In the battle of Gaoping seven years ago, they lost to the Zhou army. The big reason was that at the most critical moment in the battle, the phoenix changed its direction and blew towards their position. He was blown so hard that he couldn't open his eyes again, and was killed by Zhou Jun.

Otherwise, they may not necessarily lose!

For this matter, the first emperor was so angry that he fell seriously ill, and the state of Zhou died not long after he retreated.

So man is not as good as God. After experiencing that big defeat, he paid special attention to these things. Fortunately, after crossing the creek as a striker, the wind began to decrease and he completely calmed down.

He was quite relieved, he brought the elite of the Han Dynasty, located on the left wing of the formation, on the west side, and the Qin army on the opposite side formed an array outside a village at the foot of a mountain.

Li Yun didn't trust them all, so they were on the left wing, and the positions close to the reinforcements were reserved for his confidants.

And he was not the commander-in-chief of the reinforcements sent by the Han Dynasty this time, but Lu Zan, the Xuanhui envoy sent by the king.

Lu Zan and Li Yun did not get along. Lu Zan met Li Yun a few days ago and discussed things with him. Li Yun ignored him. Lu Zan was very angry and left with a flick of his sleeve. Send Prime Minister Wei Rong to mediate.

He understood Li Yun's thoughts. Li Yun was extremely conceited and looked down on the Northern Han Dynasty, and did not want them to interfere with military command.

There are two reasons for this. First, Li Yun hated the Khitan people very much. He was originally from Taiyuan, Bingzhou. In the eyes, Li Yun is no exception.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Jiye himself feels embarrassed. Even Li Yun knows the righteousness of his family and country, and knows that he cannot collude with the Khitan, but their Northern Han Kingdom depends on the Khitan people to exist...

The second is that Li Yun won most of the battles they have fought over the years.

"Let's go to the east end of the village. I think the ridge over there is relatively high. The cavalry should take a detour and go further east." As he approached, Liu Jiye could see the situation ahead more clearly.

Their front was the Zhou army's right wing, and the east side was a gentle slope. The terrain was a bit high, and it was impossible for the cavalry to climb up directly.

"Do you want to send someone to dig the tunnel?" Luzan asked.

Liu Jiye nodded, "Send someone to follow behind Daodunshou and dig out the flat ground all the way."

Lu Zan nodded and sent someone to make arrangements.

Soon, the formation of the army began to advance within two miles, and the deployment of the Qin army could be seen at the front.The eastern front fell behind, and he immediately ordered the forwards to slow down.

It would be dangerous to be too prominent in the overall front that is several miles long, and the forwards are all well-armored heavy infantry, and it is difficult for them to move too fast to preserve their energy.

Liu Jiye saw more and more clearly the immovable Qin army formation waiting in the distance, so he asked Lu Zan beside him: "Military Supervisor, do you think Qin Guozhu is confident or stupid?"

Lu Zan didn't speak, and looked at him with a bad expression: "General Liu, you think that at this point, the bandits are just a few hundred steps away, so you should think about how to fight."

Liu Jiye suddenly came to his senses, "The last general has neglected his duty!" He came to his senses and thought about those things before the war, but the doubts in his heart were still lingering.

The Qin army was inferior in frontal strength, so there was no need for a decisive battle with them. There were very few such direct confrontations in wars. Most of them cut off the food road and took the back road.

But Qin Jun didn't do this, but went directly to them for a decisive battle.

In the tens of thousands of battles, everyone is full of confidence, and the frontline soldiers are eager to try, because everyone knows that there are many of them.

When the soldier in front slowly got within a mile, Liu Jiye realized that it was too late to think, so he immediately calmed down and put all his thoughts behind him.

He has read military books and fought wars, but he did not fight according to the military books. His favorite dispatch is to lead the heavy cavalry out of a hole, let the follow-up infantry go in, and disrupt the enemy's deployment, because of his bravery Some people in middle school call him "Yang Wudi" for his unreasonable style of play, and at the age of about [-], he is also a young man who dares to fight.

In a battle, as long as the formation is not chaotic and the left and right soldiers cooperate properly to take care of each other, it is difficult for the courage of the common man to have any effect. No matter how many opponents are, it is difficult to break through.

He carefully observed the Zhou army's position, and at the same time led hundreds of elite cavalry behind him, slowly from the front to the side, preparing to see where he would break into the enemy's formation later.

However, he was also very cautious, because he saw that the Zhou army also had cavalry cruising on the eastern front. They occupied the avenue east of the village and could support the front more quickly. If they passed, they might be intercepted.

