At 05:30 in the afternoon, the cafeteria opens.

Usually Liu Qing didn't go to the cafeteria for dinner during the day shift, but went back to her residence to have dinner with Huo Zhenzhen. On the way home from get off work, she would pass a vegetable market, and he would buy the vegetables by the way.

Because the company where Huo Zhenzhen worked did not provide food, she ate outside the company at noon, and cooked with Liu Qing when she got home at night.

Liu Qing works the day shift, that is, she cooks after get off work.

Liu Qing works the night shift and sleeps until four or five in the afternoon, then she will get up to buy vegetables and cook. After the meal is ready, Huo Zhenzhen also leaves work. The two of them eat together. After eating, Huo Zhenzhen rests, and Liu Qing goes to work again.

This time Liu Qing didn't think about cooking after going back, and went directly to the cafeteria to eat.

After dinner, six o'clock.

The management office was off work, and there was no one to take care of the post, so he sat in the guard box and played with his mobile phone for about an hour before leaving get off work.

For such a long time, Huo Zhenzhen did not send him a message, nor did she call him, probably waiting for him to take the initiative to plead guilty, and then lose her temper, taking the opportunity to make Liu Qing make a bigger concession.

Of course Liu Qing didn't take the initiative to call.

When I got home from get off work, it was already [-]:[-] in the evening. When I opened the door, Huo Zhenzhen had already returned. She was putting her clothes into the suitcase with the light on, and was doing her work with a cold face. Did not look at Liu Qing.

Liu Qing has seen this kind of situation many times, this is the time when she saw such a situation before and she immediately relented, no matter who is at fault, she is the first to admit it.

Accompanied by the bleeding of the wallet.

The money Liu Qing saved in the past few years was emptied out time and time again in this way.

This time Liu Qing didn't have any panic in her heart, watching her performance, she even wanted to laugh a little.

He used to be obsessed with this woman.

If love is a religion, then Huo Zhenzhen is the god he believes in, and the only god.

He is willing to sacrifice everything, even his own life, for this god.

But that was once.

Now he has woken up and got rid of that obsessive state.

It's like once fanatical religious believers accepted atheism, and then went to see those god statues, but they were just clay puppets.

After seeing Huo Zhenzhen's true face clearly, without any emotional basis, this woman no longer has any halo in his eyes, she is just a selfish and mean woman.

It's no longer worth his obsession.

He didn't say anything, put on his slippers, and then went into the bedroom and lay down on the bed.

In the living room, Huo Zhenzhen packed her things and made ping-pong-pong bangs. Liu Qing turned on the lights and played with her mobile phone, scrolling through the news, trying her best to recall the things in her memory about the next two years.

In that experience, whether it was a dream or reality, he had already deeply understood the truth that everything in this society is based on money. Without money, love, family affection, and friendship are all imaginary.

Only money is real.

He hoped to earn a little more money by relying on the prophetic ability gained through rebirth.

However, there is only one thing he can think of at the moment, and that is to stock up on more masks so that he can make more money when the catastrophe strikes.

As for the early warning on the Internet to prevent the catastrophe from coming, it's not that I didn't have that idea, but I just thought about it and then stopped thinking.

People speak lightly, and online warnings can't attract everyone's attention.

Even if it really caught everyone's attention, it probably wouldn't serve as an early warning, and would only send him to drink tea.

It's not that there are no opportunities, but mainly because he can't find opportunities with his little money.

Before meeting Huo Zhenzhen, he lived in the company's dormitory and ate at the company. He didn't spend much a month, and he still had savings of tens of thousands of dollars.

But after being with Huo Zhenzhen, I rented a house outside, and I spent more time cooking and eating by myself, and sometimes I ate out, and the expenses became larger, and I couldn't save much money.

At the beginning, the rent was paid by two people, and the living expenses were paid by both of them.

Later, Huo Zhenzhen resigned to study accounting. Without financial resources, she naturally had no way to pay the rent and living expenses, so Liu Qing was the only one supporting her.

