President Su's tone became severe.

Secretary Feng didn't dare to say anything more, walked up to Liu Qing, and bowed deeply to him:


An apology is an apology, but I feel wronged in my heart, and my eyes are red.

Liu Qing didn't have a good look at her, and asked:

"Now you know what's wrong?"

Secretary Feng lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I know I was wrong,"

"What's wrong?" Liu Qing asked.

"It's wrong, it's wrong," Secretary Feng said reluctantly, "It's wrong, I shouldn't accuse you of secretly filming without evidence,"

"Your biggest mistake is not this," Liu Qing said seriously. "Your biggest mistake is that you take yourself too seriously, thinking that men all over the world will harm you. In fact, you are not as attractive as you imagined , just a dispensable background board, if you look at you more, it's just because your existence blocks other people's sight, not because you are so good-looking."

Secretary Feng's face turned red all of a sudden.

I was angry again, but I didn't dare to attack, I felt that I was wronged.

President Su was very unhappy with what Liu Qing said.

Although she also felt that her secretary had gone too far, she didn't like Liu Qing's reprimanding tone.

——If my secretary wants to reprimand, I can only reprimand, what kind of onion are you, you are here to force Lai Lai.

It's just that this time it was indeed his secretary who was at fault first, and his tone was a little harsh, but it was hard to say anything.

He coughed and asked, "Sir, I would like to ask, this floor belongs to the company's office area, what's your business here?"

Tianyuan Group required all staff at the headquarters to wear formal attire to work. Liu Qing was wearing casual attire, so it was obvious that she was not an employee of the company, nor would she be the cleaning or security guard of the property.

She wondered if the other party came to apply for the job, and made up her mind that if this guy came to apply for the job, he would not be accepted.

——It’s hard to say whether he has the ability. A person who came to the company to apply for a job started to work with the company’s employees before he joined the company. His attitude is still so arrogant, and his emotional intelligence is low enough. The company cannot recruit such a person.

Of course, the main reason was the rows of small video thumbnails in this guy's phone, which made her instinctively disgusted.

"I'm here to find someone." Liu Qing didn't hide anything.

"Looking for someone?" President Su frowned, "Who are you looking for?"

I made up my mind, if anyone asks this guy over, they have to talk about it.

The office area of ​​the company is used for going to work, not for receiving personal friends.

"Look for the chairman of your company." Liu Qing said.

Boss Su took another look at him. The word "cheap" was revealed all over his body, and he didn't look like someone who could reach the level of chairman.

But she still didn't point it out and asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

"I have an appointment," Liu Qing said, "She asked me to come to the company to find her a few days ago."

After saying this, he shrugged again: "Actually, I took out my mobile phone in the elevator to send her a WeChat message and tell her that I'm here."

Mr. Su was stunned for a moment: "Do you have the chairman's WeChat?"

Secretary Feng's face was very ugly.

If this person has something to do with the chairman, her life in the company may be difficult.

Liu Qing nodded: "Yes, we have added WeChat."

Not only did he add Ding Yun's WeChat, but he also saved his mobile phone number, but years of poverty have made him no longer in the habit of making calls. If he has WeChat, he can directly contact him on WeChat, not wanting to waste phone bills.

"Can I take a look?" President Su asked.

Then he explained: "It's like this. There have been incidents of defrauding our chairman on WeChat before. I want to see if the WeChat of our chairman you added is real."

"no problem."

Liu Qing clicked on the WeChat page of her mobile phone, pointed to the WeChat friend whose note was named "Mom", and said:

"That's it, see if it's true."

When President Su saw the note name, he couldn't help but glance at Liu Qing again, with a strange look in his eyes.

The avatar is indeed the avatar of the chairman.

But the avatar can't prove anything, this is the easiest to steal.

Click on the chat page, and see the WeChat message sent by Liu Qing "Mom, I'm in Tianyuan Building, are you at work now?", check the time, and push it forward, it should be when she was taking the elevator with her secretary issued.

But that address made her brows jump.

Then click into the page of the other party's circle of friends, read the content, it is indeed the chairman, not a fake.

I thought to myself: "My dad only passed there on May [-]th, is the old hag playing the trick of accepting a son now?"

She would not think that this cheap-looking man in front of her was really the chairman's own son, but only thought that it was a popular way for rich wives to adopt a son.

Glancing at Liu Qing, she became even more disgusted with this man.

A young man with able-bodied limbs, instead of going to work to earn money, actually came to do such a dirty thing.

In her opinion, this is even more shameful than a candid photographer.

She also couldn't understand why the chairman summoned such a person to the office.

Do you want to assign this dirty guy a position in the company, or do you simply want to play an office plot?

The latter is fine.

If it's the former, it's too bad.

She has no right to interfere with the chairman's private life, so she can only cast aside it in her heart.

Who calls someone the chairman?

Returning the phone to Liu Qing, he said, "The chairman doesn't come to work so early, and there is no special situation. He usually comes to work in the afternoon, and sometimes he doesn't come to work."

Chapter 031

Secretary Feng is not qualified to read Liu Qing's WeChat page, but from Mr. Su's expression, it can be seen that he was really invited by the chairman.

His little face turned pale with fright, and he didn't know what he would suffer in the future.

The chairman and her boss Su didn't deal with each other very much, but now that they offend the chairman's people, life will be even more difficult.

Regret in my heart - I knew this was the case, even if people really wanted to secretly take pictures, they could only pretend that they didn't see it.

