He didn't even look carefully at what the woman in the elevator looked like.

I know that with makeup on, my face is very white and my lips are ruddy.

Just glanced at it, and there is no other impression.

The woman was thin, wearing a slim suit skirt, black silk, and high heels, with a thin waist and long legs.

Thin and thin, where there should be meat is still quite meaty.

Liu Qing didn't look at it carefully either, she glanced at it and already made an estimate in her heart.

If there is no pad sponge, it must be an E cup.

——This is an evaluation from a professional old color batch.

After retreating to another corner of the elevator, he took out his mobile phone and sent another message to Ding Yun:

"Mom, I'm at Tianyuan Building, are you at work now?"

After sending this message, he put down the phone again.

The surface of the elevator bridge car is made of stainless steel, which can reflect people's shadows. Although it is not as clear as a mirror, it can still be seen roughly.

When the woman saw Liu Qing take out her cell phone, disgust appeared on her face, and she became even more nervous.

She felt that the man was secretly filming herself.

The little goodwill that Liu Qing had originally had because of her voluntary retreat also disappeared without a trace.

"Grasshopper, it's too wretched!" she thought in her heart.

It's not a particularly outlandish idea, either.

There is a joke that put half a glass of water on the table, the optimist sees it is half full, the pessimist sees it as half empty, and a group of people sees that the glass is about to be raped I.

Certain groups publicize the fear of the male gaze, which can easily lead to persecution paranoia in the audience. They always feel that the world is not safe, and that men in this world have no good things, and all have evil intentions towards them.

It's a pity that this is an office building, not a mixed dormitory for a university. You can't ask men not to enter the elevator, and these fairies in the workplace are trembling when they go up the elevator.

She even regretted not putting a knife in her bag.

From the first floor to the 38th floor, the time is not long or short.

While the woman waited tremblingly, the elevator finally reached the 38th floor.

The elevator opened, and the woman finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that her life was finally her own.

Walking out of the elevator, seeing that man also coming out, she quickened her steps and walked out of the elevator room.

There is a hall outside the elevator room, and there are two security guards there.

The woman walked into the hall and shouted loudly:

"Security, security! Come here quickly, there is a wretched man here, he secretly took pictures of me! Catch him quickly!"

Liu Qing, who was walking behind her, looked confused:


Chapter 029

Liu Qing has never done any secret filming before, even when she and Huo Zhenzhen were filming together to add to the fun, she always got the consent of the other party, and would delete it after enjoying it.

Regardless of whether he knew him or not, he would never take pictures without their consent.

He still has this basic quality.

I didn't expect to be accused of being a candid photographer today.

The moment he heard this accusation, he even had a terrifying thought: "Could it be that there is a wretched man in the elevator who secretly took pictures of her with his mobile phone? It's just that I didn't see it?"

I quickly turned around and looked back, but no one saw it.

When the woman saw Liu Qing turning her head, her voice became louder, screaming at the two security guards:

"Security! Security! He's about to run away, so catch him quickly!"

Of the two security guards, one walked towards Liu Qing, and the other said to the woman, "I'm sorry Secretary Feng, we are just security guards, we have no law enforcement power, and we cannot arrest people."

At this time, Liu Qing was sure that the woman was talking about herself, and she spread her hands innocently: "I didn't want to run away. I didn't break the law, so why should I run away?"

"You secretly filmed me in the elevator!" The woman called Secretary Feng pointed at him and screamed.

"What's going on?" the security guard who approached Liu Qing asked him, "Why did you secretly take pictures of Secretary Feng?"

Liu Qing shook her head and sighed: "Brother, shouldn't you first ask me if I took a sneak shot? You asked me why I took a sneak shot, but I didn't even take a sneak shot. Can I tell you why?"

"You obviously have a sneak shot! When you were in the elevator, you pointed your phone at me. Why didn't you take a sneak shot?" Secretary Feng shouted.

At this time, she was very fierce, and her cautiousness when there were only two people in the elevator was completely different.

Liu Qing was also angry, and said, "Are you mentally ill? I'm secretly taking pictures of you with my mobile phone? Is it true that with you here, everyone can't use their mobile phones?"

Secretary Feng scolded angrily: "You're just out of your mind! You pervert who secretly took pictures of women!"

Then he said to the two security guards:

"Why are you still standing in a daze? Take his mobile phone over and see if he secretly took a picture of me. Don't you know if you check it?"

The security guard who approached Liu Qing said to Liu Qing:

"Get out your phone and let's check it out, don't make it hard for me."

Liu Qing used to work as a security guard, he really didn't want to embarrass his colleagues, but the security guard's words made him very unhappy, looking at the other party:

"You want to check my phone? Do you have law enforcement power?"

This question stopped the security guard.

Another security guard nodded:

"You're right, we don't have enforcement powers."

The previous security guard was also unhappy, and said to Liu Qing:

"Sir, we don't have the right to enforce the law. However, Secretary Feng said that you secretly photographed her. If you don't cooperate with us and hand over your phone for us to check, then we can only call the police."

Liu Qing didn't care: "Then call the police."

