Today the world is in such chaos, bandits are rampant, and it is not safe to go out in many places, but he doesn't think any bandits dare to commit murder on the road between the beams in Zhengzhou.

Because the avenue is close to the capital, the journey from Zhengzhou to Daliang is very easy to walk. Even if there are some potholes washed away after the heavy summer rain, the officials of the surrounding states and counties will soon be responsible for filling them.

However, the main road is always a road made of rammed soil, and some sections also use gravel, all of which are adapted to local conditions, so that the overall level is smooth and easy to walk, which is still far worse than the cement asphalt road.

The bumpy feeling of the carriage walking on the road with many stones is very obvious, which is better than riding a horse.

From time to time, the auntie worried and told him to take good care of the little sister and don't fall.


Because of the convoy, we walked very slowly all the way. The distance that could have been reached in a day or two on a fast march was abruptly walked for four days, and in the middle I stayed at an inn.

I stayed in the village one night. Except for a few women who could sleep on the clean upper floor where the hay was piled up, the rest of the people could only sleep in the stables. They slept on hay for one night. The next day, they were bitten by lice and felt uncomfortable. Still worth it, there are a few walls to keep out the night wind.

There are not so many hotels and hotels these days, and it is very inconvenient to go out, but it is better than marching and fighting.

When they arrived at Bianliang, Shi Congyun was riding on a horse, and from a distance, he could see that there were already a lot of leading troops in the south of the city outside the city, and the tents were stretched out.

Daliang is now not just a city, but a huge settlement.

Starting from a few miles outside the city, people are living in settlements everywhere, and there are many people setting up tea stalls on the roadside to drink, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians.

It is said that Daliang is a "city-set city", because the city continues to expand and the population continues to increase, so it can only continue to expand the city wall and expand the scope of the city. Over time, a strange situation has formed.

Kaifeng has been used as the capital since Houliang, and it has been in use until now, and has experienced many expansions, large and small.

Shi Congyun took the convoy to the south along the river, preparing to enter the city from the south of the city.

There are five gates in the east of Daliang City, four gates in the north and west of the city, and three gates in the south. They are going to go through the third gate in the south of the city and enter through Chenzhou Gate.

At the beginning, Lu was chosen by the aunt. She was not very familiar with Bianjing. She was originally from Yunzhou.

I only lived with Shi Yanchao for a period of time, not too long, about more than half a year. Later, I went to Zhengzhou with Shi Yanchao, and I am not familiar with the big capital.

The aunt can find the way to the Shi family's mansion, but she has to go through Chen Qiaomen in the north of the city. In the past, the way to the mansion was from the north of the city.

They are now in the south of the city, and it is estimated that it will take another day to go to the north of the city.

The rest of the people are even more unfamiliar. Fortunately, Shi Congyun suddenly remembered Zhao Shijian, didn't Zhao Shijian grow up in Bianjing, and quickly called her to the front to show the way.

Sure enough, after saying the address, Zhao Shijian quickly recognized the location of Shijiazhai and pointed out the route.

The stockade of the Shi family is a gift from the late emperor Guo Wei. It is located in the inner city. According to the people of Daliang, it is the place where the talents of noble families live.

"Can you speak more carefully, I don't understand." Shi Congyun asked Zhao Shijian as he walked, Wang Zhong and Shao Ji also looked around and followed closely behind him, as if they were afraid of getting lost.

Seeing that they were the forbidden army, the guards at Chenzhoumen did not dare to interrogate them and let them enter the city smoothly.

Zhao Shijian took a small step away from him, and then he said in detail: "It is in the west of Daxiangguo Temple, facing Kaifeng Mansion, on the West Street, that area has always been the residence of dignitaries.

Shangshu Province, Taichang Temple, and Secretary Province are all on the opposite side. Go straight to the north and cross the Imperial Street to the Miyagi.

