Ding Yun was silent for a while, and said: "From now on, every year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, our mother and I will spend it together."

"En." Liu Qing nodded.

After breakfast and rest for a while, Ding Yun asked Geng Xia to drive her and Liu Qing to the shopping mall, and bought some clothes and shoes for Liu Qing.

I feel that I owe this child too much, so I want to make up for him.

Some words are embarrassing to say, after all, she was the one who abandoned her seriously ill husband and this son who was still in junior high school for a better life, and now she said that she had multiple feelings and cared about this son, she felt it was fake.

It can only be compensated as much as possible materially.

All she has now is material things.

All of a sudden, I bought clothes and shoes worth 10,000+ for Liu Qing.

She still felt that what she had given was not enough, and she couldn't make up for what she owed her son back then.

When passing by a women's clothing brand store, Ding Yun suddenly stopped and asked Liu Qing:

"The little security guard who lives with you, do you want to buy some clothes for her?"

Liu Qing froze for a moment, and said, "Why did you buy it for her?"

"Aren't you friends?" Ding Yun said, "I think the clothes that girl wears are quite cheap. Why don't you buy some better clothes for her, and you will have more face when you go out together."

Liu Qing hesitated for a while, and said, "She's not here, so can I buy clothes?"

Ding Yun wanted to buy clothes for Xiaowen, which made him feel weird.

He could remember that when the two first met, Ding Yun hated Xiaowen very much.

Ding Yun said: "Can't you just ask her about her size?"


Liu Qing said, took out her mobile phone, took a photo of the brand store, and sent it to Xiaowen via WeChat:

"My mother and I went shopping here, and my mother said to buy some clothes of this brand for you, can you quote your size?"

After a while, Xiaowen replied:

"The clothes are too expensive. You tell auntie, I thank her for her kindness, and I don't want this clothes."

Liu Qing: "My mother wants to send you some."

Xiaowen: "Why don't you discount it now?"

Liu Qing showed Ding Yun the WeChat with a smile: "Mom, she doesn't want it, she wants cash."

Ding Yun couldn't help but also laughed, and sent a voice message on Liu Qing's account: "Okay, I'll give you a ten thousand red envelope, and let my son take it later, you can ask him for it."

Xiaowen quickly sent a shy expression:

"Auntie, I didn't mean that. I was just joking with Liu Qing. Don't let him bring red envelopes."

Ding Yun didn't reply any more, returned the phone to Liu Qing, and suddenly sighed: "This girl is also pretty good, it's a pity, she's too short."

Liu Qing said awkwardly: "Mom, we are really just friends, and will always be friends."

Ding Yun shook her head: "Where is there any friendship between men and women?"

Then he said to Liu Qing: "Why don't you ask the girl from the Ye family about her size and buy her some clothes."

Liu Qing felt that this was embarrassing, but there was no other way, so she sent Ye Wanrong a WeChat message, sending a photo of the brand store, and asked her about the size of her clothes.

Ye Wanrong quickly replied:

"Thank you boss, let's discount it."

Seeing her reply, Ding Yun also felt a little funny, and said to Liu Qing:

"Then you should bring her a red envelope when you go back."

I will not bring up this topic any more.


Chapter 116

On Saturday, which is the sixteenth day of the eighth lunar month, Liu Qing spent another day with Ding Yun.

I ate outside at noon, went for a walk along the Pearl River in the afternoon, and ate outside in the evening.

For Ding Yun, it was also a rare moment of peace.

After more than ten years of careful life, he regards pleasing people as his job.

After finally turning over, I don't have to look at other people's faces.

However, he found that there was no family by his side.

Now I have finally found my son who was abandoned by me more than ten years ago. Although there seems to be some estrangement between this son and myself, I feel that the estrangement is slowly fading.

More or less can also have a little comfort.

That day, Geng Xia took advantage of Ding Yun's absence and said to Liu Qing:

"The chairman has been very happy these two days. She hasn't been so happy for a long time. If you have time in the future, you should come and see the chairman more."

Liu Qing said: "Thank you for your reminder, I will remember."

After seeing those cousins ​​yesterday, Liu Qing had already made such a decision, and she would come here to visit more in the future.

"There are still competitors, so of course we have to perform well."

—He thought so.

In the evening, before going to bed, I chatted with Xiaowen on WeChat for a while.

Xiaowen asked him with some trepidation:

"Brother Qing, what does it mean that your mother suddenly wanted to send me clothes? Did she fall in love with me and want me to be his daughter-in-law? But I'm not ready yet!"

Liu Qing: "If you think too much, it's just a holiday gift. She also wants to give it to Ye Wanrong."

Xiaowen: "Who do you give it to first?"

Liu Qing: "You."

Xiaowen sent a shy expression: "Then I am the older one, and Sister Rong can only be regarded as the younger one."

"I said it's a holiday benefit," Liu Qing felt speechless.

Xiaowen: "I know, Sister Rong and I are giving you holiday benefits."

Liu Qing sent three emojis vomiting blood.

