Chapter 45: Brother Yun's Network

Zhao Shijian was at a loss.

"What are you looking at, go quickly." Shi Congyun urged her.

Zhao Shijian was silent, and quickly turned around to go to work.

Shi Congyun tapped his head with his hands, the alcoholism was all gone, and he was soaked in a cold sweat, and his mind, which was just a little confused, was suddenly sobered up.

Holding his head and pressing his temples, thinking about it carefully, he has indeed been addicted to alcohol these days, and he has had so much fun with Wang Zhong and Shao Ji that he has gotten carried away.

His situation seemed to be trembling on thin ice.

Immediately got up, changed into clean clothes, and asked Wang Qiu to come in and clean it up.

Standing under the old willow tree in the yard, I thought about it for a long time. After thinking about it, I thought that if I didn't know what to do, I would use earthly methods to make more friends and less enemies!

One is to keep a low profile and not cause trouble. The official family wants to keep him by his side to keep Shi Yanchao loyal, which shows that the official family still values ​​Shi Yanchao. He can't drag his father's thigh or cause trouble in the capital.

A few days ago, when he went out drinking with Shao Ji, Wang Zhong and the soldiers of the first battalion, he was very drunk and had a fight with someone. Later, the yamen from Kaifeng Mansion came and saw that several senior officials of the forbidden army did not dare to move, so they let go. people.

At that time, he still felt a little proud, but now he is afraid, and he almost cheated!

The second is to make more friends, there is no harm in having a wide network.

As for what to pay, Shi Congyun filtered it in his heart, but in fact, there are not many people in the capital who can talk about it.

Pan Mei is one, followed by Xiang Xun, who has the best relationship with him, and Gao Huaide, who is said to be leading the Iron Cavalry now.

There is also Li Gu, but Li Gu is a high-ranking person. He said a long talk in Gaoping, but it is very likely that he was just talking about it casually.

After all, Li Gu is the prime minister!

He felt that he could ask Zhao Xiaoniang again which of these official positions had the most gold content.

Zhao Xiaoniang, who had just been driven away and was cleaning the yard with Wang Qiu, said coldly, "They are all smart and clever. If you don't know anything, I'm going to pour water."


Under Shi Congyun's stalking, Zhao Xiaoniang still said it.

"You can't just look at the size of your official position. For example, your Inner Hall Zhidu and Weizhou regiment trainer, it looks like a fourth-rank, much higher than your friend named Pan Mei's sixth-rank Xishang Pavilion rich ambassador, but if it really matters. He can easily see the official family, but you can't.

Pan Mei heard that when the official family was still the governor of Kaifeng, it was very rare. Now, [-]% of the ministers in the court have served in several dynasties (the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms are changing too quickly), so he should be the official family confidant.

If you make friends like him, there is still a way out in the future, and you can find a way to talk to the officials..."


In the end, Shi Congyun selected two people who were most worthy of his friendship, one was Pan Mei and the other was Li Gu.

Li Gu was not only a prime minister, he was often appointed by officials to do practical things, such as raising food for the army, and he was very prestigious both in the army and in the court.

One is Pan Mei. As Zhao Xiaoniang said, someone like Pan Mei who can speak in the ears of officials is very important.

Since he woke up yesterday, Shi Congyun didn't dare to wave, and even Wang Zhong and Shao Ji came to invite him to drink flower wine again today, but he refused.

At the same time, there is a sense of crisis. Let Zhao Shijian teach you how to write and write every night.He has some calligraphy skills, but he still doesn't recognize the current characters.


From the next day, Shi Congyun intentionally contacted and visited some people.

The first is Pan Mei. From the last conversation with Pan Mei, he speculated that Pan Mei might not be living very well, so he prepared to send some gold and silver over.

As for Li Gu, Li Xianggong has been prime minister for so long, and his salary is higher than that of Shi Yanchao.

So I simply asked Zhao Shijian to take it with me, went to Daliang City to find some good tea leaves, a lot of spices, and then changed into a clean dress to visit.

But the result was not unexpected. Li Gu's mansion was on East Street opposite the Daxiangguo Temple. The concierge said that the owner of the house was not there, so Shi Congyun had to leave things behind.

In fact, it is not necessarily the presence or absence of people, but it is true that Li Gu does not see him. This is not unexpected. Although Li Gu said in Taiyuan that he would have a long talk with him, it is probably just a quick talk.

Going to visit Pan Mei went very smoothly. Outside the east gate of the inner city, Pan Mei's house was a small stockade with five or six rooms. The family had a wife and two children, a boy and a girl, who were not very old.

Pan Mei asked his wife and neighbors to buy an old hen, and the two of them slaughtered chickens, ate meat and drank, and talked for a day.

Before leaving, he just left two gold bars for Pan Mei.

This was picked up from the five carts of things that the official family gave to his father, Shi Yanchao. He used it at will, and his father didn't care.

