After all, the concept of man is very broad. In my opinion, man is not a race, but a spirit, a concept, and a moral system.

As long as you are willing to carry this spirit and follow this logical system, then you are human.

Race and so on can also be included under the concept of people.

As for the physical gap..."

Mo Lan shook her head slightly, pointed at the God King and said.

"God King, your body is in the shape of a human, and the inside is in line with the structure of the human body, and it is also a real flesh and blood body.

Although this is transformed by you, it is indeed your body, so are you human?

And me, am I human?I must be brother.

But look at my soul, look at my body..."

While speaking, Mo Lan's body became illusory, and his flesh and blood disappeared, turning into a mass of elements without any shape or color.

"Like a human?"

Immediately, Mo Lan's body condensed again, and Mo Lan's voice sounded immediately.

"With the emergence of the extraordinary world, the concept of human has already been sublimated.

It must also be sublimated, the original concept is no longer enough to define the existing people.

And sublimated people can join and integrate all groups who are willing to accept the concept of people.

The sea is inclusive of all rivers.

As for the enemy, surely I don’t need to explain too much, do I? "

Mo Lan smiled and looked at the God King.

"Well, can you accept my explanation?

Would you like to be a human being? "

The king of gods pondered for a moment when he heard the words, then smiled and said.

"You can call me Zhou from now on."

Mo Lan also laughed.

"Then you are welcome first..."

Before Mo Lan could say anything, she felt someone staring at her, and Mo Lan knew it was Mo Mo without turning her head.

Momo: stare~

Mo Lan shrugged.

"Okay, second, you are welcome to join the concept of being a person for a second, being a person, Zhou.

Zhou, um, how do you feel? "

"not bad."

God King, no, there is no more God King at this moment, only Zhou is the only one there.

"We're still going with two or three letter names.

Zhou, Zhou, to be honest, your naming skills are really not good, on par with mine. "

Zhou smiled.

"It's just a name, does it make any difference if it's good or bad?

I am strong enough, who will say my name is bad?

No, my name is just going to be a trend that will lead to a whole bunch of one-word names. "

Obviously, the king of gods is stubborn, and he doesn't want to admit that his naming standards are poor, and he can't think of a better name.

And Mo Lan heard the words carefully, nodded immediately, and said in agreement.

"It makes sense, you are already a qualified person.

Really, I used to think that my naming skills were poor. Obviously, it wasn't my naming skills that were poor, but other people's aesthetics.

What should be changed is not my naming ability, but other people's aesthetics!

We should be leading the aesthetics and leading the trend. "

Mo Lan felt that she had discovered a new world.

But how?

I can only say that it makes sense, I can only say...

It fell into Mo Lan's hands, mourning for the tide.

Aside from the exchanges between the god king and Mo Lan in these unofficial histories, in the official history, between these few words, Mo Lan and the former god king Zhou re-broadened and extended the definition of the concept of human race, turning it into A larger, more comprehensive, broader and more inclusive concept has been developed.


For those who study this period of history, this is tantamount to turning a new page.

This is destined to be an important time node in the history subjects that must be learned, memorized, and tested in the future.

But Mo Lan has no such self-awareness at the moment, and is still immersed in the meaningless question of what to name and what trend.

According to unofficial history records, the great sage Mo Lan is extremely thick-skinned and extremely shameless!

The Masters Association neither acknowledges nor denies this statement.


After a while, Mo Lan remembered the business, and immediately levitated up, watching the voices of the gods.

"The first thing is to carry out the first operation of the authority subdivision system in a week. This week is reserved for you to familiarize yourself with the relevant knowledge and to contact and adjust with the mage in command.

Regarding this point, let me remind you that the mages assigned to you in the power subdivision system are all experienced in operation. It is not shameful to learn from them. , really embarrassing.

It would be even more embarrassing if the control of the Floating Void City of the Kingdom of God was revoked after three months.

This is the first point, you have noticed it yourself.

The second point, now, all the gods, the meeting of the gods in the hall of the gods!

The second, and will be the last, meeting of the gods.

Assemble now! "

After finishing speaking, Mo Lan fell down and turned to look at Zhou beside her.

"Let's go? The former God King, it's your turn to preside over the meeting."

"Huh? Why did I preside over your meeting?"

"You are a god king, I'm just an ordinary god, if you don't preside over it, why don't you let me preside over it?"

Ordinary gods?

Zhou was lost in thought.

Zhou felt that this ordinary god was threatening him.

Can Zhou accept the threat? !Can this be tolerated?

Forget it, let's bear with it.

"Well, you're right."

Chapter 1295 Three-Level Authority Subdivision System

Rules abolished!

This contract was abolished directly at the world level, and no accidents occurred during this period.

After all, the gods can abolish the contract made by the gods naturally, which is like the highest authority in the world, no problem.

As for the gods, I don't know what will happen in the future, but it is still easy for Mo Lan to command them during this period of time.