The east side was not suitable. He turned his eyes to the front of the line and found that there were earth fortresses erected in several places in front of Zhou Jun, but they were not like earth fortresses, they were too short.

There were some big iron pipes piled up on the bunker, and he was a little puzzled for a while, what Qin Jun wanted to do?

Want to use the iron pipe as a roller?But on the forward position, except for their slightly higher terrain in the east, they are all flat ground, how could they roll, let alone think they are fools?There will be such a trick.It's also possible that they are used for other purposes, such as storing fish oil, but that doesn't work. Such a large iron pipe weighs hundreds of catties, and it takes time and effort...

He didn't know Qin Jun's intentions, and he didn't think too much about it. What the supervisor said was reasonable, and the battle was imminent. Thinking so much was distracting. He began to bring his elite cavalry to look for gaps.

But after watching for a long time, he was a little startled. Qin Jun was worthy of Shi Congyun's elite soldiers in all battles, and his formation was tight and orderly, with no gaps.

There seems to be no chance in the east section. Even if he is called Yang Wudi, he dare not go up rashly at this time. He is brave or stupid.

So he thought, wait for the two armies to fight in front of the battle. The two armies will fight, and the enemy has fewer soldiers. After a long time, there will definitely be flaws, and then he will move again.

He ordered many people to dismount and wait, not to waste horsepower, because this is a large-scale decisive battle with nearly 10 people, and he has little experience in such a battle, but one thing is certain, if the first wave of the most violent offensive does not After the fight, there will be no winner or loser within today, and if the Qin army sticks to it, the situation will change.

At that time, it is possible to fight for a few days or even ten days and a half months. The Qin army is backed by the mountain ridge and the village, and there must be their baggage inside. As long as they can't break through the periphery and enter the rear village, this battle will continue go down.

Fortunately, there were no natural dangers outside the village. As long as there were enough troops, it shouldn't be a problem to get in. He just waited for the Qin army to reveal its flaws under the attack of the front line, and then led the cavalry to break through.

Soon, the frontier was approaching within one mile, and the dense arrows began the first round of testing to determine the range and position...


"They probably thought that we had few soldiers and would stick to our defense. In fact, I was ready to attack from the very beginning." Shi Congyun stood on the hillside behind, watching the rebels approaching from the front two miles away.

The east and west fronts stretched four or five miles away, and there were banners and people and horses everywhere, all over the mountains and plains, sweeping across the yellow sand and heading straight for the Lantern Festival, like opening a wide curtain.

In fact, there are very few opportunities for such a decisive battle, and they will not start a war hastily, not to mention that they are the side with fewer people but actively seek a decisive battle, and the other side can't wait for it.

So don't look at Li Yun's lack of resourcefulness, but he has a kind of rough shrewdness in his original ability. He probably found that his main force was exposed and not moving, and immediately assembled an army for a decisive battle, because the opportunity is rare.

Li Yun must know that he has more than 3 people. If he doesn't fight at this time, it is possible for Qin to gather more than [-] troops to encircle and suppress him after a long time.

The rebel army is eager to fight because of its early assembly and large number of troops, and he also has his own cards. Both sides have their own calculations. Whoever wins depends on the next battle...

Shi Congyun stared closely at the distance, his eyes were dry and did not blink, for fear of missing any subtle changes in the opponent, he is best at fighting overall battles.

The opponent's force is roughly divided into three major parts, the east, the front and the west.And each department is composed of different phalanxes.

The field facing the front of the village is flat and almost unobstructed;

There is a small gentle slope to the east, and they are somewhat condescending. It is difficult for the heavy infantry on the opposite side to climb to the front of the formation, and the cavalry has to go around to the east to charge up.

There are many persimmon trees and haystacks in the west, and there is a cowshed in front of the avenue, which is slightly obstructed and blocks the view, but the whole is flat. Li Yun probably thinks that the west is not so open and can cover the troops.

At such a time, Shi Congyun's heart was beating wildly, but his expression was calm.

Guo Jin and other accompanying officials were speechless in front of such a big scene.

"Although the frontal battle is under the banner of Li Yun, there are not many armors, and it is not the main force. Li Yun wants to lie to me." Shi Congyun looked at it for a while, and said directly: "The west is the main force, and the west is the main force. It looks like there are few people, but the armor is complete, the reflection is dazzling, and there is a reserve team behind the mountain, he must be trying to trick me, attacking east and west, concentrating troops and reserve forces and rushing in from the west of the village by surprise."

