Suddenly, I wanted to talk to that man.

Come to think of it, that man should be happy if Izumi knows, right?

Her expression fell into Ye Wanrong's eyes, and she became even more depressed, thinking:

"Sure enough, a daughter is not as good as a son, and a concubine is not as good as a concubine. From now on, my poor Tingting may never get the love from her again, right?"

The mood is a bit bad, but I still have to laugh, and laugh with the little sisters, congratulating the mother and child for their safety.

This time Su Qi chose to give birth naturally, and she still suffered from those hardships after giving birth to such a son.

Liu Qing also persuaded her to simply choose a caesarean section, but she gave up:

"If you can have a normal delivery, let's have a normal delivery. I don't want to have another incision when I have a second child."

She still feels that having one child is not enough, and hopes to have one or two more.

When her son was born, Liu Qing also felt a little dazed, and suddenly thought of his father, and thought of that lonely tomb.

The tomb has been repaired and will not be covered by weeds in the future.

But the tombstone has not yet been erected.

Now that you have a son, you should be able to set up a tombstone, right?

Liu Qing thought so.

Chapter 617

Liu Qing's son's name had already been chosen before he was born.

Su Qi ceded the right to name to Ding Yun, and Ding Yun ceded it to Su Qi.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law gave way, mainly for the purpose of not wanting the child to be rejected by the other party because he chose the name by himself.

In the end, the power of naming fell to Liu Qing's hands.

Liu Qing is the closest person to this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in this world, the kind that no one can replace.

No one has any objection to the name he chooses.

However, in order to prove to his daughter-in-law that he did not listen to his mother, and also to prove to his mother that he did not listen to her, Liu Qing flipped through a Xinhua dictionary in front of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, closed her eyes and pointed to on one page.

Point to which word, that is the word.

When the final result was announced, he was referring to a blockbuster Mingzi.

In this way, the child's name was Liu Ming.

This is Liu Qing's first son.

Although he didn't have patriarchal thoughts, Su Qi gave birth to a son, and he was quite happy in his heart. He was not patriarchal, but he didn't know if his father was patriarchal. Son, both sons and daughters, the next time I go home to visit the grave, I can have an explanation in front of my father's grave.

Liu Ming was born by Su Qi, a child who can see the light. On this day, all the senior management of the group came to visit, including those shareholders in Yangcheng.

After Su Qi was discharged from the hospital, people still came to visit her every day.

There are people in the group, and there are also some business partners.

Su Qi has been the vice president of Tianyuan Group for several years, and she has good connections.

Moreover, not all the people who came to visit her were for her sake, and many of them were for Liu Qing's sake.

This is different from the last time Ye Wanrong gave birth.

Although Ye Wanrong gave birth to Liu Qing's daughter, Ye Wanrong's identity was not well known, and Liu Qing didn't dare to announce it to the outside world, so no one came to see her.

Su Qi is Liu Qing's legal husband and wife. On the surface, the child she gave birth to is Liu Qing's first child.

Some people are not familiar with Su Qi, but because of Liu Qing's relationship, they will come to visit and give a gift or something by the way.

Some people from Pengcheng came to visit.

There are Liu Qing's entrepreneurial friends, as well as those second-generation demolitionists.

Qi Ranran came over with a heavy gift.

Qi Ranran came over this time, and the gift he gave was also very expensive.

It could be seen that she really wanted to have a private chat with Liu Qing, but there were too many people who came to visit her, so she couldn't find such an opportunity at all.

This time she came here, not alone, but with two partners, Nian Fengyan and Xu Bo.

The three of them invested in a container project. Now the market is very good, and it won't take long for them to pay back their capital, and then they will make a lot of money.

The faces of the three of them looked pretty good, and that look was full of hope for the future.

Both Xu Bo and Nian Fengyan also brought important gifts. The mask factory they cooperated with is no longer profitable. It downsized two or three months ago. Xu Bo's clothing factory went.

However, during the period of making money, both of them made a lot of money.

Nian Fengyan, who used to be a joke in the second-generation circle, has now become a rich man worth over [-] million. When he goes outside, everyone has to call him Boss Nian, and he is very popular.

He has suffered losses in starting a business, and now he does not dare to start a business. The investment in hand, that is, the container company, he has a part of the shares.

Other money, either bought financial management, or bought real estate, and saved a part of it for a regular period.

This time I came to visit Liu Qing's children, and after meeting Liu Qing, I asked Liu Qing very seriously if he had any promising projects to introduce to him.

In terms of business vision, he didn't believe anyone else, but he believed in Liu Qing.

This is supported by actual combat data.

It's a pity that Liu Qing's rebirth bonus is about to run out, he doesn't know what the future will look like, let alone give advice to others.

Regarding Nian Fengyan's request for advice, he can only say:

"The current situation is unclear, and no one can say what the future will look like. I can only say that it is best to be conservative in investment and hold cash in your hands, so as to resist the storm."

Nian Fengyan made a statement, turned around and put more money in regular deposits or bought stable financial management.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to visit their children, quite a few people approached Liu Qing to discuss business cooperation.

Some of them use this excuse to talk about cooperation.

This made the Liu family extremely lively these few days.

Gifts received filled a large room.

This is very different from Ye Wanrong's desertedness when she gave birth.

Such a big gap made Ye Wanrong, a bystander, somewhat depressed.

