"I'm talking about the whole network." Qin Kun said.

"The whole network?" Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "That's impossible, the sales data of hundreds of millions can't set a sales record for the whole network."

Before he was reborn, he had heard some unbelievable live streaming records.

Tianyuan Media can easily become the number one on the acne printing platform, but if it wants to be the number one on the whole network, it really lacks too much.

"The hundreds of millions I mentioned are just the data of those brands. A live broadcast can bring not only those brands, but more brands." Qin Kun said.

"That can't set a sales record for the entire network, right?" Liu Qing said.

The pox print platform has a lot of traffic, and Liu Qing is confident that the traffic of the live broadcast room will be the first in the entire network.

But the users of this platform are more for entertainment, unlike those professional e-commerce platforms, people come to the live broadcast room to buy goods.

With the same number of viewers, there is a big difference in the sales data produced.

"As long as we have a better price mechanism, it is not impossible to make more publicity efforts." Qin Kun said.

He explained to Liu Qing:

"Those national brands will give such a big discount, because they are interested in your traffic, the boss. As long as you are willing to do such a live broadcast to bring goods, we can also negotiate more favorable prices with other brands, so that Attract more shoppers to come and shop.”

"Apox India has always wanted to vigorously develop e-commerce. We have shown that possibility, and they will also give maximum traffic support, which can save us a lot of publicity costs."

"Also, it doesn't matter even if we can't set a record, as long as we can be the number one in the whole network in the same period, then we are also number one."

"As long as we get the first place in the whole network once, then our goal will be achieved."

Liu Qing blinked her eyes: "Didn't we get the number one sales in the whole network for a day?"

"There should be normal days, but that is meaningless, and no one will care." Qin Kun said honestly.

"Then which day do you want to be number one in the entire network?" Liu Qing asked.

"Of course it's Double 11." Qin Kun said.

Chapter 588 Really Fragrant

The time has already entered November, and it is indeed time to consider Double Eleven activities.

Every year on Double Eleven, it is a time when all kinds of e-commerce companies compete with each other. All kinds of real and fake discounts come out, and advertisements are flying all over the sky.

E-commerce is looking forward to that day, and many consumers are also looking forward to that day.

In fact, this so-called shopping festival has existed for such a long time, and most people already know the routines.

But there are still many people waiting to scan online on that day.

Some people believe that the legendary [-]% discount will really appear, and more people, it is actually a habit developed over the years.

But there is one thing to say, most e-commerce companies will indeed offer a certain degree of discount on product prices on that day, and the platform will also issue various coupons.

Although there is still money to be made in the end, the discount is indeed bigger than usual.

This is also why so many people stay on that day every year to sweep the goods.

Not surprisingly, that day will create astronomical sales data.

Before being reborn, Liu Qing didn't pay much attention to live delivery, but he also knew a few delivery experts.

Those people are out of the circle.

On the professional e-commerce platform, the sales of one brother and one sister who carry goods will exceed 2020 billion in 200, one will be more than 300 billion, and the other will be more than [-] billion.

The first brother of the iron factory also brought more than 80 billion yuan in goods. If the data of his apprentices were added, it would reach [-] billion yuan.

Compared with these giants, Tianyuan Media, the first brother of the acne printing platform, is really not enough.

The data in September and October were good, all exceeding the billion level, but in the previous few months, there were not such good results.

From January 90st to the present, a full ten months have passed, and the total sales data is about [-] billion, which is still a certain distance from the big bosses in the outer station.

It can only be said that he is already close to the first brother of the iron factory, but the profit generated by bringing the goods may not even be one third of his.

Of course, when it comes to profit, don't say that Tianyuan Media is not that, even the elder brother and sister of the professional e-commerce platform, compared with that one, they are not that.

Double 11 is a time when businesses must compete. There is competition between platforms, and there is also competition among anchors.

A good data can give the anchor better bargaining power.

