"The manager is here to check on the post."

This is a habit he has developed over the years. Whenever Huo Zhenzhen loses his temper, he always has to explain it first.

This is a quality that a qualified licking dog must possess.

After replying to this one, his face became hot, and he secretly scolded himself for being too cheap.

They have already seen the true face of this woman, and have decided not to be this woman's licking dog, so why bother to explain?

Huo Zhenzhen: "Then will you buy it for me?"

"Not buying."

This time Liu Qing replied very simply.

Huo Zhenzhen didn't reply him right away, probably waiting for him to explain why he didn't buy it.

According to the previous practice, Liu Qing should find out N reasons not to buy at this time.

Then she refuted them one by one.

1 minutes passed.

Liu Qing did not give an explanation.

3 minutes passed.

Liu Qing still did not give an explanation.

10 minutes passed.

The WeChat chat page is frozen there, without even a hint that the other party is typing.

Huo Zhenzhen finally couldn't bear it anymore and sent a message:

"I've been fancying that dress for a long time, I really like it very much, can't you satisfy my wish?"

"If you like it so much, you can buy it yourself." Liu Qing replied, "As an adult, you should learn to pay for your own preferences."

Huo Zhenzhen: "I buy everything myself, so what do I want your boyfriend to do?"

Liu Qing: "Does the law stipulate that a boyfriend must buy this or that?"

Huo Zhenzhen: "Is this a question of the law? It's a question of whether you love me or not, and whether you care about me!"

Liu Qing: "If love can only be expressed by giving gifts, then I feel like you have never loved me."

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

"What does it mean literally?"

"That's what you understand."

"Are you so interesting?"

"What do you think is interesting?"

"Since it's boring, let's break up!"

Through the screen, one could feel Huo Zhenzhen's anger.

They have been together for several years, and Liu Qing has been licking hard, trying her best to please her, and has never been tit for tat like today.

In Huo Zhenzhen's view, this is disobedience, treason, and rebellion!

Therefore, she simply unleashed her ultimate weapon - breaking up!

Looking at the two words that appeared on the chat page, Liu Qing smiled.


Then let's break up!

With so many extra memories about the future, he has nothing but hatred for this woman, without the slightest emotion.

In that life, how deeply he was hurt by this woman and how much he was humiliated, he remembers clearly, it can be said to be unforgettable, and he will never forget it.

In this life, it is impossible for him to know that the other party is a person who is mean and ruthless to him, and still lick his face and go back to that old road.

——If you don’t love too deeply, who would like to be a licking dog?

——I am willing to humble myself into the dust to please you, not because I am humble, but because I love you.

——But now I have no love for you, only hatred.

——Why should I practice myself to please you?

——Break up, let’s break up!

He replied:

"If you think this is interesting, then do what you want."

Chapter 003 The Rain That Night

At the beginning, Huo Zhenzhen was not bossy and rude to Liu Qing like she is now.

In Liu Qing's memory, the two of them also had a comfortable and wonderful time.

Huo Zhenzhen can be said to be a girl picked up by Liu Qing from the street.

She didn't want to go on a blind date with someone arranged by her family, she didn't want to work in the small county town of her hometown, she didn't want to stay in that small place for the rest of her life, and she wanted to see a bigger world, so she fell out with her family and ran away with a suitcase in a fit of anger , Came to Pengcheng.

She felt that Pengcheng was a first-tier city in China, and there should be many opportunities for her to live the life she yearned for.

But she is just a girl who just finished high school. After graduating from high school, she lived at home for two years without any skills, and she didn't want to waste her youth on the assembly line of the factory.

After looking for a job for a few days, either she didn't like it, or she didn't like her, but in the end, she didn't find a job.

Then, I ran out of money, not to mention I couldn't afford to live in a hotel, I couldn't even afford to live in a place that cost ten yuan a bunk, so I wandered into the street with my suitcase.

That time Liu Qing worked the night shift and was hungry in the middle of the night. She was about to go to the convenience store outside the community to buy some food. After walking a few steps, she saw a girl sitting under the eaves of a shop, crying with her head on the suitcase. .

There was a drizzle in the sky that night, and a normal person would feel pity for a girl sitting there crying on such a night.

Liu Qing went over and asked her why she didn't go home at night, but sat here and cried.

That girl is Huo Zhenzhen.

That's how they met.

At that time, Huo Zhenzhen had been wandering the streets for a day, hungry for a day, and had no place to live, just like an abandoned puppy, very miserable.

I dare not live under the viaduct because there are homeless people there.

That is, outside this community, there is a security guard box not far away. The light can make her feel a little safer, so she came here, planning to sleep under the eaves of that shop for a night, and continue to look for a job tomorrow.

In the middle of the night, there was a drizzle in the sky, and the eaves were not big enough to completely avoid the invasion of the drizzle.

Such an atmosphere made her think of what happened to her, and she hurt herself even more. She couldn't help crying, which then attracted Liu Qing's questioning.