It's not that she is hypocritical, but such a gap makes it hard for people not to be hypocritical.

Fortunately, after Su Qi's son was born, her daughter was not neglected.

Especially with Ding Yun.

Ding Yun came here almost every day these days, and only left at night. She hugged her daughter for a while every day. Judging from her expression, she still liked her granddaughter very much.

Of course, he also likes the grandson Liu Ming very much.

After being depressed for a few days, she realized that she and her daughter hadn't been relegated to the cold palace. No matter whether it was Ding Yun or Su Qi who treated her as before, Ye Wanrong's knot in her heart was slowly untied, and then she felt sorry for her little one. Feeling a little guilty.

After Su Qi gave birth, in the next week, I saw many people who came to visit her.

But those people also knew that a woman had just given birth and her physical condition was not very good. She just left without saying a few words of blessing when she was injured when she met, and didn't pester her to keep talking.

On the contrary, Liu Qing, as the host, has no way to avoid this entertainment, and he will receive all those who come to visit.

He didn't go to work for several days.

On the contrary, a lot of red envelopes have been given out in several work groups, and this month, an extra red envelope of 100 yuan was specially given to each employee, and he will pay for the money himself.

After giving birth to a son, of course we have to celebrate.

He is the president of the group and a major shareholder, so of course he can't be stingy.

Not only the employees of Tianyuan Group received such red envelopes, but also the employees of his two companies, Tianyuan Media and Tianyuan Mask Factory, also received such red envelopes.

In the past few days, there were too many people who came to visit. Most of the time during the day was spent receiving those visitors, and there was not much time to spend with Su Qi.

Under such circumstances, the one who accompanied Su Qi the most was Ye Wanrong, who was also a new mother.

The two of them have too many topics in common, and they can chat a little.

Sometimes Ding Yun would come and sit with her for a while, but the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really had nothing to talk about.

No matter how much they want to become more harmonious, there is no way to really achieve this, they can only appear to be more harmonious on the surface, but when chatting, the so-called harmony seems too deliberate, both of them are uncomfortable, and They also know that the other is not feeling well.

Su Qi just came out of the hospital, and her physical condition is not good, which will also affect her mood.

Ding Yun herself is the one who gave birth to two sons, and she knows what's going on. In order to prevent Su Qi from seeing her, she is in a bad mood. Normally, she will not appear in front of Su Qi, and spends more time just to accompany her. with two children.

Of course, it would be outrageous not to show up at all, she is her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law has just given birth, so she, the mother-in-law, must come and accompany her.

At this time, Ding Yun is no longer a rich woman worth tens of billions, but an ordinary mother-in-law, and even has a little feeling of pleasing her daughter-in-law.

Just because Su Qi gave birth to her a grandson.

Sometimes seeing Ding Yun busily busy there, Su Qi also felt a little dazed.

If there was no such hatred between the two of them, she should like this mother-in-law very much, right?

Ding Yun treated Liu Qing really badly at the beginning, and did not fulfill her responsibility as a mother.

But there was nothing to blame her for.

It was she who had always hated this stepmother.

Even though she grew up later, understood a lot of things, and didn't hate her stepmother anymore, but in order not to make her mother feel sad, she never gave Ding Yun a good face.

Sometimes he would even make cold remarks to make this woman unable to step down.

At that time, this woman did not speak harshly to her, at most she just felt wronged, said a few words in front of her father, and was very polite when I saw her afterwards.

Until that day, her own mother made that crazy move.

This woman's energy and spirit were all destroyed.

He also has a deep hatred for her.

She could also feel that this woman also had a deep hatred for her father.

At that time, seeing this woman so sad that she was almost stupid, she was actually very guilty and wanted to say sorry to this woman for her own mother.

But she didn't say that.

She knew that that incident left too deep a wound on this woman, and the word "sorry" seemed too cheap at this time. She said such a sentence would not make up for the scars in this woman's heart, but would be regarded as a provocation.

At that time, she also thought that in the future, she must take good care of this woman, let her have a stable old age, and support her in retirement.

Just like being your own mother.

Then, not long after, her father was in a car accident.

There are some things she has no proof for, and some things she doesn't need proof for.

After that, she only had hatred for Ding Yun.

At that time, it was not that she did not have the idea of ​​dying with the other party.

But then he calmed down.

Her father had deep expectations for her future, and he would never want to see her put himself up for such a woman.

In addition, her father also had great expectations for the future of Tianyuan Group, and he would not want to see the company he had worked so hard to establish fall apart because of the ownership of the two major shareholders.

So she could only bear with it and deal with this enemy, thinking about the day when she would take the group back into her hands, so that this woman would end up with nothing and die in misery.

It's just a trick of good fortune, Ding Yun suddenly has a son like Liu Qing, who is about to take away her acting president.

In order to preserve her father's dream, she finally chose to marry Liu Qing, and the separated group shares were reunited, and she also became the enemy's daughter-in-law.

When she first met this woman, she didn't want to call this woman "Mom", and she didn't treat this woman as a family.

Unexpectedly, after wandering around for half a lifetime, I finally became a family with this woman, and finally started calling that "Mom".

It's just that at this time, her identity is no longer a stepdaughter, but a daughter-in-law.

The arrangement of fate is really too weird.

After confirming that she wanted to be with Liu Qing, Ding Yun's attitude towards her, she couldn't fault Li Lai.

Still, Lilly just couldn't be faulted.

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