Shi Congyun looked at the formation on the opposite side, separated by a distance of four or five miles, and calculated their numbers in his mind. He soon realized that the enemy must have exceeded 3 of them. The dust and movement seemed to show signs of enemy soldiers entering the battlefield.

"How much?" Shi Congyun asked.

Wang Shenqi directly agreed: "It's more than [-]."

Guo Jin's face was very ugly, and all the generals also looked serious, even Dang Jin was no exception, a joke is a joke, but fighting is not cheap, people will die, and it will be even worse if they lose...

"According to the previous training, let's lead the army." Shi Congyun said.

"Promise!" The generals bowed their hands, and then rode their horses across the road and rushed to the Qin army's position in the field in front of the village, while Wang Shenqi and Guo Jin stayed by Shi Congyun's side.

Chapter 322, The Advantage Is Again

The sun had just passed overhead, and Shi Congyun looked at the assembled army just out of the mountain pass a few miles away, feeling indescribable in his heart.

It's impossible not to be nervous. Ordinary people can be so nervous that they can't sleep in every exam. What's more, it's a matter of life and death at such a critical juncture.

Even though he has fought so many battles and won so many battles, he is regarded as a legend of invincibility in the eyes of the world, but every time the tension between life and death is not only psychological, but also makes his heart beat faster, his whole body is tense and weak, Dizziness soaring to headache and difficulty falling asleep.

Sometimes a few days before the big battle, or when the fight is anxious, the calculations and random thoughts about the outcome are always in my mind, and it is normal to sleep for three or four hours a day when I am half asleep and half awake.

After becoming an emperor, he has experienced so much, but he has a little understanding of the half-life warriors represented by Li Cunxu in history. Seeing that great achievements are about to be accomplished, but indulged in sensual pleasures, he has lost his ambition.

Fighting is tiring and stressful, and it is a physical and psychological torture. Not everyone can persist for a long time, or there are very few people who can persist.

"Take someone to go around behind the cowshed over there, and go to the west to see if there are any of them." Shi Congyun watched the changes in front of the position, and at the same time spoke to the soldiers around him.

The personal soldiers took the order and took a few people from the back of the village to the west, passed a thatched cowshed in the distance, and then went to the rear to investigate.

In the distance, a large regiment is unfolding, tens of thousands of people form all over the mountains and plains. There is a large field in front of the village. From the small road in the west, go east through several ditches used for irrigation in the fields, and reach a small peach grove in the east. place, stretching for several miles.

This is only the frontier position of the Qin army. The rebel line on the opposite side is longer, and it looks like four or five miles away. Both sides have a tacit understanding that they just lined up and did not take the lead in attacking.

At this time, Guo Jin, who had talked a lot before, didn't dare to speak anymore. He is a capable minister, and he has led troops to wipe out bandits several times. Looked afraid to speak.

On the other hand, Wang Shenqi was very determined. He followed Shi Cong to fight the Northern War in Yunnan. He had seen many such scenes: "The officials are wise, and Li Yun is not a mediocre player on the battlefield. Such a big battle must have a backup somewhere."

Shi Congyun smiled and said, "Well, the east is not easy, the west is the most likely, and the mountain is the best, just enough to block our sight, and the other side is flat."

He raised his horsewhip and pointed to the mountain that was only 200 meters high behind the rebels in the west.

Wang Shenqi looked at it for a while and nodded in agreement: "Officials, looking at the front of the bandit army, there are only 5 to [-] people. I guess there may be a lot of people released there."

"If it was you, how much would you put?" Shi Congyun asked while watching the rebels' formation, and the opponent's movements began to be a little unexpected to him. A large number of people were moving slowly, but they didn't look like It's a traditional formation.

"At least [-], [-] is the best. If you come from the west, go there." Wang Shenqi pointed to a gentle slope in the east of the village. In the fields on the flanks of the army's position, there is a flat river.

"That would threaten our flank."

Shi Congyun was very relieved, Wang Shenqi was worthy of being the one who fought so many battles with him, he saw it very thoroughly, and Guo Jin and other officials couldn't get in the way at this moment.

Generals like them who have fought large-scale corps battles, the first thing they think of is to keep the reserve team, because this is completely different from strangling with a small number of troops.

When there are too many people, it is difficult to look at each other from head to tail, and the battle line can be opened for several miles casually. It is completely impossible to rely on other places for support when fighting. support.

