Liu Qing nodded: "The thinking of the older generation is different from that of our young people."

"Has your mother ever urged you to get married?" Nian Fengyan asked.

"That's not true," Liu Qing said, "She just wants to have a grandson, she doesn't care that much about whether I get married or not."

When he said this, he couldn't help but glance at Ye Wanrong who was sitting next to him as the background board.

Ye Wanrong was listening to music with headphones on, with no expression on her face.

Nian Fengyan was dumbfounded by Liu Qing's answer. After a while, he gave a thumbs up and said, "The rich people's ideas are awesome!"

If you don't get married, you don't need to divide the family property. This idea is really awesome.

It is not surprising that young people have such thoughts, but it is rare for an elderly person to have such thoughts.

——After all, the traditional Chinese concept is to start a family and start a business, and starting a family is even more important before starting a business. Family is very important.

Liu Qing thought to herself: "What's so awesome? It's not because I have experienced such a thing that I have such an idea."

It's just that there is no way to share this thing with friends.

Nian Fengyan asked curiously again: "Even if a child of a wealthy family like you wants to get married, you probably can't help yourself. It should be the same as the marriage in ancient times. Find someone who is of the right family to marry, right?"

His imagination of the so-called wealthy is all based on Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television works, so it is not surprising to have such a view.

Liu Qing shook her head with a smile: "Not at all, my mother never said that."

As he was talking, suddenly his cell phone rang.

It shows an unknown phone number.

Couldn't help frowning.

He always received some strange calls, either to sell tea, or to ask if his house was for sale, which annoyed him very much.

In the past, he set his mobile phone not to answer calls from strangers. Now that he wants to set up a mask factory, there are many things in business. It is impossible not to answer calls from strangers, so he canceled that setting.

Then there was more phone harassment.

Among the ten calls received, at least eight were harassing calls.

But for the sake of two potentially useful calls, he had to accept the harassment of those harassing calls.

Seeing this strange number, he thought it was probably a harassing call, but he had to answer it.

——What if something really happened?

When the phone was connected, I didn't speak at first, I wanted to hear the other party speak, and then I decided whether to hang up or not.

After waiting for five seconds, the other party didn't speak. He felt a little surprised. It didn't look like a harassing phone call, and it didn't look like someone was looking for his phone.

A thought suddenly came to mind: "Could it be, that woman called?"

The woman he was thinking of was, of course, Huo Zhenzhen who had been with him for several months.

As soon as this idea comes out, countless pictures fill up in my mind:

"That woman must have seen the content I posted in Moments, and she has realized that I am not pretending to be rich, but actually rich."

"She regrets it now. She must have called me because she wanted to get back together with me."

"She knew that I wouldn't answer her call, so she called me from an unfamiliar number. Well, this number shows Yangcheng, so she thinks I won't be able to guess it's her."

"Hehe, do you think I'm as stupid as her?"

"The phone was connected, but she didn't speak, she must be brewing emotions. When I asked who it was first, she replied 'it's me' hoarsely, and she would cry."

"She started making up stories for me when I was too shocked to hang up the phone."

"She will definitely make up reasons, deny her relationship with her manager, then apologize for her previous attitude towards me, and then cry bitterly on the phone, saying that she still loves me, she can't do without me, and hopes that I Get back together with her."

"Hehe, is it possible?"

"I will simply reject her!"

"Mock her ruthlessly!"

"Hit her hard!"

"The me back then, you ignored me, but the me now, you can't afford it!"

"I want her to live in regret for the rest of her life!"

Thinking of this, he lifted his spirits, stood up, smiled apologetically at Nian Fengyan, and said that he was going to leave here to answer the phone.

Nian Fengyan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, signaling to him that it's okay to go.

Liu Qing left here, walked to an empty corner, and asked in a low voice, "Who are you? What can you do with me?"

Although his voice seemed a little deep, he was very happy inside, as happy as if he was about to celebrate the New Year.

"I'm Su Qi," a woman's voice was on the phone, her voice was a little hoarse, "I'm in Pengcheng now, do you have time? I want to talk to you."

