In the past few days, everyone in the group has been discussing this matter, and everyone thinks that Liu Qing is a genius at guiding public opinion.

Feng Zhixuan admired Su Qi more and more in her heart.

She still remembered that when Su Qi met Liu Qing for the first time, she suggested that Liu Qing should not compete for the position of president, and instead become the president of a charity foundation, specializing in charity.

Now it seems that Liu Qing has a special talent in charity, and can spend the least amount of money to achieve the best results.

As the president, the management ability is indeed lacking too much.

"Boss Su has already seen through all this." She thought so.

During the meal, Su Qi and Liu Qing talked the most about the charity event a few days ago.

Su Qi also expressed affirmation of Liu Qing's planning ability, thinking that this is the most genius planning.

She also asked Liu Qing: "Did your Tianyuan Media team come up with such a good plan, or did the Charity Foundation team come up with it?"

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment: "What plan? I just had a temporary idea, no plan."

"No plan?" Su Qi was also taken aback for a moment, "I thought of it on the spur of the moment?"

Liu Qing nodded: "Yes, I came up with it on the spur of the moment."

Then he explained: "I have also broadcasted live broadcasts before. Although I can receive a little sound wave, but not too much. If I don't notify others to join me, and there is no return flow, it usually looks like a few million, which is equivalent to RMB. Hundreds of thousands. I announced the donation in the live broadcast room, and I am afraid that people will not praise me for being caring, but will laugh at me for being too stingy.”

This is not an exaggeration.

A person with a net worth of tens of billions, he announced in the live broadcast room that he would donate several 10 RMB, and the publicity would not have any positive effects, but only negative effects.

In a certain catastrophe, someone donated 10 yuan at the beginning, but they were laughed at for many years.

This time it has such a good effect, mainly because the amount is large enough.

But before the live broadcast, it was impossible for Liu Qing to know that there would be so many rewards.

He started the broadcast that morning, or he was engaged in a charity event, and he didn't host the live broadcast. How could he expect so many people to watch it?

Although the gift reward function is enabled, it is estimated that the income is only a few 10 RMB, and no one has thought about it.

That is, during lunch, Liu Qing returned to the live broadcast room and saw the data of rewards in the live broadcast room. There are already more than 1 million sound wave, which is more than 1000 million in RMB. That's why she decided to donate all of it come out.

After the news spread, more people watched and tipped, which he did not expect.

After listening to his explanation, Su Qi was stunned for a while, and then said with a smile: "You are really born to do this."

Chapter 586 Platform First

After Liu Qing returned home, she only rested for a day, and then went to work.

But he is not tired at work, and often just sits idle in the office.

In the position of president, he has given full play to the spirit of inaction and governance. He has no subjective initiative and never takes the initiative to find things to do, but waits for things to come.

On the second day after returning to work, he also went to Tianyuan Media downstairs to learn about various data of Tianyuan Media.

He has been the boss of Tianyuan Media for more than a year. According to the gambling agreement he had with Qin Kun, after one year passed, he transferred 5.00% of the company's shares to Qin Kun.

Qin Kun now owns [-]% of Tianyuan Media.

Their original gambling agreement set a very low profit target. At that time, Liu Qing never thought that such a new media company could make so much money.

According to that standard, as long as there are no accidents, the goal can be easily achieved in the next two years.

That is to say, in another two years, Qin Kun will also acquire 20.00% of the company's shares, with a total of [-]% of the shares.

That value is very high, proper billionaire.

Of course, that is only calculated according to assets.

Speaking of cash in hand, Qin Kun didn't have much either.

After Tianyuan Media achieved good results, the salaries of the company's employees have been raised several times, and the salary of Qin Kun, the general manager, has also increased naturally. In addition to bringing goods, the income that can be obtained in one month is actually quite a lot, reaching six After counting this refers to after tax.

However, it didn't take long to get better, and the cash in his hand was about 200 million.

Now the focus of his work is on Yangcheng, and he has started looking at houses in Yangcheng, and plans to settle here.

Now that I have money in my hands, I have more confidence. The requirement for a house is no longer just enough to accommodate people, but I also want to have a better living environment.

