Is the proximity of the second world to the game world a good thing or a bad thing?

Where does the power to make a world move blatantly come down?

Whether this force can be actively controlled, whether this force can be mastered.

Of course, these are secondary, Mo Lan is mainly thinking about a problem at this moment.

Will the approaching No. [-] world directly collide with the game world?

Although the No. [-] world is just a small world, the small world is also a world, and it also has a huge volume and a strong world wall.

Although the game world is large, it is definitely not enough to withstand the impact of a world and still be intact.

Although the No. [-] world will eventually become a unique part of the game world, and even though the No. [-] world will eventually be wrapped by the game world, this is not what Mo Lan expected.

Mo Lan doesn't know whether the approach of the second world is fusion or... collision!

Chapter 1296 "It's really not a bad thing..."

Fusion, or collision?

Mo Lan personally feels that the possibility of a collision is higher.

And once such a collision occurs, the consequences will inevitably be devastating.

Mo Lan looked down at the mage floating city under her feet. Although she still didn't understand the principle of the No. [-] world moving to the game world, Mo Lan understood that this floating city and the mage concept in the No. [-] world must have played an important role. , no, more than that.

It definitely played a decisive role.

And evacuating the floating city should be able to suppress this situation to some extent, or at least slow down this speed.

It stands to reason that Mo Lan wanted to evacuate from the Floating Void City as soon as possible, because there is not much change now, and evacuating the Floating Void City can definitely stop the progress of the second world from approaching the game world. Relying on the concept of a mage is absolutely powerless.

Especially when Mo Lan deliberately suppressed it.

However, Mo Lan had a feeling somewhere that it might not be a bad thing for the second world to approach the game world.

In this matter, no matter how bad the result is, it should not be much worse.

You know, Mo Lan is already a mage above the gods at this moment, and can already recognize information. The feeling of a mage with this strength is definitely very, very accurate, and basically there is no problem.

Follow the feeling, the result will not be too bad!

As a mage with keen perception, Mo Lan believed in his own feelings very much, and his feelings had never deceived him, so Mo Lan gave an order.

"The Mage Floating Void City first withdraws to the game world, and suppresses the mage rules of the second world, allowing it to return to its previous state of silence."

"Huh? President?"

The mage in charge of running the mage floating city looked at Mo Lan with some doubts, but Mo Lan didn't explain much.

"Do as I say first, I can't say anything now, but it's not a bad thing after all."


As soon as the voice fell, the mage immediately drove the mage floating city to prop up a huge space channel and returned to the game world, and the rules of the mage in the second world were also suppressed and fell into silence.

In just a split second, the No. [-] world seemed to return to its original state, as if it had never changed.

It is true that although the changes are very rapid in Mo Lan's view, they are compared with the past. In fact, in such a short period of time, at the world level, the changes brought about by the fastest speed are quite limited.

So there is basically no change between this moment and before.

And Mo Lan could also notice that the relative coordinates of the No. [-] world, the game world, and the No. [-] planet gradually stabilized, and the movement stopped.

Obviously, as a mage, Mo Lan has very keen senses, but she also believes in her own senses.

But again, as a mage, Mo Lan believed in her own knowledge and data even more.

Feelings may be distorted by others, may be hoodwinked, but knowledge is not.

The knowledge I have won't be distorted by others, and I won't lie to myself, and even if the knowledge is distorted, as long as it is the knowledge I have, I will be able to quickly realize that there is a problem.

So although Mo Lan feels that it might not be a bad thing, she still chooses to believe that she knows everything, chooses to understand the principles, and chooses what she can master.

As for what if it is really a good thing that the second world is approaching the game world?

Can't we just continue?

After figuring out the principle, when will it be done?

Mo Lan was about to immerse her mind in the No. [-] world. While observing the changes in the No. [-] world with the help of the world's highest authority, she observed the information exchange between the mage rules and the game world.

Since World No. [-] is rushing towards the game world, and since the power to move the world comes from the Mage Rules and the Floating Void City, there must be information interaction between the Mage Rules, the Floating Void City and the game world.

As long as Mo Lan captures the interactive information, he can understand most of the problems without more research and experiments.

It can only be said that after reaching the level above the gods, Mo Lan can basically understand many things at a glance, without much experimentation and research.

Of course, at this level, there are also projects that require Mo Lan's research and experiments, but those will be more advanced and esoteric projects.

Mo Lan opened his eyes only a moment later.

"Huh? It's because of the mage concept and the mage's floating city, the second world is regarded as a part of the game world.

And then the mutual attraction between rules and rules leads to this closeness? "

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

This kind of mutual attraction between the rules is somewhat beyond his expectation, but it is reasonable to think about it carefully.

Mo Lan roughly understood the principle, and at this moment, Mo Lan began to think about how to use this principle.

The power that can move a world is absolutely huge.

At least Mo Lan still doesn't have the ability to use brute force to move a world.

Well, the current planet No. [-] is still immobile. Of course, it is still possible to barely move after entering the No. [-] planet, but imagine how smooth the No. [-] world was just now?

Can't do it.

This force is absolutely huge.

It doesn't matter if this force is achieved by the mage rules in the process of assimilating the world's rules as a whole, it still deserves Mo Lan's attention.

"Theoretically speaking, the approach between the second world and the game world will stop as long as there is a direct rule interaction.

After reaching this level, the No. [-] world will be equivalent to being included in the game world, so that it will no longer be close. "

Mo Lan fell into deep thought, and couldn't help but think of the original vision of the world structure, as well as some ideas about the current world structure.

A new idea emerged in Mo Lan's mind, a slight modification to the existing world structure.

After thinking for a while, Mo Lan opened the space channel again, and beckoned to the mage on the opposite side of the space channel.

