Salary is composed of several parts, such as Shi Congyun's current inner palace commander and Weizhou regiment trainer.

Tuan Lian Envoy is his official rank and the source of his salary. The official salary of Tuan Lian Envoy is one hundred thousand, that is, one hundred taels, one hundred thousand dollars.

In addition, there is also salary, because his official rank is a regiment trainer, and at the same time he is a dispatcher of the commander of the inner palace. This dispatch is also paid, but it is much less, only ten thousand, which is ten thousand.

So Shi Congyun can now receive 110 mins a month, which is already a lot of money. To reach such a high position is entirely thanks to his father Shi Yanchao, otherwise the group training envoy would be absolutely impossible.

In addition to this, there is Lu, that is, rice, charcoal, oil, salt, tea, and fodder for horses that are distributed by the imperial court every year.

It is necessary to go to the Ministry of Personnel by yourself, especially in such a time of war and chaos, the currency is unstable, and sometimes you can't buy things with money, and officials prefer physical objects.

Shi Yanchao was even worse. The official salary of the Jiedu envoy was 200 a month, plus the salary of the deputy commander in front of the palace was [-], and he received more than [-] yuan a month.

Shi Yanchao was the only one who was the mainstay at that time, earning more than 140 yuan a month.

Now the combined salaries of the father and son are more than 300 per month, so it is naturally more generous.

With money in hand, walking is wide.

After the war of the forbidden army, there was a rest, and there was no need to be on duty immediately. The soldiers of the forbidden army could relax and rest, and Shi Congyun did not have to go to the official office in the inner hall immediately.

The day before yesterday, when he took Zhao Shijian and drove the carriage to the official department to collect money, he unexpectedly met an acquaintance...


Pan Mei was also outside the Taicang government office. She was very happy to see him and took the initiative to talk to him.

The two chatted for more than an hour, and Pan Mei said that he had also been promoted, from the eighth-rank worship official to the sixth-rank Xishang Pavilion's deputy envoy.

He also came to receive his salary. Pan Mei's father was originally a famous celebrity in Hebei. He was in Changshan as a military academy. He had a family and lived in the capital, but he was definitely not as rich as the Shi family. After all, he was only an eighth-rank official before, and Shi Yanchao Not at the same level at all.

At this time, he was waiting for his salary to eat. Although he didn't say anything, Shi Congyun could hear something from his expression and words, and his family was not well-off.

Pan Mei is very handsome. Although he is not as tall as Shi Congyun, he is an uncompromising handsome guy and speaks more gently.

Almost as handsome as me, Shi Congyun thought.

The two talked for a while, left each other's addresses, and made an appointment to go out for drinks together later.

Pan Mei does not live in the inner city, outside the east gate of the inner city.

In the end, Shi Congyun pulled a carload of money and walked back contentedly. Originally, he wanted to bring Zhao Xiaoniang to show off, but then he suddenly realized that her grandfather was the prime minister. I haven't seen any scenes before, so what's my point?

Suddenly feel dull.

On the way back, he let Zhao Shijian sit in the car and lead the horse himself, but he wanted the little girl to drive the horse and sit on it by himself, because the money for a car was too heavy, for fear that his weight would crush the car.

On the way, Zhao Shijian was sitting in the car, probably grateful for Shi Congyun's kindness for letting her ride in the car, and said to him as he walked: "The deputy envoy of the Xishang Pavilion has no clear function to send, and if he insists, he will send pen and ink documents to the officials, but That's just talk, most of the time sealing this official is a precursor."

"What's the omen?" Shi Congyun asked curiously back, he didn't understand these official things at all.

"It is a precursor to the transition from literature to martial arts. When the emperor wants to use a civil official around him as a military general, he will usually add this official first. It is too abrupt and difficult to convince the public to directly promote the civil servant to lead the army." Zhao Shijian explained to him.

"Your friend named Pan Mei, the official family may intend to use him to lead the troops, so he was promoted from the enshrining officer to the deputy envoy of the Xishanggemen, and he will probably be transferred to the military commander soon."

Shi Congyun nodded again and again after listening to it, and gained insight. It turned out to be the case.

It seems that after the battle of Gaoping, the officials seem to have the intention to use Pan Mei as a military future.

In the battle of Gaoping, Pan Mei's performance was still very good. Although Jiang Zhu did not succeed in blocking the enemy, it was because the governor who was on the mission with him fled first in fear of the war.

Under such circumstances, Pan Mei was still able to stay in battle, and it was quite good to stick to the thousand soldiers who protected him.

If the Northern Han soldiers who fled that day were not 1000, [-], [-], or at least tens of thousands, he would have done a good job with only a thousand soldiers.

In this way, the battle of Gaoping not only established the prestige of the official family, but also allowed the official family to identify the available talents.

After more than half a year, Shi Congyun felt more and more that Guo Rong's style of doing things was drastic and open.

There will be omissions and mistakes in the details, but in the grand strategy, he is definitely a person who dares to fight and fight.