As for this kind of support force, the cavalry with strong mobility is the best, and it can quickly support all parts of the front.

Among the cavalry, the light cavalry is the best, because the support force needs to be flexible, and it must be able to fill gaps everywhere and fight flexibly.

The light cavalry is destined to be good at raiding the enemy's left flank, which is determined by human physiological characteristics, just like in the infantry formation, elite troops will be deployed on the right flank.

Therefore, the reserve team of the rebel army is likely to be in the west. Li Yun is also a veteran general who has fought against the Liao Kingdom and the Northern Han Dynasty all the year round, so it should not be underestimated.

After a while, the scout came back and hurriedly reported to him that a large number of enemy cavalry were found in the woods behind the mountain to the west.

Shi Congyun immediately said: "General Wang, you lead the cavalry of the two cavalry armies to the west to occupy the hillside behind the cowshed. If they come from the west, you will intercept them."

"Promise!" Wang Shenqi took the order, Shi Congyun gave the command flag, and he immediately rode to lead the man.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong with the big formation on the opposite side. The big formation on the other side was not an offensive formation.

Originally, he thought that the opponent had a large number of people and would form a crescent formation, or cavalry and wild goose formation, in an overall attacking posture, but they also cautiously put up a defensive posture, and did not take the lead in attacking posture.

The year before last, Lao Tzu played Khitan so beautifully. It seemed that Li Yun was crazy and his heart was empty.

Less than half an hour later, the continuous army on the opposite side also finished forming, with flags all over the field, and the long line was like a black tide, drawing a long line at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

Both sides were watching. Shi Congyun rode his horse directly, crossing the avenue and farmland surrounded by many soldiers, and arrived at the front of the position. His magnificent banner moved with him, so that the whole army could see his position clearly.

Wherever Luan went, the morale of the soldiers was high, shouting long live, Shi Congyun waved his hand, and went to inspect the artillery positions in person.

The distance between the two armies was about five miles at this time. Although they both put on a posture, there was no need to worry about such a long distance.

Just as he was thinking, a rider ran over from the opposite position, holding a flag as the envoy from the opposite side, and approached the front of the formation. Everyone saw that he was the only one, and they didn't take any precautions. They just sent someone to pick him up.

The visitor was dressed as a civil servant, and after seeing him, he said directly: "King Pingxi invited the lord to meet before the battle, I don't know how daring the lord is."

Shi Congyun glanced at him: "Go back and tell Li Yun that we will meet by the stream before the battle. He will bring at most three people with him. Bows and crossbows are not allowed, and we are the same.

Any violation shall be void immediately. "

The person who came didn't talk too much, and immediately jumped on the horse and went back after handing over.

The two parties met far away, and Shi Congyun was not worried about what would happen to them. In this day and age, there were no sniper rifles or cannons, and the distance of several miles was absolutely safe.

After speaking, he immediately called for Dang Jin, and at the same time let Jing Si, a strong recruit from the Shenhuo Army, follow him, and then he was going to meet Li Yun.

The accompanying civil and military officials were very worried, and felt that it was not appropriate for the emperor to meet a Pingxi king. Then Guo Jin asked to go with him, and Shi Congyun agreed.

He had made up his mind, and everyone couldn't stop him, so he also made arrangements. Liu Qingchuan led hundreds of cavalry to send him out, and then stayed at the front of the position, [-] steps away from the central creek to meet him.

He took Guo Jin, Dang Jin, and Jing Si to protect him and meet Li Yun.

Li Yun also kept his promise and brought three entourages to meet him, and the hundreds of cavalry who escorted him also stayed behind several hundred paces.

The two sides met in the middle of the two armies, across a knee-deep creek.

Naturally, the stream couldn't stop people and horses, but both sides stopped tacitly and followed the ten-step wide stream without moving forward.

It was the first time that Shi Congyun met Li Yun who was opposite him. The old man in military uniform was not as strong as he thought, but rather skinny, even more so than the three guards beside him.

One of Shi Congyun's great motivations for coming here is to see what Li Yun looks like. After all, he is also a character. After seeing him, he was a little disappointed. He just looks like an ordinary old man.

Then he took the lead on horseback, "Li Jieshuai, why bother to rebel, now that the king's master has arrived, I will give you a chance, surrender, and spare you the death penalty."

