Mo Lan started on his way with a hundred mages. This time, Mo Lan only brought a hundred mages. Other than that, none of the guards from the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce came, not even the wild bears. is the player.

The big deal is to die, anyway, as long as you don't die, you can output.

"found it!"

Zou Peng said suddenly, took out the map, and marked a point directly.

"There is a cave here, and all the corpses are in the cave."

Zou Peng posted a screenshot in the group, and Mo Lan's eyes froze when he saw it.

There is a rough three-story altar in the picture. There are small curved grooves on the altar. The grooves are scarlet. It seems that there is blood flowing inside, but there is no overflow.

And at the very top of the altar, there is an extraordinary core inlaid impressively.

Looking down along the lines of the altar, there is a big pit, and there are pale and broken corpses in the pit.

Corpses were stacked one after another in the big pit, and scarlet blood could still be seen in the gaps between the corpses, and there was no sign of coagulation or drying up after so long.

Mo Lan looked at Dakeng with an uneasy expression, and his eyes returned to the extraordinary core on the top of the altar.

This is a dark and silver extraordinary core. The screenshot is too far away to see the spell model inside.

"The little devil is really building an altar. What do you think is that extraordinary core?"

Zou Peng asked aloud.

"Don't you know? It must be a space spell like a portal, and the level is definitely very high.

But I care more about that altar than that. "

"What happened to the altar?"

"I have been thinking about a problem during this time, if I build a mage tower, how to keep the spell model in it.

I have never found a way, but this altar gave me a new way of thinking.

Isn't the extraordinary core just a ready-made spell model that has been constantly completed?

It's just that we don't know how to activate the extraordinary core, so we can't use the spells inside.

But the altar is fine by visual inspection, and besides that, although the corpse pit is disgusting, I feel that it also has a high technical component.

Why does it build a corpse pit and blood pool under the altar?

What are those textures?What does blood do?

Can beasts replace humans as blood pool materials?

In my opinion, this altar is a finished product, a finished product that allows me to conduct reverse research.

The technical value hidden behind it is far more precious than those on the surface. "

After Mo Lan finished speaking, Zou Peng frowned and said.

"But we still face a very serious problem."

Zou Peng pointed to the huge guild teams and a group of casual people watching the excitement.

"Forget about casual people, what about the group of guilds?

They are strong soldiers, why don't you sell your face and let them give it to you? "

"Maybe one or two of these things will sell my face, but this can't solve any problems. Instead of doing this, I might as well..."

Mo Lan said with some embarrassment.

"Turn up the table, pull them to our level, and then use our rich experience to compete with them."

Chapter 130 There are more hands in the yin

"Damn it, Mo Lan, it's still your yin, I'm ashamed of myself."

After Zou Peng figured out what Mo Lan wanted to do, he looked at him strangely.

"What's bad? Can this be considered bad? This is called wit."

Mo Lan pouted.

"Let's not talk about whether these are useful or not, let's discuss how to deal with the little devil.

I see this little devil is very upset, fuck it.

Um?Yi Fei asked me to discuss how to deal with the little devil. "

"Call me too."

Zou Peng also said.

"If he knew how you plan to deal with them later, he would definitely not invite you now."

"The problem is they don't know."

Mo Lan and Zou Peng walked forward together, and a group of presidents discussed how to deal with the little devil.

Until now, the little devil's information is almost clear.

Level elite level, there are three kinds of spells that have been shown so far, one is the flash spell that Mo Lan and the others are looking for, the second is the fireball spell, and the third seems to be spells such as telekinesis, which can resist attacks, Corpses can be moved.

And it flies fast and has sharp claws.

In addition, there are still some unclear information, such as the limit distance and limit number of flashes.

All in all, this little devil is very powerful and needs to be treated with caution.

Mo Lan didn't participate much in the discussion, and soon the presidents discussed a general idea.

The idea is very simple, first draw the little devil out, and then focus on the fire with the spell, forcing it to flash, and then continue to focus on the fire after the flash.

The cycle keeps going, they firmly believe that the little devil will never be able to flash infinitely, as long as the light is forced to flash, even if the little devil is an elite level, he will not be able to escape the inevitable death situation.

You know, at least tens of thousands of player elites have gathered here, and there are countless casual people who join in the fun.

In front of so many people, the little devil who lost his flash had no choice but to die or flee.

As for the cave, it was naturally agreed to explore together after killing the little devil.

