Mo Lan thought about it, then withdrew her attention and continued to scan these elemental beings.

Elemental lives above the sixth level are master-level elemental lives.

And there are not many elemental beings up to the master level, there are, but not many, and they are sparsely distributed within the range of Mo Lan's spiritual perception.

As for the higher legendary elemental life, there is not a single one in Mo Lan's perception.

Obviously, from the sixth level to the master level is a hurdle, and I don't know how many sixth-level elemental lives are stuck.

From the master level to the legendary level is also a huge hurdle, and I don't know how many master-level elemental lives are stuck.

Chapter 1055 Positioning of the Servant Legion

"The elite level is too weak, the legendary level is too few, let's go to the master level."

Mo Lan thought.

"Elite-level strength is almost useless to me, and master-level strength is not strong, but it is somewhat useful to me, and as far as current perception is concerned, the number of master-level strength is similar, and it takes a little Energy collection can form a certain scale.

It just so happens that although master-level elemental life forms still have no wisdom, they can possess some intelligence with such a strong strength, and it will not be too uncomfortable to command and use them. "

Mo Lan was thinking while walking, and in the process of walking, master-level elemental beings were suspended from the lava lake and volcano, and one by one was branded as a slave, and the soul and source were directly controlled by Mo Lan .

In the face of the strength of Mo Lan's god-level mage, these master-level elemental life forms have no resistance at all, especially when Mo Lan has a high affinity for elements, strong control ability, and the elemental life forms are targeted to death by Mo Lan. Kneaded by Mo Lan.

"And after collecting enough master-level elemental life, I will find a way to recruit a few legendary-level elemental life followers.

At that time, followers can continue to recruit and expand the slave army for me, and at the same time manage the slave army for me, and assist some of my experiments.

Well, I don’t need to spend too much effort to capture master-level elemental life. When I recruit legendary-level elemental life followers, let them do it. At that time, there will naturally be batches of master-level elemental life. come forward. "

Mo Lan immediately stopped her movements, and looked back, 33 master-level elemental beings of various shapes followed behind Mo Lan.

"Those who have already been recruited, let's do this first, just let me try my hand."

Mo Lan muttered.

The test hands that Mo Lan mentioned are not for experiments, or not for ordinary experiments, but Mo Lan's experiments to try to enhance the life of the elements.

Lin Wo would think of using weapons to arm elemental life, and Mo Lan would naturally not be able to directly drive the "unarmed" elemental life onto the battlefield.

That would not only lower your status, but also waste the captured master elemental life.

Mo Lan did not set up the slave army to serve as cannon fodder.

In other words, compared to mages, the servant army is indeed cannon fodder, but what Mo Lan needs is not ordinary artillery fire, but cannon fodder who can fight, fight tough battles, and turn the opponent's cannon into ashes.

Only in this way can Mo Lan play the role that Mo Lan really wants, and can help Mo Lan.

If he just needed cannon fodder, then why did Mo Lan bother to form an army of servants?

Could it be that Mo Lan couldn't develop a spell to summon elemental life in batches?

How can it be?

The elemental titans have been conquered, and the elemental world Mo Lan wants to do whatever he wants.

As long as Mo Lan wants to develop, it is very simple and easy to develop an elemental legion summoner, who can directly act as cannon fodder and die if he rushes up.

But is this what Mo Lan needs?

Can the cannon fodder summoned in this way compare to the spells that Mo Lan condensed?

Such spells are useless, and Mo Lan will not develop them, let alone form a slave army that is just a spell level.

If you do that, it's just a waste of time.

Therefore, since Mo Lan is planning to form a slave army, he has already made a decision to build and cultivate it carefully.

After being trained, Mo Lan doesn't need to say that he is stronger than himself, nor that he needs to help himself resist powerful enemies.

What does Mo Lan need?

What Mo Lan needs are subordinates who prepare in advance and are on call in large-scale experiments.

What Mo Lan needs is a helper in a large-scale experiment.

What Mo Lan needs is an army that can help him collect experimental resources.

