Shi Congyun took more than ten people, and after leaving Chenqiaomen, he traveled for dozens of miles before he was able to join Shi Yanchao's army.

At this time, the number of soldiers was obviously much less than in Gaoping. After receiving the reward, the army of Jiedushi from various places was already on the road and returned to the nearest town.

Only the forbidden army is back to the beam, stationed around the beam.

The farthest is near Zhengzhou.

The army finally stopped near Chen Qiaoyi, which is forty kilometers away from the North City, and did not go any further. When he heard the name, Shi Congyun felt a little dazed. Chen Qiao's mutiny was like thunder.

However, Chen Qiaoyi is indeed the most passing station in the north of the army.


There was a small open space to the north of the inn. The surrounding weeds were leveled and the ground was compacted. The large tent of the official family, Guo Rong, was temporarily set up here.

The official family temporarily settled here, which was suggested by Li Gu, the right servant, and Wei Renpu, the general of the gate guard of the left prison and the deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

I thought that the army should not be too close to the city, and it would be easy to cause chaos. It is better to reward the troops outside the city, arrange the garrison, and then let the troops return to their camps to avoid chaos.

After hearing this, the officials felt that this statement was reasonable, so they stopped outside Chen Qiaoyi and began to think about how to award the reward.

The negotiation of this kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can participate in. Generally, it is generally agreed upon before taking it out for negotiation with everyone, and the parts that can be negotiated are painless and not related to the main frame of state power.

The people in the big tent were the most trusted officials among the people who accompanied the army on the expedition.

First of all, it goes without saying that Li Chongjin is the son of the official aunt and has always been in control of the Guard Division;

And Zhang Yongde is Guo Wei's son-in-law, who controls the front office for the official family;

Xiang Xun is the envoy of Xuanhui Southern Academy and has always been trusted by officials;

Right servant She and Zhongshu Shilang, Ping Zhangshi, Jixiandian Grand Scholar, and Sentencing Sansifu Li Gu have been with the army, raising food and grass for the army, preparing siege equipment, sufficient food and clothing, and won the trust of officials.

Wei Renpu, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council and the general of the guard of the right guard, marched with the official family's holy car and made suggestions. In the battle of Gaoping, even a literati charged in armor, and he was also a person that the official family trusted very much.

There is another person who is very special, that is, the former Zhengzhou defense envoy, Shi Yanchao, the Jiedu envoy of the Zhen Guojun, is also in the tent.

At this time, all Jiedu had been rewarded and returned with the troops, and he was still standing around the Holy Chariot.

For example, Bai Chongzan, the Jiedushi envoy of the Yicheng Army, who contributed a lot in the Battle of Gaoping, Wang Yanchao, the Jieddu envoy of the Hezhong County, and so on, have all returned with their troops at this time.

But Shi Yanchao himself didn't notice anything, and he didn't feel awkward sitting there by himself.

The officials were the first to speak, telling everyone what they thought, "The words of the two ministers are reasonable. Today, I will clear the army and reward them one by one here, so as to prevent the army from entering the city and disturbing the people. If you have any suggestions, you can speak freely. But it has to be based on merit.”

The official Guo Rong set the tone, which probably meant that everyone should speak first.

It's just that smart people understand that the official family must have an idea in their heart, so Li Gu took the lead to get up and push the boat along the river: "This matter can be dictatorial by the official family's sacred heart. If there are any omissions, everyone here will make up for it. The official family has a pair of discerning eyes, and If you are not afraid of danger and come to the front line, you will naturally see clearly."

Then Wei Renpu also came out to agree.

Shi Congyun, who was hesitant to speak, was interrupted, but he was not a fool, and he would not quarrel in front of the two ministers.

These two people, a right-handed shooter, sentenced to three government affairs, a left-guard general, and a privy deputy, are not people who can easily contradict.

The official did not refuse, and said directly: "That's good, I will start this. I will only talk about the general and general, and the details will be supplemented by you."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately proved that what Li Gu and Wei Renpu said and thought were right, and the officials actually had an idea.

