Mo Lan thought about this question, and involuntarily brought himself into it.

"If it were me, suppose a god smashed me within the scope of Morse Kingdom.

Maybe I didn't notice it before it hit it while hiding it specially, but I must have noticed it when the attack landed!

And I will rush to the scene as soon as possible, and kill the people or gods who dare to make trouble on my territory!

And want me to turn a blind eye, unless I have other plans and schemes in my heart. "

Mo Lan thought about it.

"However, there may be another situation, that is, the demon monarch has fallen into a deep sleep and has not woken up. Naturally, he may not be able to find it while he is asleep.

Even the demon monarch is not in good condition and is seriously injured. It is even possible that such a demon monarch does not exist at all.

The demon monarch who rules this abyssal continent has not yet been born..."

Mo Lan frowned tightly, and after a while, she had a decision in her heart.

"In any case, so what if this abyssal monarch has other plans? Even if this abyssal demon is in its prime, so what?

No matter how strong an abyssal demon at the level of a god can be, how strong are dozens or even more ancient god titans?

This abyssal continent is the only retreat for players under extreme circumstances. No matter what happens, this abyssal continent must be completely occupied. "

Mo Lan immediately turned her head to look in Lin Wo's direction, and said.

"Lin Wu, give me a top-notch satellite. I want to thoroughly understand the terrain and blood pool conditions of the Abyssal Continent."

Upon hearing this, Lin Wo threw a space box over and said at the same time.

"This is the highest-level satellite I have on hand, which integrates the most advanced telescopes and various perception and detection methods.

According to the design, it is possible to take a clear picture of a person's face in low-Earth orbit, and you can use the refraction of light to see any place where strong light can enter, which is the so-called perspective.

In addition, the various detection methods installed allow this satellite to observe and map various levels such as elemental fluctuations, fighting energy fluctuations, abyssal breath concentration, and elemental concentration, which is the top.

I only produced one of this model, that is, this one, take it easy, this is basically an experimental model, and the cost is extremely high.

In addition, assembly and operation instructions have been sent to you. "

"it is good."

After Mo Lan replied, she directly used the space box and sank her hands slightly.

The weight in the space box was a bit beyond Mo Lan's expectation, and it was a bit heavy.

When the box was opened, densely packed structures were piled up inside. Only after the assembly was completed was it a real satellite. The reason for doing this was purely because the complete satellite was equipped with space stretching spells inside, but the overall structure was still too large. It's too big to store without taking it apart.

After glancing at Mo Lan, he closed the box. With a thought, a phantom came out of him. With the gathering of magic power, a magic avatar took shape, followed by a ninth-level demon avatar!

This newly formed magical avatar controlled the ninth-level demon avatar, grabbed the space box with one hand and disappeared over the floating city with one step, appeared inside the teleportation hall, and then stepped into the gate of another world leading to the abyss continent.

Mo Lan galloped quickly, and it took him a long time to come to the sky above the blood pool. He saw a demon throne floating above the blood pool exuding the power of a demigod-level demon. Under the terrifying power, no demon dared to approach!

After Mo Lan arrived, he looked at the Tier [-] blood pool. The Tier [-] blood pool has now been fully repaired and has entered a normal operating state.

"It seems that the number of demon worms produced is quite a bit lower."

It happened that a batch of demon worms had just been born, and Mo Lan looked at them and estimated.

"It seems that although the removal of the original stone of the radiation breath did not cause any damage to the fourth-order blood pool, the reduction of the radiation breath still affected the production efficiency of the devil worms, and the production was reduced.

I don't know if there will be another raw stone of radiation breath condensed here after a long time. "

Mo Lan smacked his lips. He has basically figured it out now. The source of the radiant breath is the earth. It is collected and gathered together when the earth vein path collects blood, mental power, and soul. Finally, it flows into the blood pool along the earth vein path, transforming It is used as the energy source of the blood pool factory.

Although the radiation breath raw stone is condensed in the fourth-order blood pool, it is only a by-product, the excess radiation breath is condensed, and it does not mean that the radiation breath was provided by the radiation breath rough stone in the first place.

Chapter 827 Sun Mapping!

"Abyss Throne!"

Mo Lan murmured to herself, stepped directly, and appeared in front of the Abyss Throne in an instant.