What Mo Lan needs is a guard that can kill all enemies below the same level for him.

Mo Lan, an enemy of the same level, can fight by himself, but Mo Lan, who is one or half a level lower, doesn't want to fight, and hopes that the slave army can directly sweep over.

Enemies below Mo Lan's level are not qualified to contact or challenge Mo Lan at all. Any slave army that dares to provoke can be directly suppressed.

In this way, Mo Lan can concentrate more energy on research, on what Mo Lan wants to do, instead of having to do it himself when encountering something.

It's not that you have to ask the mages of the association to do it when you encounter something.

The mages of the association are also independent researchers. Their value lies in research, rather than being a follower, subordinate, or thug of Mo Lan.

If they are used as thugs, then this is simply the greatest contempt for Mo Lan's dissemination, diffusion of the mage profession, and his determination to develop the mage profession.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mo Lan to do this. These should all be said to belong to the work of the slave army.

And Mo Lan is trying to strengthen these master-level elemental life at this moment, so that they can explode with stronger strength.

"Elemental life itself is composed of elements, and there is nothing to say about the ability to control and withstand elements.

In the original situation, the elemental life's grasp of the elements was very rough, and the spells used were limited to those few.

If I want to strengthen the elemental life, can I work hard in the direction of increasing the diversification of spells, and turn the elemental life into a mage on the combat side? "

Mo Lan shook her head after thinking for a moment.

"Legendary-level elemental life forms can develop in this direction, because legendary-level elemental life forms already possess a certain degree of wisdom.

It shouldn't be difficult to find a way to keep elemental spells on them, and let them choose and use them in conjunction. Maybe you can teach them to use spells, and that might be great.

Can master the intelligence of elemental life..."

Mo Lan glanced back and shook her head.

"Forget it, with the intelligence of a master-level elemental life, it is impossible for the church to cast spells, and if you directly fix the spell model on its body, it may end up being a bit brighter and useless in the end.

Perhaps the passive type of spells can be kept constant, to strengthen defense, speed, recovery, and strength. These types of passive spells can be piled up, anyway, it doesn't get in the way.

But these are secondary, and the main aspect still has to consider other methods. "

Mo Lan thought about it, and then a thought came to her mind.

"First, refer to the model of the elemental body to load each master-level elemental life with an elemental body.

Elemental life can't do anything else, but there is absolutely no problem in controlling the element. As long as it is stabilized in advance, there is absolutely no problem in controlling a solidified elemental body.

The elemental body can directly strengthen the master-level elemental life in all directions. "

Chapter 1056 Trap the Legendary Elemental Life

"No matter how high the elemental affinity of a mage is, it is impossible for an elemental life to have a high elemental affinity.

The element life itself is an element, and it is one with the element. There is no concept of affinity at all. If there is a value of affinity, it is full value or infinite.

A mage's elemental body is limited by his mastery of the elements.

But if it is an elemental life, there is no problem in controlling the elements at all. The strength of the elemental body that can be mastered is definitely several times that of a mage.

In this way, the elemental body alone can increase the fighting power of the master-level elemental life, and it is not impossible to directly change from an ordinary master-level to a top-level master-level. Any one of them is the top one among the master-level one type.

And more importantly, the larger the elemental body, the larger its constituent elements. An extremely large elemental body means an extremely large number of elements, which in itself means a large number of element reserves, or a huge energy reserve .

This level of energy reserve can just prepare and lay the foundation for my next work. "

Mo Lan thought silently.

"Army, no, it should be said that a mobile formation, that is, an army formation, is formed by an army. This is definitely the best way for low-level troops to challenge high-level troops so far.

Use the power of the legion itself as the fulcrum to leverage the power of heaven and earth, and suppress the enemy with the power of heaven and earth.

If it is a legion whose minimum level is master level, and there are some legendary level in the legion as key nodes and central nodes, then as long as the army formation is a little better, it should not be able to sweep the strong below the god level and fight against ordinary gods. Next.