"Li Chongjin was appointed as the commander of the guards and the horse and infantry, and continued to command the guards and all the troops and horses for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chongjin, who was sitting in the lower seat, who was a little tall and thin, immediately got up, clasped his fists and said loudly: "Thank you for the grace of the official family, you must be able to do it well!"

After speaking, he sat down again, without a single word of nonsense, as if he was a straight man with few words.

It's not surprising that the official family seems to be familiar with his temperament, and just nodded.

Then he said: "Zhang Yongde will continue to be the commander of the palace in front of the palace, and continue to be the commander of the army in front of the palace."

Zhang Yongde, who was less than [-] years old, looked even more enthusiastic, and quickly got up and knelt down on one knee: "Thanks to the official family, a certain person will definitely repay with death, and swear to live up to the official family's holy grace!"

The official smiled and then nodded: "I believe in you, work hard." Compared with Li Chongjin, who was dull and less talkative, Zhang Yongde was more active and enthusiastic.

"As for Xiang Aiqing, I made you the Jiedushi of the Yicheng Army in Gaoping, and I want to keep you by my side, so it's inconvenient to let you go out of town."

Xiang Xun hurriedly said, "I would like to thank you for your grace. It is an honor for me to be able to accompany the official family."

Guo Rong did not comment much on these compliments, but then looked at Shi Yanchao, who was silent and even a little confused: "Shi Aiqing took the lead in charging the battle in Gaoping, defeated the Central Army of the Northern Han Dynasty, and defeated the Khitan Domain in Xinkou. Riding, is the tough guy in the big week.

In Gaoping, I asked you to hold the military commander of the country, but I didn’t want you to leave the town, and I wanted to keep Aiqing under the command of the imperial army and command the army. "

Shi Yanchao stood up and cupped his hands: "A is a warrior who knows how to fight, and he is good at charging into battle, but he is not good at anything else. The officials look down on X, but according to the officials' orders!"

"Yes, Shi Aiqing really has the style of an ancient general!" This time the official said affirmatively, and then said: "I will promote you to be the commander of the front office and deputy commander, and transfer from the guards to the front office."

Shi Yanchao frowned, opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Xiang Xun hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "Shi Qianfeng is not quick to thank you."

Guo Rong didn't get angry when he saw him like this, and asked instead, "Does Shi Aiqing have something to say?"

There were even doubts about the reward of the official family, but Xiang Xun and others were taken aback, and they all pinched Han for him. Xiang Xun and Shi Yanchao's son, Shi Congyun, had a good relationship, so he was naturally worried about him.

And a passionate young man like Zhang Yongde admires Shi Yanchao's name. Who in the Great Zhou Army doesn't know the first warrior Shi Yanchao.

Shi Yanchao was stunned, not noticing that the faces of the people around him had changed, and he said bluntly: "The official family, it's not a lot of words, the guards are all good soldiers and strong generals. How can they fight well."

After that, I even felt a little aggrieved.

After Guo Rong heard this, Dingding looked at him, his eyes flashed, and then he laughed: "Shi Qianfeng, don't be in a hurry, I guarantee that the front office of your palace also has elite soldiers and strong generals, so that you can have a good time!"

Having said this, Shi Yanchao knelt down on one knee and said, "Thank you, the official!"

Guo Rong nodded: "In the history of the war, the forward led his troops to kill many enemies. I have other rewards, and I will send them to your house."

Shi Yanchao thanked him again.

Everyone pinched Han for him.

Later, Guo Rong said some rewards, but in fact, they were given step by step. In the battle of Gaoping, except for a few outstanding performances, everyone else had the credit, but everyone's credit was almost the same. Rewards one by one.

For example, the envoy of the province of Hakka was promoted to the envoy of Xuanhui Beiyuan, and each compartment commanded the envoy and added defense.

The former Yaozhou regiment training envoy Fu Yanneng entered the Zezhou defense envoy.

The scattered members commanded Li Jixun to be the commander of the right wing of Hujie.

Han Lingkun was the commander of Long Jie's left wing.

Zhao Hongyin (the father of Zhao Kuangyin), the commander of the first army of the Iron Cavalry Army, was the commander of the right wing of Longjie.

