They are going to grab its territory, and Mo Lan doesn't believe that they will come out, or that they can stand it.

Look, isn't this a success?

A mass of legendary elemental life rose rapidly in the crater, quickly approached the ground, and then rushed out of the crater, galloping towards Mo Lan.

Chapter 1057 Legendary Elemental Life


A legendary elemental life like a fierce horse rushed out of the crater, and the tens of meters long flame body exuded a terrifying temperature. The fluctuations of the legendary elemental life made the surrounding elemental life freeze, daring not to move.

Like a steed, the legendary elemental life has no reason at all, it walks directly through the air, releasing a berserk aura and galloping towards Mo Lan.

The terrifying aura directly locks onto Mo Lan's body from beyond the line of sight. Mo Lan's weak aura that has just been promoted to legend is in danger under the terrifying aura of this legendary elemental life form.

This legendary-level elemental life like a fierce horse is very strong, and its momentum can easily suppress ordinary legendary-level powerhouses. Although the momentum cannot fully explain the combat power, it is also a manifestation of combat power.

This legendary-level elemental life like a fierce horse is probably not weak among the legendary-level. Mo Lan can feel the anger of this elemental life.

Hearing the words, he was provoked and angry!

Its territory is much more angry than others!

Under the anger, the aura of legendary-level elemental life became more violent and terrifying, and in a blink of an eye, the horse-shaped elemental life rushed in front of Mo Lan. Mo Lan was extremely small in front of him, just like an ant.

The horse-shaped elemental life stood up straight up, and the huge horseshoe fell directly towards Mo Lan. The terrifying oppressive feeling was almost breathless.


Mo Lan lifted her disguise and released her aura as a god-level mage.

The air suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

The horse-shaped elemental life was frozen in mid-air, even the dancing flames on his body were frozen.

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After a few breaths, the premise of the life of the horse-shaped element fell down from Mo Lan's side very smoothly, turned around, and trotted away gracefully as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the back of the horse-like element life trotting away, Mo Lan smiled.

"Does offending the gods mean that nothing happened?"

The life of the horse-like element froze, and the flames on his body froze again and stopped jumping, but the previous freeze was because the life of the horse-like element was too frightened and controlled by itself, but now it is entirely because of Mo Lan's power as a god-level mage. Imposed on it, at this moment, it can't even tremble except for the brain to think.

Mo Lan walked step by step towards the horse-shaped elemental life, and the sound of footsteps sounded one after another, getting closer and closer.

At this moment, every sound of footsteps resounded in the heart of the horse-shaped elemental life, and every sound seemed to make its heart shrink suddenly, and great fear lingered at the tip of its heart and shrouded its consciousness.

Each sound of footsteps was approaching, each sound more intense than the previous one.

When the sound stopped right behind the horse-shaped elemental life, and there was no sound after that, at this moment, the fear in the horse-shaped elemental life's heart reached its peak.

Mo Lan's hand caressed the flaming mountain of the fiery horse-shaped elemental life, but the scorching flames could not cause any harm to Mo Lan, and it was like the softest hair in Mo Lan's hands, allowing Mo Lan to fiddle with it.

"Offend the gods, tell me, what price should you pay?"

Mo Lan released the control on the life of the horse-shaped element, and asked aloud.

Although the control was released, the life of the fierce horse-shaped element still did not dare to make the slightest change, for fear that Mo Lan's stroking palm would fall directly and take its life.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to become a follower of Your Majesty and follow you around."

The life intelligence of the horse-shaped element is not low. Seeing that Mo Lan didn't kill it immediately, he immediately reacted, and quickly released a wave of mental power to show his attitude.

And it also hides a little thought in it.

It is a great honor to follow a god, even for a legendary life. After all, no matter how strong a legendary life is, there is no difference in front of a god.

In addition to the difference in strength, if you follow the gods for a long time, you may be affected by some subtle influences. These effects may all belong to a kind of rebirth for legendary life forms, or they will be contaminated with a breath of gods. , the improvement of its strength and the improvement of its origin are a great help.

Not to mention that following the gods can also get advice or rewards from the gods. One advice or one reward may directly regenerate a legendary life.

Following the gods is like being a servant next to the ancient emperor. This is a beautiful job, which countless people can't grab.

"You are smart."

Mo Lan looked at it playfully, the horse-shaped elemental life put his head under his head, and directly shrunk his body, so as to use the best angle and size to send his head under Mo Lan's palm.

"But believers are unnecessary. I don't need faith."

Mo Lan said softly, the horse-shaped elemental beings lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Mo Lan, but at this moment they suddenly felt that this god seemed different.

At least not quite the same as a certain god that requires them to believe in.

"But I can accept your following, I do lack some followers at present, you can follow me.

Sign this contract. "

As soon as Mo Lan thought about it, a group of flames unfolded and turned into a piece of paper composed of flames, on which the content of the contract was outlined by the flames, and this kind of text is very special, it doesn't matter if you don't know it, you only need to use a little mental power to perceive it. literal meaning.

This is a word with meaning!

However, the horse-shaped elemental life did not hesitate at all, and directly signed the contract.

For the elemental life like a horse, even if it is a slave, it is recognized.

After the contract was signed, the flames turned into two balls, one ball flew in front of the fierce horse-shaped elemental life, and the other ball flew into Mo Lan's hands, and was put away by Mo Lan.

And it was only at this time that the horse-shaped elemental life could perceive the content of the contract.

Follow the contract.....

At this moment, the horse-like elemental life once again felt that this god seemed to be really different.