Pan Mei refused to accept it again and again at first sight.

Shi Congyun suddenly said angrily: "Brother Pan, do we need to talk about this between us!

You don't help you hide your ugliness, you are very human, and you will definitely have a bright future in the future, but now your family is really poor, so I'm here to give you money.

I'm not afraid of your jokes, a certain person is not a promising person. He used to rely on his father's salary to eat and drink, but now he is rewarded for his merits, and most of the money has been divided with the brothers in the army.

A certain respects your character and treats you as a brother, so you have the blessings and the misfortunes. How can you be twitchy when you act like a man? Yes, accept it quickly. "

Shi Congyun patted Pan Mei's shoulder and spoke so impassively that he almost moved himself. Speaking of eloquence, that was his strength, and the teacher was not for nothing.

Pan Mei was also burst into tears by what he said, and shook hands with him: "Good brother! It's my brother who has seen the outside world, you are right, you don't look like a man.

Since we are brothers, we will share the blessings and share the difficulties. This gold is accepted, and if there is anything in the future, you can give me orders. "

A chicken, a meal of wine, and a brother, Shi Congyun thinks it's worth it, not to mention that the brother is still Pan Mei, that is a big profit!


In the next few days, he went to visit Xiang Xun again.

Xiang Xun's family is also on West Street, not far from Shifu, and Xiang Xun is very enthusiastic.

When he saw him, he was very happy. He was served with good wine and meat. Naturally, he would not go in vain and brought good wine and meat.

Eating wine with Xiang Xun is much more enjoyable. Although the two are 30 years apart in age, they are the most chatty.

Xiang Xun is also very talkative and knowledgeable.

After that, he went to East Street twice again, but still did not see Li Gu.

On the contrary, at the end of June, an unexpected person from the mansion came to visit the mansion, Gao Huaide!

Gao Huaide himself came to visit Shifu, with gifts and a young man.

Seeing this situation, Shi Congyun suddenly understood, good guy, it turned out that he was not the only one who was in the relationship during this rest period, others were also running!

Chapter 46: Gao Huaide's Nephew + A Big Event is Coming!

Shi Congyun again instructed Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang to prepare wine and meat, and let them warmly entertain them.

Gao Huaide is one of my father's few friends. Now he is the commander of the right wing of the iron cavalry and Shi Yanchao's subordinate. It is reasonable to come to visit.

Now that the father is not there, he eats one uncle and invites the two to sit down.

The other young man was not as tall as Gao Huaide, but he was about the same age, all about 27 or [-].

"This is a nephew of a certain family, the famous name is Dong Zunhui. Although you have a certain age and eyes, you are the same generation."

"Brother Dong!" Shi Congyun said first.

"I've seen all the envoys." Dong Zunhui was a little flattered and agreed very politely.

"Brother Dong, don't be polite, you can just call me Brother Yun, everyone calls it that." Shi Congyun was very open-minded.

The ancients were more serious about seniority and took it seriously, but Shi Congyun didn't care much about that.

"That's a big one!" Dong Zunhui said and sat down. His humane was somewhat similar to Gao Huaide, and he was more informal.

After everyone took their seats, Gao Huaide exchanged a few words with him, and then went straight in, "Brother Yun, I'm here for something and want to ask you for a favor this time.

This nephew was born as a doorman since he was a child, and he is also savvy in military affairs.

To be honest, a certain thinks that he is too subservient, and wants to give him a future. Brother Yun is now the direct envoy of the inner palace, and will lead the army in the future. Can you think of a way to transfer him to your command? "

Gao Huaide is a rough man, and he speaks very directly: "If Brother Yun promises to do this, but in the future, if you ask for it, you will be willing to repay your kindness."

Shi Congyun understood that Gao Huaide felt that he had no future in the Iron Cavalry Army, and wanted to go through the back door and transfer his nephew Dong Zunhui to the inner hall.

He hesitated to say anything. Although the front division of the palace is indeed much weaker than the guards and the pro-military division, and the iron cavalry under the division of the palace is much worse than the counterpart Long Jiejun, the official family is about to start to balance and adjust the strength of the two divisions, right? .

Moreover, the weaker Dianqian Division is more likely to become the official's confidant. Shi Yanchao has been transferred from the guards to the Dianqian Division.

But he didn't say these words, for fear that Gao Huaide thought he would shirk.

Furthermore, he was very willing to make friends with Gao Huaide. To say something ugly, Gao Huaide came to beg him, even if Dong Zunhui was a pig, he would recognize it.

The big deal is to arrange for the Huotou Army to fight, and there are not many opportunities for a general like Gao Huaide to owe him favor.

If it was Yu Gong, he should tell Gao Huaide not to worry, the status of the Iron Cavalry will be greatly changed in the near future; but Yu private, he doesn't want to miss this opportunity to win over Gao Huaide.