Murong Yanzhao, the commander of the scattered members, was the commander of the left wing of Hujie.

Zhao Ding, the commander of the First Army of the Controlling He Army, was the commander of the right wing of Hujie.


These promotions and changes were all sorted out by Wei Renpu for the official family. Except for Li Chongjin, Zhang Yongde, Xiang Xun, Shi Yanchao, Fu Yanqing, Wang Yanchao, Bai Chongzan and other Jiedushi envoys appointed by the official family, although the rest There is no outstanding performance in hard work, just step by step.

After these awards were finished, it was finally everyone's turn to speak.

It was Zhang Yongde who stood up first, and Zhao Kuangyin was recommended by Zhang Yongde, who believed that Zhao Kuangyin was a rare talent in battle in Gaoping, brave and resourceful.

Zhang Yongde is the most trusted person in the official family. Many important officials have consulted with him. When others can't see the official family, he is the only one who can see it.

Presumably one is Zhang Yongde's relatives with the official family, and the other is that Zhang Yongde is young and has little power in the court.

After hearing this, the official thought for a while and said, "Zhao Kuangyin is indeed a fierce general. I saw it in Gaoping. Later, I led my soldiers to the city in Taiyuan, burned down the gates of the city, and fought hard without caring for themselves. I also cherish it."

As he spoke, he began to think, as if he was trying to figure out what kind of office would be suitable for him.

And Shi Yanchao hesitated to speak at the side, and rubbed his knees with his big palm from time to time, but he was standing there, even sitting there, he was a head higher than Xiang Xun next to him, and the little horse was pressed by him Underneath, almost invisible, it looks ridiculous....

The official family was thinking about adding an official position to Zhao Kuangyin, but when he saw that he was like a gorilla sitting in the crowd, he was still there, but he stopped talking, and he couldn't help laughing.

He asked him directly, "Does Shi Qiang have anything to say?"

Everyone looked at him in unison, and when Shi Yanchao saw the official asking him, he simply said directly: "The official, my son is also very good at fighting!"

Everyone immediately took a deep breath, this guy doesn't even know how to avoid suspicion!

Shi Congyun was considered a little famous after this battle. After all, he recommended Xiangxun. Li Gu also said good things about him. Wei Renpu also heard from Li Gu. little commander.

But anyone can take credit, but Shi Yanchao can't. He is Shi Congyun's father, so he should avoid suspicion.

Xiang Xun shook his head again and again, thinking about Brother Yun, who was about to ask for credit for you after the official family thought about it, but was disturbed by your father!

Everyone carefully observed the official's reaction, and Shi Yanchao also noticed that the atmosphere was not right. He felt that he might have said the wrong thing and dared not speak again.

I never thought that the official was not angry, but nodded kindly and said: "This is normal, and Shi Congyun is really good......

I heard Xiang Aiqing say that he was the forward for his father in Zezhou, and that I watched the battle during the battle of Gaoping.

Later, I heard Li Xianggong say that he is smart and sensible, and he does things neatly.

I heard that in Xinkou, it was also the one who stopped Shi Qianfeng from going deep alone..."

The official Guo Rong pondered while talking to himself, then looked at Shi Yanchao, Shi Yanchao would not hide it at all, and the urgency in his eyes fell in the eyes of the emperor.

The official's family suddenly said, "Shi Qianfeng has worked hard in the army. How many children do you have in your family?"

Shi Yanchao didn't understand why the official family changed the subject, and quickly replied: "There is only one son and one daughter in the family, the eldest son Congyun, and the youngest daughter Congmei is still young."

The official family immediately said: "Well, Shi Congyun has made great contributions to the battle of Gaoping, and he is loyal and brave. He is a rare young talent in my week, and should be an example for young people.

Deputy Ambassador Wei, where do you think such a young talent should go? "

Wei Renpu thought for a moment and replied: "The inner hall is one of the armies in front of the hall, recruiting talented and brave men from the military academy and the children of military officials, all of whom are cavalry troops.

