This pure gold no longer needs any forging, or I use a miniature flame world that contains the power of good fortune to smelt it, and use the power of good fortune to conceive it, which is the top, most perfect, and most exquisite forging method.

Heaven and earth are furnaces, and nature is made into work. Isn't this the best explanation for the smelting of fine gold in the miniature flame world?

What kind of acquired forging can be compared to treating materials as a god, conceiving with the power of the world and the power of good fortune?

Although the miniature flame world is illusory, although the miniature flame world is extremely small compared to the real world, in any case, the miniature flame world already has all the elements that the world should have, the structure of the world, and the world. The power of good fortune!

Even if the materials conceived in this way are inferior to those conceived in the real world, they are already beyond the standard for ordinary forging methods.

To put it in a more fantasy way, it is the supernatural pre-technology of returning to nature from acquired nature. When it can truly create a big world, maybe it can truly return to nature from acquired nature, and create real gods from the materials of later days!

But even now, this pure gold has become a talent, and it only needs the simplest method to become an extremely powerful god-killing weapon in the game!

But to make a sword? "

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

"Although the sword is a melee weapon, the material of fine gold is excellent, as long as the input of gold element, fire element or magic power is enough, then it can easily swing a vertical and horizontal sword energy.

As long as it hits, all creatures below the gods will either be smashed to pieces by the sword energy, or wiped out by the weakened miniature flame world explosion! "

Such a picture gradually emerged in Mo Lan's mind. He stood in the air and swung his long sword like a sword fairy.

I have to say that this picture is very attractive, but at this moment, a question popped up in Mo Lan's mind.

"Is this sword energy a threat to gods and titans?"

After thinking for a moment, Mo Lan shook her head slightly and muttered to herself.

"The gods may not be able to hold the long sword itself, but the sword energy that it wields is probably hanging.

If it is forged into a long sword, in the face of the gods, I will kill it in melee? "

Mo Lan frowned.

"I'm not a warrior, and I'm not good at melee combat. If I have to go to the Titans for melee combat with a long sword or similar melee weapon, I'm afraid I will be killed by the Titans ten times or eight times before I get close.

In order to be handsome for a while, forge it into a melee weapon for warriors? "

Mo Lan shook her head slightly, she still couldn't do such a extravagant thing.

If there is a lot of gold pattern black steel, then it doesn't matter for playing. There are indeed a lot of gold pattern black steel, but there are not many gold patterns.

Most of the black steel with gold patterns will be vaporized during the smelting process. Only gold patterns are fine gold, and the material of black steel with gold patterns is itself an elemental metal that is extremely frequently used by the Mage Association. All kinds of alloys are made of gold-patterned black steel as the main material. Once the gold-patterned black steel is lost, the Mage Association will be greatly affected.

So even if Mo Lan can smelt fine gold now, it is impossible to smelt all the black steel with gold patterns into fine gold. Although there are a lot of black steel with gold patterns, the fine gold still needs to be searched and used carefully.

"If you don't want melee combat, then the target is very clear, long-range attack!

Flying sword? "

This idea suddenly popped up in Mo Lan's mind, and was immediately suppressed.

Use mental power to control the long sword to attack... If someone attacks Mo Lan like this, he can laugh Mo Lan to death, as long as he interferes with his mental power, he can pick up a god-level long sword for nothing. Good thing?

Mo Lan shook her head in thought.


Mo Lan recalled the scene of the Sun Gyllenhaal shooting the Sun God with an arrow made from his body, and took a slow breath.

"Firing arrows with a bow? No, no, it's better to use a strong crossbow. At least a strong crossbow has a long range, high accuracy, fast rate of fire, and a high upper limit!

But if you are strong..."

Mo Lan looked down at the liquid gold, which had begun to show signs of cooling and solidification.

Mo Lan understands that once the pure gold cools down, it is very likely that he will not be able to forge it, because he does not have the ability to smelt the pure gold again.

It would be ridiculous and generous to turn this pure gold into a golden shot because of hesitation.

Mo Lan just thought about it for a moment; when he thought about it, the liquid gold changed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, a long, thin bullet with sharp threads slowly took shape!

Gold bullets!

Chapter 825 Background!

