"I saw it." Qin Kun replied.

Then he asked again: "Boss, do you want our Tianyuan Media to donate too? How much?"

The Lion King overturned his car with his goods, and his character set was about to collapse. The backhand was a donation. He quickly stabilized his character set and continued to run wildly on the road with goods.

——Although there have been constant doubts about him on the Internet, those who questioned him were never his family members, and no matter how much they questioned him, it would not affect his fundamentals.

His basic background is his family members. As long as his family members once again believe that he is a kind person and a person with a sense of social responsibility through that donation, it will be regarded as restoring his personality and protecting his family. Own chive garden.

Although Tianyuan Media does not have any negative news now, it is still possible to improve its public image.

While watching the news, he was thinking, this is a very hot topic, how should he participate in it.

How to participate in hot things and bring traffic to yourself is a question that every new media person should consider.

It can be said to be a professional habit.

If Tianyuan Media hasn't done it yet, he will go there as an anchor and participate in the live broadcast to bring heat to himself.

Now that Tianyuan Media has started to operate, its annual profits are calculated in billions of dollars. As the boss, he has also become an excellent entrepreneur. Of course, he must consider the issue from the perspective of an entrepreneur.

The first thing that comes to mind is donating money and goods.

So when Liu Qing called, he said so.

"There is no need to donate money. Our Tianyuan Charity Foundation has already stated that it will donate [-] million yuan," Liu Qing said. "What I mean is that we are engaged in live broadcasting, and we can use live broadcasting to carry out charity."

Qin Kun instantly understood: "A charity sale?"

Liu Qing said: "That's what I mean, come to a live broadcast to bring goods, and we will donate as much as we sell."

He added: "I can appear in the live broadcast room."

Qin Kun froze for a moment, smiled wryly and said:

"Boss, your idea is very good, but I don't recommend you to show up in the live broadcast room to bring goods."

"Why?" Liu Qing was a little unconvinced.

Doing such a thing is also good for improving his personal image. He wants to participate in it in person to give himself another halo.

Do not mention how happy it is to be a person admired by others.

Qin Kun wanted to deprive him of his happiness, which he couldn't bear.

"For the charity sale, it means that the more we sell, the more we will lose. If we just let ordinary anchors bring the goods, the sales will not be too high, then we can afford it. But boss, your traffic is too big, If you go live to bring goods, it is likely that the sales will reach hundreds of millions or even more than a billion, and we really can't afford it." Qin Kun said.

"Don't worry about this. We don't bring other people's products, but Tianyuan Group." Liu Qing said, "This is equivalent to promoting some products of Tianyuan Group. At best, we don't charge commissions and pay a little labor. There won't be much loss."

Qin Kun let out a groan, and then said, "However, if the sales volume is too large, Tianyuan Group won't be able to bear it, right?"

"Just make a limit, it's not difficult." Liu Qing said.

Those who do live broadcasts often say something like "This time the discount is too strong, I'm talking dry, and I only got so many orders for my family. I count one, two, three and put it on the shelves. Everyone fights for it." Quickly."

This is to increase the enthusiasm of family members to place orders, and make them believe that the discount is really great, and they have taken advantage of it, so they should rush to grab it.

In fact, as long as it is not the kind of welfare products that are one cent and one yuan, basically unlimited orders can be placed.

It is rare to actually sell out of an order.

However, this time Tianyuan Media obviously wanted to have a real limit order.

——Donate as much as you sell, and you will be compensated, and once everyone's love is aroused, the sales will not be reduced.

If there is no limit to orders, it is really possible to sell billions.

With such a statement, Qin Kun was relieved.

What is the upper limit of the sales of each product can only be discussed between Tianyuan Optimal and the small and medium-sized enterprises of Tianyuan Group.

They will place as many orders as they can bear.

It's useless to talk to Liu Qing about this.

The two of them talked about what to say next, and then hung up the phone.

At night, Liu Qing fell asleep, and Qin Kun was still editing the video. He edited the short video taken by the anchor of his company when the heavy rain hit, and then added subtitles. The promotion will start at 7:21 noon on July [-] A charity delivery.