Served in the official family of squires, guarded the capital, and belonged to the front division of the palace.Shi Congyun was also born in the cavalry, so it was the most suitable to serve as the Inner Hall Zhi. The minister thought that with Shi Congyun's achievements, the Inner Hall Zhi Du Yuhou was suitable. "

Du Yuhou was the lowest-ranking of the three chiefs of the First Army, and was mainly responsible for rectifying military discipline and picking up the army.

After hearing this, the official nodded, and then shook his head again: "Inner Hall Zhi was commanded by Wang Shenqi before, and he also took credit for Gaoping's first battle. I have other arrangements. The position of the commander of the Inner Hall Zhi is vacated, and Shi Congyun will be appointed. Well, set a good example for the children of the military academy."

Everyone was surprised and quickly called the official wise.

The most excited was Shi Yanchao. He was anxious to seek credit for his son, and thought he had made a mistake. He didn't think that the official family not only did not punish him, but also made Shi Congyun the head of the inner palace. That was the emperor's own army.

I thought it would be very good to be a duke of Yu in the inner hall, but I didn't expect that the official family just wanted to transfer Wang Shenqi, so they directly let Shi Congyun take over!

There is only one army in the inner hall, 2000 people, far inferior to Long Jie, Hu Jie, Iron Cavalry, and Kong He, the main force with tens of thousands of people at every turn, but that is also an army!Or the Son of Heaven pro-army.

Shi Yanchao was really grateful to the official family, his gratitude was beyond words, and he was even more determined to die for the official family.

Only Li Gu's eyes flickered. He actually knew what the officials were thinking. Shi Yanchao valued his son so much, and only his only son...

The official family kept Shi Congyun in the inner hall, and kept him by his side, which seemed to be an extraordinary reward, but its intention was self-evident, to keep the hostage with dignity and glory.

The mutiny of generals is nothing new these days, but Shi Yanchao is grateful for what officials can do, and makes things look good.

Being so elusive, Li Gu inadvertently wondered whether he had a chance to make a mark in Qing History... As for Shi Congyun, this matter is mixed, depending on his ability.

Chapter 41: It Couldn't Be Everything!

Chenqiao Post Station, the army has been stationed for two days.

After Shi Congyun returned to the camp, he had been waiting with everyone for a day, and everyone was discussing what kind of reward this time.

In fact, the rewards of ordinary soldiers have already been distributed, and the rest are high-level generals, but the more these things, the more the soldiers like to say.

At the entrance of the tent, Wang Zhong nags while brushing his horse: "As far as a certain person is concerned, being a commander and envoy is a talent, and as a result, he was born and died, and he was only rewarded with a few coins."

In fact, this time, Long Jiejun made a lot of money, but Wang Zhong's mouth couldn't be idle.

Shi Congyun passed by and kicked him: "You're a commander, so tell me what someone like this should do."

Wang Zhong turned back and smiled immediately: "Brother Yun is like a commander at least! It's okay to be a commander in the palace."

Everyone laughed, and Shi Congyun followed suit.

All commanders are too high, and it is quite good to be able to mix a commander.

All commanders lead the army alone.

Of course, the exceptions are the legions with a lot of people, such as the main force of the guard division, Long Jie and Hu Jie; the main force of the front division, the iron cavalry and the control crane, are divided into left and right, because there are too many people.Therefore, the owner of the compartment is already at the level of the commander.

In addition to this, all the armies are commanded by the commander, such as Guangrui, Dongxiban, Neidianzhi and other armies.

Shi Congyun never thought of going directly to the commander of the capital, at most a certain army's capital Yuhou, and it can't be that kind of main force.

This still needs to be remembered by the official family. If the official family does not remember him, then when the ministers in the Privy Council arrange for promotion, they must be the same as everyone, rising according to the level, then he is at most a commander.

There are many people who have made meritorious deeds on the battlefield, but it is difficult to be rewarded justly. The key is to see if the officials have seen it and whether they can remember it.

For example, Zhao Kuangyin is a living example. He is at most a security captain, but because he is by the official family, all his efforts and credits are seen by the official family. When the official family can't see it, Zhang Yongde replaces him That said, the road to promotion is naturally smooth.

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