enemies are many, many!

History couldn't count the number of people, only knew that it was much more than them.

He was a little unclear for a while, whether the general on the opposite side was too confident or didn't know how to fight at all.

But no matter what, it is a fact that the Southern Tang army did not leave a reserve team and put all the main force into the battlefield at once!

Shi Congyun was in the middle of his breath, his heart was thumping, and he was holding his horsewhip tightly. Looking at Tang Jun's formation, he suddenly had a bold idea!

"Soldiers are coming!"

"Yes!" The orderlies who had been closely following him agreed.

Shi Congyun clicked one, "Take my talisman and go to Taoshulin in the south to find Deputy Marshal Shi, and tell his Long Jiejun not to wait any longer. I have a new way of fighting."

As he spoke, he explained to the messenger that in his capacity, it is absolutely impossible to command Shi Yanchao. He is only the owner of the chamber, and Shi Yanchao is the deputy palace commander.

But Shi Congyun believed that his father would definitely send troops for him.

Then he turned back and said: "Go and call some commanders to me, I have something to explain!"

Soon, the messengers galloped away, and the commanders of each army came from their respective formations.

Seeing them, Shi Congyun hurriedly said: "The situation is urgent. Let me make a long story short. The second army and the third army all moved to the left wing to form an array, and followed the first army. Shao Ji was the formation envoy and personally supervised; The Fourth Army and the Fifth Army only lined up in eight rows, stretching the battle line by more than one mile..."

When Shi Congyun finished explaining, everyone looked at him in surprise, but they nodded and carried out without any doubt.

Shi Congyun saw that the army of the Crane Control Army in front of him began to mobilize, and he took a long breath and thought, what the hell, things can only be fought now!


On the high ground outside the village in Zhengyang Town, Empress Fu was nervously thinking about whether to persuade the officials to return to the north bank of Huaihe River.

She was also very disturbed. There were too many Tang soldiers, and they were completely lined up. From a distance, it looked like a large black area, which felt very oppressive.

The Zhou army in the rear is scattered, roughly arranged in three pieces, like the shape of "Pin", which are Shi Congyun's department in the front, Li Chongjin's department and Shi Yanchao's department in the back. It seems that they are not as organized as the Tang army. Neat and imposing.

If the front is defeated, this place is only two or three miles away from the front line, and it is absolutely dangerous for the army from the opposite side to chase and kill them.

She is not a person who is not afraid of death, and she cherishes her own life very much. If not, she would have been buried in the sea of ​​fire with her husband's family as early as in Hezhong Mansion.

She raised her eyes slightly, and found that the official was still staring at the battlefield in the distance.

In the distance, both sides had completed formation, and seeing that the fight was about to start, everyone's hearts were in their throats. At this time, Shi Congyun, who was at the forefront, unexpectedly began to change his formation.

Everyone looked over at once. The soldiers in the first six or seven rows did not move, and the movement in the back row was very large, but from the perspective of the Nantang Army, they should not be able to see the changes behind.

Want to cover up?Empress Fu thought to herself, at that young age, I heard that the general who was only sixteen or seventeen was still standing on the high ground behind the army on horseback, like a stone sculpture, without moving.

Was he frightened out of his wits or did he really have no fear in his heart, such a young child's concentration is really amazing...

Empress Fu doesn't understand military affairs, so she can only watch the changes ahead, and then observe the reactions of the officials and the civil and military around her.

The official's brows became more and more wrinkled, and Wang Pu also gave a "hey" in surprise, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "What kind of formation is this? Is it because I am ignorant..."

This time even Wang Shenqi shook his head: "I have been in the army for many years, I have never seen or heard of such an formation, maybe... Brother Yun has his own ideas."

"Thoughts? Don't you just get dizzy from fright..." Li Jixun said the worst, "What is he going to do? Could it be that he wants to release the right wing and let Shi Yanchao fight?

It might as well be the same as the opposite Tang, Long Jie, Hu Jie, and the crane control army are all lined up, and they will fight together to decide life and death. Does it take such time and effort? "

The official didn't speak, and didn't answer anyone's words, but his face became more and more ugly. He didn't blink for a long time, and finally ordered people: "Transfer the East and West Bans to guard the bridge."

Fu Hou's heart skipped a beat, and he understood what the officials meant. The officials probably also felt that Shi Congyun was fighting indiscriminately, and the probability of losing was high, so his face was ugly, and he asked people to guard the bridgehead in case the war was unfavorable, and they could withdraw northward at any time.

The officials were probably very angry. Shi Congyun was transferred back from Guanzhong by himself under the imperial edict, so that he could come to the south to fight. As a result, the first battle in Huainan was like this. It is inevitable to say that the anger.