"This is called a god-killing bullet."

Mo Lan looked at the slowly cooling and solidified fine gold bullet and said softly.

This pure gold bullet is about one and a half arm long, the thickness of an egg, and has a circle of sharp threads on the top.

The interior of the God Killing Bullet is hollow, and there is an area for storing fire elements. According to Mo Lan's estimation, if the fire elements are compressed and stacked at the basic particle level, the internal cavity can just store the fire elements that will weaken the power of the miniature flame world and bloom to the extreme. .

After the god-killing bullet cooled and finalized, Mo Lan stretched out her hand to hold the long bullet, looked at it, and then nodded slightly.

"Compared to using a flying sword to abuse vegetables and do things that I can easily do with the floating city, it's better to use pure gold on the blade.

Forge the god-killing bullet with fine gold, and then wait for the electromagnetic railgun of Linwo's main gun level to be cast, then launch the god-killing bullet at an extreme speed, as long as it can touch the gods, as long as it can break the defense, then the The structure of the miniature flame world will completely explode, and the gods will not die or be disabled.

And if one or a few god-killing bullets can be exchanged for a god, even if there is not much gold in stock, it will be worth it. "

Mo Lan thought about it, stretched out his hand and threw it, and the god-killing bullet went directly into the highest-level treasure house of the Mage Association, and turned into a foundation of the Mage Association, which was enough to kill the gods.

After that, Mo Lan smelted two more god-killing bullets and stored them away.

With the accumulation and progress of knowledge, some things accumulated by the Mage Association before have gradually turned into the powerful background of the Mage Association.

Perhaps it has never changed. From the beginning to the end, this is the accumulation of the Mage Association, and from the beginning to the end, this is the foundation of the Mage Association.

However, during this process, the sky was pierced twice in a row, and the surrounding Titans were stunned.

The terrifying and sharp golden energy and the world-killing flame explosion made them all terrified.

Under such circumstances, Mo Lan found that the frequency of Titans "passing by" had returned to the past again, as if the years were quiet and good, buying a lot of development time for the Morse Kingdom area.

However, it seems that the years are peaceful, but it is just an illusion, and there is a bigger crisis hidden behind it.

The frequency of titan snooping has decreased, and ordinary titans dare not spy on Morse Kingdom any more.

But this also means that the Morse Kingdom has entered a more powerful Titan field of vision, which means that those who dare to spy on the Morse Kingdom must be even more terrifying!

Especially the sharp golden energy!

Titans are not non-human, on the contrary, compared to belief in gods, these ancient gods and titans are just groups of more powerful creatures in Mo Lan's view, but belief in gods is more like gods.

And since as a living being, it has all kinds of desires, so it must have an enhanced competitive heart.

When you can't improve in a short time, choosing or building a powerful enough weapon is the fastest way to improve your strength in a short time.

The question is, what kind of material can withstand the power of the Titan?

What kind of material can forge Titan weapons?

What kind of materials can increase the strength of Titans?

The amount of material at this level is unknown, but there must be some that can be exposed.

At present, I am afraid that it is the fine gold smelted in Mo Lan's hands...

And this point, Mo Lan actually knew it well, otherwise, he wouldn't have made two God-killing bullets in succession after making one.

If it weren't for worrying that if it continued to make too much momentum, it might cause big trouble, Mo Lan even planned to continue to make it. Although it would consume a lot of gold-patterned black steel, the three god-killing bullets were still too few.

The firepower is a bit insufficient, in order to have enough firepower, it is not hesitating to give up some gold-patterned black steel.

"I am a god-level combat power, and I have also demonstrated the means of a miniature flame world.

Therefore, the titan who dares to come must be a powerful enough titan, and it is very likely that there is more than one titan.

One is too few, and three are too many, which affects the distribution of the fine gold, so roughly the two titans jointly attacked and snatched the fine gold. "

Mo Lan murmured to herself, thinking about it while using computing power to deduce the illusory world.

At this moment, the progress of Mo Lan's illusory world is not slow. According to this speed, it will not take long for Mo Lan to reach the edge of being promoted to the legendary level.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Mo Lan will be promoted to legend by then.

Because Mo Lan suspects that once he advances to the legend, it may cause great changes.