The requirements for living area and property management are high, and I want to buy a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms with an actual living area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

Of course he doesn't have enough money to buy a house in full, but if he sells the small two-bedroom house in Pengcheng and pays a down payment, the rest of the money can be used for the renovation.

He doesn't have to worry about repaying the mortgage.

With his current income, he can easily repay the mortgage.

I also discussed with Liu Qing that by the end of the year, the company will take out 30.00% of the profits for dividends.

Judging from the current operating data of the company, a profit of 30.00% is over [-] million.

As a major shareholder who owns [-]% of the company's shares, Qin Kun can receive more than ten million in dividends.

Not only is there no pressure to pay the mortgage, but you can even repay the loan early after meeting the standards.

Now he already has the self-confidence that a rich man should have, and he will not be a bit wretched and shabby like before.

The car he drives now has also been replaced by a multi-million dollar luxury car, but he didn't spend a penny, it was all paid by the company, and the car is also a company car in name, but he is only using it.

The reason is simple. The seat frame represents economic strength. The car he drives is too shabby. When talking about cooperation with people, others don't think highly of him.

There is still a price for obtaining so much wealth, and the price is being busy every day.

The company already has more than 100 employees, not including those contracted anchors.

Now the company has more than 200 contracted anchors, most of whom are young and beautiful girls.

There are also some male anchors, but not many are handsome.

As for the male anchor, the company already has Ye Mo who is good looking, so there is no need to find so many handsome ones.

On the contrary, there are more comedic effects.

The female anchor must be beautiful.

Whether you have talent or not, you have to be beautiful.

Some female anchors only have a few people at the beginning of the broadcast, but they are beautiful, have love tickets, and can receive tens of thousands of 10,000+ voice waves a day.

However, most anchors cannot bring benefits to the company, and they still have to get a basic salary.

This is also because Tianyuan Media is rich now and can support some idlers.

When people with potential are found, they will sign them, and then use the company's traffic pool to guide them to a wave of traffic to see if they can be cultivated.

Of course, it is impossible to train everyone, but if one out of ten people is trained, it will be profitable.

For the other nine, let them fend for themselves, and the company will not inject resources into them.

If I really can't make any money, and the company needs to subsidize the money every month, the company will persuade me to leave after a few months.

In this regard, young and beautiful female anchors have a natural advantage.

Even if they can't make money from their own live broadcasts, they still need the company to subsidize the money, but they can serve as background walls for good-performing anchors.

Male anchors are not so lucky, many times they are not even qualified to be background walls.

If you can't get along, you really can't get along, and you will face the fate of being persuaded to leave in the end.

"Now the most profitable company in our company is Ye Mo. Now every time the broadcast starts, the number of online users can reach [-], which can be regarded as a first-line anchor. Not to mention the results of bringing goods, it is already the head of the acne printing platform. Last month, he brought goods to two shows, and the sales reached [-] million."

When Liu Qing was inspecting, Qin Kun reported to him the current performance of Tianyuan Media.

Now the company’s largest income comes from live streaming. Qin Kun’s "Tianyuan Optimal" streaming live room has the highest data, and has realized a 7×24-hour delivery model, which means that it delivers goods every day, and it is 24 hours a day. hour delivery.

Among them, Qin Kun himself brings the goods once a week, and each time he brings the goods for about ten hours, he will invest a relatively large amount of traffic. Generally, each game can have tens of millions of sales. On special days, you must keep yourself With the title of the No. [-] brother with acne marks, he will invest more traffic, sell some products with high unit prices and low commissions to manipulate data, and sell hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of data.

For the rest of the time, other anchors of the company will bring goods in his live broadcast room, and each anchor will play three or four hours a day, taking turns.

Of course, the data in this case will not be as good as Qin Kun's, but it is sold every day, and it is sold 24 hours a day. The accumulated time, the data is quite impressive.

The main reason is that this account has cultivated a large number of shopping fans for such a long time. Those people believe that there will be no fake products in this live broadcast room, and they will come to this live broadcast room when they need to buy something.

In the live broadcast rooms of some brands, the number of people online is generally only a few dozen or more than a hundred people.

