Recording the words and actions of people and kings, there are daily notes in all dynasties;

It is recorded that the generals govern the country, and there have been political records since ancient times.

Then extract the facts from it and compile it into a history book.This is because the knowledge of historical books must have a source; when compiling, a detailed review is required.Today's Zuijulang is the history of the ancients.

During the reign of Emperor Wenzong of Tang Dynasty, he ordered the historian to write the pen and stand under the head of the dragon on the temple steps to record political affairs.

When Emperor Mingzong of the Later Tang Dynasty, he ordered Duanming Hall and the Privy Councilor to take turns to write the calendar, which was sent to the historian to prepare for the compilation of history books.

In the recent dynasty, all things were abolished. Historians only relied on official documents from various departments, and the historical museum only took books produced by two provinces. In addition, although there were interviews and inquiries, as usual, they were not true and reliable.

Since the founding of the country by the first emperor of this dynasty, and even the succession of the great cause by His Majesty the emperor, many holy virtues, martial arts, and wisdom and wisdom have been hidden and hidden.

In the future, I hope that the matters of consultation and the rules of sanctions will be ordered to the ministers around you to transcribe them in detail immediately. Whenever the calendar is edited, it will be sealed and handed over to the ministers, so that the important affairs of the state will be recorded without omission, and the responsible departments will be exempted from negligence. "

In the Hall of Hanging Arches, Li Gu was chatting with the officials.

The Hanging Arch Hall is located on the west side of the central axis of the imperial city, from the Donghua Gate to the west, just like the Hanging Arch Gate.

Ministers and officials discuss the affairs of the government, and most of the time they are here.

Behind the Hanging Palace is the Wansui Palace, which is the official residence, and at the rear is the queen's residence, which is the inner court.

Li Gu is now 51 years old, but he is still considered healthy, and he speaks with a lot of energy, and his voice is like a bell.

The officials wore ordinary robes, and nodded after listening to him. "Li Xianggong's words are reasonable. From now on, the Privy Councilor will be ordered to accompany the Privy Councilor around every day to record his words and deeds, and send them to the History Museum on the same day."

"The official is wise."

Afterwards, the hall cooled down, and after waiting for a while, the official family asked Li Gu to go back.

The official family sat on the top and frowned, wondering what he was thinking. After a while, he said to the eunuch beside him: "Go and call Pan Mei, the deputy envoy of the West Shang Pavilion, to come in."

The eunuch obeyed and went out to call someone.

Guo Rong frowned, he knew why Li Gu mentioned this.

At first, many people criticized Wei Renpu, because Wei Renpu was not from the imperial examination, but he forced him to be promoted to the position of privy envoy.

Therefore, Li Gu, on the grounds that it is convenient to compile history, let the privy councilor directly record the words and deeds of the privy envoy Wei Renpu every day. I am afraid that it is also a kind of restraint. It represents the public opinion in the DPRK. Maybe it is not Li Gu who wants this, but the ministers all want this. They Don't worry about Wei Renpu, he has a prejudice against Wei Renpu, who was not from the imperial examination, and Li Gu was promoted as the prime minister.

But Guo Rong was happy with this, and this was exactly what he wanted to do. Wei Renpu was talented, and his confidants were true, but his own brothers didn't dare to believe them, let alone confidants.


Chapter 50: Marquis Yu, the capital of the Inner Palace

In addition, there are also personal reasons for Li Gu. Li Gu has a talent for rationalizing the people and handling affairs, but he can be influenced by Taoism. He is determined to avoid power and be content with it. .

Guo Rong frowned, a little angry and unhappy in his heart, what does Li Gu mean?

The hall was covered with white floor tiles, and the Zhu Zhu were dark in color, reflecting the human face, making Guo Rong's face not obvious, but his unhappiness was still written on his face.

He stood there for a while, thinking about it carefully and thinking that it was human nature, Li Gu was really working too hard, and it was all wrong for him to have such a mind.

Guo Rong was a man who wanted to compete with Tang Taizong. He looked at the actions of those wise men and tried to control his emotions.

So he sighed and said to himself, "Let Li Gu preside over the compilation of the history book for a while, and cultivate for a while."

When I got the bottom of my mind, I started to think about some more long-term things.

After a while, Pan Mei came in and gave a big gift.

The official said, "When I was still the governor of Kaifeng, you followed me, and it has been until now.

I wanted you to go to Shanzhou to supervise the army (Sanmenxia City), but now there is a shortage of one, and you need to take up the post. "

Pan Mei stood by and listened quietly.

The official family continued: "I have asked you to serve as the Marquis of Yu, the direct governor of the inner palace, and Shi Congyun, the envoy of the inner palace, to be in charge of the sergeant of the inner palace."

Ignoring Pan Mei's reaction, she continued without emotion: "You don't have to worry too much about the affairs of the Inner Palace, military history is reliable, you have to keep an eye on other matters, you can come to see me directly if you have anything, understand? ."