It's not Huo Zhenzhen, it's Su Qi.

No wonder the displayed number is from Yangcheng.

Liu Qing's mood suddenly became extremely lost.

He was still thinking that this time he could finally be proud in front of that woman, but he didn't expect that the woman on the phone was not the woman he thought of, but the woman named Su Qi.

Unhappily asked: "What are you talking to me about? Is it not convenient to talk on the phone?"

"I think it's better for us to meet and talk," Su Qi's voice was a little tired, "Of course, if you don't even have the courage to come and meet me, then forget it."

Liu Qing was puzzled: "I said sister, I just don't want to meet you. I am drinking afternoon tea with my friend now. I don't think meeting you is more important than drinking afternoon tea with my friend. You How did you come up with an answer that I don't have the courage to meet you? It takes courage to meet you, hehe, are you afraid that you will be too ugly and will scare me? I said big girl, are you right? How insecure do you look like?"

"Don't bark," Su Qi said flatly, "I'm a few months older than you, and I'm not ugly, I'm quite pretty."

"Okay, Sister Su," Liu Qing remonstrated, "Then I would like to ask you, beautiful Sister Su, since you are not ugly, why do you think I need courage to meet you? Is there any danger in seeing you? Could it be that what you are setting up is a banquet at the Hongmen, and five hundred knives and axes are ambushing under the tent, just waiting for you to throw a cup as a sign and chop me into minced meat?"

"I'm in the shallow sea, can't you make it through?" Su Qi didn't have the idea of ​​arguing with him, "If you're afraid that I'll bury the knife and axe, send me a location and I'll go find you."

"Tch, who is afraid of whom?" Liu Qing said disdainfully, "Tell me where you are in Qianhai, and I will go meet you for a while!"

Chapter 137 Ask Ding Yun for Instructions

After making the phone call, Su Qi added Liu Qing's WeChat account and sent him a location, a certain hotel in Qianhai.

Liu Qing walked up to Nian Fengyan, and said sorry to him:

"Old man, I'm so sorry, I have something to do and I have to leave first, so I can't stay here with you."

Nian Fengyan smiled and said, "It's okay, what should you do?"

Then he winked at him again, and said with a smile:

"You're in such a hurry, is it because a beautiful woman has an appointment?"

Although Ye Wanrong was wearing earphones, her eyes were still on Liu Qing.

"What a beautiful woman?" Liu Qing snorted, "It's just the eldest sister who wants to talk to me about something. I don't know what it is, anyway, let's talk about it."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Ye Wanrong's earphones, motioned her to take them off, and said after she took them off:

"Take me to the shallow sea, I want to meet someone and talk about something."

Ye Wanrong let out an oh, put away her earphones, stood up, and left with Liu Qing.

She is Liu Qing's bodyguard and driver. As a bodyguard, of course she has to protect her personally, so she also followed when Nian Fengyan invited Liu Qing to drink tea.

However, it is not convenient for her to listen to the chat between two people, so she simply puts on the earphones and listens to the music, which does not seem boring, but also tells the two people who are chatting-you can chat at ease, I can’t hear anything .

This can also avoid some embarrassment.

It's not that she likes listening to music so much.

Of course, she did this because Nian Fengyan and Liu Qing had a good relationship, and she didn't care about her listening to the song.

If Liu Qing met a strange guest, of course she would not do such a seemingly rude thing.

In fact, although she was wearing headphones, she was not actually listening to music, she just made the two of them think she was listening to music.

As a bodyguard, good hearing is also one of the guarantees for timely detection of danger. If you really wear headphones to listen to music, it is difficult to detect danger in time when it comes. It is a very unprofessional thing.

After getting into the car, Ye Wanrong asked Liu Qing who the other party was, set up the navigation, and drove in that direction.

Liu Qing sat in the passenger seat, and put on her seat belt consciously after getting in the car.

He didn't have such a habit before, and he wouldn't wear his seat belt if others didn't remind him.

Later, Ye Wanrong reminded her many times, and she has developed the habit of wearing a seat belt when getting in the car.