And this level is almost enough, if it is a little stronger, I will do it myself.

In terms of combat, after all, the slave army only needs to sweep up the miscellaneous fish. "

Thinking of this, Mo Lan glanced at Lin Wu and Lu Bin in the distance.

Ordinary gods = miscellaneous fish

Below the gods = trash fish are not.

Lin Wo, Lu Bin = below the gods = no fish

"Well, there's nothing wrong."

Mo Lan nodded, Lin Wu and Lu Bin in the distance sneezed together, and they all looked around suspiciously.

There seemed to be a malice surrounding them.

"Well, let's follow this line of thinking and find some legendary followers.

With my strength, this shouldn't be difficult, right? "

Mo Lan thought.

"Anyway, I'm also a god. It shouldn't be a problem to find a legendary elemental life with the personality of a god. With the character of respecting the strong elemental life."

After thinking for a moment, Mo Lan began to look for legendary elemental life.

But I don't know if there is really no legendary elemental life around or if the legendary elemental life is hidden deeper, Mo Lan walked around, and he didn't even sense a legendary elemental life within the range of perception.

"Legendary-level elemental life forms should be able to completely turn their bodies into elements, right?

It should return to the pure fire elemental state like a fire spirit, right?

If this is the case, then as long as the mind is quiet, it seems that these legendary elemental beings are no different from ordinary fire elementals? "

This time Mo Lan fell into silence, what is the most in the fire elemental world?

Fire element!

If you want to find a silent legendary element life that is no different from ordinary fire elements among the endless fire elements, isn't this equivalent to looking for a drop of fresh water that fell into the ocean?

This is simply nonsense, even if Mo Lan is a god-level mage, there is nothing he can do about these sleeping legendary-level elemental life forms.

If you want to find them, unless the legendary elemental life happens to be active when Mo Lan shrouds the spiritual force, Mo Lan can perceive it.

But in the fire element world, the fire element is too rich, and it has little effect on the detection of spiritual power in the air and the surroundings, but underground and deep in the magma pool, because the concentration of fire element in the material is too high, it has no effect on Mo Lan's spirit. force can have a weakening effect.

Therefore, when exploring deep underground, deep into magma pools and volcanic caves, Mo Lan's mental power will be greatly restricted, and Mo Lan's detectable range will be greatly compressed. The super elemental life should be carried in the depths of the magma lake, that is, staying in the depths of the volcanic hole, after all, the fire element below is more intense...

In this case, Mo Lan felt that he was not lucky enough to meet the legendary elemental life being active within the range of mental power.

Mo Lan would never pin anything on illusory luck.

It's not that Mo Lan doesn't do things he's not sure about, nor does it mean that Mo Lan has a solid character.

The main reason is that Mo Lan actually knows it well, her face is black, she has never won a lottery, and she has never missed roll call in class.

As long as things that depend on luck are mostly out of the question for him, after encountering such things a lot, Mo Lan gradually doesn't believe in luck anymore.

Never pin things on illusory luck, because luck will not help you, it will only backstab you fiercely.


After thinking for a while, Mo Lan chose to directly suppress her aura to the level of a legend that had just been promoted.

After suppressing it, the simulated legendary breath was released suddenly, the breath of the legendary mage soared into the sky, and the breath spread out along with Mo Lan's spiritual power. Slowly sank into the magma, as if afraid that his actions would cause death.

Mo Lan was walking on the land of the Fire Elemental Realm. Unlike before, there was no movement. At this time, Mo Lan was always blooming with the aura of a legendary mage, and also used his spiritual power to spread out a concept.

"This is my place!"

"This is my territory!"

While spreading this concept, Mo Lan continued to use his mental power to make marks one by one, just like the mark of a brown bear rubbing its waist on a big tree and leaving a scent as a territory mark.

It didn't take long for Mo Lan to perceive a legendary aura.

Mo Lan sensed the aura of this legendary elemental life, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is what Mo Lan thought of.

Since he couldn't find the legendary elemental life, let the legendary elemental life come to him.

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