For example, if you want to fight against the Khitan of the Northern Han Dynasty, you have to fight against the public opinion and you have to fight in person. It will never be like the later Song Huizong.

After the first battle of Gaoping, the middle and high-level generals and schools were not good at fighting. It is said that more than a hundred people lost their heads. This kind of trick is incredible. Ordinary people would hesitate to kill so many people. Will it affect the combat effectiveness of the army, and what is the morale of the army? and many more.

Guo Rong is neat and tidy, you give me a disadvantage in fighting, and kill me without saying a word!The large number of vacancies that have been vacated will be filled by the people he sees.

Such as Shi Yanchao, Xiang Xun, Pan Mei, Zhao Kuangyin, Gao Huaide, Wang Shenqi, Li Jixun and his Shi Congyun, etc.

In short, Guo Rong is not only open to the outside world, but also savage internally, and he is very heroic.

From Zhongshi Congyun, I feel that I have also learned a lot. Whether it is political struggle or war, the most taboo is to waver, and the most afraid of wall-riding.

He also reminded himself in his heart that he should learn more from Guo Rong in the future, be decisive and bold, not to cherish his body when he does big things, and forget his righteousness when he sees small gains.


In addition, he thought of one thing. He didn't know where the official family would put Pan Mei. In fact, he hadn't heard the news yet, who the official family was going to appoint as the adjutant of the Inner Palace.

He is the direct envoy of the inner palace, and there are two people under him, the direct deputy commander of the inner palace, and the prince of the inner palace.

The deputy commander is the second-in-command, but he may not be placed there, but the third-in-command, Duke Yuhou, is almost inevitable.

Because the Duke of Yu was responsible for cleaning up military discipline and picking up soldiers.

Shi Congyun thought that if the official family wanted Pan Mei to transfer to the military position, it would be good to be the Marquis of Yu, the direct capital of the inner palace. At least it would get along well with him.

Chapter 44, Expansive Shi Congyun

Soon, Wang Zhong, Shao Ji and others also rested one after another and had time to enter the city.

In addition to the many soldiers from the [-]st Battalion of Longjie's [-]st Army, Shi Congyun took them to eat, drink and have fun in Daliang. Anyway, he was rich and self-willed.

Zhao Shijian and Wang Qiu were responsible for taking care of the yard for him and taking good care of him. Sometimes they came home drunk, and it was Zhao Shijian and Wang Qiu who served him. When they woke up in a daze the next day, the day was over.

From time to time, I would tell Zhao Shijian and Wang Qiu the story of how he killed a Northern Han child on the battlefield who dared not cry at night. Seeing Wang Qiu's adoring eyes, she lived a really comfortable and comfortable life.

The aunt and the little niece seldom care about him. His father, Shi Yanchao, is now the deputy commander of the front of the palace. He is responsible for arranging the garrison of the troops in front of the palace outside the city. He is almost not at home these days.


Another morning, Shi Congyun woke up in a daze, shaking his head with some pain, and his throat seemed to be glued, which was very uncomfortable.

Opened his mouth and said: "Zhao Shijian, Zhao Shijian pour me some water..."

After saying that, he got up wrapped in the quilt, and Da Ma Jindao sat on Hu's bed. In fact, it was a hot summer day, and it wasn't cold at all, but he just liked it.

After a while, Zhao Shijian came in and put the water on the table beside him. He couldn't drink the tea of ​​this era.

He comfortably took a sip of water and said to Zhao Shijian, "Go and fetch water, the young master wants to wash his face."

Zhao Shijian glanced at him, walked in a hurry, didn't say a word, and after a while he brought a basin of water in, with a handkerchief on his slender forearm.

Put the copper basin there without saying a word.

"Come and wash my face." Shi Congyun urged dissatisfied.

Zhao Shijian took a deep breath, bent over and prepared to do it, and was immediately stopped by him: "Why are you drinking cold water, change the temperature."

Zhao Xiaoniang finally said, "Now in the dog days, everywhere is like a fire, it's just cool and refreshing, and there is no fire in the kitchen at this time."

Shi Congyun was very upset, and Zhao Xiaoniang actually dared to disobey him, "Yo, you've grown angry, and a certain person is now the head of the inner palace! You dare not listen to me."

Zhao Shijian looked at him, his chest heaving and he whispered, "What's so great."

"What did you say?" Shi Congyun said directly.

"No, I'm going to change the water..."

In front of others, he may have to be humble, and there is nothing to hide in front of Zhao Xiaoniang, who has been pinched by him.

Shi Congyun was relieved, thinking about their father and son, one was the deputy commander in front of the hall, the other was the commander of the inner hall, and the other was a high-ranking and powerful one.

"Don't, say a few words to please someone, or I'll deal with you tonight." He threatened with a smirk.

"Hmph..." Zhao Xiaoniang snorted, "Is it true that the higher the position, the more joyful it is?"

"What are you trying to say, mocking me? Doesn't this mean that officials value it?"

"There are only three kinds of people that the Son of Heaven really values, one is an important place outside the town, one is like Deputy Commander Shi, who leads the army in front of the palace, and one is like your friend named Pan Mei, who accompanies the Holy Chariot's confidant.