It was already two or three o'clock in the morning when the video was produced.

It's rather rough.

However, the time Liu Qing gave him was too short, and he couldn't do it too delicately.

At 06:30 in the morning, after only two or three hours of sleep, he was woken up by the alarm clock he set, and then called the Tianyuan Optimal Team to ask them to connect with the small and medium-sized enterprises of Tianyuan Group, ask for products, and understand See how many orders they can give.

After explaining these things, the edited video was released after seven o'clock in the morning.

Then in the company's anchor group, let those anchors forward this video.

Liu Qing fell asleep until eight o'clock in the morning.

Qin Kun also sent him the edited video text, and he also posted it on his account with tens of millions of fans.

In addition, a video of a donation of [-] million yuan edited by the Tianyuan Charity Foundation was released.

After the meal, I recorded another short video, mentioning the heavy rain with a solemn expression, and once again mentioning the Tianyuan Charity Foundation's donation of [-] million yuan and the live broadcast of charity with goods at noon.

Then, go to work in Tianyuan Building.

But this time, Xiaowen is also included, and she is going to be a broadcast assistant in this charity event.

Xiaowen's current statistics are also getting better step by step, and she has the potential to hit the front-line delivery anchors. Liu Qing hopes to give her a push and let her become a first-line delivery anchor on the acne printing platform.

Xiaowen arrived at Tianyuan Building and went straight to Tianyuan Media's office, while Liu Qing went to work in his president's office.

On Tianyuan Media's side, they were very busy because they were bringing goods to a live broadcast that was temporarily arranged.

Fortunately, both Tianyuan Media and Tianyuan Group belong to the same boss, so it is very convenient to communicate.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to complete this kind of large-scale live streaming in such a short period of time.

After Su Qi went to work, she also communicated with the small and medium-sized enterprises under the group, telling them that this time is to improve the public image of their enterprises, not to force donations from them.

How many orders to take out to participate in such activities, they can decide at their own discretion according to their own performance.

This morning, for Tianyuan Group and Tianyuan Media, the theme was the heavy rain.

In the morning, various accounts of Tianyuan Media released videos about the heavy rain one after another, as well as the live broadcast of the charity event at noon.

In the past, when they released promotional videos for such large-scale activities with goods, they would invest in Doujia to buy traffic and attract more people's attention.

But this time there is no input.

It’s not that I’m reluctant to spend money to buy traffic, but I’m afraid that after the traffic increases, too many people will place orders, which will bring them greater economic pressure.

However, under such a background, it is impossible to keep a low profile.

Not long after the news was released, it broke the circle and spread to more social platforms.

Liu Qing and Tianyuan Group once again became the hot search content, mixed in the news of the heavy rain.

This torrential rain was too tragic, and it also caught up with the booming era of self-media, and received unprecedented attention.

Never before has a torrential rain received such attention.

The footage of various disasters was posted on the Internet, which brought a huge psychological impact to people, and made more people continue to pay attention to the news about this heavy rainstorm.

The traffic this brings is also quite amazing.

Tianyuan Media and Hurricane Media have a few anchors in that city to broadcast live there, and the number of online users in each live broadcast room has reached more than 10 people, and some even exceeded [-] people.

In the live broadcast, they will also mention Tianyuan Optimal’s charity live broadcast, calling on people to place orders. Of course, they also call on them to place orders rationally and not to buy things they don’t need just to show love.

Liu Qing sat in his CEO's office until eleven o'clock before going to Tianyuan Media.

He wasn't fishing here either, but was surfing the Internet for news about the heavy rain.

There were so few videos that made him feel quite worried.

Especially the video about the flooded subway, I felt very uncomfortable after watching it, and felt panicked.

Watching these videos can also be regarded as an emotional training, and it can be more in line with this theme when bringing goods.

Just looking at it, my emotions were brought into it.

In such a disaster, the impact of video on people is far greater than that of text.

