On the surface, they are very harmonious, but the two people are very repulsive to each other in their hearts, and they also know that the other party knows.

The superficial harmony was made for Liu Qing and for the employees of the group.

The rift between the two people is still wide and has not healed.

Although after deciding to be with Liu Qing, Su Qi gave up the idea of ​​revenge on this woman.

But that hatred is still there.

It's not that she didn't want to forget those hatreds, let go of the past, and live a relaxed life from now on.

But she really can't forget.

Some things can't be let go just by letting them go.

Sometimes forgetting is tantamount to betrayal.

She doesn't want to betray.

But now that her son was born, seeing Ding Yun's love for her son from the bottom of her heart, the hatred in Su Qi's heart has also loosened a bit.

Thinking about it in his own shoes, Ding Yun's life in Su's family was really humble for more than ten years, and her only hope was placed on the son born to her father.

In the end, this hope was destroyed by her mother again.

What was destroyed was her son's life, and her future.

For this, it's not so incomprehensible to do some crazy behavior.

"She is also quite bitter." Su Qi thought so.

In a few months, she remembered how quickly Ding Yun had aged.

Seeing the undisguised happiness on Ding Yun's face as she hugged this grandson and then that granddaughter, Su Qi thought to herself:

"She probably doesn't have any other thoughts now, she just wants to hold her grandson, that is, an ordinary old lady."

"Is this considered redemption?"

"That's fine too,"

"Anyway, we're already a family."

"No matter how much hatred we have, we have people we care about. I want my husband to be happier, and she wants her son to be happier. I want my son to be healthy and happy, and she wants her grandson to be healthy and happy. "

"We all share a common goal, a common person we care about,"

"There's no need to worry so much, just have a good time."

The birth of a new life changed Su Qi's identity from a wife to a mother, and she also had a little more understanding of another mother.

He decided to let go of the hatred in his heart. Although he didn't express it verbally, his mood became much calmer after all.

Ding Yun couldn't feel such a change in a short time, but after a long time, she could still feel it.

Chapter 618

After giving birth to a son, it took Liu Qing several days to deal with those visiting people.

He didn't spend much time with Su Qi during the day, but he was with Su Qi every night.

Although I can't do anything else with Su Qi at this time, but in this world, one doesn't just live on those things.

Having a son, Liu Qing has been in joy for a long time. The most important thing in her heart is the newborn son, and she will not think about those messy things.

In the midst of busy work, the time has come to the end of the lunar calendar.

For Chinese people, the Lunar New Year is called the Chinese New Year, and it has a festive atmosphere.

The Gregorian New Year is just a time scale.

For the New Year this year, Liu Qing planned to spend the New Year in Yangcheng.

This is also his first time celebrating the New Year in Yangcheng.

For the past ten years or so, they spent the New Year in Pengcheng.

Yangcheng is not like Pengcheng, an immigrant city, most of the people will not disperse during the Chinese New Year, and the streets will become deserted.

Even if there is an epidemic this year, it will not affect everyone's enthusiasm for the New Year. When the twelfth lunar month arrives, the atmosphere of the New Year begins.

It has to be said that the New Year atmosphere in Yangcheng is much stronger than that in Pengcheng.

The news on TV encourages celebrating the New Year in situ, and does not recommend that migrant workers go home to celebrate the New Year, mainly because they are worried that the large-scale movement of people will cause unpredictable things.

Tianyuan Media responded to the call and asked its anchors to record short videos, calling on everyone to celebrate the New Year on the spot.

Of course, there are also some anchors who returned to their hometown after recording the short video.

The anchor can broadcast live with a mobile phone, and whether he goes home or not, the difference is actually not that big.

Going back to my hometown can also show fans a different scenery.

Some anchors did not go home, but chose to stay in Yangcheng or Pengcheng, waiting to participate in the company's New Year celebration, receive a red envelope, draw prizes and so on.

Those who are not present have no such advantage.