Hearing that the east and west squadrons were guarding the bridge, Empress Fu felt relieved, and looked to the south with relief. Shi Congyun's advance was turning into an extremely weird formation, even a woman like her who didn't know anything about military affairs thought it was strange. It's not weird.

A large number of soldiers are moving from the rear, slowly forming an incomprehensible formation...

Wang Pu sighed, "Perhaps he is still too young, lacks experience, and is prone to whimsical ideas..."

The official finally said with a gloomy face: "Go and inform Li Gu, if something happens, tell Li Chongjin and Shi Yanchao not to fight, and go back first, and make a long-term plan for everything."

Chapter 125, Unmoving as a Mountain History Congyun ([-])

At noon, the scorching sun hangs high, and on the hill to the north of Zhengyang, you can see the whole situation.

The formations of the two sides have been arranged, and anyone can see that the battle is about to start. Fu Shi doesn't understand military affairs, but he knows at a glance that the battle is about to start.

Many things don't have to be understood, just look at the surface and feel the same.

After a while, the Southern Tang army at Yunchu took the lead in sounding drums and horns, and then there were flags waving behind, and the army all over the mountains and plains began to move forward slowly.

As soon as he moved, the front line in front began to become a little crooked.

The formation moved very slowly, which was different from what she had thought at the beginning. She had seen the rioting soldiers in the Hezhong Mansion, screaming obscenely, rushing around like crazy.

She thought it was the same in a big battle, but she didn't expect that the thousands of troops slowed down instead. The advance speed of Tang Jun's forwards was not as fast as ordinary walking.

Everyone looked to the south intently. On the vast plain, the Southern Tang army was slowly approaching Shi Congyun's army.

Fu Hou held his breath, his mind was blank, at this moment, there was actually nothing to think about, in front of such a huge army, overwhelming momentum, and suffocating oppression, all calculations and calculations became meaningless Yes, if this battle is lost, all the troops on the opposite side have been killed, and those are meaningless.

No wonder the ancients said, "Soldiers, the major events of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be investigated." Some madmen said, "Son of Heaven, those who have strong soldiers and horses should do it, rather have a kind."

For the first time, she found that the officials were anxious and afraid, presumably at this moment, the oppression of the officials in front of her was not as strong as before.

In the distance, as the Southern Tang army slowly approached, everyone's eyes were focused on the south. Shi Congyun's tall figure remained motionless, standing behind the army on horseback, surrounded by many personal soldiers and messengers.

Zhou Jun's strange formation did not move at all without his order, but at this time there were rumbling horseshoes from the west.

There is a large peach forest in the southwest of Zhengyang. In March without spring, the pink petals were shaken off by the sound of horseshoes shaking the earth, and they were scattered and flying. He rushed straight to the west of Tang Jun.

A banner with the word "History" in front of it fluttered with petals in the wind. Shi Yanchao, the number one general of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

The huge cavalry team crossed the field ridges, crossed the east-west avenue, stepped on the canals for the common people to irrigate the fields, rolled up the dust all over the sky, and went straight to the left wing of the Southern Tang Dynasty, arrayed in the west near the avenue.

Even two or three miles away, one could feel the unstoppable momentum. Visible turmoil appeared on the left wing of the Southern Tang army formation.

Wang Pu clenched his fists excitedly, but Wang Shenqi said worriedly: "There are too many people in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the army formation has more than [-] ranks. I'm afraid it won't be good for the cavalry to charge directly..."

"Sure enough, I want his father to help me fight." Li Jixun said, with disdain in his words.

"Perhaps Deputy Marshal Shi is eager to love his son and lost his position..." Wang Pu sighed and added.

Fu Hou subconsciously looked at the official's family. The official's complexion was not good-looking, and he still didn't speak, just staring closely into the distance.

The army of the Southern Tang Dynasty also began to change and respond. Many cavalry at the front of each phalanx came out one after another, in different order, from west to east, rushing to help the left wing of the army, trying to intercept the cavalry of the Zhou Dynasty.

The entire battlefield was instantly covered by the smoke and dust raised by the horseshoes, and the wide open space between the two armies' formations suddenly became a field of competition for the cavalry of both sides.

The cavalry of the Zhou Dynasty rushed straight to the left flank of the Tang army, while the cavalry of the Tang army galloped west to rescue.

Seeing such a situation, Li Jixun was the happiest in his heart, especially when he saw the official's ugly face, he immediately understood that Shi Congyun was over.

He has no grievances with Shi Congyun, but he is very upset in his heart. He is forty years old and led the right wing of Hujie. Only through hard work can we get to this position.

But Shi Congyun's hairless doll, if he wins this time, I'm afraid he will climb to the same position as him.

And this time going south, the officials actually let the little baby lead the Crane Army as the main force to rescue Zhengyang, instead of using the Hujie right wing led by him, Li Chongjin and Shi Yanchao both obeyed him, but why Shi Congyun?

