——Yes, in Liu Qing's mind, Nian Fengyan is a pioneer, but he didn't persevere to the end.

Without the support of this pioneer in the past two years, Liu Qing could not have easily obtained such a well-established mask factory.

The relationship between him and Nian Fengyan is mutual gratitude, and they feel guilty towards each other, thinking that they have cheated each other.

With this kind of mentality, the relationship between the two is still very good. Although the transaction of the mask factory has been completed, the friendship has been maintained and the relationship is getting better and better.

If Liu Qing had any doubts about the production process of the mask factory, as long as he asked Nian Fengyan, Nian Fengyan would know everything and talk endlessly, wishing to put all his experience into Liu Qing's mind.

Sometimes, Nian Fengyan would complain to Liu Qing.

On this day, Nian Fengyan asked Liu Qing to drink afternoon tea in a teahouse, and poured bitter water on him:

"I found that I'm really unlucky now, so I don't have to pay for it. Didn't I receive the money from you to buy my mask factory a while ago? At that time, people in the currency circle said that Bitcoin would rise and skyrocket, and then I Just use that sum of money to buy bitcoins.”

Liu Qing looked at him suspiciously: "Could it be lost again?"

Nian Fengyan blushed, and said with a wry smile, "It's a loss, it's a big loss!"

On September 9, his mask factory was officially transferred to Liu Qing. In the afternoon of that day, Liu Qing received a transfer of more than 3 million yuan.

Then all of them were used to buy bitcoins the next day.

Two days before that, Bitcoin was indeed rising, from more than $9000 to more than $300.

When he used all that money to buy bitcoins, it rose to $590.

At this rate, he felt that he could earn a million dollars soon and prove his investment ability to his parents.

As a result, the number 10597 became the highest peak so far.

It was falling down the next day.

At the beginning, I didn’t lose much. Anyway, I was bouncing around more than [-] dollars. Although there was a loss, the loss was affordable.

However, on September 9th, it fell below the 24 mark, only more than 700.

On September 9, it fell below the 25 mark, only more than 500.

By September 9th, there were only eight thousand and eighty-nine.

His heart was twisted into a twist.

Starting with more than 1 dollars, in less than a month, it became only about 20.00 dollars, a loss of more than [-]%.

This is a bigger loss than his investment in the mask factory.

So much so that Liu Qing Zhang Luo on the 27th was not in the mood to attend the gathering of the second-generation demolitionists and the anchors of Tianyuan Media.

One is not in the mood, and the other is out of money.

It was the second day that he felt uneasy again - Liu Qing, a rich second generation, invited them to join him, and everyone else went, but he didn't participate, which seemed a bit too disrespectful at this time.

So, I invited Liu Qing out for afternoon tea, and poured out my bitterness by the way.

When it comes to depression, the eye sockets are red.

——He just wanted to prove his investment vision, but he lost money for doing this and that for doing that.

Why is it so difficult to prove yourself?

The only good thing is that he didn't listen to other people's words and increase leverage investment.

Otherwise, people will be lost now.

Liu Qing is not familiar with the currency circle, but it still feels a little strange to hear Nian Fengyan say this.

He has the memory of the next two years, knowing that Bitcoin will rise a lot in a certain period of time in the future. For a while, the topic of buying coins is discussed everywhere. Many people regret not investing earlier and missed such a sudden wealth. Chance.

He still thought that after investing in the mask factory, he still had money left, so he would use it to invest in this.

But from what Nian Fengyan said, this is a big pit.

He doesn't know the specific time point when the price of Bitcoin rose, but he only knows that it rose to more than [-] dollars later.

He always thought it was a steady growth curve, but now it seems that the fluctuations during this period are quite large, and he still loses money.

Comforting Nian Fengyan: "Investing in this kind of thing depends on the long-term. Don't be obsessed with a temporary loss. You can treat it as nothing. Just keep holding it. It will definitely rise in the future."