Shi Congyun looked at it for a while and judged it, and immediately began to make arrangements. At this time, the civil and military officials around him stopped talking and listened to the order of the young emperor who was in command.

It is useless to rely on a large number of people on such a battlefield. Armor is very important.

A person with good skills and good martial arts will definitely not be able to fight a few. Soldiers will rush forward, and no matter how high the master is, they will be chopped into meat sauce for you.

But if the armor is good, it can really hit several at a time against the arrows and knives on the opposite side. If a group of armors are well put together, it will be even more powerful.

Li Yun placed a lot of armored men in the west, and they looked elite at first glance, and then thinking of their reserve team behind the mountain in the north that the scouts had scouted before, Shi Congyun immediately thought of this move.

Hit the east and the west, the handsome flag is in the front, it looks like there are many people in the front, but put the elite on the west, and when the time comes to cooperate with the reserve team hidden in the west, a wave will come in.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to the party beside him: "You go to transfer people, transfer two battalions of infantry from the central army, add to go to the west of the village, and take the road in the village."

Dang Jin took the order and went to execute it immediately, but the [-]th battalion of the reserve team led by Liu Qingchuan did not move behind, and they were still waiting in the village, and they could quickly support them everywhere from the village.

After finishing the deployment, Shi Congyun saw that the two sides in front of the position had already started to test, and a large number of arrows were like flying locusts, rushing towards the formation of both sides.

Tactics have developed to the present, and in fact, they have paid more and more attention to long-range firepower. Generally, [-]% of a battalion's troops are sword, shield and spearmen, and the remaining [-]% are crossbowmen with swords and bows.

As long as the bow and crossbow are first engaged with the enemy, it has almost become the iron law of war. In several rounds of long-distance confrontation, both sides suffered casualties but it did not have much impact, because such damage is limited.

But fighting is such a cautious and patient thing. Soldiers are in the formation, protected by teammates in front, but if they rush out of the front line rashly, they are likely to be shot into a sieve immediately.

At this time, the two sides will usually fight until the arrows are exhausted and cause as much damage as possible to the opponent before entering the close combat link.

But such fierce battles often lasted for several hours or even several days, but Li Yun on the opposite side should know that the last thing they can delay is time. Once delayed, the number of Qin's army and the background of Qin's country are not comparable to them.

Therefore, the advantage of the thieves is to fight quickly, which is one of the reasons why he dared to launch a decisive battle.

To be honest, if the opponent is determined to fight him and grind slowly, his cannon will not be effective because of its limited accuracy and limited range.

But he is not afraid of that, as long as Li Yun's main force stays here with him, Li Chuyun's army in the north will be able to copy Li Yun's old nest along the direction of Guzhen, and they will indeed have troops in the future.

The troops of the three towns of Heyang and other towns are still on the way. Shi Congyun only took the main force of the forbidden army and headed north to Zezhou. If they drag on, their troops will increase.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the battle is unfavorable, retreat from here, the mountain fortress behind is still under their control, and they can resist it layer by layer.

In fact, for him, no matter what the situation is, it is not the worst. He has never traded at a loss. Of course, he dares to gamble, but he cannot gamble his life.

Looking at the situation below, the archers and crossbowmen on both sides fired at each other, shouting and killing, and the arrows were like black rain curtains at the front of the village. Walls etc. have advantages as cover.

The rebels were not so calm as the attacking side, and it was not a long-term solution to rely solely on the heavy infantry in front. The soldiers at the front wanted to use hoes and shovels to build up a few mounds, but they were immediately taken care of by the Qin army bed crossbow. A temporary earth wall was not erected with few people.

But soon, the other party revealed their intentions. The rebels in front of the village did not continue to shoot at each other, but slowly advanced forward. The armored infantry in front slowly moved forward holding a large platoon shield. Enter.

And the cavalry who had been behind also began to move forward from the empty passages on both sides.

Seeing this posture, everyone became nervous, and the officers of the Shenhuo Army looked over excitedly.

Shi Congyun understood what that meant, and asked him if he could use artillery. Seeing that the front and east enemies were approaching, Shi Congyun planned to give up consumption and attack the position directly.

Only before the enemy to the west made any move, Shi Congyun remained unmoved, he didn't intend to give an order, he could only use one time for a surprise thing, he couldn't reveal his cards in advance, even if many people might die... ..

Chapter 325, Future

The shouts and killings at the front were like waves, rushing towards the four directions in bursts, like spring thunder exploding, and the voices of people were boiling.