But in their live broadcast room, when Qin Kun is not present, they can usually reach tens of thousands of online viewers.

Even in the middle of the night, there can be thousands of people online.

Even in normal days, millions of pieces can be sold a day.

Last month, the sales of this live broadcast room reached more than [-] million yuan, far ahead of other live broadcast rooms on the acne printing platform.

Although the data of the pox print platform in terms of live broadcast delivery has been very poor, let alone compared with professional e-commerce platforms, even compared with iron factories, it is far inferior.

However, the monthly sales of more than [-] million yuan are excellent on any platform, and they are all extremely outstanding.

This data greatly exceeds Ye Mo's data.

It's just that the account of this live broadcast room belongs to the company account, not Qin Kun's personal account, and there is no commission for bringing more goods.

There are rewards linked to performance, but the amount is not that large.

The personal account with the best performance is undoubtedly Ye Mo.

Adding these two accounts together, the total amount of goods carried last month reached about [-] million.

"In addition to Ye Mo, the company now has more than a dozen live streamers, some once a week, some twice a week, the least popular live broadcast room can maintain hundreds of online users, the most popular It can maintain tens of thousands of online users. The combined sales of these dozen anchors last month were close to [-] million."

Of the dozen or so delivery anchors that Qin Kun mentioned, several of them were like Xiaowen, trained by the company.

There are also a few anchors who already have a certain amount of traffic and have been signed by Tianyuan Media.

There are also external stations.

Some anchors already have a certain amount of traffic, and they are willing to be signed, and let the company take half of the commission, mainly because of Tianyuan Media’s ability to select products and bargaining power. Bringing goods here can avoid great risks. It can also make the data look better.

"In addition, last month, the company had more than a dozen entertainment PK anchors, who carried goods in activities such as birthday parties, debut anniversary celebrations, and debut 1000-day celebrations. The accumulated data of carrying goods has more than [-] million."

It is only natural for an anchor to bring goods, and no one will find it strange.

But other anchors will occasionally bring goods under the pretext of giving benefits, but they can't come every week.

Under such circumstances, the inexplicable reason for the [-]th anniversary of debut came out.

Not to mention anniversaries and birthdays, that's a perfectly reasonable reason.

It's a pity that if you find all those reasons, you can only bring goods a few times a year.

Not all anchors are qualified to carry goods. If there are only dozens or hundreds of people in the live broadcast room, then there is no need to bring goods. It is simply a shame.

There must be hundreds of people online anyway.

But now Tianyuan Media's traffic is getting bigger and bigger, and there are still some anchors under its banner who can reach hundreds of people.

"Together, the sales of the company's live streaming products last month were almost 13 billion yuan. After deducting the cost and the commission share of the live broadcast anchors, the gross profit attributable to the company is close to [-] million yuan, which is the most profitable month since the company was founded."

Qin Kun made a conclusion.

A new media company, with live broadcasting and delivery of goods, has a monthly profit of nearly [-] million, which is quite a remarkable figure.

There is no company that can match the acne mark platform.

Even if you look at all the platforms on the entire network, there are not many that can exceed this figure.

The main income of Tianyuan Media comes from live broadcasting, but most of the company's anchors do not do this, but entertainment PK anchors.

There are forty or fifty such entertainment PK anchors dug from other parties, and they are basically second- and third-tier anchors.

The company did not charge a high commission for these second- and third-tier anchors dug in. According to the different coffee positions, it was [-]% to [-]%.

The resources that should be given are still given, but there is no basic salary, and people don't live on this basic salary.

According to the company's statistics, last month, the combined gift income of all the anchors of the company was more than 6000 million yuan, but the amount that went into the company's pocket was about 2000 million yuan.

It's not that the company made 2000 million in gifts through these anchors.

In fact, 200 million was not earned.

If the company wants to take a commission, it needs to invest.

Paying the salary of the contracted anchor is only a relatively small part of the cost.

The bigger investment is to buy traffic for some anchors worth cultivating, buy copywriting for them to make jokes, and send them back.

Last month's data is still good, at least after deducting those investments, the company has already made money from those anchors.

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