The ancients said: There is great power in numbers!

"Scatter, scatter all!"

The guilds spread out one by one, and each guild was in charge of a long and narrow fan-shaped area. As long as the little devil appeared in this fan-shaped area, it would focus on fire.

"Induce monsters!"

As soon as the words fell, a wild boar struggling desperately tied a burning torch and threw it into the cave.


The wild boar's eyes were red from the pain of the fire, and it rushed forward frantically, and the pig rushed forward.

But in the blink of an eye the boar's cry disappeared, death.


Dozens of wild boars who were tied up behind resisted, tied the torches, untied the ropes and threw them inside.


The wild boars died one after another, and finally, at the moment of the death of the sixth wild boar, a black shadow flew out from inside at a high speed, and the sharp claws in his hand directly penetrated the chest of the anti-pig player.


A beating heart had been dug out.

"Team one, spell focus fire!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of warriors directly threw out their only spells, and in an instant the area where the little devil was was covered by dense spells.


In an instant, the little devil appeared a hundred meters away, and the people there shouted in a low voice.

"Soldiers, set fire!"

Another overwhelming spell enveloped away, causing the little devil to roar angrily.


This time, it appeared directly above Mo Lan, Mo Lan sensed a burst of elemental fluctuations before the little devil disappeared.

"Where the flash appears, there will be fluctuations in advance? Shouldn't the flash technique be interrupted?"

Mo Lan's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said.

"Second group, fireball!"

As soon as the words fell, 25 fireballs appeared directly, forming a huge blue fireball under the guidance of Mo Lan.

Just when others were wondering why Mo Lan had suddenly cast a spell, the little devil appeared.

The blue fireball flew away, and everyone couldn't help but look here, and a thought emerged in their hearts.

"Is the little devil going to die in Mo Lan's hands?"

But just when the blue fireball was about to hit the little devil, the flash technique was activated again, and the little devil disappeared.

Mo Lan keenly discovered that there was a second between the two flashes, and the little devil started to flash after a second. According to the normal situation, it should have flashed the moment it saw the fireball, but just waited abruptly. More than a second.

After the imp disappeared in a flash, it was gone this time, but at this moment there was a loud shout.

"On my back... poof!"

The man died halfway through his words, and the little devil directly flashed into the crowd to kill wildly.

"Collect fire, gather fire where the little devil is, the guild subsidy for killing!"

As soon as the words fell, one after another spells rose up and fell directly on the player group. The spells seemed to be thrown very quickly.

At this time, the other presidents hurriedly asked Mo Lan.

"God Mo, what happened to you just now? Did you know that the little devil would be there?"

"There are signs when the flash appears, and the mental power can sense the fluctuations there."

"Okay, the mage is in position, ready to catch the little devil at any time!"

While talking, the little devil flashed and disappeared again, leaving only a mess in place, scorched black, ice, and a large piece of player corpses.

The next moment, the little devil appeared again, but the mage next to him didn't respond.

"Warrior mage set fire! And why didn't the mage respond at all?!"

"I didn't feel anything! Why are you yelling so loudly!"

The mage turned around and shouted after throwing the spell.

"Mo Lan can sense why you don't...that's it, forget it, it's none of your business."

While speaking, the president suddenly felt that something was wrong, silently lowered his voice, and then continued to shout.

"Set the fire! Set the fire! Set the fire for me!"

After dozens of players died, the little devil flashed away again, but this time it also had a lot of scars on its body.

After all, it is not in the air now, it enters the middle of the players, which can provide it with cover to resist spells and make it easier to be attacked.

At this time, Mo Lan quietly sent a message while being vigilant.

"Zou Peng, have you gone in? Don't snatch anything after you go in. Take screenshots of every corner and every detail of the altar and we will be considered a victory."

It took Mo Lan a while to wait for Zou Peng's reply.

"Fuck (a kind of plant), one of these old bastards sent someone to sneak in, I just agreed, and I am the only one who intends to obey.

If I hadn't kept an eye out, honest people like us would have been tricked by them.

In addition, we haven't gone in yet, and we dare not go in, for fear of drawing the little devil back.

After all, with so many people watching, it's not easy for everyone to break the situation. Let's kill the little devil first. After killing the little devil, proceed according to the original plan and give them a big surprise. "

"it is good."

Mo Lan suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation while speaking, and his whole body instantly became refreshed. He knew that the little devil had appeared.

But it didn't appear on my side, but not far from next door.

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