Tianyuan Media will use part of the money to distribute dividends this year, and the rest of the money will be invested in the next development, signing more high-quality anchors, seeking cross-platform development, and so on.

A large part of the dividend money is given to shareholders.

The largest shareholder of this company is Liu Qing, and then Qin Kun who signed a VAM agreement with Liu Qing. In addition, Tianyuan Group also holds 5.00% of the shares here, and also has the right to dividends.

The profitability of Tianyuan Media in 2020 is very impressive, and this year there is also a lot of dividends. According to that ratio, Liu Qing can get tens of millions of dividends.

Qin Kun can also rely on this dividend to realize his dream of buying a luxury house in Yangcheng.

At Tianyuan Mask Factory, there are not many jobs now, but there are jobs every day.

The wages of the employees are of course not as good as those during the period when masks were in short supply, but they can still get five or six thousand a month.

Wages have dropped so much that few resign.

In the current situation, it is very good to have a stable job.

Moreover, although this salary is not as good as the period when masks were in short supply, it is much higher than before the outbreak.

And their work is not so tiring, they have three or four days off each month, and they don't need to work fifteen or six hours a day.

Food and lodging are included here, and the food is quite good. After deducting the five social insurances, one housing fund and personal income tax, you can get 6000 yuan a month, and most people feel quite satisfied.

Relying on their skills, it is difficult to find a job with the same salary when looking for a job outside.

Liu Qing has already made a decision, this time for the New Year, those who are willing to go home for the New Year will be given a long vacation, and those who are willing to stay will be allowed to continue working and have a lively New Year in the factory.

Everyone's year-end bonus is quite impressive, which is higher than their monthly salary.

This is also thanks to them for making so much money for him this year, allowing him to become the undisputed president of Tianyuan Group with this near-perfect performance.

There is still more than half a month before the New Year's Eve, and Liu Qing is already planning the New Year's Eve dinner she will attend.

Tianyuan Mask Factory is going there, and the date is set before the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, because their annual leave is set on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, and some employees will go home to celebrate the new year.

There is also an office of Tianyuan Media in Pengcheng, and there are also some anchors there, and there will also be a New Year's Eve dinner. At that time, those friends who dismantled the second generation will be invited over, and everyone will have fun together.

Tianyuan Media in Yangcheng will also have a New Year's Eve dinner. After the New Year's Eve dinner, those who should go home should go home, and those who want to stay in Yangcheng should stay in Yangcheng.

Tianyuan Group is such a big group, so it is natural to have such an event.

It was planned last year, and the hotel had already been booked, but the epidemic came and we had to cancel it.

This year the epidemic has been brought under control, of course we must do it.

We started working on the plan last month, that is, there will be lottery activities and awards for outstanding employees, etc., [-] or [-] cars will be given away, and the budget is not too small.

The profit of Tianyuan Group is good this year, much higher than in previous years.

After several shareholder meetings, everyone agreed to take part of the profits to distribute dividends and reward outstanding employees.

Su Qi is the last person who is unwilling to share the money she earns as dividends. She hopes to use the money to continue investing and let the money generate money, so that Tianyuan Group can develop and grow faster.

However, these shareholder meetings were held during her pregnancy, and Liu Qing was not a very active entrepreneur. In addition, other shareholders wanted to share dividends loudly, so they finally agreed to take part of the profits as dividends.

The profit ratio of the dividends is relatively low, but the Tianyuan Group has a big plate, and the amount of dividends from this small part is two to three hundred million.

Of the two or three billion yuan, a small part is used to reward outstanding employees, and a larger part is given to those shareholders.

When Liu Qing became the president, he had already obtained 2000% of the shares transferred by Ding Yun, and this time he was allocated more than [-] million.

And Su Qi only had 5.00% of the group shares, not as much as Liu Qing, but she also received more than 1000 million cash.