Xiaowen: "The black silk I bought has arrived, would you like to take a look?"

Liu Qing: "As I said, you are not suitable for wearing black silk."

Xiaowen: "The lace webpage I bought has arrived because it cannot be displayed. Would you like to take a look?"

Liu Qing: "Why did you buy those things?"

Xiaowen: "I'll show you how to wear it."

Liu Qing: "I have already said that you are not suitable for that style."

Xiaowen: "You just said whether you want to watch it or not? If you want to watch it, I will take a picture for you. If you don't watch it, I will go to sleep."

Liu Qing hesitated for a while before replying:

"In order to eliminate your blind self-confidence, I think it is still obligatory to criticize and post it."

After a while, Xiaowen sent a few photos over.

The background of that photo is all on the bed.

The newly disassembled black silk and lace webpages on the bed cannot be displayed.

There is no Xiaowen in the photo.

Feeling cheated, Liu Qing sent a message: "No more talking, I'm going to sleep."

He didn't have any nightmares that night, and his sleep quality was pretty good.

The next day, after ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Wanrong came back. Ding Yun gave her a big red envelope of 1 yuan, had lunch together, rested for half an hour after the meal, and drove Liu Qing back to Penghu City. city.

On the way back, Ye Wanrong asked Liu Qing in confusion, "Why did your mother suddenly give me a 1 yuan red envelope?"

Liu Qing said depressedly: "Didn't you say you want to discount it? She originally wanted to give you some clothes."

"Really what she meant?" Ye Wanrong was taken aback, "For no reason, what is this for?"

Liu Qing sighed: "On Mid-Autumn Festival, several of my cousins ​​brought their children to visit her. She probably wants to hug her grandson."

Ye Wanrong glared at him, and said angrily: "What does wanting to hug my grandson have anything to do with me? Go find your Xiaowen."

Liu Qing sighed heavily again: "She refused,"

Then he added: "The first thing I was looking for was her,"

Ye Wanrong smiled: "Xiaowen still knows who can agree and who can't."

Liu Qing said: "I have a project of 500 million——"

"Shut up!" Ye Wanrong said angrily.

Liu Qing smiled and said nothing more.

After driving for a while, Ye Wanrong took the initiative to speak, saying:

"Have you seen all the photos I sent you?"

Liu Qing nodded: "I've seen it all, your house looks pretty good, such a big house, such a big yard. The richest man in your village is your house, right?"

Ye Wanrong gave him a blank look, and said angrily: "Sell your house in Pengcheng, my house is enough to build more than a dozen houses."

"But it's pretty good in the countryside." Liu Qing said.

"It's not bad, it's an upper-middle level in the village." Ye Wanrong admitted.

But he sighed again, and said, "It's useless to be good in the village. I seem to be living a decent life, but if I really want to do something, I can't even get the money."

Liu Qing understood that Ye Wanrong was explaining why she wanted to discuss the 500 million plan with Ding Yun.

I thought to myself: "You won't tell me a story about someone in the family who is seriously ill and needs money for treatment?"

He has seen too many stories like this on the Internet.

Of course, it doesn't have to be fake.

Indeed, there are many families whose small life looks good, but one of the family is seriously ill, and they will go bankrupt and bear a whole body of debts, which will take a long time for all members of a family to repay.

Asked: "Is there anything in your house that needs money?"

"Isn't there my younger brother in my photo?" Ye Wanrong said, "He needs a lot of money recently."

Liu Qing was taken aback: "Your brother? He looks quite healthy in the photo."

"Of course he is healthy!" Ye Wanrong said angrily, "He is extremely healthy. Just like you, he can hit a hundred of them without any problem."

It seems that her brother is not seriously ill.

Liu Qing thought for a while and asked, "Are you going to get married? Then the partner needs a car and a house?"

"Stop using your barren imagination," Ye Wanrong said, "He is only 19 years old this year, what kind of marriage is he? Besides, he is so handsome, and there are many girls chasing him. He just doesn't want to fall in love. "

"So, why is he short of money?" Liu Qing asked.

"He wants to fight UFC," Ye Wanrong said, "Our family can be regarded as a family of martial arts. My younger brother practiced martial arts when he was young, and he practiced Sanda when he grew up. He is a fighting genius. This year he participated in the Sanda competition in our province and has already entered the There is a high probability of winning the championship in the 75kg semi-finals. But what he wants more is to participate in the UFC fighting competition and break out his own world in that world. But this requires money, a lot of money .He has to have his own coach and his own team, and he has to fight game by game before he can be qualified to enter that ring."

Liu Qing quickly took out her mobile phone and searched for what UFC fighting is.

After understanding it, I looked at Ye Wanrong suspiciously:

"It looks very ferocious, aren't you afraid that your brother will be beaten up in the ring?"

Ye Wanrong said: "That is the stage of his dreams. Even if he is broken in the ring, it can be regarded as the realization of his dream."

After finishing speaking, he added: "And I think he will become the king of that ring."


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