Li Yun on the other side laughed loudly after hearing this: "Don't you think that the old man came to surrender when he saw you!

I just want to see what the kid who has been the most popular in these years looks like, and see how long you can still be famous.

To tell you the truth, there are [-] elite soldiers, and I have the advantage, so you can't leave today.

I think you have at most 3 to [-] horses, and you are arrogant and arrogant, and you come to Zezhou. My army is within five miles of you. "

Chapter 323, Liu Jiye

Shi Congyun looked at the arrogant old man with half-white hair and beard opposite him, thinking that people often say that Li Yun is irritable and less intelligent, but now it seems that he is quite capable, after all, he has been fighting against the Northern Han and Khitan all year round.

After he finished speaking, Shi Congyun said directly: "Don't talk nonsense, you are not an opponent, and the reason to ask you to surrender is not because you are afraid of having too many soldiers, but because you are pitiful.

You are not young, and you have made great contributions to defending the country. Even if you raise troops, you still know that you will not collude with the Khitan people, which is considered a integrity, so I allow you to surrender. "

As soon as this remark came out, Li Yun's face was very ugly, but the expressions of the two ministers beside him flickered.

"Bullshit, you have few soldiers, yet you dare to speak out!" Li Yun was furious. At the beginning, he directly reported that he had an army of [-]. In addition to his arrogant personality, he also meant to intimidate him. Unexpectedly, the other party was not only not afraid, but also full of big words. , persuaded him to surrender.

"Hmph, I don't need you to teach me, I can make my own decisions, I ask Khitan for help, I'm still shameless! It's not a wolf-hearted and shameless thing!" Li Yun said loudly, and glanced at the general on the left.

"If you don't know what's good or bad, then don't blame me!"

The military commander's face turned ugly, and he stopped talking.

Guo Jin whispered beside him: "Li Yun is insulting him, that person is Liu Jun's adopted son Liu Jiye."

Shi Congyun immediately understood that the Northern Han Kingdom recognized the Khitan Emperor as their father, and they were their own emperors and nephews. So the adopted son of the Northern Han ruler was not the grandson of the Khitan people.

Li Yun is satirizing the generals of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Seeing the small actions among the allies, Shi Congyun suddenly felt relieved. If the interior is not in order, the war will be difficult to fight. This is an eternal truth.

And Liu Jun put his trusted adopted son in Li Yun's army, obviously he did not trust Li Yun, and he meant to supervise the army.

Li Yun over there said seriously: "I am not satisfied with two things in this life!

One is to let you, a little thief, usurp the Great Zhou Dynasty. Why do you have it.

The second is that the Khitan dogs have not been dealt with. When you are defeated and regain the country, next year I will lead an army of hundreds of thousands, go north to flatten Youzhou, and capture the emperor of the Liao Kingdom to the Central Plains to show the public! "

Li Yun spoke with great momentum, and.

However, Shi Congyun hissed endlessly, because many tyrants in history, even in ancient and modern China and abroad, many of them were committed to improving the country and people's lives in action, and did some careers, but they didn't have a strategy to do things. I don't know the priorities, and I don't know what to do. I don't have enough brains to put it bluntly.

As a result, orders are often changed day by day, the country is in chaos, and the people are unbearable.

Kindness is good, but the kindness of ordinary people is commendable, but it is not so simple to rise to a higher height. Li Yun is probably such a person.

Everyone said that he was irritable and acted rashly, but after talking about it a while ago, Shi Congyun found that this person had his own simple concept of right and wrong, and he was very persistent.

For example, even if he rebelled, even if he united with the Northern Han Dynasty, he still asked the Northern Han Dynasty not to ask Khitan for assistance, otherwise he would be pulled down.

But just relying on this simple concept of right and wrong, or simple morality and ethics, Li Yun is destined to be difficult to achieve great things. Besides, if he is the lord of the country, he will definitely not be a wise lord, but a tyrant.

In this way, he also understood that he could not persuade Li Yun like this, and there was no third way to go.

Shi Congyun looked at the weather-beaten and arrogant old man on the opposite side, and said directly: "Okay, you can say what you want, you and I will go back to the camp separately, and we will start fighting in half an hour, success or failure will be determined by ourselves.