Although the Abyss Throne is just a throne, Mo Lan still kept the top layer of the altar when he was refining it. This layer was used to receive the energy of the blood pool and suppress it.

According to some gossip rumors, the reason why the ancient great sage Mo Lan kept the last layer of the altar when forging the half-demon throne of the demon is purely for the purpose of resting his feet while doing it, so as not to make his feet feel uncomfortable, nor to It's ugly hanging down.

Of course, these are all rumors. Mo Lan kept this layer to achieve more powerful functions, and there is no other reason.

Mo Lan was standing on the last floor of the altar, looked at the throne in front of him, turned around and sat down.

The moment he sat down, a powerful abyssal chaotic force poured into Mo Lan's body from the throne.

If it's just these abyssal powers, then the Demon Throne is not worthy of the title of demi-artifact.

Along with the power of the abyss, there is also the perception of the surroundings, the affinity for power, and even... the faint control of this space!

When sitting on the throne, the authority that belongs to the king has already been added.

This mastery of space and the addition of authority are the foundation for the Demon Throne to become a demi-artifact!

However, although the authority has been added, it has not been fully added, which makes Mo Lan not reach the realm of demigod, but only raised from the ninth-level demon avatar to the level of a legendary demon!

This is not a disadvantage of the Demon Throne, but it is precisely because of this that Mo Lan's mere master-level mage mastered the power of legendary-level demons, and even faintly touched some authority, mastered some authority, and became a leader among legendary demons.

This is the design that Mo Lan is proud of, and it is also the real reason why Mo Lan created the Demon Throne, a semi-divine artifact.

If the reason for the creation of the "God of Mage" staff is that Mo Lan didn't want to become the God of Mage but wanted to have the power of the God of Mage.

Then the Demon King is actually similar, and Mo Lan wanted to use the power of the fourth-order blood pool authority, but he couldn't meet the minimum threshold of the legendary level, so he created the Demon Throne as an intermediary, converter, and controller to master this power. A layer of strength.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Mo Lan wants to prostitute for nothing. The difference is that the god of mages belongs to Mo Lan and is condensed by Mo Lan, so even if Mo Lan has not become the god of mages, he can be easily controlled and used.

But the Demon Throne is different. This authority does not belong to Mo Lan. Able to reach the legendary level and hold some authority.

To put it another way, Mo Lan's level is not high enough to display the full power of this semi-divine weapon, so he can only barely use it. It's like driving a nuclear missile launch vehicle to hit the enemy, which makes sense.

At the level of the Demon Throne, it must at least reach the legendary level to fully use it.


"Enough is enough."

Mo Lan said softly, and patted the armrest lightly with her right hand, and the height of the Demon Throne rose rapidly immediately.

The reason why Lin Wo didn't release satellites in the abyss world was that there were also a large number of demons in the sky, and they had a strong sense of territory, so it was very easy to be attacked without authorization.

And the satellite is a very delicate thing, its defense is very weak, and it is basically impossible to go without protection.

And if you want to install a sufficient level of defense and attack structures, it is basically equivalent to launching a large spaceship with long-distance detection capabilities.

In fact, if launching a spacecraft can solve the problem, then in order to find out the overall shape of the Abyssal Continent and directly locate all the blood pools, it is not unacceptable to spend a small price to build a large detection spacecraft.

The spaceship is easy to handle and easy to build. With Lin Wo's strength and technology, no matter how many master-level demons come, they will just deliver food. As long as there are no legendary-level demons, nothing will happen.

However, Lin Wu has not successfully launched a satellite until now, and has not yet obtained the overall satellite image of the Abyssal Continent. The result can be imagined.

The legendary flying demon is here....


Mo Lan shouted and cursed all over her body, and a steady stream of power formed a huge projection behind the throne. The terrifying demon domain directly covered the sky, and the incoming legendary flying demon circled a few times before flying away.

"Sure enough, this altitude can easily cause legendary-level flying demons.

The territory of these legendary flying demons is also too large, with good eyesight and fast speed. Could it be that Lin Wu is such a headache for them. "

Mo Lan looked at the legendary flying demon going away and said softly, he actually knew this a long time ago, and the reason why he dared to bring the satellite over today.

