This investment is even greater.

If they want to continue in this live broadcast industry steadily, they can't use the model of buying and returning goods to brush data, so they can only buy those things by themselves.

Although the purchased items can be sold in the live broadcast room in the future, they will still lose some money when entering and exiting.

After moving Liu Qing here, Ye Mo and Brother Feng, and talking about several national brands, coupled with the investment in traffic, Qin Kun is confident that the sales will reach more than [-] million.

He has no confidence in being able to become the No. [-] online sales in the same period.

I just think there is such a possibility, but the possibility is not particularly great.

If he can become the top seller on the Internet with only a shortfall of [-] to [-] million, he will definitely make a big impact.

With such an opportunity, even if you lose a little money, you have to win it.

The gap is too big, and if you win the sales crown, you will lose too much money, and there is no need for that at all.

The gap is less than [-] million. If you check the data, you won't lose money if you win the top sales on the whole network.

The biggest loss is that there is a difference of two to three hundred million, and if you give up, you will not be reconciled, and if you win, you will lose some money.

In such a situation, even if you lose a little money, you will definitely sprint.

The most worrying thing is that if competitors also want to hit the top of the sales, also want to brush up the data, and chase after each other, then I don’t know how much money to invest.

Based on Qin Kun's understanding of the delivery industry, that kind of situation is entirely possible.

Now he can only pray that the data will either crush those major competitors, or the gap is so big that there is no need to catch up. He can earn a little commission in a down-to-earth manner, and he can be the boss of the acne printing platform. up.

This time the push flow from the acne printing platform is really big.

Only a few minutes after the broadcast started, Brother Feng only played for 2 minutes, and the number of online users has reached more than 30.

At this time, the little yellow car has already come out, and all the products on it are products produced by the companies under Tianyuan Group.

If there is no product announcement, just hang on the link, so the audience's shopping enthusiasm will definitely not be high.

However, there are more people online, and some click into the little yellow car and choose to place an order to buy.

These are hung on the yellow car without product explanation, and can be purchased directly, and the price is the final purchase price.

There are a total of more than a dozen products, either for food or for drinking.

In the absence of an anchor's explanation, the sales of these dozens of products also made this live broadcast room the top [-] on the list of hours with goods.

This is still the top [-] during Double Eleven, and the gold content is very high.

After Brother Feng came out, he chatted for a few minutes before leaving the stage to rest.

Later he will be in charge of bringing the goods. At this time, he needs to have a good understanding of the goods he is going to bring, and also check the lines with the broadcast assistant and the supplier.

Brother Feng just left, and Qin Kun invited Ye Mo out of the venue.

When Ye Mo came out, the number of people online in the live broadcast room had reached more than 40.

It's not that Brother Feng has such a large amount of traffic that he can help others to become so popular in other people's live broadcast rooms, but that the official traffic is too much.

Ye Mo is a person who is not good at words. After he appeared on the stage, he didn't say too much, mainly to show his handsomeness.

Then there are more gifts in the live broadcast room.

The number of people online is also on the rise.

A few minutes later, the number of people online has exceeded 50.

The streaming of the platform has played a big role.

Haven't pushed a product yet,

When the first lucky bag was opened, Qin Kun read out the lucky person's name in front of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, and said that the company would contact him to send out the prize as soon as possible.

Then, another lucky bag was distributed, but this time it was not a car, but a total of ten Chrysanthemum flagship phones, worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Only one car will be sent out in an hour, and it will be a mobile phone or a laptop at other times.

When Ye Mo was in the live broadcast room, he didn't bring any goods, but relying on the links of more than a dozen goods hanging on the small yellow car, they have already made them into the top ten of the hourly goods list.

It is No.1 on both the popularity list and the sound wave list.

After Ye Mo appeared in the live broadcast room, Qin Kun made a promise that when the number of online users in the live broadcast room exceeded 50 and the number of likes exceeded 2000 million, he would invite Liu Qing to appear.

Within a few minutes, these two data had already broken through.

"Okay, now the number of online users has exceeded 50, and the number of likes has exceeded 2000 million. Next, the main coffee who invited us to give away benefits this time will appear."

Qin Kun looked at the data in the live broadcast room, his expression became a little excited, he stood up and said loudly:

"Welcome President of Tianyuan Group, Top Ten Young Entrepreneurs of the Year in Pengcheng, Advanced Figure in China's Fight against the Epidemic, President of Tianyuan Charity Foundation Mr. Liu Qingliu!!!"

"Welcome President Liu!"

Ye Mo, standing beside him, also stood up, and said, "Welcome President Liu!"

In front of the mobile phone, Father Ye, who was watching the live broadcast, frowned, thinking a little displeased:

"I didn't expect Xiao Mo to bow his head for capital."

Liu Qing waved her hands, smiling, and entered under the camera.

At this time, the traffic purchased by Tianyuan Media also began to push, and the popularity of the live broadcast room rose rapidly, and soon exceeded 60.

In the live broadcast room, more and more gifts were collected, and they were big gifts like carnival rockets.

For a while, the screen was full of special effects.

In Pengcheng, several young people watched the live broadcast together.

Among the young people, there are men and women.

One of them is Qi Ranran.

The current pox print live broadcast room is not like later, it can only display a maximum of 60 plus popularity, and [-] online people, which is clearly displayed.

Several people were a little dazed looking at the data and seeing the special effects of gifts on the screen after Liu Qing's appearance.

This is the so-called top stream.

Several people came up with an idea, if I was so awesome, how good would it be?

A young man murmured: "If he can join us, with his influence,"

Thinking of such a scene, the eyes of several people shone.

Chapter 592 Public Domain Traffic

, rebirth starts from not being a spare tire

Ye Mo has a lot of crazy fans, but those crazy fans are basically girls, and a large part of them are students and don't have much spending power.