Nian Fengyan said with a sad face: "I am worried that if I continue to hold it, I will lose all my capital. Brother Qing, you are the prince of Tianyuan Group. Do you have any good investment channels to introduce to me? I will give those coins to you. Sell ​​it and do something else."

Liu Qing looked at Nian Fengyan with a sad face, although she felt that he was very pitiful, she still wanted to laugh.

This buddy is also a capable person.

In fact, his foresight is there, but he is a little too advanced, beyond what he can support to the end.

The mask market that he saw two years ago, if he can persist for another half a year, will definitely shine, turning him from a failed investor into a successful entrepreneur.

Investing in Bitcoin actually has a very good future. As long as you continue to hold it, you will have several times the profit in the future.

But this guy was about to give up again.

——He not only entered ahead of time, but also exited a little too early.

This is simply the guiding light of the industry.

It's just that this bright light happens to go out every time when the dawn is approaching.

"I don't know which industry this guy will invest in in the future," Liu Qing thought, "After he loses money, I have to find a way to enter that industry."

Chapter 135

"I don't care about the affairs of the group now," Liu Qing said honestly to Nian Fengyan, "You know that I don't know much about these things in the business world, and I came here just to try my hand and learn Something. I don't know much about the group's investment."

Nian Fengyan was somewhat disappointed.

But after thinking about it, it makes sense—Liu Qing really knows where Tianyuan Group is investing now, so how could it be possible to spend so much money to invest in a mask factory?

It is scary to think about investing hundreds of millions of dollars in an industry with little market prospect.

He felt that Liu Qing was a young man who was still in the rebellious stage, unwilling to be mediocre, and wanted to get rid of the shackles of his family and start a career by himself.

That's why I chose to start a business in Pengcheng.

It is also an Internet celebrity company and a mask factory, hoping to prove its ability through its own independent operating company.

"Just like me back then." He thought to himself.

Then he asked Liu Qing: "Now that media company of yours is doing pretty well, do you still need to invest? If necessary, I will cash out the bitcoins I bought and use them to invest in your company."

Liu Qing shook her head: "There is no need to invest now, and this company has no foundation now, and it will be losing money for a considerable period of time in the foreseeable future. I am afraid this will not satisfy your desire to make quick money."

"Is the discomfort handled well?" Nian Fengyan asked doubtfully, "I heard that you sold pretty well yesterday."

"More investment." Liu Qing smiled wryly, "Yesterday, the number of people online in the live broadcast room was quite high, but every number of people online was spent with money."

He explained to Nian Fengyan the platform promotion mechanism, how to gain popularity, and how to consolidate popularity.

Finally, he gave Nian Fengyan a bottom line:

"This morning, Lao Qin gave me an estimate, that is, this September, our company's loss has reached more than 30. If the live broadcast of selling goods failed yesterday, the loss will be even greater, about 80. Wan looks like."

This startled Nian Fengyan, and immediately lost his interest in investing.

Liu Qing is rich and powerful, so she can afford to lose this little money.

With that little money in total, more than 300 million has shrunk to more than 200 million, and if he loses more, it will become more than 100 million, so he dare not invest.

He hesitated and said, "I'll sell those coins and deposit them for a fixed term, won't it be better?"

Liu Qing smiled, shook her head and said, "How much money can there be?"

After hesitating for a while, I still couldn't help reminding Nian Fengyan: "Actually, your vision is correct, but you can't persevere. As long as you can persevere, you can succeed."

Nian Fengyan raised his eyebrows: "Brother Qing, what do you mean, this bitcoin will go up?"

"It will definitely go up," Liu Qing said, "If you can hold it for a year or two, the income will definitely turn you around."

"Then why don't you buy it?" Nian Fengyan asked suspiciously.

Liu Qing smiled: "I didn't say not to buy it, but now my focus is on investing in the industry. When the mask factory stabilizes, I can consider investing."

"So, should I continue to hold it?" Nian Fengyan's tone was full of uncertainty.