Come here if you want to surrender within half an hour. As long as you go to Daliang as an official, you will not embarrass your family. I advise you to surrender early, you are not an opponent. "

After finishing speaking, he ignored them at all, beat his horse and turned around, and then hundreds of steps away, many elite Qin army cavalry stepped up one after another, and retreated in an orderly manner with the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

Qin Jun even retreated batch by batch, guarding batch by batch, in an orderly manner, and Li Yun and the officials around him were stunned for a while.

Looking at the Qin army slowly retreating to the south, the tall and tall Liu Jiye had a complicated complexion and mixed feelings in his heart.

Li Yun's cynicism made him very embarrassed, and thinking about his elder brother's deeds made him feel even more sad, and he was in a trance for a while.

The short meeting of about two minutes just now also left him with a deep impression on Shi Congyun, the current master of the Central Plains, the emperor of Qin.

I just feel that he is young, but he has an extraordinary bearing. It is said that his deeds of victorious battles seem to be more real now. Yes, such a king who does not change his face when the mountains collapse in front of him is more like Over the years, he has been a legendary figure who has opened up territories and conquered lands one after another.

"Just too young..." he thought.

Somewhat worried, he rode back with Li Yun on horseback, and said to Liu Jixun, Li Yun's confidant next to him: "The Lord Qin's soldiers seem to have at most 3 to [-] horses. Isn't he afraid? On the contrary, he looks full of confidence."

In fact, he was also very puzzled, there were too many legends about Shi Congyun, but his soldiers were indeed much less, and he didn't know where his confidence came from, but he couldn't feel a little contempt, which made him even more nervous .

Even Liu Jiye himself can't tell, maybe it's because of Shi Congyun's great reputation, maybe it's because of his calm performance, the demeanor of a monarch convinced him, no matter what, he was actually a little nervous or even worried, worried that the [-] people on his side The army is not its opponent.

Thinking calmly, this kind of worry is a bit inexplicable, even inappropriate, but he just has such a worry.

Liu Jixun glanced at him: "I think he is pretending to be calm, and there may be backup behind him."

Liu Jiye shook his head. Before the battle started, they sent out scouts, and they knew the general situation within tens of miles around. They didn't see other Qin troops, and they couldn't hide their movements when there were too many people.

"Impossible, that's all they have." They said that they had already returned to the main formation, and Xiping Wang Liyun led people to boost morale and deploy troops.

The two sides agreed to start the battle half an hour later. This time it was a face-to-face confrontation. The army at the rear began to dispatch, and a large number of people moved slowly, and began to approach the large formation of the Qin army.

Liu Jixun spread his hands: "The devil knows, anyway, we have a large number of people, and we have won more than half of this game." He followed Li Yun on horseback to mobilize the troops.

The distance between the two armies is four or five miles, which is obviously not a suitable distance for combat. Generally, they will approach within one mile before the battle begins.

Qin's army was small and he didn't intend to move, so Li Yun came down quickly. The army headed south, and the front line slowly moved forward, approaching the enemy actively.

This is a very reasonable decision. They have a large number of people, and they approached Qin Jun with great psychological pressure just by relying on their numbers.

Because of the large number of people, and the officers and generals also advertised that they have 6 people, while the Qin army on the opposite side has only [-]!

Liu Jiye has a lot of experience. He knows that the Qin army on the opposite side is definitely more than [-], and there may be more than [-], and their frontal force is about [-]. The rest is a reserve team. It is impossible to wait behind the mountain in the west. There are sixty thousand.

But most people can't see it, there are no numbers, especially ordinary soldiers, it is even more impossible to see how many people are on the other side at a glance.

Being in the formation, I don't know how many people are on my side. I can only listen to the general idea. The generals did this to encourage the soldiers and eliminate their fear.

For a while, rumors spread that the enemy had [-] troops and our own [-]. The morale of the army's front line was high, and many soldiers clamored to enter the formation and kill the emperor of Qin.

This recipe is very effective. The army at the front began to have high morale sooner, thinking about the advance of the Qin army in the south. Everyone was full of confidence, because the soldiers felt that it was equivalent to six fighting the Qin army with two. reason.

Chapter 324, Shi Congyun's Artillery Tactics ([-])

The wind blows the yellow sand, and a large number of flying sand and rocks come with dead grass and leaves, hitting the face and making people blind.

Liu Jiye worried about this for a long time. The weather has a great influence on the battle, especially the wind. The wind on the battlefield can blind people's eyes and find the north. In many cases, it can directly determine the outcome of the war.

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