Those top anchors started the pre-sale of Double 20 on NO.11 in October in order to fuck the data.

It has just entered November, and the sales data of some anchors has reached several billion.

That year's double 11 live delivery data was too outrageous, and all social platforms had the delivery data of those live broadcast rooms.


Under such circumstances, with Tianyuan Media's current strength, it is obviously impossible to win the sales champion of the entire network in this shopping festival.

However, that does not refer to the day of Double 11, but counts from October 21 to November 22, a [-]-day data.

On the day of Double 11 alone, Liu Qing remembered that the highest record in the entire network seemed to be about 11 billion, which was created by a sister.

It is not impossible to set the goal only on the day of Double 11 and have a better mechanism, and it is not impossible to get support from several national brands at the lowest prices on the entire network.

Liu Qing couldn't help feeling a little moved.

He does not have the corresponding knowledge reserve of enterprise management, and he is actually quite ashamed in his heart that the position of the president of Tianyuan Group has achieved the level of a tool person.

It's just that he knows that his ability lies there, and the contribution of fishing in the office to the group is much greater than that of actively doing things.

Being a tool is his best choice.

But if there is a chance, he still wants to prove himself.

Live streaming is such a way to prove your strength.

Although he doesn't know how to live broadcast, but he understands the rules of live streaming, and, most importantly, he brings his own traffic.

The identity of the president of Tianyuan Group and the certification of national anti-epidemic activists also allow his image to be used to endorse product quality.

There are not as many fans as some traffic stars, but the reputation support they can bring to products is stronger than all stars.

The most important thing is that if they can win the first place in the whole network and have stronger bargaining power, their competitiveness in the industry will be stronger, which can bring Tianyuan Media's business to a higher level.

So I asked Qin Kun: "How much do you think you need to sell to be able to win the first sales of the day?"

Qin Kun hesitated and said, "I think it must be at least a billion or so."

Liu Qing shook her head: "Impossible, one billion can't be won, at most it can only enter the top three."

"Boss, how much do you think it takes to get it?" Qin Kun asked.

"I think it's at least [-] million." Liu Qing used his magic stick ability to use the memory before rebirth to make a prediction.

He said to Qin Kun: "If you are confident that you can get the sales of that event to more than [-] billion, then I can appear on the live broadcast to bring the goods. If you can't do it, forget it, I can't afford to lose it." that person."

Tianyuan Media's delivery data is not as good as the previous big anchors, but Liu Qing's own coffee rank is higher than those big anchors.

He is the president of Tianyuan Group, in charge of hundreds of billions of assets.

It's really embarrassing for him to be inferior to those anchors.

"Twelve billion,"

Qin Kun couldn't help frowning.

He has managed sales of over [-] million. With a better mechanism, he can cooperate with several national brands, and then bring Liu Qing in. He thinks it is no problem to guarantee a bottom of [-] to [-] million.

Spend tens of millions more to buy traffic, and increase the data, it can reach [-] to [-] million.

Then make an order of [-] million or [-] million by yourself, and do a little push to the limit, and you can barely make a sales of [-] billion.

In this way, you may lose some money, but not much.

As long as you can win the top sales on the day of Double 11, it doesn’t matter if you lose some money, as long as you can win the most favorable mechanism, you can make it back in the end.

However, with [-] billion, the difficulty is much higher.

It is very risky to make an extra order of [-] million yuan.

The brand side is not an idiot, and the return rate of the brought goods is high. People will naturally know that this is a fraud, and future cooperation will be avoided.

If you take on so many goods by yourself, and take on [-] million more goods, even if you have the opportunity to sell them in the future, the cost will be quite high.

That pays a little too much.

"Can't you do it?" Liu Qing asked.

Qin Kun hesitated for a while, and finally said:

"Boss, if you promise me one condition, I think it can be done."

"What conditions?" Liu Qing asked curiously.

"Bring Ye Mo and Brother Feng over this day, and you will bring the goods together," Qin Kun said.