Liu Qing himself doesn't feel much about the dividends. Now he has quite a lot of money in his private treasury, including the money from the wealth management products he bought, the figures are scary.

That is not a fixed asset, but a wealth management product that can be exchanged for cash at any time.

The dividend of more than 2000 million in cash can no longer make him feel much.

It was the first time for Su Qi to obtain such a large amount of cash. She had never had such a large amount of money in her private account.

However, she didn't feel much. Ever since she could remember, she had never experienced the feeling of being short of money, and she had no special love for money.

Moreover, the value of the shares in her hands can be several billion. Although it cannot be exchanged for cash, it will not cause much emotional fluctuations for more than 1000 million.

Ding Yun was the most excited.

After giving Liu Qing 40.00% of the shares, she still owns [-]% of the group's shares.

This year, she received hundreds of millions of cash in dividends at the end of the year.

The money was transferred to her private account, which was the figure after deducting taxes.

The last time she had so much money was more than a year ago. In order to get back Liu Qing's goodwill, she sold some of her inherited property and scraped together enough money to give her son a start-up.

After that, even though she received a lot of rent every month, the balance in her account never exceeded the figure of ten million.

The 500 million yuan for Ye Wanrong's childbirth was all managed with great difficulty.

Over the past year or so, she sold a few of the famous watches in Su Yi's collection, so that she can show off her wealth in front of those younger generations.

It is quite rare for a super rich woman whose shares are worth tens of billions to still have such a small pocket.

The main reason is that she only owns shares in the group, but she has given up her decision-making power over the group.

She knew that she didn't know anything about business, and she was afraid of ruining the group because of her ignorance, so she gave up the power of decision-making.

This indeed guaranteed the normal operation of the group, but it was very difficult for her to get more money into her pocket.

She knew that Zhen Tian was also planning to give birth to Liu Qing, and she was still thinking about whether to sell something to make up 500 million.

It's all right now, the group has distributed dividends to shareholders, and there are hundreds of millions of money in the account, which solves her troubles.

If she could give so much dividends every year, she would be satisfied.

With this sum of money, she can also take care of the full moon wine for her first grandson.

I made a full moon wine for my granddaughter, and of course I also want to make a full moon wine for my grandson.

The full moon wine given to his granddaughter was secretive, and he didn't dare to let others know, for fear that bad public opinion would affect Liu Qing's image.

The grandson's full moon wine can be held openly and aboveboard. Of course, Ding Yun has to do it more grandly, so as to show that she attaches great importance to this grandson.

Originally, Liu Qing could pay the money, and Liu Qing also said that she would pay the money herself, but Ding Yun refused. She insisted on paying the money herself to celebrate her grandson's full moon.

It's not that the money is too much to burn, but I hope to use this method to express a certain attitude to Su Qi.

Su Qi was born on January 1th, and one month later, February 8th is the 2th day of the twelfth lunar month, just before the Lunar New Year.

Tianyuan Group's annual meeting was chosen to be held on February 2th, which happened to be avoided.

Ding Yunlai personally took care of this matter, which saved Liu Qing a lot of energy.

All he needs to do is to distribute invitations widely, to those who Su Qi visited when she gave birth and also said to come to drink the full moon wine.

There were also some important people who didn't send invitations, not because Liu Qing didn't want them to come, but because they were afraid that they would not come after sending invitations, which would be a bit too embarrassing.

After all, Liu Qing is also the president of a large group, a big internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, he can't afford to lose that person.

Before her son's full moon wine, Liu Qing attended three annual meetings.

One is the annual meeting of Yangcheng Tianyuan Media.

There are also two games in Pengcheng, namely Tianyuan Media and Tianyuan Mask Factory.

The two annual meetings in Pengcheng were held next to each other. The first one was the annual meeting of Tianyuan Mask Factory.

It was a holiday in the afternoon, and all the employees of the factory participated in the annual meeting with the boss. Those who gave out red envelopes gave out red envelopes, and those who drew prizes had a great time.

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