After these gods learn the law, Mo Lan might not be able to frighten them after they understand the law.

At the meeting of the gods, in addition to abolishing the rules, Mo Lan also announced new management regulations to the gods, and the gods had no objection to this.

Gods: No objection (lower bb).

And with the passage of time, the time for the trial operation announced by Mo Lan has arrived. One after another, the floating cities of the kingdom of gods are suspended in the sky, and one after another, the gods return to their places. At the same time, teams of mages stand in their own range and wait. orders.

Mo Lan looked at the time, and when he saw the hands of the clock pass by the last second, Mo Lan's voice rang in the ears of all the gods and all the mages who were preparing.

"The three-level power subdivision system is running for the first time, start!"

As soon as the words fell, the floating cities rose instantly, and the overwhelming shadows seemed to darken the sky.

One after another rule projection descended on the floating city, and on the floating city, the floating city controlled by the gods and the gods controlled by the mage were diverted.

The Floating Void City of the Kingdom of God is slowly drifting away, reverberating between the heaven and the earth, one mage after another operates one rule after another according to the established method.

The stagnant world seemed to be alive, and the world seemed to be full of vitality. Mo Lan seemed to feel the roars of the four elementalists in the game world, absorbing and smashing the chaotic and violent energy in the depths of the void!

The sky has become higher, the earth has become more magical, the rivers are wide, the sea is deep, and even the high mountains seem to be slowly expanding.

The world seems to be growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The whole world is full of vitality and opportunities.

In such a world, Mo Lan feels that the rules are all joyful, and she also becomes joyful herself.

In such a world, Mo Lan feels that the difficulty of mobilizing the rules has dropped a lot in an instant, and Mo Lan feels that the difficulty of comprehending the rules has dropped a lot.

Even Mo Lan's demiplane feels that it is growing faster, and the wall membrane of the world outside the world has become tougher.

The world became active, and Mo Lan even felt that the regular radiation area around the world began to squirm and began to extend outward bit by bit.

It seems that active rules can also radiate farther distances, and in the area where the rules radiate, the influence of the game world becomes larger and more intense.

Within the regular radiation range, everything imprints the regular at a faster rate.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in Mo Lan's mind, and he took a step forward, appearing in the original space of the No. [-] world, and appearing on the top of the mage's floating city.

The person who controls the mage floating city is an elite mage within the association.

When other floating cities started trial operation, although the mage floating city did not go back, it was also opened simultaneously in this No. [-] world.

And when Mo Lan appeared in the No. [-] world, Mo Lan instantly sensed something was wrong.

The changes in the game world are more obvious when there is a contrast.

The active and fast-growing rules of the game world are constantly eroding the "inert" No. [-] rules. The rule radiation area of ​​the game world is rapidly infecting the rules of the No. [-] world. Starting from the rules of the mage, the rules of the No. [-] world are spreading. Every rule leaves a mark that belongs to the game world, and leaves a mark that belongs to the rules of the mage.

Are the rules of World No. [-] really "inert"?

No, no, before this, there was no obvious difference between the activeness of the rules of the second world and the rules of the game world. Putting the two together, although it can be clearly seen that the rules of the game world are stronger, but the activity is not so great. Obvious gap.

At this moment, the "inertia" displayed by World No. [-] is only reflected against the rules of the game world.

At this moment, under this terrifying gap, the No. [-] world is rapidly becoming the appearance of the game world, and is rapidly becoming the appearance of the rules of the mage.

Although the rules of the No. [-] world are still completely different from those of the game world, and although they still have their own uniqueness, they are being quickly digested, accommodated, and overwhelmed by the game world.

Evolving at this speed, it won't be long before World No. [-] will become a unique part of the game world!

Mo Lan took a long breath, and at this moment, Mo Lan suddenly had a feeling.

The game world seems to have become a life, an elemental life, and the No. [-] world is an element. Originally, the game world could only rely on instinct to assimilate the No. [-] world's elements bit by bit with its own elements.

And the game world is mastering the cultivation techniques, and after mastering the cultivation skills, it begins to quickly refine the No. [-] world.

And not only that.....

Mo Lan took a long breath, closed her eyes, and stood on the top of the wall to feel silently.

After two worlds, Mo Lan's feelings were very, very dull, as if they would stop at any moment.

But Mo Lan has finally reached the level above the gods at this moment. After all, Mo Lan at this level has the capital to cross the world and ignore distance.

Even without relying on any space channel, Mo Lan, who is far away in the No. [-] world, still senses the thoughts he left in the game world and on the No. [-] planet.

With the reference of the coordinates of the game world and Planet No. [-], Mo Lan can basically be sure.

The No. [-] world is continuously approaching the game world, and the No. [-] world is launching a unilateral rush to the game world!

The change she noticed at this moment made Mo Lan fall into deep thought.

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