A president who came over from the side said, Yi Fei shook his head.

"Not necessarily, Mo Lan is sure that he dares to fight, or..."

Yi Fei was stunned suddenly, watching the soldiers who were dueling with Mo Lan suddenly attack him.

"No one on the battlefield will tell you when to attack. I am your enemy. If you believe what I say so easily, then you deserve to lose."

Yi Fei was stunned, and many people were dumbfounded, cursing shamelessly.

"Shameless to such an extent, this... this is also a talent, the victory or defeat may be determined in this round.

This guy should be promoted to the elite soon. Although his strength is not as good as his face, he is not too far behind.

At this level, resisting the fire ring may not be useful, Mo Lan is in trouble. "


This player was holding a machete in his hand, with excitement on his face and fighting spirit surging, he immediately increased his speed to the fastest, and slashed at Mo Lan fiercely.

Mo Lan's body flickered with magic lights.

Stone Skin!

Resist the Ring of Fire!

The elegance of cats!

Seeing the formation of the resistance ring of fire, the warrior showed a smug expression on his face.

"Haha, it's useless!"

As soon as the words fell, the magic light flickered, and the knife in his hand was shrouded in a layer of golden light, which directly split the air wave that resisted the expansion of the fire ring, and the whole person was just stagnant.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that he didn't move, but Mo Lan was directly blown out by the resisting ring of fire for more than 50 meters, and stopped far away, looking at him expressionlessly.

This time, everyone was stunned.

"Fuck, it turns out that Mo Shen didn't lie to me. Resisting the ring of fire is really a displacement spell, not used to displace the enemy."


Yi Fei also smiled.

"Now that the distance has been drawn, the warrior's only spell has been used up again. The game is over and Mo Lan wins."

However, to everyone's surprise, Mo Lan walked forward with a wrought iron rod, only casting two spells on himself on the way.

"Hahaha, you're courting death, then I'll be impolite."

The soldier who had a gloomy face on the other side smiled now.

"Although my spells have been used up, it's not something you, a little mage, can do.

Come, let me teach you how to play melee combat..."

Before he finished speaking, he only felt a shock in his head, and his whole body stopped, and then a wrought iron rod was swung down.

Mental shock!

The warrior who had regained consciousness realized that it was too late to dodge, so he quickly raised his hand to block it.

Just a mage, how powerful can he be...

However, as soon as the thought flashed across his mind, his arm felt a sharp pain.

A huge force was released from the wrought iron rod, and the warrior fell down and rolled several times, his arm was twisted and apparently broken, and the sword flew a long way in the process.


"That's it?"

There was a burst of booing from the side, and the soldier's face turned red, and he became angry from embarrassment. His body was full of vindictiveness, and he turned over and rushed towards Mo Lan.

Mo Lan was expressionless, and the ground under his feet suddenly rose, pushing Mo Lan up.

The soldier almost bumped into the stone pillar, stopped quickly, didn't look up, and turned back to dodge.

At this time, I only felt the shadow covering my head.


The heavy wrought iron rod fell with great force, he subconsciously tilted his head, and the wrought iron rod whizzed by his ears with a strong wind.


There was a sound of shoulder cracking, and the severe pain made his mind dull and his eyes were red.


The soldier shouted angrily and rushed towards Mo Lan.





Mo Lan was surprisingly flexible, and the cooked iron rod in his hand fell on the warrior again and again, during which time he only replenished a spell whose duration had expired.

Bear Explosion!

The soldier made a mistake and failed to dodge Mo Lan's attack, and the wrought iron rod fell directly on his head.


The head exploded, and white and red splashed everywhere. Everyone around saw the throat twitching, and the shock in their eyes did not subside for a long time, and then the shocked voices and strange screams continued to resound.

Mo Lan took the wrought iron rod, squatted down next to the soldier's corpse, carefully wiped the white and red spots on the stick with his clothes, then walked to Yi Fei's side, and returned the stick to the player.

"Thank you."

"No thanks."

Yi Fei didn't say anything, just gave a thumbs up silently, with shock in his eyes.

"I didn't expect the mage to beat the warrior to death with a stick. It's amazing."

Just as Mo Lan was about to reply, a voice suddenly came from behind, making him frown.