When I arrived at Tianyuan Media, I entered the big live broadcast room, and saw that there were already a lot of goods in that live broadcast room, all of which were products produced by small and medium-sized enterprises under Tianyuan Group.

There is food, drink, and all kinds of small electronic products.

Qin Kun told him that in the morning, he also received calls from more than a dozen partners, wanting to participate in this charity delivery and giving a certain amount of order, which can be regarded as a contribution to the people in the disaster area.

In fact, it was probably to show off in this much-watched charity event, to show that they are also caring companies.

For this kind of free-riding behavior, Qin Kun politely refused, saying that the time is too short, and the live broadcast will be at [-] noon, and it is too late to talk about it now, and there is a chance to cooperate next time.

——The platform that was finally built is to promote the products of Tianyuan Group and enhance the brand image of Tianyuan Group. In this case, it is not suitable to insert other brands.

Although Qin Kun is not a member of Tianyuan Group, his boss is the boss of Tianyuan Group, so he has to think about Tianyuan Group.

For his rejection, Liu Qing still expressed her appreciation.

If you want to bring goods for charity, you don't need to hitch a ride with him, just open a live broadcast account and bring the goods yourself.

Or find a few brands to set up a game together, and let a well-known anchor bring the goods, and the same can be done.

There is no need to participate in this Tianyuan Group special event.

Qin Kun also mentioned that this live broadcast brought goods, and he also communicated with the acne mark platform, hoping that the acne mark platform can waive their single fee.

When bringing goods on this platform, the platform will charge a part of the money for each order sold.

Although the amount of each order is not large, if the quantity is large, the amount will also increase.

This is why the acne printing platform strongly encourages e-commerce to settle in.

This will bring them traffic.

If the platform cannot avoid this order, Yuan Media will have to post the money itself that day.

After communication, the acne printing platform also agreed to his request, but also hoped that they would mention more about the platform's support for this event.

The acne printing platform has a lot of traffic and many users, but its reputation has always been bad. They also hope to have a good public image.

Liu Qing and Qin Kun are the anchors of this live broadcast. They will take turns to play, and there are several assistant broadcasters, including Xiaowen.

This one will be broadcast live until about one o'clock in the morning. It will be a [-]-hour live broadcast. They have to arrange the time well.

Fan love when it's time to fan love, and introduce products when it's time to introduce products.

For the next half an hour, Qin Kun introduced the process of bringing the goods to Liu Qing.

This time the price is the same as usual, neither more expensive nor cheaper.

Cost-effectiveness is their core competitiveness when it comes to live broadcasting, and they can’t get rid of the cost-effectiveness just because this time it’s a charity delivery.

At 59:1, the Tianyuan Youyou account started broadcasting [-] minute earlier.

Within 1 minute of broadcasting, the number of online users exceeded 20.

This time, Tianyuan Media did not buy traffic. Many people who flooded into the live broadcast room only knew about it through their video promotion, and some of them were pushed by the platform.

However, the push flow of the platform is not particularly strong.

After all, the platform has promised that they will not take a cut of this live broadcast transaction, and there is no such big benefit for them to push more traffic.

Many of the people who entered the live broadcast room were new accounts, and they just downloaded this software to watch after they learned about it on other platforms.

In the opening ten minutes, both Qin Kun and Liu Qing were there.

The two talked about the torrential rain with solemn expressions, how they felt, how empathetic they were and how much they wanted to help them.

He also talked about the corporate culture of Tianyuan Group and Tianyuan Media, which is to be a conscientious enterprise and a responsible person.

In the live broadcast room, they also emphasized that this time the live broadcast will bring goods, no matter how much is sold, it will be donated to the local disaster-stricken people.

Here they thanked those companies that participated in this activity, and also thanked the acne printing platform for their strong support for this charity delivery activity.

After talking for more than ten minutes, the number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded 50, and the delivery of goods officially started.

Chapter 011 The Light of Domestic Products

This time, the live streaming is a special event for charity, and it is also a special event for Tianyuan Group's products.

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