Chapter 117 His Dream, Her Dream

According to Ye Wanrong, her younger brother Ye Mo is a martial arts idiot. When he was a few years old, he began to practice basic skills with his father who opened a martial arts gym.

I don't pay much attention to reading, but I am very obsessed with practicing martial arts.

Ye Wanrong is also very interested in these, and this is a large part of the reason why she applied for the Beijing Sports University.

In Beijing Sports University, she entered the Wushu Academy to major in Sanda.

Every time I go home, I will teach her brother to practice Sanda.

Under her influence, Ye Mo started practicing Sanda when he was in junior high school.

But that's not professional training.

He didn't pass the college entrance examination, so he directly entered the city's Sanda team to practice Sanda.

——The provincial team didn't win the competition, and they didn't have a relationship with the coach. If they couldn't get in, the city team could still make do. After all, his father was also in that circle before, with some connections, and his own strength was not bad.

This year, I signed up to participate in the provincial Sanda competition, the 75kg class, and the competition is still in progress, but I have successfully entered the semi-finals.

In Ye Wanrong's words, there is no pressure at all to win the provincial Sanda championship.

But what Ye Mo wants most is to fight in the UFC ring.

Ye Wanrong also supported him.

Because Ye Wanrong thought he had that strength, he was born to belong to that stage.

Just one thing, that arena is not something that anyone can enter if they want to. To fight all the way through, to hire professional coaches, to conduct professional high-intensity training, it takes a lot of money.

——No matter how powerful a genius is, without good conditions for professional training, it is impossible to win in that ring, or even stand on that ring.

Ye Wanrong came out to be a personal bodyguard in order to help her younger brother realize his dream.

——She originally wanted to take the editorial exam.

After listening to it, Liu Qing asked, "Then do you count as a helper demon?"

Ye Wanrong shook her head: "It doesn't count."

After a while of silence, he said again:

"Because that is also my dream, but I later found out that I don't have that talent. He has that dream, and it was instilled in me. I hope he can help me realize that dream. It is his dream, and it is also mine. Dream, I should support it."

Liu Qing shook her head and said with a smile: "You guys are still living a good life, and you still want to chase your dreams."

"Otherwise?" Ye Wanrong said, "One should realize one's own value in one's life."

"Why don't you eat minced meat?" Liu Qing said, "For the vast majority of people, the value of living a lifetime is living a lifetime."

He was deeply touched by this.

Because for the past ten years, he has struggled at the bottom.

Those at the bottom are thinking about how to earn living expenses, and many of them dare not even think about marrying a wife, let alone realizing their dreams—especially the kind of dreams that have nothing to do with making money.

For many people, life is about being born and living.

Everyone has dreams, but there are very few who can persist after adulthood.

That thing is too extravagant.

Ye Wanrong said: "However, if you have that opportunity, you still won't want to give up?"

"So for this opportunity, you want to participate in that 500 million project?" Liu Qing asked.

In order to realize such a dream, he actually agreed to give birth to a child for someone he had never met. If it wasn't for Fudimo, he wouldn't even know what Fudimo was.

Ye Wanrong nodded and admitted: "I have that idea, but I have been hesitating all the time. So what I told your mother is that you don't accept coercion, only I agree."

Liu Qing asked: "You want to support your brother in this way, does your brother know?"

"He doesn't know, and it's impossible for me to let him know." Ye Wanrong said, "This kid has a lot of self-esteem. He thinks that he is the pillar of the family. He wants to earn money so that everyone in the family can live a good life, not Let the people in the family earn money to give him a good life. He must be ashamed to know that I do this."

After finishing speaking, he smiled again: "Actually, I don't think there is any shame. If I meet a pretty good man, I think it's fine to have a child with him. As for the ownership of the child, I really don't care about it." I also believe that children will be happier if they grow up in a rich family. As for myself, I am destined not to be a good wife and mother, and I am too lazy to raise children. This is a good choice for me.”

Liu Qing nodded, and said, "Your mentality is quite good. If you keep this mentality, you will live a chic life."

In the past, he didn't like women with that kind of mentality. He felt that such a woman could sell her body for money, which was particularly immoral.

He even thinks that many low-level men can't marry wives because of the flood of thoughts.

However, since he became a rich man, he felt that such a woman was the best woman.

It's just a simple transaction, everyone gets what they need, and they don't make any entanglements, and don't mix any messy things into it.

This is so easy.

So he tentatively asked:

"Then what do you think of me now,"

Ye Wanrong glanced at him and said with a smile, "It didn't meet the standard."

Liu Qing was very disappointed.

Ye Wanrong explained: "When I went back this time, I knew that my younger brother had performed well in our provincial Sanda competition and had already been selected by the provincial Sanda team. After the competition, he will be allowed to enter the provincial team and train him well. , Play national competitions. And promised, as long as my brother can win the championship in the national Sanda competition, I will support him to play UFC."

Liu Qing looked disappointed: "So, you mean that your younger brother has been favored by a nobleman, so the 500 million project will be cancelled?"

"Well, that's what it means," Ye Wanrong nodded seriously, and said, "So don't mention the 500 million project to me in the future, and let's maintain our simple employment relationship."

"Uh, okay."

Liu Qing said with some embarrassment:

"Actually, I'm a very upright gentleman, and I don't have those messy thoughts. The main reason is that my mother is panicking at home and wants to have a grandson. You know, the old man's thoughts,"

"Indeed," Ye Wanrong said with a smile, "You are already at this age, not to mention children, and you can't even find a partner. Your mother should be worried."

"It's not that I can't find it, it's that I don't want to look for it," Liu Qing said depressingly.