Later, we will walk in through the Chenzhou Gate, and we will not rush to the west. There are many people living there, and it is crowded and messy.

It's better to go east to the main road west of Yanfeng warehouse. There are few people there and the road is easy to walk. As long as you show your identity as the commander of the imperial army, no one will make things difficult for you. Although it is a bit of a detour, it will be better Walk......."



"You're right..." Shi Congyun nodded again and again, feeling very confused. Anyway, what you said is right and it's over.

"Finally, go from Hebian Avenue to the north side of Longjin Bridge, and go through the Suzaku Gate to enter the inner city." Zhao Shijian planned well, and Shi Congyun said that you were right.


Since then, the route has always followed what Zhao Shijian said, and Shi Congyun was dazzled by the liveliness of Daliang, especially the part where Chenzhoumen entered. The surrounding houses are not big and big, but there are many lintels, and they come and go. The multitude of people made him wonder if there was really a war going on outside.

The convoy also walked very slowly because of the large number of people, but as the little girl said, after walking towards Guancang, there were a lot fewer people, and the convoy moved faster.

After spending most of the day, we finally arrived at the head of Longjin Bridge, outside the Suzaku gate.

Looking up, a high city wall stands, with a huge red lacquer column at the top of the city, and a sentry standing on duty, and inside is the inner city of the beams.

After that, the road was even easier to walk. The roadside was almost full of tall houses and courtyards, with pavilions and pavilions standing up. From time to time, people looked curiously through the gaps in the windows, wondering which family was coming.

Soon, they arrived at the Shi family's house, and the aunt was pleasantly surprised, because before she came back from the north, this time she entered the city from the south.

Because there were several carriages, I walked into the city for two or three hours.

In addition, it is now a dog day, and it is so hot that everyone is sweating profusely and complaining a lot, and Zhao Shijian is also soaking wet with the heat. Seeing his inexplicable heart beat wildly, the little girl really looks more and more like a cabbage.

After that, the three servants who stayed to watch the house hurried out to greet them.

After entering the house, Shi Congyun couldn't wait to go around and was even more surprised.

The Shijia Mansion is located on West Street. Generally speaking, it has two courtyards in the east and west, and the west courtyard is larger.

Because the west courtyard is a large garden, with a small pond and pavilion in the south and a flowerbed in the north, which are now deserted. The northwest corner is a wooden shed with a roof, and the southeast corner is a tall three-room study.

The east courtyard is smaller and can be divided into four small courtyards.The yard in the north is facing the gate, and inside is the main hall, which is used for meeting guests.

Going inside is the backyard, the yard of the owner, on the left is the yard going to the West Garden, both sides are wing rooms, and the last yard has a small pond with an old willow tree beside the pond.

The house is backed by the study in the West Garden. There are three rooms, and it is also the yard where Shi Congyun lives.

Shi Congyun suddenly felt a sense of emotion after reading it, it turns out that my family is so rich!

This is the great stockade of the Shi family!

Dad's is mine, this is my big house!

Located in the center of the beam, he didn't even know how flat it was!Suddenly, I don't want to work hard, and I want to lie down and be a salted fish for a lifetime.

Chapter 39, Fu Family Mansion

After the day was settled, Shi Congyun paid wages to the grooms, and gave them a reward of [-] yuan each, and then sent them away.

Afterwards, everyone moved everything in, and temporarily arranged Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, and more than a dozen sergeants to the outer courtyard at the door, which was originally for nursing homes.

After all, they walked fast when there were fewer people, and Shi Yanchao's army had not returned yet.

In the next two days, the aunt and the aunt took everyone to clean up the house and arranged for Zhao Shijian to live in the same courtyard with him. Sima Zhao's intentions were known to everyone.

Zhao Shijian neither agreed nor opposed, Shi Congyun also understood what the aunt and the little girl meant by this arrangement, but he felt that the little girl was easy to use, she was a good girl, and it would be good to be a wife in the future, but she was still young.