When Huo Zhenzhen found another job, and didn't mention helping to pay the rent and living expenses, it became Liu Qing who paid alone. In that case, being able to maintain a balance of income and expenditure was already very remarkable.

When Huo Zhenzhen went to the office to work as a clerk, she would inevitably have comparisons with her colleagues. Sometimes she would complain that she was dressed too rustically and was ridiculed by her colleagues.

In this case, of course Liu Qing had to help her buy outfits, clothes, shoes and bags.

Within two years, my savings were gone.

Now the money in his hands is only this month's salary.

Huo Zhenzhen has basically saved all her money. In her words, "I want to save money for our future, but if you can't keep the money, I can only save it."

Liu Qing really couldn't keep the money in his hands, but all his money was spent on her.

But he didn't dare to refute this.

At that time, I thought that what was yours was mine, and what was mine was yours.

But after breaking up, I realized that what is mine is not necessarily mine, but what is yours is yours.

It's June now, Liu Qing did some calculations, relying on her own money, she will break up with Huo Zhenzhen now, return the house and go back to the dormitory, save money on food and expenses, and by the end of the year, at most, she will save 6 to 2 yuan. Even if you hoard masks, you can't make much money. In this city, you are still just a poor person at the bottom.

Let alone doing anything else.

That little start-up capital is not enough for him to achieve financial freedom.

Somewhat decadent, he fell on the bed and sighed secretly in his heart: "So, do we still have to take that step? Give up the hatred of these years and become a rich second generation who eats and waits to die?"

Thinking of this, I searched the Internet for a company called "Tianyuan Group".

Tianyuan Group started out in real estate, and later switched to venture capital. Standing at the forefront of Internet finance, it has participated in investments with extremely high returns. Now its book assets have reached tens of billions.

The chairman of this group is Su Yi, who has nothing to do with Liu Qing.

But Su Yi's current wife, Ding Yun, is Liu Qing's biological mother.

According to Liu Qing's memory, one month later, Su Yi will die in a traffic accident, and his 80.00% shares in Tianyuan Group will be inherited by Ding Yun.

In August, Ding Yun will find Liu Qing to meet his mother and son.

But in that life, Liu Qing refused to recognize each other.

——He couldn't forget his mother's resoluteness when he left after his father was in a car accident, he couldn't forget his father's grief at that time, and he couldn't forget how painfully his father died in the end.

To reconcile with his mother, he felt that would be a betrayal of his father.

At that time, he still believed in love. He felt that as long as he could be with Huo Zhenzhen, no matter how ordinary life was, he would be happy. Whether he had money was not that important, and he didn't need to wrong himself.

So, at that time, he refused, and even said some ugly words, which made his mother cut off the idea of ​​mother-child recognition.

Even if she is reborn in this life, Liu Qing still has a lot of psychological obstacles in recognizing mother and child.

As long as he remembered the number of the first prize of the welfare lottery, he would never choose to recognize the woman who betrayed his father.


Knowing the importance of money, but unable to find a chance to achieve financial freedom, he felt that he had no choice.

The reality is too cruel, so why not be a rich second generation?

Chapter 005 Coke Man, Green Tea Woman

One of the signs of maturity is to learn to bow to life.

In her last life, Liu Qing was too immature, unwilling to bow to life, but ended up bowing to a woman who didn't care about her, and became a licking dog. In the end, she got nothing and ruined her life.

In this life, he can't think of being so naive again.

After making up his mind, his mind settled down.

Imagining the boring life of luxury and money after becoming a rich second generation, a smile even appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the living room, Huo Zhenzhen put away all her clothes and cosmetics, and couldn't fit in a large suitcase, so she found a woven bag sewn with colored strips of cloth to store it.

After Liu Qing came back, she began to count down in her heart to see when this man would bow to her, and even began to calculate how to get this man to give her a more expensive gift.

However, after counting down over and over again, she didn't get the result she wanted.