Their ability to control and criticize propaganda is stronger than their economic strength.

After Ye Mo appeared, they gave Ye Mo gifts, usually hot air balloons or sports cars, bigger gifts, beyond their financial strength.

Although there are a few rich women who go to Huazi, but the number is not many.

And Liu Qing is different, his fans Ye Mo's fans are not so crazy, but there are many of them, and some of them have certain financial strength.

In addition, knowing that he was coming to the live broadcast, some friends also came to support him.

Most of Liu Qing's circle of friends are already entrepreneurs.

Among them, some entrepreneurs also want to develop the e-commerce department, and have registered their own e-commerce accounts. They even took advantage of this opportunity to occupy the list, that is, they supported their friends and gained a wave of traffic.

So after Liu Qing appeared on the stage, the special effects gifts in the live broadcast room flew wildly.

In just a short while, the income of Yinlang in the live broadcast room has already exceeded 2000 million.

Qin Kun looked at the data and thought to himself, even if he lost a little money for this live broadcast, if he added up the income of Yinlang, he might be able to make up for it.

At the same time, I feel particularly depressed that my boss has such a large amount of traffic, but he doesn't like to bring goods, which is simply a waste.

If he had such a large flow, he would have brought out billions of dollars in goods.

Even if you can't compare your performance with a brother and a sister on the professional platform, you can at least compare with the one from the iron factory.

What a pity.

With this in mind, he pulled Liu Qing to his seat, and then began to introduce Liu Qing, the main coffee.

Liu Qing now has nearly 4000 million fans on this platform, and this live broadcast is carried out under his name. According to the logic, it should be him who introduces other anchors, not other anchors. he.

But in fact, half of the people in the live broadcast room don't know Liu Qing, let alone the other anchors.

On the acne printing platform, the most important thing is public domain traffic, not private domain traffic.

Just relying on Liu Qing's own fans is not enough to support a sales champion.

Even if Brother Feng and Ye Mo are added, it is still not enough.

There are so many fans, but no one has the ability to bring all the fans into the live broadcast room.

Even if it was conveyed to every fan homepage, only a small number of people finally decided to watch this live broadcast.

And among those few, the time to enter the live broadcast room is also scattered. It is impossible to enter the live broadcast room at the beginning and then continue until the live broadcast ends.

Generally, in large live broadcast rooms, tourists account for more of them, and they are found by swiping videos.

As for why the video in this live broadcast room can be viewed, then you have to ask the platform.

If the platform allows you to swipe it, you can swipe it.

If the platform does not allow you to swipe it, then you will not be able to swipe it anyway.

The public domain traffic of this platform is quite astonishing. It can easily make an amateur popular, and it can also easily bring down a big anchor.

Their big data algorithm is even more powerful. For those who like to watch PK, the priority to push is the PK anchor live room.

Those who like to watch beautiful women will push the live broadcast room of beautiful women.

Those who like shopping will push the live broadcast room with the anchor.

This time, Tianyuan Media’s live broadcast with unprecedented discounts has received strong support from the acne printing platform, and more than 70.00% of the influx into the live broadcast room comes from their push.

It's just that the people who pushed them didn't stay for as long as Tianyuan Media's own fans. Most of them just stayed for a few seconds to a dozen seconds and then left.

But under this huge traffic, there are still some choices to stay after all, let's see what is being sold and whether there is any need.

Or take a look at what this anchor does and why he is so popular.

When Liu Qing appeared, Tianyuan Media also began to spend money to buy platform traffic, and accurately push it to the shopping fans of this platform.

At this time, the traffic on the platform is not as expensive as it will be a year later, and the money is invested, and the effect is very good.

For a while in this live broadcast room, most of them were people who didn't know Liu Qing.

Therefore, it is necessary to give Liu Qing an introduction, and at the same time appeal to everyone to pay attention to Liu Qing's account and the current live broadcast account.

In Qin Kun's introduction, Liu Qing was much more powerful than him in reality.

In 2020, live streaming is still very messy, and each platform has no idea of ​​regulating and rectifying it, so those live broadcast rooms are allowed to grow wildly, and they dare to say no matter how exaggerated they are.

As long as it can cheat fans' money and bring income to the platform, the platform will not deal with it.

In Qin Kun's mouth, Liu Qing directly became the president of the group with a net worth of over [-] billion, and his Tianyuan Group was also blown into a large group with assets of hundreds of billions.

It's just exaggerated several times, which is relatively restrained.

The charitable donations made by Liu Qing and Tianyuan Group this year have also been exaggerated to a certain extent by him.

It's just that the donation promised by the Tianyuan Charity Foundation has become a charity that has been done in his mouth. Although he didn't say that explicitly, there is a hint of that.

In particular, the impromptu donation made during the live broadcast of the charity event in October was exaggerated with rhetoric:

"On October 25th, Mr. Liu's live broadcast room received a total of more than [-] million in tipping income. The more than [-] million was donated by our Mr. Liu."

"Everyone knows that the platform has to share half of the gift income from the live broadcast room. Mr. Liu decided to donate all of it, which means that he has to spend more than [-] million yuan to make up for what the platform deducted."

"This matter has been reported by many news media, you can search it."

Liu Qing's live broadcast room did receive more than 7 million yuan in gifts, but the 7 million yuan was more than [-] million sound waves, not more than [-] million yuan.

He did not mention the currency unit, just to create an illusion that Liu Qing donated more than 7 million yuan.

Others really went to search the news, and they couldn't accuse him of lying, because he didn't say that the more than [-] million yuan was RMB.

It is also true that the platform will deduct half of the gift income, but he did not say that the platform later announced that this time the charitable donation platform will not deduct money.

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