In fact, he didn't think about it that much. He always took a step by step to see how the road was going.

It really made him cherish the world, thinking about what the official Guo Rong and the ministers thought, but he couldn't do it at all, because he thought about it in vain.

The so-called head following the butt is also the most realistic and useful decision-making attitude.

What he wanted to solve at the moment was to quickly find some assistants for his father, and make Shi Yanchao's little shogunate better. Although it could not be called a shogunate, it was almost what it meant.

This award will not be finalized until the official family returns, but Shi Yanchao's construction festival is definitely indispensable.

Among the ten high-ranking officials of the Imperial Army, there must be Shi Yanchao, who needs someone to give him advice.

There are two major systems of the Zhou Dynasty's forbidden army, namely: the guards and the pro-military Ma Bujun command the envoys, and the palace fronts command the envoys; referred to as the bodyguards and the palace fronts.

The top five high-ranking officials of the Guards Division are: Commander of the Guards Pro-Army Ma Jundu, Deputy Commander of the Guards Pro-Army Ma Infantry, Guards Pro-Army Ma Jun Du Yu Hou, Guards Pro-Army Ma Jundu Commander, Guards Pro-Army Infantry All commanders.

The prefects of the hall are: check in front of the hall, check in the deputy capital in front of the hall, commander in front of the hall, commander in front of the deputy capital, and Marquis Yu in front of the hall.

As long as you are promoted to one of these ten positions, you will enter the power center of the Zhou Dynasty.

When Zhao Kuangyin usurped the throne, he was in the front of the hall to check in, and he was in command of the front office.

Shi Congyun remembered that before Guo Rong's death, the guards and the army commanded the envoys and the front of the palace inspected the positions of these two leaders. They were Li Chongjin and Zhang Yongde. , and Guo Rong are very close.

Therefore, the remaining positions are for the generals to compete for.

As for whether it is the front of the palace or the guards, I can't say...

Shi Yanchao used to be the Guards Division, that is because the former Guards Divisions were strong in soldiers and strong in the front and behind the palace, and they were far inferior to the Guard Division in terms of soldiers and combat effectiveness.

But the emperor and the courtiers of the dynasty, and the forbidden army had a lot of crotch performance in the battle of Gaoping, if Guo Rong wanted to reorganize the forbidden army, it must be the newly built front division of the palace that is more likely to become his confidant.

Therefore, if the official family valued the old man, in all likelihood, he would be transferred from the guard division to the front division of the palace, and then balanced the strength of the two army divisions, taking the opportunity to install their own cronies, establish authority, and weaken the guards close to the army division in order to control.

Of course, these are just his guesses. What will happen will only be known when the steward's family returns to Beijing.


In the next few days, Shi Congyun, Wang Zhong and Shao Ji will go to Daliang City together, and of course he will bring his guide Zhao Shijian.

Since knowing that Zhao Shijian is Zhao Ying's granddaughter, Shi Congyun doesn't call her as casually as before, but calls her politely, and what he does has not changed at all.

Shi Congyun proposed to visit Zhao Shijian's father, but later heard that their family had moved out of the city and could not go for a while, so he had to give up.

Zhao Shijian took them around Daliang City in a few days.

After the Shi family settled down, guests slowly came.

The location of their mansion is facing the imperial palace in the north, and just across the street are Kaifeng Mansion, Shangshu Province, Secretary Province, Taichang Temple, etc. It is not something that ordinary people can live in.

The people around are not ordinary people. There are many elites, and many of them have already inquired about it. When they come to visit, they do not need to introduce people to know that it is the Shi family, and what kind of person Shi Yanchao is.

However, most of the people who come here are from the West Street side, and they speak more forthrightly. Zhao Shijian told him quietly in private that this is almost an unwritten rule, and no one will say it outright, but it is actually the West Street side. Most of them are from aristocratic families of military commanders, while there are more literati on the East Street. Although it is not absolute, this trend is generally formed.