"What's your name?"

"Your Majesty, I don't have a name."

"Huh? No name?"

Mo Lan frowned slightly when she heard the words, and immediately realized that if there is no social system, it seems that there is really no need for a name.

As for the real names among the gods... since they are all real names among the gods, as the name suggests, only those who have reached the level of gods are eligible to have real names.

Mo Lan also raised himself to the level of a god in his essence and origin, and the interaction between origin and heaven and earth formed a divine script that symbolizes Mo Lan and only points to Mo Lan, that is, his real name.

So it is very normal for this horse-shaped elemental life to not have a real name.

"What's the name of that?"

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

Chapter 1058 Conquering the Elemental Titan?

"Fire horse."

Mo Lan nodded in satisfaction after thinking for a moment.

"Lie, fully explained its character and strength, and Ma, directly and concretely described its shape.

Lie Ma Lie Ma, although the name is concise but not hasty, although simple but not simple.

And it's just a follower, there will be many in the future, there is no need to choose a name that is too good or too complicated, and it is a waste of effort. "

Mo Lan thought about it, and directly helped him choose a name. Obviously, Mo Lan's naming ability is still very strong, and it is by no means an ordinary name.

"You should be called Lie Ma."

Mo Lan said to the horse-shaped elemental life, at this moment, this legendary elemental life was a little dazed.

"Thank... Xie Mian for bestowing the name."

The elemental life like a horse, no, it should be called a horse now.

The pony exuded a burst of spiritual force and said, Mo Lan looked at it and smiled.

"Work hard in the future, although the current name is a little simpler, but you have to take a long-term view.

When I bring you to the god level in the future, you will naturally give birth to your real name. At that time, I will allow you to cut out a part of your real name and use it as your own name.

And Lie Ma Na will also become a temporary transitional name, why should the transitional name be so complicated?

After you become a god and change your name, you may still miss the period when you used this name, and your story may be spread and become a good story. "


"Yeah, what's wrong? You are already a legend, and you are only one step away from the gods. Is it difficult?

Isn't it just one step away?How hard can it be? "

"Is that how it's calculated?"

"Is not it?"

Litma thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was indeed only one step difference.

Lie Ma immediately became fanatical at this moment. He was quite disgusted with the name just now, but at this moment he accepted the name instantly, and looked at Mo Lan enthusiastically.

"Your Majesty, Lie Ma must swear to follow and never betray!"

Don't mention the name Litma at this moment, even if it comes to a water horse, a dog egg, or a prosperous fortune, it can accept it.

Seeing this, Mo Lan smiled slightly.

The skill was used successfully!

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The effect is outstanding!

Talk about dreams and talk about the future.jpg

Excellent results!


"How can this be called big pie? I am indeed prepared to train them to the level of gods.

Maybe it will be cultivated in the future? "

Mo Lan thought.

"But then again, there seem to be four ready-made elemental beings, if they can be subdued..."

The Fire Elemental Titan, who was sleeping deep in the Fire Elemental Realm, shuddered, and an ominous premonition lingered in his heart, which made him very uneasy.

"Forget it, instead of trying to subdue these four Titan gods, it is better to find a few relatively strong legendary-level elemental life forms and demigod-level elemental life forms to cultivate into gods. At least the loyalty cultivated by oneself is more trustworthy.

And it will be easier to subdue it, and it won't have much impact.

If these four titans are subdued, among other things, it will cause an uproar among the gods, and if violence is used, it may directly attract the intervention of the god king.

Even if the conquest is successful, loyalty cannot be guaranteed, and it will also cause a lot of hostility from the titan gods, and what will be obtained in the end?

Four false gods whose loyalty cannot be guaranteed, who may backstab you at any time, can only be used in the game world, and will fall directly when they leave the game world?

I don't even want to give it to me, whoever wants it. "

Mo Lan curled his lips in disdain, and the Fire Elemental Titan that came out of the Fire Elemental Realm also returned to normal, and the ominous premonition that came from somewhere disappeared directly.

I don't know why, but the fire elemental titan felt a sense of shame. For no reason, this made him even more angry.

This time he completely woke up from a deep sleep, without a trace of pajamas, he was sober and ready to walk in the world of fire elements.

As a fire elemental titan, he is vaguely connected with the rules of the fire elemental world. In fact, it stands to reason that he should be in charge of the fire elemental world.

It stands to reason that the four elemental realms of earth, fire, wind, and water are the foundation of the game world. It stands to reason that the four elemental Titans in charge of the four elemental realms should not only rank in the top four, but at least the top ten among all Titans. At least one of the Titans must be a strong one. Even if the four elemental Titans are united, they dare not provoke them easily.

Because the four elemental titans are in charge of the four elemental worlds, they can directly shake the foundation of the entire world when they unite. Even the god kings who initiate the surge have to wait by the side.

But these are all in theory, but in practice...

I don't know why, none of the four elemental worlds are controlled by the four elemental titans, but there are some regular connections, so the elemental titans can only get some growth even in the elemental world, and cannot directly mobilize the power of the entire elemental world. world power.

Of course, even so, the strength and combat effectiveness of the elemental titans in the elemental world of their own attributes will be greatly enhanced, and ordinary titans will not be their opponents.

So the elemental titans are relatively comfortable in their own elemental world, and only when they met Mo Lan before...

The fire elemental titan became annoyed when he thought of Mo Lan, but he still couldn't help thinking about it.

Didn't feel Mo Lan's breath, Mo Lan shouldn't come here if he's fine, right?

Hmph, so what!

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