At this point, everyone knows that a fight has started ahead.

Under the commander-in-chief's flag in the rear, there are many flags standing in a row, and the civil and military generals are all looking forward nervously, but it is difficult to see anything from here.

Wang Lijun of Xiping stood on a wooden handsome platform pulled by eight horses, dressed in iron armor, surrounded by surrounding houses, so he could see it more clearly from a high place.

He stroked his gray beard, looking calm and composed.

"That kid thinks he has a few tricks, but his skills are no match for this old man!" Li Yun said triumphantly, and before others could ask questions, he began to point to the flag in the west and said: "Look at that, the old man has already set up a mystery!"

"My commander's flag is in the front, making them think that the main force of my army is in the front. In fact, the old man has already placed the elite at the west end of the village. There are still ambushes behind the mountain. It won't take long to attack from the west!

Lao Tzu's hand is called pointing to the east and hitting the west, and the guide to hitting the north, hahahaha! "

Everyone praised: "King Xiping uses his soldiers like a god, and he is strategizing."

Afterwards, they followed suit one after another. Facing everyone's praises, Li Yun was quite complacent, but his gaze never left the west side of the battlefield.

From this point of view, the fighting over there has become intense. A large number of soldiers are colliding. From time to time, screams and screams can be heard, and many flags are waving, but it is difficult to see the specific situation.

Crowds are crowded, figures are numerous, and the long front for several miles can only rely on the flag to judge the current situation and personnel. In luckier places, many things are completely invisible and invisible.

For the coach, being able to understand the flag is the most important thing, so Li Yun has been keeping a close eye on the south. He can speak big words, but he dare not make big ones.

The battle situation in the south will determine the situation of the world, the Li family will survive and die, watching the chaotic people and horses in the distance, unfurl the banner...

He is very confident about his proud arrangement. He used to rely on the guide to fight the North, and the reserve team suddenly reinforced him, and he defeated the Northern Han Army several times with key breakthroughs.

This is his ability to make a fortune!

I have already been familiar with the road by now, and I have my own set.

As time went by, the two sides on the front had become a massacre, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, but his focus had always been on the west side of the village. The best situation was that Shi Congyun couldn't handle it, and the west side was directly pierced by the elite.

As long as they attack the village at the foot of the mountain, the enemy has already lost.

But after waiting for nearly two quarters of an hour, the west still couldn't make a breakthrough...

Li Yun frowned, and muttered to himself in a low voice, "Could it be that the little thief saw through and also increased troops at West Head?"

Such thoughts made him quite unhappy, if that was the case, it meant that his mind had been seen through, but he was not discouraged and anxious, he still had a back-up plan.

Then he called his cronies, "Go to the west immediately and ask when they can get in. Come and go quickly!"

The personal soldiers took the order and hurriedly galloped towards the west on horseback.

After all this, I decided to look back at the battle situation in the south.

Wait a little longer, and soon you will be able to break through the front... Li Yun thought so in his heart.

But after another quarter of an hour, the flag on the west side still showed no signs of moving. It did not move towards the center of the village, and remained motionless at the entrance of the village. From a distance, the flags were swaying, which was particularly eye-catching.

Li Yun was so angry that he wanted to curse, when his cronies came back and said anxiously to him: "There are many thieves in the west, the brothers have been injured a lot and still can't rush in, the Qin army has heavy troops in the west."

"What!" Li Yun became even more angry, but this time the anger brought some other emotions, surprise?Fear?Or both.

"You read that right! They have heavy troops in the west?" Li Yun asked again: "It can't be that the attack is unfavorable, and they can't beat the Qin army. Let's find a reason to lie to the old man!"

"Subordinates dare not, subordinates dare not! There are really many people over there. The area at the entrance of the village alone is full of Qin troops. The six battalions led by General Li Jixun have already died half of them. There are corpses at the entrance of the village. Can't get in!

Our people wanted to fight inside, but they had to climb over the corpse of their own brother to get in, and they were killed after a while!It's too miserable, too miserable, I'm not talking nonsense! "

Only then did Li Yun fully believe it, his face was ashen, and he was extremely upset and scared, because this showed a terrible fact, that is, his thoughts were likely to be known by Shi Congyun.

Shi Congyun saw through his deployment and saw his strategy of using the commander-in-chief flag as a bait to deploy fewer soldiers on the front and deploy more troops to the west.

He has already added troops to the west of the village, and he has completely seen through his deployment.

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