"The Inner Hall is not really a big deal on weekdays. You only need to act according to the order, and you can mainly deploy it according to the defense plan set by the Privy Council." In the Shifu, Wang Shenqi and Shi Congyun explained some things about the Inner Hall.

"Usually it's just a little bit, and it's enough to arrange the imperial city inspections in turn.

There are not many things. Unless the official family goes out to fight, it is not our turn to be squires. Usually, we are followed by the East and West squads. "

"All you need is to go to Dianmao every morning, and then you can move around freely. It is also the duty of the inner palace to inspect the imperial city." Wang Shenqi smiled, "Well... many things can actually be changed."

Shi Congyun immediately understood, and cupped his hands: "Thank you Wangdu Yu for mentioning someone."

Wang Shenqi told him vaguely that it's fine for you to go out casually while you are at work, because you can use it to help the public and private affairs.

Shi Congyun listened to Wang Shenqi's explanation to him and revealed some unspoken rules, and gradually felt that the inner hall was actually quite leisurely.

He warmly instructed Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang to prepare wine and food and entertain Wang Shenqi.

It was not too early, Wang Shenqi refused but stayed.

Most of Shi Congyun has an impression of everyone he has been in contact with.

Among these generals, Wang Shenqi is a bit different.

Generally speaking, warriors are not so particular about their words, and it is common to hurt others and expose their shortcomings, and everyone doesn't care.

For example, Wang Zhong often speaks out about his shortcomings, but that scumbag has no bad intentions, just that he is not so particular about his words.

Xiang Xun is a little better among the crowd, because he has read books, Gao Huaide is rough, and he doesn't speak a lot of swear words. After all, he was born into a famous family.

Even so, these guys don't sound good at all.

Only Wang Shenqi, even though he was a martial artist, always seemed to be cautious in his speech, and seemed to be cautious in his conduct.

This history is obvious from the cloud.

For example, the fact that the inner hall can be used for public welfare and private class, if Xiang Xun and Gao Huaide are told, they will definitely say it directly, and maybe even show off a few words.

But Wang Shenqi only hinted at him without saying it explicitly, which shows the cautiousness in his character.

During the meal, Shi Congyun said, "Listen to Wang Duyu's accent, is he from the north?"

Wang Shenqi nodded, "My ancestors were from Western Liaoning, and later moved to Luoyang."

When Shi Congyun became clear, he immediately drew closer and said, "Then we are all foreigners. A certain father is also from Yunzhou. Now he only lives in Daliang, and he is also a wanderer in the end of the world."

Hearing this, Wang Shenqi grinned.

He gradually understood why Wang Shenqi's character was so cautious. From western Liaoning to places where he was unfamiliar, he should not be cautious.

"Come on, let me offer a toast to Wangdu Yu." Shi Congyun said and raised his glass.

Wang Shenqi's face was troubled, his brows were tangled together and wrinkled, and he said cautiously: "Shi Dushi, a certain... is not good at drinking alcohol by nature, so I accepted it with good intentions, but this wine... a certain Can't drink."

Shi Congyun was stunned. Over the past few days, none of the men in the army he met could not drink.

In this era, drinking is almost a prerequisite for officers to make friends.

People like Xiang Xun, Gao Huaide and others came to the mansion and didn't open their mouths without drinking two bowls first.

Usually when everyone is together, whoever wants to drink is not to give face, but today I actually met someone who said no to drink.

Wang Shenqi probably thought he was angry, so he quickly explained: "I never want to save face, I'm really not good at drinking..."

No wonder he speaks so cautiously, I'm afraid that just because he doesn't drink, I'm afraid that he will offend many people in the army, and suffer a lot of exclusion and indifference.

After all, many people will think that he does not give face, does not fit in, is difficult to get along with, and so on.

Alas, this is the tragedy of not drinking.

However, Shi Congyun would not have those opinions. Instead, he took a higher look at Wang Shenqi. In such a big environment, he can still insist on not drinking, and he has his own perseverance.

Then he said: "Wang Duyu misunderstood, he is not angry, drinking is for fun, and if you are not good at drinking, you will be unhappy if you insist on drinking. That is putting the cart before the horse."

As he spoke, he got up and called Aunt Wang and changed Wang Shenqi's tea.

Wang Shenqi said with some emotion: "A certain soldier has been in the army for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a reasonable warrior.

A certain body was not good since childhood, and he couldn't drink alcohol, and he couldn't drink the taste of wine. In the past, no matter which colleague in the army held a banquet, he was both happy and afraid, and he was often laughed at by his colleagues. "

Shi Congyun felt a little empathy, and said with emotion: "Who said no, drinking is for fun, but it becomes a pain, and it is better to vary from person to person.