"Just pretend it doesn't exist, forget its existence, and live the life you want to live." Liu Qing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Wait another year or two, and you can go to see it again. If it can be doubled or tripled, come to me, and I will make up the number for you!"

Saying this, I mainly feel that I have stolen Nian Fengyan's dream and his upcoming highlight moment. I feel a little guilty in my heart, and I feel that I should use my ability to predict the next two years to help the other party.

Otherwise, when facing Nian Fengyan, he would feel ashamed after all.

Although, he didn't buy Nian Fengyan's mask factory, Nian Fengyan was so anxious to make a move, he might sell the mask factory at a low price before the epidemic came.

Even if Nian Fengyan hadn't sold the mask factory and hadn't made preparations in advance, after the epidemic came, it would be difficult to do much because of insufficient raw material storage.

But no matter how I find reasons for myself, I still have some guilt, so I encourage Nian Fengyan to continue holding with this firm attitude.

Since he is on the right path, give him more confidence and let him continue on.

Hearing what Liu Qing said, Nian Fengyan was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Since Brother Qing said so, then I won't sell it, and continue to hold it for a year or two."

He added: "If I'm really going to lose money, I'm sure I won't let Brother Qing make up for me. There's no such thing in the world. Although my Nian Fengyan doesn't have much money, I'm not as shameless as I am. Really. I'm sorry, Brother Qing, you can just find me a young model to accompany me for a night."

In fact, he is not so short of money. He collects all the rent of his family, and he uses the rent he receives. There are tens of thousands of yuan a month, and his life is very easy.

During this period of struggle, I mainly fell into a very serious self-doubt, thinking that I am a bad god.

Do what fails.

He was too eager to prove himself, but failed repeatedly. Instead of proving his ability, he only proved that he was incapable.

Once a person gets into the tip of the horn and enters the trough of emotion, it is difficult to get out of it.

Liu Qing's encouragement is very important to him.

Of course he would not think that Liu Qing would make it up if he didn't earn so much money, he wasn't that short of money yet, even if he lost all his money, he wouldn't do such a thing, and couldn't afford to lose that person.

It is mainly through Liu Qing's promise that he understands that Liu Qing is not talking politely, but really thinks his choice is correct.

This gave him great comfort.

Sometimes, a sentence of encouragement to a person who is in a low mood is a ray of sunshine shining through the darkness, which can illuminate the whole person.

"Even people at Brother Qing's level think that my vision is correct, why should I doubt myself?" he thought.

Some things just work that way.

When I can't figure it out, I feel that the whole world is bullying me.

If you figure it out, you will find that everything is nothing more than that.

Seeing that there were no more entanglements on his face, Liu Qing also smiled, and agreed with a smile: "Where is one tender model enough? At least two!"

To untie Nian Fengyan's heart knot is to untie his own guilt knot towards Nian Fengyan.

As long as Nian Fengyan really holds the bitcoins in his hands for two years, the more than 300 million can become more than 1000 million.

That was his reward.

When I wanted to buy this mask factory, I didn't think so, I just wanted to buy it as soon as possible.

After buying it, the sense of guilt that took away one's future became more and more serious.

Otherwise, he would not have proposed to reserve some shares in the mask factory for Nian Fengyan.

Unfortunately, the frightened Nian Fengyan refused.

Now, being able to persuade Nian Fengyan to continue to hold Bitcoin can be regarded as an end to the guilt in his heart.

Perhaps, his mentality is not suitable for mixing in the market.

But at least it made him feel a little more comfortable.

That's enough.

Chapter 136 That Woman's Phone

Nian Fengyan's heart knot was untied by Liu Qing, and he became much more cheerful.

The chat between the two has also become easier, and it is no longer full of negative energy as before.

Nian Fengyan talked about how he was forced into marriage by his parents:

"My parents really want to have a grandson. They force me to go on blind dates several times a month. They also tell me that if I get married and have children, they will give me 500 million. But I really don't want to get married. I Why are you bound by marriage at such a young age?"

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