There are some feelings of shame in my heart, and some feelings of anger-how dare this man treat me like this?Am I not attractive to him?

But it's more of a relief - it's finally going to break up, and he agrees!

After tidying up, Liu Qing hadn't come out to admit her mistake to her, and there was no reason to want to stay.

I thought to myself: "Liu Qing, I didn't want this day to come so soon, but you forced me."

He took out his mobile phone, opened a short video software, clicked on a mutual avatar, and sent a message:

"My cousin has a boyfriend. Now it's not convenient for me to live with her. Can I move out to live with you?"

Ever since she went to work in that company, she has never posted anything about Liu Qing in her circle of friends, and all the previous posts have been deleted.

In the company, he has always claimed that he is single and lives with his cousin.

At that time, she already felt that she could find a better one.

She is no longer the homeless girl on the street, but a small white-collar worker who works from [-] to [-]. She feels that she is entitled to a better life, instead of tying her whole life to a small security guard.

She began to subconsciously hide Liu's existence in her social circle.

At that time, she didn't have the idea of ​​breaking up with Liu Qing, but she couldn't accept that she married a security guard.

If Liu Qing can't improve herself, the end of those two people will only be a breakup.

It's a pity that Liu Qing is just a person who hasn't finished junior high school, and it's too difficult to improve herself.

Moreover, with this two-shift job, there is no time to recharge myself.

It is one thing to learn a technology after resigning. Whether you can learn it is one thing. During the period of study, the living expenses have not been settled.

——Huo Zhenzhen doesn't want to sacrifice her quality of life to let Liu Qing recharge her batteries.

Later, she became more and more disappointed with Liu Qing, and gradually became Liu Qing's despair.

It feels like two people are not on the same level.

——You, a security man who drinks coke, are not at the same level as I, a white-collar woman who drinks green tea, okay?

She knew that Liu Qing was kind to her, but such kindness could not make her happy, could not make her an object of envy, but would only make her an object of ridicule.

She changed her target.

The manager of the company she works for.

The manager is a married man with a wife and children, but when he was in the company, he also liked to flirt with those female colleagues.

No one takes it seriously, it's just a joke among colleagues.

If someone takes it seriously, it's an adultery.

After Huo Zhenzhen had the idea of ​​changing the course, when the manager teased her, she accepted it.

First, some ambiguous jokes were made on WeChat, and then the manager began to complain about how inconsiderate the yellow-faced woman in his family was, and how unhappy his married life was.

One poured bitter water, the other comforted, and once made an appointment to have dinner together, and then ate at the hotel.

That day, Huo Zhenzhen told Liu Qing that she was working overtime.

After confirming the relationship, the two of them didn't talk about it on WeChat, but related to each other on a short video platform and chatted privately there.

And that software is put together with a lot of software, and no one else can find that software with a mobile phone.

The manager wanted to hide it from his wife, and Huo Zhenzhen wanted to hide it from Liu Qing.

The manager didn't know about Liu Qing's existence. He always thought that Huo Zhenzhen was a single girl, or even an innocent girl.

Huo Zhenzhen was not particularly at ease with that manager, and she didn't want to fall out with Liu Qing before the other party divorced.

After all, Liu Qing was still responsible for her basic necessities.

Her salary is only more than 3000 a month. It is scary to think about letting her rent a house and pay for her own living expenses.

During this period of time, the manager had already filed a divorce lawsuit with his wife, which made her see hope, and became more and more unscrupulous towards Liu Qing, always finding faults and making him spend money on herself.

She also knew that apart from being poor, Liu Qing did not apologize to herself in other ways, but instead gave everything she could.

She was worried that if she broke up one day, this man would tear herself apart.

He has a bad attitude towards Liu Qing, that is, he is cold and violent with Liu Qing, and wants Liu Qing to break up by himself.

This time Liu Qing agreed to break up. Although it surprised her, she also felt relaxed.

——Finally, after this catastrophe, no one will be an obstacle to me on the sunny road leading to happiness in the future.

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