So people from East Street rarely visit them.

Only then did Shi Congyun understand that every place has its own "local customs".

Zhao Shijian knew a lot, and after several days, he took him to learn about Daliang.

Even the most important households have told him, such as a Zhumen mansion opposite the Daxiangguo Temple on East Street. Although the gate is closed and there are few in and out, Zhao Shijian told him that it was the Fu family's mansion.

"The Fu family has been crowned king for three generations, and now Mrs. Wei Guo is also named queen. She has a rich family background. Be careful when dealing with them." Zhao Shijian told him in front of the door.

Shi Congyun nodded. He remembered that when Madam Weiguo was enthroned as the empress, the official family was still on the front line, and he still ordered the Secretary to prepare a book of ceremonies.

To put it bluntly, the official family is out in person, and the queen needs to be in the court to calm people's hearts, and the Fu family is so strong that even the emperor has to win over.

There are similarities between this time and Guo Rong's death, the sister of Empress Fu, both of which are politically significant. Later, when Zhao Kuangyin succeeded to the throne, he also wanted to win over the Fu family. Zhao Guangyi's queen was still Fu Yanqing's daughter.

This alone shows how powerful the Fu family is, and what Zhao Shijian said is right.

Just as he and Zhao Shijian stopped to look at it, a sedan chair came from the corner of Qingzhuan Avenue in the east, followed by two maids.

Zhao Shijian pulled him, and the two stepped back to make way, and retreated to the big tree by the roadside.

The sedan chair stopped at the entrance of the mansion, and then came down a graceful young woman in a delicate red skirt. She walked briskly and took a few steps to the front steps. She seemed to be in a good mood.

Shi Congyun could only see a beautiful figure, the person was walking too fast, and he couldn't even see the profile, but the identity of the person was inseparable.

"Maybe it's the daughter of the Fu family." Zhao Shijian guessed.

"It's most likely Fu Ermei." Shi Congyun interjected, feeling a little bit of realization in his heart.

He said that in history, Empress Erfu did not marry in her 20s, which is very unreasonable in this era, not to mention that a rich family like the Fu family can't find a marriage just by asking?

How many people want to marry, no matter how ugly she is.

But now he realized that it wasn't that he couldn't get married, but that he kept it for the official family.

Fu Yanqing is an old fox. He may have asked his second daughter to wait in the capital, just in case, or he may have just found an opportunity to send both daughters to Guo Rong's palace, so that their Fu family will sit firmly on Diaoyutai no matter what.

Shi Congyun shook his head, he was still too young, he didn't expect the Fu family to be able to do this...

So Lala Zhao Shijian said: "Let's go, we can't climb this lintel."

This is specially reserved for officials, power is really a good thing.He said the second half of the sentence in his heart and didn't tell the little girl.


By the end of June, one day early in the morning, news came from outside the city that the Chinese army of the official family had returned!

Chapter 40, Inner Palace Straight

The exact news came in the morning, and it was sent by Shi Yanchao's personal soldiers, and it also brought a more accurate time.

The day after, the emperor stopped outside the Fengqiu Gate, rewarded the troops according to their merits, and asked Shi Congyun to lead the people to join the army.

At that time, Shi Congyun asked Zhao Shijian to wash his face with water, and Wang Qiu carefully helped him.

Shi Congyun rushed out of the small courtyard, agreed, and then sorted it out, leading the crowd out of Chen Qiaomen from the north of the city to meet with the army.

On the battlefield, Shi Yanchao had already been added to the army of the National Army, but that was just a rank, and it was used to receive money. The key was to see what kind of dispatch the officials would arrange.

As for himself, Shi Congyun has self-awareness. At his level, it is not up to the officials to award him a reward in person. The officials of the Privy Council will arrange it.

He just hoped that he would be rewarded with more money and get a decent official position to get by.

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