"Mo Lan, I didn't expect you to be so shameless, it's fine to secretly prepare spells in advance, and you also use the power of weapons.

Come on, fight me if you have the ability! "

A soldier ran to the center and yelled at Mo Lan.

"One group, fireball technique!"

Mo Lan looked back at him and said softly.

As soon as the words fell, 25 fireballs rose from the sky above the Jiuding mage group.

The rising fireballs instantly gathered together in the air, and Mo Lan used his spiritual power to guide them.


The flames rose, and the air waves surged. When the flames dissipated, there was only a deep pit left in place.

Then Mo Lan turned around again and smiled at Yi Fei.

"Mages should use sticks."

Chapter 129 Flesh Altar

There was silence all around, and everyone looked at Mo Lan silently, only a few seconds later there was a burst of cheers.

"The God of Ink is amazing!"

And not long after, the video here was posted on the forum, and the popularity soared rapidly, and the most common sentence in the mage forum was.

A mage should use a stick!

So much so that some Mengxin who had just changed jobs couldn't help scratching their heads in doubt when they saw it.

Do mages really need to use sticks?God Mo used it like this...


"Do you think the little devil will come to our side?"

Zhang Haobo asked aloud, and Zou Peng smiled beside him.

"It doesn't matter, whether it comes to our side or not, the little devil can't escape.

As soon as he shows up, we can use information such as the sequence and angle of the three massacres to pinpoint the range of activities of the little devil and the approximate range of the lair.

In the past, the little devil could not be found because the scope was too large to find a needle in a haystack. Now that the scope has been reduced, players will still not be able to find it once they enter it?

You know, the little devil has slaughtered two villages during this period. Although these two villages are small, there are hundreds of people in total.

The corpses of these people were all collected by the little devil. There are so many, it's not hard to find them. "

As soon as Zou Peng finished speaking, he read a message.

"The little devil appeared, in that village five kilometers away.

After killing hundreds of players, he ran away and took away a few player corpses, and now other players are chasing him. "

After Zou Peng finished speaking, he suddenly glanced at the news again.

"Blink is gone, spreading out to look for it."

After Zou Peng finished speaking, he took out a map and marked the three villages that had been attacked by the little devil so far.

The three points are connected to each other, and three focal points appear immediately.

Looking at these three focal points, Zou Peng silently drew a circle on the map.

"The little devil is probably in this area."

Mo Lan nodded when she heard the words, and suddenly asked.

"Where did you get such a detailed map? Have you been to this area before?"

"No, I bought it from the Explorers' Guild."

"The Explorer's Guild?"

"Yes, the entire guild of this guild is Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder who discovered the little devil before is a member of their guild.

This group of people is basically full of agility, and many people and monsters can't catch up with them even if they beat them.

They use their high agility to explore the road, and while exploring the road, they also record the terrain, photos, and videos, and then send them back to their guild. Professionals make accurate maps. The guild sells the map, and the members will also get corresponding The more popular the map, the more profitable it is.

The most popular map so far should be the monster level map around Red Maple City. The sales volume is very good, and it is not expensive. Basically, every combat player has one.

Because they will also be responsible for real-time reminders and regular updates of monster information, which is the most embarrassing. "

"The co-authors are all starting a business in the game?"

Ding Jin said in surprise.

"Yes, it is said that the president of the Explorer's Guild has opened branches and stores in other cities and even other countries, and has begun to seize market share and squeeze some small imitators to death in the corner.

This is a big boss among entrepreneurs. Many people admire him, allowing Pathfinder to maintain their hobbies while increasing their income. Many soldiers will take part-time jobs by the way to earn some money to subsidize their families.

It is said that he has accepted financing from certain groups, and plans to open branches all over the game world, not only human races, but also alien races.

Now it is said that a preliminary map of human forces in the game is being prepared, as well as introductions to major countries, cities, major nobles, and forces. "

"Big money."

Mo Lan exclaimed when she heard the words, but then came back to her senses.

"Let's not talk about this first, let's not wait here, let's go.

Go to this circle first, wait there, and rush over as soon as you find the little devil's lair.

The flash technique must not be let go. "

"This is a spell destined to be popularized."

Zou Peng said aloud, and Mo Lan smiled when he heard this.

"Then popularize it from our hands."

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