"Shi Yanchao is a minister of the arm, and it is my original wish to treat him favorably.

Shi Congyun is still young, although Gao Ping had some bravery in the first battle, I can't rest assured that he may make mistakes in many things and not do it properly, do you understand what I mean..." After speaking, straight to the point Looking at Pan Mei, her face was rigid and unmoving, but it made Pan Mei dare not move.

Pan Mei bowed her head and said in a deep voice, "I understand, please rest assured."

"Well, you have always been sensible and smart, I believe you."

The hall was empty, and every sentence reverberated in the air, and the sense of oppression increased layer by layer. The official's words were obviously not heavy, but there was an inexplicable sense of oppression, which made Pan Mei hold her breath and dare not miss a sentence.

"Naturally, Shi Congyun is a good seedling. You can cultivate and cultivate it according to the situation. If he does something, he will not be less rewarded."

"Things are these, you remember it well and do it well."

"Please rest assured, the officials will live up to their mission!"

"Yeah." The official nodded his back to him, not ready to say more, Pan Mei consciously withdrew.

In fact, Guo Rong had never discussed anything with Shi Congyun. He knew very little about Shi Congyun and had very little impression of him. He only remembered that Shi Congyun was a 15-year-old boy who was not afraid of tigers when he was born.

Such young and energetic people are prone to mistakes, and it is easy to not see where they are.

In order to make Shi Yanchao loyal, giving him a reward is a means, but the inner palace is also important, so he needs a trusted person to be placed by his side.

Guo Rong did have an expectation in his heart. He witnessed Shi Congyun's bravery in Gaoping, and also hoped that the younger generation would be able to use it for Da Zhou.

It's just that there is not much expectation at this time. Guo Rong has seen too many people and things in half his life, and very few have the ability.

It is often easy to get a thousand dollars, but hard to find.

After he succeeded to the throne, he was eager to seek talents, and he has issued edicts several times, talking about various measures to recruit talents, and even pardoning a large number of prisoners in order to win the brave and able to fight.

There are also gains, and some talents have indeed been discovered, but there are no more, and it is far from what he expected.

However, talents are hard to come by, just like Tang Dezong hoped to get a handsome talent like Su Dingfang to make the Tang Dynasty rejuvenate, he kept adding seals to the deceased Su Lie, adding Lingyan Pavilion, etc.

But talents will not appear just because he has done a lot. No matter how hard he works and how devout he is, he still doesn't get as handsome as Su Lie in the end, and the decline of the Tang Dynasty has not been reversed.

Therefore, the higher the position, the more rare and important talents are felt, which is why Guo Rong attaches so much importance to Zhao Kuangyin.


At the beginning of September, Shi Congyun was basically familiar with the personnel and deployment of the entire inner hall.

There are many children of military attachés in the inner hall, but the children of military attachés at this time are not useless in peacetime.

There are wars in the world almost all the time. Most of these children are young people. They follow their parents to hear and see, and if conditions allow, they have practiced martial arts since childhood.

I have seen a lot on the school grounds, but they are not fake.

Soldiers here focus more on practicing bows.

Although it is said that there is a weapon spectrum in the Jianghu, and there are various rankings of the eighteen weapons, but the weapon spectrum recorded in the military book is one bow and two crossbows.

Yes, it is an important tactical idea to play ranged rather than melee.

In the long-range weapons, the bow is very important, because the bow can not only kill the enemy remotely, but also exercise strength and test strength.

Therefore, archery and cavalry shooting are technical tasks, which are very important in the army of this era, and bowmen are generally important arms.

In the inner hall, almost everyone is a good bow player, and they all have a set.

Of course, Shi Congyun doesn't have only one set, he has three sets!

The three sets of treasure armor that his father prepared for him, one on his body, has almost no opponents except those who don't talk about martial arts and use hammers.

Thinking of this, Shi Congyun suddenly felt that he was also a peerless master.

And there are so many masters Erlang, we have to win over!

When it really comes to the battlefield, these are meat shields!He can imagine that he surrounded himself with more than 2000 strong men, and he didn't know how to die!I thought so in my heart, but when I got to the school field, I said as soon as I opened my mouth: "We are all brothers, come here, come here, I will practice with you!

I'll treat you to a guest after I'm down today, don't let anyone go! "

The soldiers suddenly cheered.

Shi Congyun is not afraid, anyway, he is not short of money.

When he ran out of money, he still had his father's five cars. It was impossible for his father to kill his relatives righteously. There was only one son.

"Hey..." Speaking of this, Shi Congyun suddenly frowned, the father worked so hard with the aunt and the aunt recently, could it be...

That afternoon, all the sergeants surrounded him as he was about to leave, when suddenly someone came to the school grounds to report, saying that someone from the front of the hall had come and asked him to greet him quickly.