Shi Congyun chose to be selfish, and said directly: "Don't be annoyed, uncle, I will definitely help with this trivial matter, and I will not hesitate to go through fire and water, even if the sky falls, I can do it.

It is nothing more than getting through the ten commanders in the inner hall, a deputy, and a trivial matter concerning the relationship between the Duke and the Marquis, leave it to me, it is completely out of the question! "

Shi Congyun waved his hand pretending he didn't care. In fact, he was exaggerating the facts. The truth is this. The inner hall is directly in the army of the emperor. If he wants to insert people at will, he needs a lot of joints.

But the key point is that Nei Dianzhi has no deputy, and Du Yuhou does not have any. He wants to bring Dong Zunhui in, and then he will say that he is a soldier, and there is no problem at all.

He deliberately said it as if it was difficult, with many joints to walk.

When Gao Huaide heard this, he really looked grateful, "A and Zunhui really owe Brother Yun a favor!"

"How can there be no problem? With the relationship between my uncle and my father, although this matter is difficult to handle, it is imperative. Everyone has a family..."

Shi Congyun knew in his heart that both he and Gao Huaide were at the level of commanders, but Gao Huaide led the Cavalry Army, one of the four main armies, with more than 1 men in the right wing, and only [-] in his inner palace. Left and right, not a level.

Afterwards, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang served wine and meat, and the three of them drank happily. Gao Huaide and Dong Zunhui toasted him one after another, and their gratitude was beyond words.

Until the afternoon, Shi Congyun staggered and sent the two away.

Before leaving, he instructed Dong Zunhui: "Brother Dong goes back and packs up, and a certain goes to the government office to let me know. You can leave me an address. When the matter is completed, someone will send someone to let you know."

Dong Zunhui handed over his hands: "All the trouble, so I stayed at my uncle's house."

Shi Congyun nodded, he knew where Gao Huaide's residence was.

After watching the two leave, he even asked Zhao Shijian to draw water to sober up.

Now he somewhat understands why Zhao Kuangyin later usurped the throne so smoothly. Only one Han Tong resisted and was easily eliminated.

It's true that Zhao Kuangyin holds the army in his hand, and the key is his network of connections.

Today, the top generals of the Imperial Guard are afraid that apart from the upright young man like his father, there will inevitably be someone who has the same mind as him, that is, to make friends and walk in multiple ways.

After all, in such a troubled world, everyone is too panicked and has no sense of security. In the past ten years, dynasties have been changed twice. If the Khitan ruler came to Daliang to be the emperor, in just ten years, the Central Plains has experienced four years. towards.

Every time there will be massive bloodshed and massive death.

The people at the bottom are in a panic, and the generals have no sense of security. They all want to report to the group to keep warm. Over time, it is easy to form a group.

Zhao Kuangyin is the best among them. Maybe he didn't think so far at first, but instinctively, he wanted to make more friends, win more people, and maintain more relationships, which would be safer. gave him a chance.

Shi Congyun was lying on the Hu bed in the small courtyard, quietly watching Zhao Shijian and Wang Qiu talk in a low voice, while being female red.

The setting sun is quiet, passing through the gap between the leaves, and the mottles fall on the two of them. It is quiet, beautiful, and reassuring.

Shi Congyun knew that he was just acting according to his instincts, and he wasn't much smarter than others, and he couldn't be smarter.

If Shi Yanchao accidentally died in battle one day, would he still be able to maintain the Shi family?

Shi Congyun asked himself in his heart, and the answer he got was no, which made him very uneasy, frightened, and afraid.

No wonder he called Dad so affectionately, there is a reason for everything, Shi Congyun thought.

If there is no Shi Yanchao, the official family does not need him, can he still protect the aunt and the little sister, Zhao Shijian and Wang Qiu?

The answer is obvious, no!They either live on the streets and die tragically, or they survive and become the playthings of the new powerful.

A strong sense of crisis impelled him, so he braced himself and prepared to visit Li Gu again cheekily the next day.

After thinking about it, he said, "Zhao Shijian, do you know the Duke of Li Gu?"

The little girl was talking to Wang Qiu in a low voice, and when she saw him asking, she looked over and nodded.

"I know that too!" He was surprised.

The little girl didn't want to promise him and continued to be a female celebrity.

Shi Congyun looked for a way to deal with her early: "If you don't tell me, tomorrow I will take the stone inkstone that your grandfather left you in your house as a gift. Pan Mei, you know, he must like it."

"Li Gu was a privy straight bachelor in the Jin Dynasty. At that time, my grandfather was one of the three prime ministers of the Jin Dynasty. The other two prime ministers, Feng Yu and Li Yantao, were jealous of his ability to exclude and slander him. Only grandfather treats him kindly, I naturally know! "Zhao Shijian was forced to say helplessly.

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