It's because Mo Lan didn't intend to let the satellite go up by itself at all. His initial plan was to run to the sky, put his head against the sky, assemble the satellite, take a photo with a click, and then take the satellite down.

In this way, there will be no loss of satellites, and 100% success in obtaining the satellite images he needs.


Mo Lan has reached a terrifying height. The sun in this abyss continent seems to be directly above his head, but Mo Lan knows that this is impossible. If the sun is directly above his head, he would have already noticed the change in temperature.

Mo Lan, who was rising rapidly, suddenly felt that he could not go up, and there seemed to be an invisible film blocking Mo Lan.

"World film? Came to the top?"

Mo Lan said softly, and immediately opened the space box she was carrying and began to assemble the satellite device inside, and was ready to start taking pictures immediately.

Although the function of this satellite can be realized by Mo Lan's spells, or even stronger, it actually has an advantage that Mo Lan cannot realize.

That is, when Lin Wu designed the satellite, he deliberately designed the satellite to have no spirit. Even if a tower spirit must be equipped, it completely shields the perception of the tower spirit, and only allows the tower spirit to control the shooting. The tower spirit itself cannot be seen. screen.

It is this design that makes the shooting of satellites basically not cause the sense of being watched by people, which is also the most basic point for the existence of satellites.

Had this not been resolved, the satellite would have been blown up long ago.

Mo Lan quickly assembled the satellite, and when she was about to start shooting, she inadvertently looked up.

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly froze... No, Mo Lan was already in a daze at the moment.

What he just saw at a glance was the sun!

The sun is actually right above his head! ! !

At such a close distance, the sun seems to have no temperature at all.

A ridiculous idea suddenly popped up in the dazed Mo Lan's mind.

"how can that be?!

The sun looks big, but it's actually just a texture? ! ! ! "

Chapter 828 Contradictions!


The corner of Mo Lan's mouth twitched slightly, and she suddenly didn't know what to say.

It stands to reason that it is normal to find textures as a game. Basically every game has textures, and it can even be said that most of them are textures.

Most of the large-scale games are just a picture when looking at the distant scenery, and the model will be constructed and become three-dimensional after entering.

Therefore, as a super-large game, it is normal and reasonable for the "real game" to have iron textures in it....Damn it!

Mo Lan just felt so full of holes that she couldn't spit it out.

"In Chinese, since it's a sticker, why don't I just hang a clock on it?

This makes it easy to check the time, just look up. "

Mo Lan muttered silently, first turned on the satellite, let it scan and take pictures of the structural map, and then looked up at the sun's map seriously and carefully.

The sun in the Abyssal Continent is not very bright, without the temperature and glaring feeling of the main material world, making the entire Abyssal world tend to be dark and cold.

Mo Lan thought it was just a special feature of the world before, but now it seems that it is more likely because it is just a texture, without the extremely high temperature and energy of the real sun.

Mo Lan didn't hurt his eyes even if he looked up at the sun with this kind of sticker, it just felt a little bright and glaring.

Mo Lan watched and sensed carefully.

"This is a sticker, so the sun and starry sky outside the main material world are also stickers, right?

In fact, the world that can be truly explored is as big as the main material world plus the abyss world plus the elemental world?

The outside is all fake? ! ! "

Mo Lan frowned.

"It's all fake outside, so if I want to explore the star world in the floating city I made, don't I have to wait until the game is fully realized, and drive the floating city to reality before I can explore it?"

Mo Lan was a little dazed, but she immediately came to her senses.

"No, no, the ones outside the main material world are not fake, at least the sun is not fake!

The sun gods that existed inside the sun were all crucified. If it was just a texture, how could there be a Titan sleeping in it?

So the sun is real too?Or that the sun is also a part of the main material world, so it is not a texture, but the other so-called stars and starry sky are just textures? "

Mo Lan felt a little pain in his head. Today's rediscovery was too abrupt. The huge amount of information made it difficult for him to digest, but...

A doubt gradually emerged in Mo Lan's mind.

"No, if it is said that the outside of the world of Abyss Continent is just a map, and it is just an illusion, then the world wall that I broke before said so?

What about the vast virtuality perceived at that time?

Could it be that what I broke was not the world wall, but the legendary air wall?

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