She didn't dare to stay in this place anymore, so she said "I'm going to work" to President Su, then left the scene and walked into an office.

I was also thinking about whether I should find a reason not to work here in the afternoon, so as not to meet the chairman and suffer from her.

Although Mr. Su looked down on people like Liu Qing, he was invited by the chairman anyway, so it was too negligent.

I didn't want to deal with this kind of person, so I led Liu Qing to a reception room and asked him to wait for the chairman to arrive here.

There is a staff in the reception room, she is a young girl, not to mention how pretty, but she looks quite pleasing to the eye.

Mr. Su explained to the girl that Liu Qing was the chairman's guest, and the girl didn't dare to neglect her. She poured tea and served fruit, and acted very attentively.

Liu Qing was not in a hurry, she just sat there drinking tea while chatting with that girl, asking about the company's situation.

There is nothing related to company secrets, so the girl didn't hide anything, and she said everything that should be said.

From that girl's mouth, Liu Qing learned that President Su is called Su Qi, and although she is not very old, she has a high position. She is the vice president of Tianyuan Group and also the acting president of Tianyuan Group.

Being able to hold such a high position is not because she is a returnee from the Ivy League University in the United States, but because she has another identity - the biological daughter of Su Yi, the former chairman of Tianyuan Group.

Hearing this information, Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, and thought to herself: "So this is my half-sister,"

The girl told Liu Qing that in the past, Su Yi, the chairman of the board, also served as the president. After his car accident, Tianyuan Group no longer had a president.

At present, the highest position in Tianyuan Group is Su Qi, the vice president.

Ding Yun is the chairman and owns the most shares in the company, but under normal circumstances she doesn't handle the company's affairs, that is, she shows up when the board of directors is in session.

Liu Qing can understand this, because Ding Yun wants to handle the company's affairs, and probably doesn't know how to handle it.

That woman just went to an elementary school, and her level is right there, so she is not the one to do this job.

He also knew about Su Qi's secretary named Feng Zhixuan, who graduated from a prestigious university in China and had a good relationship with Su Qi.

When the word "very good" came out of the girl's mouth, Liu Qing always felt that there was some other meaning, but she didn't know what it meant.

While waiting, it was interesting to listen to some gossip about this company.

Liu Qing is not a very gossip person, but in his mind, Tianyuan Group is already his company, so it is very necessary to understand the situation of his company.

At 10:30, he received Ding Yun's WeChat message:

"You wait there, I'll be there in a while."

Liu Qing thought: "This guy probably just woke up, and he's living a happy life."

He also thought about such a day.

After receiving this WeChat message, about half an hour later, Ding Yun finally appeared in front of Liu Qing.

Following her was the taller woman that Liu Qing saw that day.

He had learned from the girl in the reception room earlier that the taller woman was named Geng Xia, who used to be a provincial Sanda champion and is now Ding Yun's bodyguard.

I didn't look at it carefully at the time, but now Liu Qing took a serious look at it. She looks quite ordinary, but looks quite strong.

It's normal to think about it.

If it's a pretty girl who has won the provincial Sanda championship, even if she can't be a celebrity, she is at least an Internet celebrity. Why is there a need to be a bodyguard for someone?

Seeing that Liu Qing was chatting happily with the girl in the reception room, Ding Yun nodded in relief, thinking that this was a good start.

In the past, she was very worried that her son would become autistic and lose the ability to communicate with others after being stimulated.

She has read similar news a lot.

Now it looks like he was overthinking.

Seeing her coming, Liu Qing immediately stood up and called, "Mom."

At the reception, the little girl's eyes widened all of a sudden—this man is called the chairman's mother, what does this mean?Is it literally or what I think it means?

Ding Yun gave a "hmm" as a response.

Then he said to the little girl in the reception room:

"He is the son born to me and my ex-husband, you will remember in the future, don't treat him as an outsider."

The little girl in the reception room looked dull: "Is the chairman a second marriage? And his ex-husband? And such a big man? Why have I never heard of it before? This, is this company going to change?"

Thinking that I had chatted and laughed with the company's prince for more than an hour, and gossiped so much about the company, my mood became very complicated.

Responding to Ding Yun blankly: "Yes, yes, Chairman, I understand."

Ding Yun was not interested in the mental activities of the little girl in the reception room, so she said to Liu Qing, "Go to my office, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a good chat."

Liu Qing said: "Okay."

Ding Yun led him to her office, and said to him as she walked:

"I didn't expect you to come so early. I usually come here in the afternoon to have a look, and most of the time I won't come."

Liu Qing snorted, and thought to herself: "If you don't come here to work, why do you ask me to come here to find you? Can't you just send me your home address?"

I was complaining secretly, and heard Ding Yun say:

"I asked you to come here to meet me to let you know about our company and let those people in the company get to know you."

Liu Qing's heart was pounding. It sounded like he was going to hand over the company to him, which was a great thing.

At the same time, I have some worries. I have only studied in junior high school. Is it really capable of managing such a company with tens of billions of assets?

While thinking about it, Ding Yun asked him: "You have been here for an hour or two, tell me, how do you feel about this company?"

Liu Qing thought for a while and said, "The little girl in the reception room is pretty nice, she treats people very warmly."

"That's it?" Ding Yun turned to look at him.

"Well," Liu Qing pondered for a moment, "the floor was mopped very clean."

"Is there nothing else besides these two points?" Ding Yun asked.

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