Shi Congyun quickly asked Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, and Dong Zunhui to lead the crowd first, and he went to the hall of the official office to meet people.

Along the way, I kept thinking in my heart, who is coming from the front of the hall, who can come, won't it be the father?

Dad is the second-in-command in front of the palace, so he didn't find out that the gold bars in the house were short and came to him to settle the score...

With an uneasy mood, he took a few big steps to the lobby, only to find that it was not his father Shi Yanchao who was waiting inside, but two acquaintances.

One is Zhang Yongde, the commander-in-chief in front of the current hall.

The other person is Pan Mei, the deputy envoy of Xishangge!


Chapter 51, Strategy of Conquest of Shu

Shi Congyun hurried in, and then saluted: "I have seen the envoy in front of the hall, Brother Pan!"

Zhang Yongde, dressed in a purple official uniform, sat on the pear wood chair in the upper fourth, did not get up, and said with a smile: "Shi Du Shi, this will be Pan Mei, the Duke of Yu, who will be directly in your inner palace. A certain brought him to see you today.

In the future, you should cooperate sincerely, communicate a lot, and lead the inner hall directly. "

Speaking of this, Shi Congyun was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that Marquis Yu, the direct capital of the inner palace, was really Pan Mei!This is too much to his heart. Pan Mei has a good relationship with him, and he is not a powerhouse. He is even more unpredictable, knowing that this person is reliable and an ideal partner.

He was about to say a couple of nice words, but Zhang Yongde didn't expect Zhang Yongde to say: "The official family attaches great importance to the Inner Palace, and Ambassador Pan was also personally assigned by the official family, so you can't neglect it."

As soon as these words came out, not only Shi Congyun was stunned, but even Pan Mei was stunned.

The two looked at each other and could only smile awkwardly.

I have to say that Zhang Yongde's emotional intelligence is very low, and he is too unpretentious.

The officials personally assigned this kind of words, and he actually said it so directly in front of the two of them.

The officials personally assigned him, or assigned a small inner palace to direct the capital of Marquis Yu. The smart one knew that he was worried about Shi Congyun and asked Pan Mei to monitor him. The intention was obvious.

This is not suitable to say clearly, it is best for everyone to keep it secret, so that each other can have a good face.

As a result, Zhang Yongde actually said it all at once, immediately embarrassing Pan Mei and Shi Congyun...

Fortunately, Shi Congyun had a vaccination from Zhao Xiaoniang, and his relationship with Pan Mei was also very good. After the two smiled awkwardly, they felt nothing.

If the two are not familiar with each other and have no friendship before, I am afraid that the lighter ones will be suspicious of each other and the more serious ones will hate each other.

Zhang Yongde was completely unaware of the inappropriateness of his words, and was still talking about himself.

Then he explained a few more words, generally speaking, Pan Mei was a member of the official family, and asked him to take good care of him. He showed him the appointment letter of Pan Mei's Privy Council, and went through the procedure to verify his identity.

After finishing the procedure, Shi Congyun couldn't wait to take Pan Mei to drink and introduce Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui and others to let him know.

However, Zhang Yongde was also there, and he said something casually, just out of politeness.

After all, although Zhang Yongde is young, he is already the number one in front of the palace, and his identity is too different from those of them, so it is difficult to get along with them.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yongde was happy when he heard it, and he touched his short and hard black beard and agreed: "Okay, since all the sergeants in the inner hall are here, so will join in the fun."


The addition of Zhang Yongde was unexpected by everyone, but although he was not high in emotional intelligence, he was surprisingly able to put down his body and hang out with the sergeants.

Shi Congyun didn't have time to introduce it, he had already taken care of himself to mingle with the soldiers.

The place they went to was on the south street of Zhuquemen. It was a good restaurant. Although the storefront was not high-end, it was clean and tidy. The wooden mottled tables and chairs had uneven surfaces and many burrs, but they were clean and spotless every day. The pottery bowls used And mahogany chopsticks are washed clean.

The drinks are generally not high alcohol, mostly fermented rice wine, turbid milky white, about ten or twenty degrees.

Shi Congyun thought about getting some high alcohol to sterilize the wound to save his life, but he forgot about it later.

The key point here is that it is not too expensive, it is affordable to bring so many people, and the soldiers are not pursuing any grades. It is the best to have a place where everyone can gather to eat, drink and have fun.

During the drinking period, Shi Congyun also introduced Pan Mei to everyone: "This is Pan Mei, the deputy envoy of the Xishangge from the official family, and will be the Duke of Yu, who is directly in our inner palace."

Everyone came to visit, but they did not understand what the official position of the deputy ambassador of Xishanggemen was. In short, as long as they heard the official family, they felt powerful.

Shi Congyun understood their thoughts. How could these big-headed soldiers know what a deputy envoy of the West Gate is, let alone what this official means. He was taught by Zhao Shijian, otherwise he would know nothing.

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