Ye Wanrong laughed out loud.

This girl's way of thinking is different from ordinary people, when she smiles, she has a sense of heartiness.

Liu Qing looked at her side face and thought to herself:

"A woman like this should belong to the world in ancient times, right?"

After laughing, Ye Wanrong whispered again:

"Actually, I don't really want my younger brother to join the provincial team and stand on the stage with the help of the provincial team. I want to help him form a private team so that he has more freedom."

"Why?" Liu Qing asked, "Isn't it all for the realization of dreams?"

"The private team can accept failure after failure. The provincial team may fail once, so they won't be given another chance." Ye Wanrong said.


Chapter 118

When Ye Wanrong mentioned her younger brother, her face was full of pride, it seemed that she was really proud of her younger brother.

Liu Qing was quite envious of this.

He doesn't have brothers and sisters, so he can't feel such affection.

But having said that, if you really want to have brothers and sisters, what you have to face is not a family relationship, but a drama of fighting for family property.

Family affection is beautiful only when it does not threaten one's own interests.

Driving all the way back to Pengcheng, the two chatted all the way.

Liu Qing could feel that Ye Wanrong returned home once, her mood seemed to be much better, and she laughed more.

Maybe it's because her younger brother has the opportunity to enter the provincial Sanda team and has a better future, so she feels very happy.

The 500 million project that Ding Yun mentioned before is probably hopeless.

Say no regrets, that is a little regret.

Say how sorry, that's not it.

On the contrary, Ye Wanrong mentioned that her family belongs to that kind of martial arts family, and her father even opened a martial arts gym. Thinking of something, she suddenly became interested:

"Have you ever thought about letting your brother cooperate with my company and become our company's contract anchor?"

Ye Wanrong was stunned for a moment: "He just practiced Sanda, what kind of anchor is he? He doesn't understand that, and he doesn't have time to do that."

Liu Qing said: "It's not necessary to live broadcast every day, just shoot some short videos of martial arts and put them on the platform. If you can't attract fans, just play it. If you get fans, you can occasionally bring a product and live broadcast it. You can also earn some extra money."

"Can that have a future?" Ye Wanrong asked with a smile.

Some well-known "martial artists" on online platforms flashed through Liu Qing's mind, and he said with certainty: "As long as he has real kung fu and cooperates with our publicity, he must have a future. Maybe he will be praised as a martial arts Internet celebrity."

I'm just learning Sanda, so it's not very good to make videos.

But those who practice traditional martial arts routines can play very well.

Moreover, he has also seen the photos of Ye Wanrong's younger brother, the young man is indeed quite handsome, maybe after a few short videos are posted and promoted, he will be able to harvest a large number of fans.

"Then I have to ask him what he thinks first." Ye Wanrong said.

"Do a good job with him. From now on, entertainment will be the world of short videos. If you do it well, you can make not only small money, but also big money." Liu Qing bewitched her.

Ye Wanrong looked a little moved.

Liu Qing added: "Actually, I think you can do it too. The other day I saw you fighting very well. Many people like this now."

Ye Wanrong hesitated for a while, and finally shook her head: "I'll forget it, I'm quite satisfied with my current job, and I haven't thought about taking a part-time job."

Liu Qing smiled.

From her hesitation, it can be seen that this girl is still a little tempted.

Although I don't know why I refused, but as long as I have that idea, there is still a way to let her do this in the future.

She looks so pretty and also knows martial arts. If she wears an ancient costume and performs martial arts routines, it will definitely satisfy many old-fashioned fans' imagination of a heroine, and she can become popular on the Internet without spending too much money on packaging and promotion.

Liu Qing doesn't have any forward-looking vision. The only thing that can be called forward-looking is that he has some understanding of what will happen in the next year or two, and knows that short videos will become more and more popular.

The earlier you enter the industry, the easier it is to make money.

He didn't know how long Ye Wanrong's bodyguard could last. He hoped to sign a longer-term contract with this girl and have a longer-term cooperation.

He thought when could he have a good chat with Qin Kun.

Of course, let him get busy with the mask factory first.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the car drove into Hongjing Garden.

The two of them entered the elevator with large and small bags and went up to the fifteenth floor.

Those big and small bags are the clothes and shoes Ding Yun bought for Liu Qing the day before, worth 10,000+.

At the door, Liu Qing put down the shopping bag in her hand, took out the key and opened the door.

Then I heard music with a strong sense of rhythm coming from Xiaowen's bedroom.

Probably because the music was too loud, I didn't even hear the sound of them opening the door and coming in, and I didn't even come out to take a look.

Liu Qing couldn't help but said to Ye Wanrong:

"Let this person look after the house, and she won't even know that the thief has emptied the house."

Ye Wanrong pursed her lips and asked with a smile, "Are you a thief? A thief doesn't have a key to the house."

Liu Qing thought to herself: "I wish I was a thief. A thief is good-looking, a thief is rich, and a thief, um, is big."

The door of Xiaowen's bedroom was not closed, and Liu Qing couldn't help but walked over curiously, poked her head inside, and couldn't help but exclaimed:


In the bedroom, a girl in a Lolita outfit is looking at her mobile phone, dancing to the beat of the music.

lo skirt, short white socks, and a pair of small leather shoes.

The hands are compared to one side for a while, and then to the other side for a while, and the legs are also compared here and there, twisting to the rhythm of the music.

It looks pretty rhythmic.

Liu Qing often saw such videos before, so there was nothing to be surprised about.

What made him exclaim was because the girl who was learning to dance in a Lolita outfit was Xiaowen.

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