In fact, he didn't think that Ye Mo and Feng Ge, the two Internet celebrities, could play a decisive role, but he showed no confidence in facing Liu Qing's problem at the beginning. Now he needs to find such a reason to make Liu Qing believe that he has found it now. way to increase sales.

What he thought was:

"Forget it, let people come over first. If people are deceived, the brand can give a greater preferential mechanism, and then we can increase sales. As for whether we can break through the sales of 12 billion in the end, we can If you can’t get the first place in the whole network that day, that’s a matter for the future. Even if you can’t do it, can he drive me away?”

Thinking about it this way, my mood suddenly became brighter.

It's all family members, and it's for the good of the family, so it's okay to fool around a bit.

With a confident smile on his face, he said: "Our company has two big traffic weapons, one is you, the boss, and the other is Ye Mo. Combining these two big traffic weapons together will generate incredible data. Coupled with the wind Brother, this super first-line anchor, the three kings of traffic gather together, the hero of the world, is irresistible!"

Liu Qing didn't know that this guy had already made up his mind to fool him. Seeing the smile on his face becoming more and more confident, she also inexplicably gained some confidence, thinking to herself:

"This guy has been in the live broadcasting industry for so long, and he has studied it quite deeply. He thinks it is possible, maybe it is really possible."

In this case, you can try it.

Asked: "Then what do you think, the three of us showed up in the live broadcast room to bring goods that day, and we can win such a preferential mechanism, how much sales can we make?"

"12 billion is not a problem," Qin Kun said, "I think it is possible to break through to about 15 billion."

If you have to talk a little more, the boss will be happy.

But if you talk too much, the boss will not be happy again.

The boss personally came out to bring the goods, and it is estimated that he can only make one billion at most.Bring two more younger brothers out, if the data can reach 20 billion 30 billion, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the boss?

Qin Kun felt that the figure of 15 billion was more appropriate.

Speaking of his own estimates, plus these two internet celebrities with their own traffic, the sales would be around [-] or [-] million at most.

However, this number must not be revealed, and the boss will not come forward to bring the goods if it is revealed.

Anyway, you don’t have to pay taxes to brag, so it doesn’t matter if you say more.

Liu Qing nodded, thinking to himself: "You can't trust the businessman's words too much, give him a 12% discount. [-] million, [-]% discount is also [-] billion. Well, it's done."

Then he said, "That's fine, just this one time."

"Okay!" Qin Kun cheered up.

Liu Qing said again: "I am a serious entrepreneur. You can't design such an exaggerated line for me to bring goods in the live broadcast room. The original price is 99, and the current price is [-]. You can't do that. You can have as much as you want, otherwise That would be a stain on me."

"Boss, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Qin Kun said.

Liu Qing's personal image is greater than the interests of Tianyuan Media, Qin Kun understands this very well.

Tianyuan Media is just one of Liu Qing's companies. There are many other companies like this in Tianyuan Group.

With Liu Qing's personal image gone, the Tianyuan Group's image will also collapse, which will have a great impact on them.

In fact, it's not just Tianyuan Group that needs Liu Qing's positive image, even Tianyuan Media also needs such a positive image.

The better Liu Qing's public image is, the higher the credibility of Tianyuan Media will be, and more people will believe in their products.

After the meal, the two chatted in Qin Kun's general manager's office for more than an hour. During this period, Qin Kun also called the heads of the e-commerce departments of the national brands and said that his boss was willing to participate in the Double 11. Live broadcast the delivery of goods to determine the price they negotiated.

If you can, you can come to sign the agreement tomorrow.

Qin Kun has said many times about letting Liu Qing broadcast the goods live, and this time he finally convinced him.

The main reason is that now Tianyuan Media is invincible in live broadcasting and bringing goods.

If you want to develop further, you have to compete with top anchors on other platforms.

Then you need to show your strength to the major brands to gain a better bargaining power.

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