However, there are mostly rude men in the army. How can you know that you will put yourself in the shoes of others and think about things. In the future, there will be a banquet in the house. General Wang can come, no one will force you here. "

"It's better to be respectful than to obey." Wang Shenqi let out a smile.

It was not until it was getting dark that Shi Congyun sent Wang Shenqi away. He did not drink alcohol from beginning to end, and could be regarded as a strange person in the army.


Time flies, and in the next few days, Shi Congyun sometimes goes to the outer city to find Wang Zhong, Shao Ji and others for drinks.

Most of the time, he was learning how to read and write with Zhao Xiaoniang. He already had a foundation in writing and learned very fast, which was completely different from ordinary beginners. Even Zhao Xiaoniang was startled and thought he was a genius.

Little did he know that he already had a lot of learning experience.

By the beginning of August, when the troops were about to start straightening up, Shi Congyun went to the Privy Council.

The Privy Council was originally an organization in charge of documents by the emperor's side in the Tang Dynasty, consisting of eunuchs.

But after the chaotic times of the Five Dynasties began, there were more and more wars, and the military affairs to be dealt with also increased exponentially. The emperor was handling and considering wars almost all the time, and the Privy Council gradually became an institution for the emperor to deal with military affairs.

The functions of the military department in the original three provinces and six ministries are getting weaker and weaker.

With the later development, after the Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han to Later Zhou, it has become the highest military decision-making body in the country, and it is not filled by eunuchs, but the emperor's confidant ministers.

The current Privy Council envoy is Wei Renpu.

I heard that he also participated in the battle of Gaoping, and took the lead in the charge. After the war, he was promoted from the deputy envoy of the privy council and the general of the guard of the right guard to the superintendent of the school and the secret envoy.

Sounds like a capable character.

I went to the Privy Council office because Shi Congyun wanted to get a defense map.

The defense of the imperial city was negotiated by the ministers in the Privy Council. At his level, he only had the right to lead troops, and he did not have the right to dictate these important matters.

Going to the Privy Council's official office, after bypassing a stone screen with a picture of a pine crane, the door official verified his identity, got the badge, and went in to report.

Come out in a while and take him in.

He met Wei Renpu in an office wing.

He looked about forty or fifty, with a long beard and long beard on both cheeks, wide and long face, deep wrinkles on his forehead, wearing a purple gold official uniform with a round collar, and two electric fans inserted on the left and right sides of his head. Yeh's official hat, it looks like...

Li Kui is an official!

Of course, if there is no bushy beard, the person should look more upright, more like a reader.

Shi Congyun hurriedly bowed his hands and salutes: "I have seen the privy minister, a certain Shi Congyun, the direct envoy of the inner palace, and came to the privy council to get the defense map of the imperial city."

People like Wei Renpu have high positions of power and have a lot of things to do, so they probably don't like chattering.

So Shi Congyun was very careful, he just said hello in one sentence, introduced who he was, and what he came for.

The first person put down the pen in his hand, looked up at him, then pointed to the chair next to him and said, "Sit down and wait, the old man will be taken."

Having said that, he got up and called the officials of the Privy Council outside the house to get it.

When he was recently, Shi Congyun hurriedly took the opportunity to ask for advice: "I have something to ask my husband, and I will take a post in the inner hall. How many personal soldiers can I bring along?"

Wei Renpu had just sat down, with a good temper, without putting on airs or getting impatient, and replied directly: "Generally speaking, there should be no more than 20 people.

Moreover, the names of the places of origin of these people must be recorded and submitted to the Privy Council. After all, the inner hall directly guards the imperial city and serves as a servant to the official family, so there can be no omissions. "

"Thank you for your guidance!" Shi Congyun saluted again.

After a while, the officials brought the defense map, which was sealed in a bamboo tube with wax. Shi Congyun took it and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Wei Renpu.

"It's best not to look at the pictures in private when you go back. It's better to convene the generals of the inner hall on the day of Shangzhi, and open the seal in person."

Shi Congyun chewed these words, and quickly got down on one knee to thank him: "Thank you for teaching me!"

Wei Renpu nodded, and then went to deal with the matter, without further talking, Shi Congyun withdrew with interest.

Chapter 49: Going to war?

Shi Congyun didn't know why Wei Renpu taught him, maybe he did this to everyone and was a responsible Shangguan.