Secretary Feng shouted again: "You have to keep an eye on him, and don't let him delete the photo that secretly took me!"

She spoke so loudly that people from several nearby offices ran out to watch the excitement.

The more people there were, the louder that Secretary Feng was, pointing at Liu Qing and saying to them: "Just now this wretched man secretly took pictures of me with his mobile phone in the elevator, and now he still doesn't admit it!"

Her words caused some people to point fingers, especially some girls, who showed disgust towards Liu Qing.

A man who secretly takes pictures of girls will be hated everywhere.

Liu Qing sneered, and said to Secretary Feng:

"You are responsible for what you say."

"Of course I will be responsible for what I say," Secretary Feng said sharply, "but you are also responsible for what you do!"

"OK," Liu Qing said, "then you should call the police and let the police collect evidence."

"Zhixuan, you speak so loudly, what happened? Don't you have something to say?" A cold voice came, and there was a trace of unhappiness in that voice.

Liu Qing followed the voice and saw a tall woman walking out of an office.

The woman was not wearing a skirt, but a slim suit and trousers. The leather shoes under her feet were not high-heeled, but medium-heeled. Her actual height should be more than 1.7 meters.

This woman looks quite young, her face is cold, and she has the arrogance of a superior person, which brings a certain degree of oppression.

After she appeared, some noisy voices around fell silent.

Secretary Feng also calmed down, then his eyes turned red, he pointed at Liu Qing, and said aggrievedly: "President Su, just now this man secretly took pictures of me in the elevator."

When the woman heard the word "sneak shot", she looked at Liu Qing with disgust, frowned, and asked Liu Qing:

"Why are you secretly filming my secretary?"

Liu Qing thought to herself: "Here, Boss Su also has a special secretary. He should be a person with a relatively high position in the company. There is no need to make the relationship too rigid."

Being able to think this way is not because he, Liu, is so reasonable, but because he thinks that this company is his own, and there is no need to make such a big fuss.

If it was someone else's company, he would not be able to bear this grievance as a newly promoted rich second generation.

With a wry smile, she said, "Sneak filming is something that she framed me out of nothing. I think you should ask your secretary to do a psychiatric evaluation to see if you have delusions of persecution."

"You mean you didn't secretly take pictures?" Mr. Su asked.

"Of course not," Liu Qing said, "I'm not a pervert, why should I secretly take pictures of others?"

"Then why did you suddenly take out your phone in the elevator?" Secretary Feng asked.

Liu Qing sneered, not bothering to answer.

President Su frowned, and said, "Sir, can you give me an explanation?"

Liu Qing said: "Is it true that when your secretary is present, all men are not allowed to take out their mobile phones? Taking out the mobile phone is a sneak shot? Is it a pervert?"

"Then why don't you dare to take out your mobile phone for us to check?" Secretary Feng interrupted again.

President Su then asked, "Why?"

Liu Qing asked Su Boss: "Will your mobile phone be checked by others casually?"

President Su pondered for a while, took out his mobile phone, unlocked the screen, and handed it to Liu Qing:

"Sir, I'll check my phone for you, and you check your phone for me, what do you think?"

Liu Qing choked for a moment, then smiled, took out her mobile phone, unlocked the combination lock, and handed it to President Su:

"Okay, let's check."

There was nothing in his mobile phone, so of course he wasn't afraid to check it.

It's just that for no reason, someone put a shit bowl on his head and tried to check his mobile phone forcibly, he couldn't stand it.


Now that Mr. Su handed over his mobile phone first, at least he is respected in the procedure, and his face has been preserved, so there is no need to refuse.

He got President Su's mobile phone, but he didn't check it.

He's not interested in this.

Mr. Su was a little surprised that he handed over the phone so readily. He glanced at his secretary and asked:

"Zhixuan, are you sure this gentleman really secretly took pictures of you?"

Chapter 030 The Dirty Guy

Liu Qing readily handed over her mobile phone to Mr. Su for inspection, which made Secretary Feng a little unconfident, and his eyes dodged a little, but he still said: "When he entered the elevator, he looked at me very wretchedly, and then Take out your phone, it must be a sneak shot."

"Don't be so sure about things that you can't be sure about."

President Su said this, and then went to look through the photo album on Liu Qing's phone.

Click to open it, and the latest date of the album is still yesterday, and it is not a picture of a person, but a dish taken.

Go to the video again.

I flipped through it, didn't click on any videos, just looked at the rows of thumbnails, and my eyes were so hot.

But you can be sure, that is not a candid video.

Although the thumbnails are not very clear, at least you can see whether the people in the video are wearing clothes or not.

In his heart, he labeled Liu Qing as a wretched man, but he also knew that the accusation that his secretary secretly filmed the other party was wrong.

He returned the phone to Liu Qing as if it was hot, and bowed to him:

"I'm sorry, sir."

He glanced at Secretary Feng again:

"Zhixuan, you misunderstood this gentleman, he didn't secretly take pictures of you, now you apologize to him."

Secretary Feng muttered softly, "Maybe he deleted it."

"Zhixuan, apologize!"

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