Even if the game world will not materialize into reality, it is very possible that the game will undergo another system update.

And once the system is updated again, it is certain that the death penalty will increase again.

If you die once, your account will be reset to zero, and if you die twice, your account will be deleted directly.

There must be only one result of this death penalty being aggravated again, that is, the game world has become so real that the player's soul and consciousness will be damaged as long as he dies, and the player's life safety must be protected by means of forcibly deleting the account and restricting registration.

Of course, this kind of situation will inevitably happen in the future, and Mo Lan will not care about this kind of thing happening.

But at this moment in time, the current situation is different.

Now is before the battle, there must be a battle between the player and the Titans, sooner or later.

If Mo Lan had started the system update before the war started, the result would be that players would delete their accounts on a large scale, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of souls would be injured, and their accounts would be deleted collectively.

If this kind of thing really happens, it is basically equivalent to Mo Lan digging out the hearts of the entire player collective with his own hands, and stabbing back with his own hands. Mo Lan will not allow this to happen, because as long as the death penalty does not increase, the player will be considered dead. In Titan, you can also resurrect and run away, and then accumulate strength again, which is fundamentally different from deleting your account.

Therefore, Mo Lan will definitely delay the system update time until after the war, so Mo Lan will stop before the imaginary world is completely deduced, forcibly suppress his strength, and wait for the end of this battle.

And the reason why it was so troublesome, and why he didn't give up on accelerating the derivation of the false world, was because Mo Lan also needed the most peak state for this battle.

The superficial use of the illusory world combines the four-level blood pool structure to create a miniature flame world.

If the illusory world is deduced to the peak, although it has not broken through the legendary level, it can still greatly improve Mo Lan's strength, not only the strength of the body, but even the strength of the mage god exerted by the floating city will be greatly improved Amplitude increased.

Mo Lan thought while deducing the illusory world.

"However, most of the mighty Titans are currently besieging the Myojin. With the little brother of the Light God here, I should be able to calm down for a while.

I'm afraid this must be the last period of time to stop..."

Chapter 826 Production Reduction

"Huh? Did it work?"

Mo Lan was taken aback for a moment, and there was a feeling in the dark, which made him turn his head to look in the direction of the gate of the other world.

At this moment, the gate of the other world is watching, and the insidious induction is transmitted from the gate of the other world.

"If there is no accident, it should be that the Demon Throne has successfully connected to the Tier [-] blood pool, and controlled the Abyssal Continent authority that is enough to allow legendary demons to have demigod-level power."

Mo Lan pondered for a moment.

"Although the demigod level doesn't feel very useful, at least with this demigod level fighting power here, all the blood pools connected to this fourth-order blood pool should be under control, right?

And as a mage, as a scientific researcher, there is a very big advantage.

As long as the research is clear, as long as there are resources, the results can be replicated in batches.

If this demigod-level demon throne is successful, then I can hunt other demigod-level demons, erode the territory step by step, occupy the blood pool, and transform the power of the blood pool into my own combat power.


Mo Lan frowned slightly.

"According to the last research on the fourth-order blood pool, the fourth-order blood pool also has a higher and higher level of blood pool, which is the fifth-order blood pool.

Whoever is in charge of the fifth-order blood pool will control this abyssal continent and authority, and then control this abyssal continent.

Abyss Lords and Abyss Lords of this level are definitely at the level of gods.

kill?Can it be killed?

Judging from various situations, there should be no higher-level blood pool in this abyssal continent, and the highest level should be the fifth-level blood pool, so there is no need to worry about killing the abyss monarch too much and causing more trouble.

But then again, in the domain of an abyssal lord, it should be equivalent to trying to kill the god himself in the kingdom of a god. Is this really okay? "

Mo Lan frowned fiercely a few times.

"Why do I feel that if I dare to do this, I will definitely rush to the street?"

Mo Lan frowned, but then shook her head again.

"It's good that the nuclear explosion caused by killing the demigod-level demon didn't alarm the most powerful abyssal monarch.

Good luck, but..."

A flash of light flashed in Mo Lan's mind.

"Is it really possible that the explosion of god-level power will not disturb the abyss monarch?

A nuclear explosion of that level..."

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