Perhaps it was the security uniform Liu Qing was wearing that gave her a sense of security, so she told Liu Qing about her experience while crying.

Afterwards, I cried even more sadly.

Liu Qing's own life experience was not much better. When he was a teenager, his father had a car accident, and his mother ran away with a rich man. He didn't finish junior high school and had to drop out to take care of his father. Within a year, his father He passed away again, and he was the only one left in the family, and he still owed tens of thousands of yuan in debt.

I came out to look for a job when I was not full, but because of the limitation of my education, I couldn't find any good jobs.

I have moved bricks at construction sites and worked in factories. I worked more than ten hours a day. After paying off my debts, I felt that my body could not hold on anymore, so I found a relatively easy job, which is my current job.

The reason why he can work as a security guard in this community is because he is 1.8 meters tall, has a good image, and is young enough.

Without a home, he would naturally have no family burden, and this job would allow him to live in this city.

As for the future, he doesn't know what the future will look like.

Pengcheng is a city of immigrants. In this city, most people don't know what their future looks like, they just try to live.

In the drizzle, listening to Huo Zhenzhen's crying, Liu Qing suddenly felt a little sad.

Urban poor.

All poor people.

He took out 20 yuan and handed it to the strange woman whom he met for the first time:

"Take it and go buy something to eat. Don't hide here if it's raining. I'll take you into our community and rest in the lobby for a night."

He originally wanted to spend 200 yuan to let the girl find a cheaper hotel to live in, but he was worried that she would meet a scammer, so he took 20 yuan out, even if she was cheated, it didn't matter.

After that, Huo Zhenzhen complained many times that she was cheated by Liu Qing's 20 yuan.

After that, it was Liu Qing who regretted it—if he had known what happened later, he should not have left the sentry box to go there that night, and he should not have given the 20 yuan.

The 20 yuan made Huo Zhenzhen eat a full meal, and then she followed Liu Qing into the security booth.

Liu Qing originally wanted to take her into the lobby of the community to rest, but she was afraid of being driven out, so she hid from the rain at the sentry box where Liu Qing worked, and even talked with him for half the night.

Jiayi Property Company also needs a female security guard. After learning about her situation, Liu Qing advised her to apply for a job at the property company. She should find a job first, and then slowly look for better opportunities after she has some savings.

After all, the company provides board and lodging, so you can't make a lot of money working here, but at least you won't starve to death.

On the second day, under his leadership, Huo Zhenzhen went to the management office to apply for a job, went through the entry procedures on the same day, and became his colleague.

One is without relatives, and the other is severed relationship with the family. They both belong to the existence of family affection in this world. They have a lot of words in common, so they are very close.

After more than a month, they became a couple.

In another month, they moved out of the dormitory, rented a one-bedroom house in an urban village not far from the community, and started living together.

In the beginning, Huo Zhenzhen treated Liu Qing pretty well, and it really made Liu Qing feel the beauty of love.

It's just that there are inevitably some frictions and quarrels in the cohabitation life.

In this process, the one who is loved will always be confident, and the one who is deeply loved will be riddled with holes.

The one who chooses to regress is always the one who loves deeper.

Liu Qing is the one who loves more deeply.

He lost his family when he was a teenager, and he never felt family affection again. Now that such a woman can enter his life, he can feel family affection and love, which he cherishes very much.

Therefore, when the two sides have disputes, he always chooses to back down.

Compared with his own humiliation, he was more unwilling to make the other party sad.

However, step by step concessions, what you get in return is that the loved one becomes more and more confident, and the loved one loves more and more humble.

Huo Zhenzhen didn't work for a long time in the property company, she didn't want to be a security guard for the rest of her life.

After half a year, she resigned and went to study accounting.

During that time, Liu Qing's salary alone supported the living expenses of the two of them.

Later, Huo Zhenzhen was admitted as a junior accountant and found a job in an office.

The salary is not as high as when I was a security guard, but it is easy to go to work. I only work eight hours a day, and there are holidays.

From that time on, she felt that Liu Qing was the one who was following her, and she always said to him: "You can find such an excellent girlfriend like me, it is the blessings accumulated by your ancestors in eight lifetimes, so you can be content!"

There were so many words like this, that Liu Qing began to feel that she was indeed the girl who was so popular.

So I accepted some excessive demands on her, and tried my best to make this girl happy.

At that time, he was still very naive, thinking that as long as he worked hard to be nice to the other party, he would be able to get the other party to be nice to him.

As a result, the result was betrayal.

In the last life, I didn't see this woman clearly, and was hurt by this woman.

After being reborn, he already understood the other party's true face, so he naturally wouldn't let this woman hurt him again.

After sending those words on WeChat, Liu Qing suddenly felt a sense of relief.

The shackles of the last time, the shackles of this time, seem to be all untied at this moment.

There is a sense of lightness in the soul.

Chapter 004 The reality is too cruel, forget about being a rich second generation

The security guards of Jiayi property work in two shifts, one shift lasts [-] hours, they go to work at seven o'clock and leave work at seven o'clock.

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