As for you, you are neither... Do you really think the officials value it? "

"The little girl has sharp teeth, and my inner hall uses it directly, so I don't pay attention to it!"

"..." Zhao Shijian didn't speak, he wiped his face for him and hurriedly packed his things to leave.

Shi Congyun hurriedly tore off the quilt and threw it on the bed, stretched out his hand to hold her, "Don't go, tell me."

Zhao Shijian glanced at him, held the copper basin and said, "Is there anything to say."

"You think I'm stupid. There must be a lot of words on your face. I won't let you slander the young master in your heart, right? Hurry up and say it without sewing your mouth."

"Have you heard of Xiao He's story?"

"Xiao He is chasing Han Xin under the moon?"

Zhao Xiaoniang said directly: "At the time when Emperor Gaozu of Han confronted Xiang Yu in the current Zhengzhou territory, Xiao He stayed behind for the Prime Minister of the State of Han.

Later, someone reminded him that Gaozu was in danger while fighting outside, but he came to console him, who was in the rear, safe and comfortable. Is this reasonable?If you want to condolences, it should be his condolences to the great ancestor.Nine times out of ten, Gaozu became suspicious of him.

Xiao He suddenly realized, and hurriedly sent his family's children to join the army of Gaozu, and Gaozu was very happy when he found out.

Do you think Xiao He was valued by Emperor Gaozu? "

After Shi Congyun listened to her, something suddenly seemed to come out in his mind, plus the stamina of being drunk, it was painful, but he couldn't remember it all of a sudden.

He stood up quickly, took the copper basin in her hand and put it aside, made way for the bed, and respectfully pressed the little girl's shoulder to let her sit down: "You sit, I stand, you continue to speak."

Seeing his actions, Zhao Shijian was stunned for a moment, "You..."

"All right.......

Do you think Gaozu and Xiao He are fellow villagers, or are they old acquaintances, and their relationship is not good?

Xiao He is loyal to Gaozu, but why is he suspected?

Without him, the power is too great. Liu Bang, the king of Han, leads troops. The Bashu, Guanzhong, and Qin territories of the Han kingdom are all governed by Xiao He. Xiao He is the fake (acting) king of Han. With such heavy power, who can rest assured.

In the face of power, affection is worthless.

You naively thought it was the official family's love and self-satisfaction, how could the relationship between the official family and Deputy Commander Shi (Shi Yanchao) be any better than Xiao He and Gaozu? "

Shi Congyun nodded, and the vague thoughts before became clear in an instant: "You do have some truths. The official promoted me to be the direct governor of the inner palace to keep me in the capital. The role is the same as that of Xiao He's children back then. , as a hostage...."

"You're smart..." Zhao Xiaoniang whispered.

Shi Congyun stopped talking, but now that Zhao Xiaoniang said this, she suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

He was a little unwilling to admit the reality... After all, it was so beautiful before, but now he tore off the beautiful fig leaf, and it hurt bloody.

"The official family is the master of the Ming Dynasty. They value my father so much, so it's impossible..."

"Huh..." Zhao Xiaoniang immediately retorted: "My grandfather was the prime minister of the Jin Dynasty, and the last emperor of the Jin Dynasty he served was not very good at governing the country, but his military affairs were good, and he defeated the Khitan army several times.

Later, the head of the Khitan country swindled and surrendered, and Du Chongwei, the general of the last emperor, led more than [-] Jin troops to surrender the Khitan on the northern front, so that the Khitan army looted all the way, drove straight in, and went directly to Daliang City to be the emperor. to the north.

The rebellion of the general who holds the military power is so terrible.

For the emperor, this is not about affection, not about morality, but about the survival of the country and the society, and the death and life of one country and the world are necessary means.

If you don't even understand this point, don't lead the troops, maybe one day you will lose your head...

Du Chongwei's betrayal was only seven or eight years ago. The Khitan lord came to Daliang to be the emperor. Everyone in the capital still remembers it. Do you think the officials can forget it?Will you be out of mind? "

Shi Congyun was speechless, and he was instantly stunned, his previous arrogance was gone, "According to this, I am in a difficult situation now, so be careful."

Zhao Xiaoniang didn't speak, she meant it.

"Even if you're right, don't hum in front of me in the future, and be careful that I gag your mouth with my own."

The little girl was so angry that she didn't dare to speak.

Shi Congyun threatened, and then began to think about his embarrassing situation, but there was no useful idea after thinking about it.

He used to be just a teacher and didn't know how to do these political balances, struggles and such.

Speaking of fighting, he felt that in the Northern Han Dynasty for half a year, plus reading a lot of books, he was considered a little capable, but now he is a little overwhelmed.

So he quickly changed his face and smiled at the little girl, "Come on, let me wash your face now, and you can tell me what to do."

Zhao Shijian was already very surprised, "I don't know, I have never been an official..."

"Oh..." Shi Congyun nodded, "That's all right, go pour some water."

Saying that, he pulled her up from Hu's bed and sat down by himself.

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