"Who are you going to meet?" Ye Wanrong asked such a question while driving the car, "Is it not convenient for me to go with you? If it is not convenient, I will stay in the car and not hinder your meeting."

Speaking of this, the main reason is to hear Nian Fengyan say whether a beautiful woman has an appointment.

Personal bodyguards often have to follow them closely, but it is obviously not suitable for the boss to follow when he is dating a girl.

"Su Qi," Liu Qing replied, "The president of Tianyuan Group, after all, is my half-sister."

Ye Wanrong was amused by Liu Qing's half-sister.

After laughing, I wanted to understand who Su Qi was.

That was a person like Ding Yun who felt a headache when he mentioned it, and he was also Liu Qing's biggest competitor.

I couldn't help reminding Liu Qing: "When you meet her, why don't you ask your mother first?"

Liu Qing was depressed: "It's just a one-time meeting, does this also need to be approved by my mother?"

"I suggest that you better call your mother and talk about this matter," Ye Wanrong said, "Think about it, what is your relationship with that President Su, you don't even tell your mother when you meet her , what would your mother think if she found out?"

Liu Qing thought about it carefully, mainly considering Ding Yun's character, and suddenly felt that Ye Wanrong's words made sense, so she took out her mobile phone and called Ding Yun.

When the phone was connected, Ding Yun's voice came over:

"I was thinking of calling you at night to ask if you would stay in Pengcheng or come to me for the National Day. I didn't expect you to call. You don't have any arrangements for the National Day?"

"No arrangement," Liu Qing said, "I'm going to finish my work here and go to Mom's place tomorrow afternoon."

On the other side of the phone, Ding Yun's laughter came over, and it was obvious that she was very happy with Liu Qing's answer:

"That's fine, you come here early tomorrow, and I'll ask Sister Chen to cook more delicious food tonight. By the way, does the short girl who lives with you have someone to accompany her for the holidays? If not, you can bring her here too. It's pitiful to be outside alone."

Liu Qing was a little surprised by these words, she didn't expect that Ding Yun, who didn't like Xiao Wen at first, would make such an invitation.

——Could it be that you really want to hug your grandson and want to go crazy?Don't you care that Xiaowen is short?

But he also felt that it was really pitiful to leave Xiaowen alone in Pengcheng for the festival.

He said: "I'll tell her, if she has no objection, I'll take her there too."

"Okay, let me know before you come, so that Sister Chen can prepare one more meal." Ding Yun said.

"Mom, I'm calling to tell you something." Liu Qing finally got to the point.

"what's up?"

Ding Yun was a little surprised.

She thought her son was calling to tell her that he was going back to spend the holiday with her tomorrow.

Liu Qing said: "Su Qi called me just now, and I don't know where she got my mobile phone number. She told me that she is in Pengcheng now and asked me to meet and talk."

Ding Yun suddenly became alert: "What does she want to talk to you about?"

"I don't know what she wants to talk to me," Liu Qing said depressedly, "I don't even want to meet her, but she said on the phone that I don't have the courage to meet her, so I agreed I met her. But when I think about it now, I feel that I was too impulsive at that time. What can I talk to her about? Mom, tell me, do you want me to meet her? "

Although he has already decided to meet Su Qi, but to call Ding Yun, he must show respect to Ding Yun, and let her decide whether he wants to meet Su Qi.

His own mother has also experienced a lot of things. I am afraid that there is no one in this world that she can really trust. He does not want Ding Yun to suspect that he and Su Qi have any secret collusion.

Ding Yun was silent for a while, and said: "Since you have already agreed to meet her, you should go. You are going to be in charge of the Tianyuan Group in the future, so you can't even have the courage to meet her. Especially if you have already promised her, and Don’t dare to go there, if word spreads, you will lose the qualification to be in charge of Tianyuan Group.”

"Then," Liu Qing said tentatively, "I'll go see her?"

"Well, go see her." Ding Yun said.

After a pause, he added:

"But you have to pay attention to safety. There may not be any danger to see her, but you have to let Ye Wanrong stay in your car, lest you are not here, and someone tampers with your car."

Chapter 138 Goodbye Su Qi

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