When drinking and chatting with his good friend Zhao Kuangyin before, he said that the doll was able to beat Li Yangui and Gao Yanchou in Guanzhong. The cloud does have a knack for it.

Li Jixun felt even more unhappy.

His qualifications come from fighting in the small army. What kind of abilities does that kid have at such a young age?Why should the official use him and not use himself.

There is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not fast!After this battle, the officials will sooner or later understand this truth, and use someone like him.

Just as he was thinking, the battle situation ahead changed.

Shi Yanchao's cavalry turned a small amount to the left, instead of attacking the Tang army's right wing formation, they rushed straight to the cavalry who came out for reinforcements!

Sound east and west?

Li Jixun thought to himself, could it be that Shi Yanchao went after the opponent's cavalry?

In the distance, a large number of galloping cavalry collided in the open space between the two armies. In an instant, the entire battlefield was turbulent, and the shouts of killing could be heard two or three miles away.

The contest between the cavalry is the most test of experience, because they meet at high speed immediately, life and death are only in an instant, and the slightest difference can determine life and death, so those elite cavalry who come out of the field of life and death fighting are the most terrifying.

Li Jixun didn't feel that the cavalry of the Southern Tang Dynasty were the elite opponents of Shi Yanchao's men.

Sure enough, after the two sides collided violently, two colors of quicksand collided, interspersed with each other instantly, interspersed with each other, stirring and rolling.

In the battle on the first day of the new year, the cavalry of the Southern Tang Dynasty on the east side were visibly defeated. Many riders were stabbed off their horses in the first round of confrontation, and the front was immediately defeated.

The two sides fell into a melee and strangled in the open space in the center of the formation.

Li Jixun thought, the Southern Tang cavalry could not stand a chance. They had few cavalry and the leader was Shi Yanchao. When it came to cavalry battles, even the Khitan cavalry were no match for Shi Yanchao, let alone the Southern Tang cavalry.

The two sides strangled for nearly two quarters of an hour (half an hour), and the originally few cavalry in the Southern Tang Dynasty showed their decline. General Shi Yanchao led his elite personal guards to kill through the enemy's formation, came back from the east, and rushed towards the enemy again.

The few cavalry of the Southern Tang Army began to be defeated, and the cavalry of the Zhou Army chased after them, not daring to escape back into the formation. More than a thousand cavalry of the Southern Tang Army only dared to flee all the way to the east, and soon crossed the path where the ridges turned into irrigation fields. The canals used for the fields will not run away to the east after crossing.

Wang Pu couldn't help shouting, "Good! General Shi is brave!"

But the faces of others are not so good, the situation is not so optimistic, Southern Tang is not good at cavalry, there are twelve large formations, cavalry is only a small part of them, and a small number of cavalry fled back to the large formation.

After Shi Yanchao killed the Southern Tang cavalry, he did not dare to attack the Southern Tang army's formation, but the Southern Tang army began to move forward slowly, preparing to compress the space for the cavalry in the middle.

Shi Yanchao's cavalry could only be forced to retreat to the west of Taohualin.

The battlefield once again became a competition between the main force of the Southern Tang Dynasty and Shi Congyun's Crane Control Army.

The army formation of the Southern Tang Dynasty is gradually approaching, and a battle across the board is inevitable...


Shi Congyun stared closely at the long line of east and west, but his heart was much calmer, because at this point in the matter, there was not much leeway and room for him to deal with changes.

All he can do is to execute according to the previously arranged ideas.

He had an idea when he saw that the Southern Tang Army was dominated by infantry, not many cavalry, and did not leave a reserve team, and they all went to the battlefield at once.

As a player of the Total War game, Shi Congyun remembers a well-known secret, "In case of indecision, strike obliquely".

Because of his interest, he also specially studied this kind of tactics that was short-lived in BC, and then emerged in World War I and World War II.

Out of interest, Shi Congyun carefully studied this tactic.

The principle is to take advantage of human physiological characteristics and hold weapons in the right hand, causing the generals to display their combat effectiveness. Most of the time, the right wing is equipped with elites;

The second is that the front with more people is too long, and support becomes difficult. It is difficult for the central army and the right wing to quickly support the left wing.

So concentrating all the elites in one place and quickly defeating the opposing right-wing elites by surprise is the essence of this tactic.

This tactic can be one of the best solutions when one's own forces cannot confront the opponent head-on.

However, it is not a panacea, and there are almost no such tactics on ancient Chinese battlefields. This is because this tactic has two weaknesses.

One is the reserve team.

Since the beginning of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, China has had a lot of experience in fighting with large armies. Many generals will keep a reserve team to supplement the weak areas of the army formation at any time.

The second is mobility.

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