The mage who had just returned to the game world after driving the mage floating city fell silent when he saw Mo Lan's gesture.

It was confirmed again and again that the floating city was driven back before leaving. In the process of controlling the floating city to fly back, he couldn't help but look at Mo Lan a few more times.

"Let's run it normally. Originally, the world might be destroyed, but I just confirmed some things, and I'm basically sure it's all right."

Mo Lan said calmly.

"Yes, received."

While conceiving a new structure, Mo Lan observed the changes in the rules of the mage and the floating city of the mage after they were put in place again, while observing the information interaction between them and the game world, while perceiving the game world and Planet No. [-].

When perceiving the mage's rules, mage's floating city and the information interaction between the game world, Mo Lan basically confirmed the previous conclusion.

And when the No. [-] world approached like a game world again, Mo Lan couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation in her heart.

"It's really not a bad thing..."

Chapter 1297 A Connected World

"It's almost the same distance."

Mo Lan muttered silently in her heart.

It has been quite some time since the trial operation of the three-level authority subdivision system.

During this period of time, during the period of trial operation, many problems were exposed in this subdivision system of authority. These problems were large and small, but fortunately, all the gods were closely watching the whole system, and there were preliminary experimental data , so these problems were basically solved as soon as they were exposed, and did not cause too much damage and loss.

In addition to all kinds of problems, the benefits of this system are also various. The benefits that everyone can see and enjoy are analyzed one by one, and one after another is placed on the table. on the countertop.

The three-level power subdivision system has become the general trend. At this moment, everyone's will is unified. Whoever wants to stop the operation of the three-level power subdivision system is against everyone's will.

The operation of the three-level power subdivision system is basically unstoppable. Even if Mo Lan wants to reverse this situation, it is quite difficult, at least without any strong evidence, it is very difficult for Mo Lan to do so.

And also during this period of time, the No. [-] world is also continuously approaching the game world. The game world is getting closer and closer in Mo Lan's perception. Mo Lan even feels the rules of the game world. The regular radiation range of the second world is about to border!

A crucial step is coming. At this moment, Mo Lan stands on the mage's floating city and takes charge of the floating city himself.

In charge of the familiar Floating Void City, in charge of the familiar concept of mage, Mo Lan silently perceives the distance.

The ability to recognize information by the powerful above the gods has become the basic condition for perception. When the two world ruled radiation areas touch and overlap, Mo Lan's thoughts move.

"The rules come!"

In an instant, the mage rule projection from the game world slowly descended, falling into the floating city of the No. [-] world, falling into the original space of the No. [-] world, and coming into contact with the mage rule in the No. [-] world.

The moment the two were connected, Mo Lan only felt that the mage rules in the second world were instantly strengthened again.

At this moment, the status of mage rules as the main rules in World No. [-] is completely unshakable.

Trunk rules, this is a brand new concept that Mo Lan came up with, a concept about rules.

Not all worlds have backbone rules. When the rules of a world are relatively balanced, even if a certain rule is slightly stronger, it will not become the backbone rule if it does not crush all other rules.

Under Mo Lan's observation, there are and only when a certain rule can crush the sum of all other rules will it form a backbone rule.

That is to say, the strength of this rule occupying more than 50.00% of the overall rule network.

What are trunk rules?

The trunk of the big tree is called the trunk rule.

All other rules become extensions of this one, and all other rules become twigs of this one.

Problems with other rules will not cause too much problem for the whole world.

But when the trunk rules break down, the big tree will die and collapse.

This is the backbone rule, which is Mo Lan's definition of the backbone rule.

And as long as you master the main rules, it is equivalent to mastering this world and mastering the highest authority in this world.

In addition, the main rules will also affect all aspects of the entire world and will dominate the development of the entire world.

Take the Fire Elemental Realm as an example, assuming that the Fire Elemental Realm is a world, then the Fire Elemental Rule is the main rule of this world and dominates the entire world.

And at this moment, with the intervention of the mage rule projection from the game world, the mage rule has completely become the main rules of the second world.

Every aspect of World No. [-] will change subtly, and the direction of World No. [-] will change and become more distinctive.

And this main rule is not the main achievement of Mo Lan this time, it is just an expected surprise and extra gain.

and really gain

Mo Lan sensed the speed at which World No. [-] was approaching the game world, and had a thought.

Under the control of Mo Lan, the projection of mage rules from the game world and the mage rules of the No. [-] world soared into the sky and went away through the air.

There is no obstacle between the No. [-] world and the game world. They are both within the radiation range of the rules of the two worlds. These two rules run directly from the No. [-] world to the game world.

After a while, a regular interactive channel was formed between the game world and the No. [-] world.

One end of this rule channel is connected to the mage rules of the game world, and the other end is connected to the mage rules of the No. [-] world, which is the main rule of the No. [-] world.

A big tree seemed to appear in Mo Lan's cognitive information.

The game world is like a piece of land, the rules of the mage are rooted in the earth, the roots extend along the net of rules, and its main trunk grows away from the ground and penetrates into the starry sky, where branches and tree crowns grow, supporting another world.

And as if the game world has become a big tree, the thick branch of the mage rules continues to extend outward, supporting a small tree crown and a small piece of sky.

At this moment, World No. [-] has completely become a part of the game world and a part of the mage's rules.

At this moment, the rules of mages in the game world have been strengthened like never before.

At this moment, the origin of the game world instantly increased.

Although the size of the No. [-] world is far inferior to the game world, it should not be underestimated, and it is impossible to ignore it.

When directly increasing the volume of a No. [-] world at one time, when this No. [-] world does not need any digestion, has been digested by the rules of the mage, and has been transformed into the shape of the game world by the rules of the mage, the game world has absorbed the No. [-] world without hindrance. No. World, the origin of the game world is surging, increasing.

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