In any case, this is a good reminder that the defense map of the imperial city is a secret matter, and Kaifeng in front of the generals can both prove his innocence and avoid suspicion.

On August [-]th, when Shi Congyun was about to go to the official office of the Inner Palace, he first sent someone outside the city to ask Wang Zhong and Shao Ji to enter the city, had lunch at Shi's mansion, and then went to Gao Huaide's mansion to find Dong Zunhui.

Gao Huaide also lived in the inner city, but he was much worse than the Shi family, and his nephew Dong Zunhui lived in his house.

Dong Zunhui, a native of Fanyang, Zhuozhou, fled south to his uncle Gao Huaide to escape disaster.

Dong Zunhui came out on horseback, and Shi Congyun instructed: "You will say that you are my personal soldiers later. I have already informed you before, but you will not be able to be the commander until you reach the inner hall."

Wang Zhongdao: "If you can follow Brother Yun, I will not do it if you give orders to someone."

"You don't have that ability." Shao Ji mocked.

"I'm not sure, follow Du Shi, maybe it will be posted someday."

Dong Zunhui said, "Someone is also looking forward to a good future."

Shi Congyun laughed: "That's really hard to say. One day, if a certain skill is big, it will be a good thing to get Wang Zhong."

Everyone was talking and laughing, and soon arrived at the official office of the Inner Hall.


Regarding the transfer of Wang Zhong and Shao Ji to his side, he had already greeted the commanders of the right wing of Long Jiejun.

Now Long Jie's right wing commander is Li Jixun.

After Gao Ping at first, Li Jixun was appointed by the official family as the Marquis of Yu in front of the palace.

But a few days ago, he was suddenly changed by the official family, and he was appointed as the commander of the right wing of Long Jie, which vacated the position of the Duke of Yu.

This was just an ordinary transfer. He didn't take it to heart at first. When he came home for dinner in the evening, he casually mentioned it and asked Xiaoniang Zhao. After all, she understood the meaning of these official positions better. Zhao Shijian suggested that he ask Pan Mei.

So the next day, just as Pan Mei came to the house, he asked about it.

Pan Mei told him that it was mentioned by the official family, and that the official family made this decision suddenly after they met Wang Pu and other ministers in the Hanging Palace.

Shi Congyun guessed by himself that the official family probably wanted to appoint another person to be the Duke of Yu in order to purge the forbidden army.

It is also possible that they are preparing to fight, and they have brought capable generals to the front line to lead the troops.


Shi Congyun went to the official office in the inner hall for the first time, and the commanders waited early and went out to greet him.

Later, he got to know everyone one by one in the official office, and registered the birthplaces and resumes of Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, and Dong Zunhui, and prepared to submit them to the Privy Council for the record.

So far, Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, and Dong Zunhui are all the people of the inner palace.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun summoned ten commanders from the Inner Hall, announcing that the entire army would be recalled from tomorrow to start normal defense.

At the same time, he opened the defense map of the Privy Council in front of the generals, let everyone circulate it, discussed with the ten commanders, and arranged the order of duty.

After everything was explained, Shi Congyun stood up and said solemnly: "Comrades, the officials have recently intended to purge the Imperial Army. In Gaoping, they were already very angry at the lack of military discipline of the Imperial Army, and killed more than 1000 scum in the army.

Our inner hall is not only guarding the important places of the capital, but also serving as the retinue of the emperor, and it is also the most in the eyes of the officials. I hope you can manage your sergeants and strictly enforce military discipline. If something happens at this time, no one can save you. "

"No!" Everyone quickly agreed.

Although he was relatively young, he did not have any thorns.

Maybe he prefers to discuss with others when he does things, because he knows that he can't do many things.

The second is Shi Yanchao's majesty. Everyone knows that he is the son of Shi Yanchao, the former deputy commander of the palace, and they all give three points of face.

After explaining these things, there is actually nothing else to do, except for the daily training, he will go to see it, just come here in the morning.

Officers at their level could not discuss national affairs, but the news came very quickly. After all, it was the Inner Hall, and from time to time, officials from the front of the hall came to him.

Sometimes I go to the front office to hand in some documents and get some things, I also meet the generals of the army and some officials of the Privy Council, and can hear some news.

For example, I heard news recently that a deputy will be sent to the inner hall for him, but there is no news about who it is for a long time.

There are also some gossip from the Privy Council, saying that the official family is preparing to fight, as to whether it is true or not is unknown.


"Since ancient times, emperors have established historians.

The strategies issued by the ministers must be fully recorded, and the reasons related to the safety of the country can be written in a straightforward manner.

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