"Help me make trouble."

The giant dragon was stunned to see the magical seal that Gringotts had blessed for hundreds of years, which was broken like a dough stick, and then looked at Luo Feng, who was smiling.

He swallowed and nodded obediently.

Then, waving the broken wings, rushed out.

Persimmons are soft-touched, can't deal with this pervert, can't they deal with the group of goblins who have degenerated to serve wizards!

Luo Feng walked all the way down, and the treasury he encountered was all closed, and a small space was opened up on the puppet in advance.

It is cool to receive money for a while, and it is always cool to receive money all the time.

Luo Feng underestimated Gringotts' savings and brought space rings, ten of them, which were quickly filled.

Glancing at the time on the watch.

Luo Feng resolutely left, and if he doesn't leave, the wizarding world will come.

Losing a puppet is nothing, Jin Galleon cannot be lost.

If you want money or not, you will die a lot.

With this idea in mind, Luo Feng, No. 504, did not rush out of Gringotts, but found a place where there was no one.

He took out the goblin puppet No. 505 from the space and said solemnly, "Jin Jialong is handed over to you."

Goblin No. 505 nodded and said solemnly, "I promise to complete the mission."

No. 504 Luo Feng spit out: "Speak carefully, is it really good?"

Goblin No. 505 shook his head and said, "Even if we are found out, no one will guess that I am a puppet. No one will guess that we are the same person."

Seeing the goblin puppet No. 505 leave quickly, Luo Feng, the puppet 504, showed a smile, then smashed the watch, scattered it into ashes, and blew it away in one breath.

Although this watch was purchased in Great Britain, it has been used, contaminated with breath, and is at risk of exposure.

After the goblin puppet No. 505 escaped from the front, Luo Feng, the puppet 504, pretended to be cautious and escaped from the back door of Gringotts.

tick, tick


Sure enough, the 504 puppet Luo Feng met a wizard on the only way to the back door.

The gray-haired, kind-hearted old wizard is very similar to the puppet's first vest, Gandalf.

The old wizard blocked the door and said with a smile: "My child...cough, no, I mean brother, stealing is a shameful act."

504 The puppet Luo Feng made a very shocked expression: "How did you find me! Headmaster of Hogwarts!"

The old wizard said with a smile: "It's very simple, Gringotts has a tracking wire, and those who steal Jin Galleon have nowhere to go."

504 The puppet Luo Feng frowned and said, "I didn't see it, Tracking Silk."

The old wizard patiently explained: "The tracing wire is..."

Halfway through the words, a silent spell was thrown over.

"This old silver coin."

Luo Xianzhi narrowly escaped and cursed inwardly. Fortunately, he was well prepared and had been on guard against this.

Now that the fight is over, there is nothing to talk about.

The headmaster of Hogwarts believed in his own strength, believed that he could capture Luo Feng, and then slowly interrogated him.

Luo Feng took advantage of this, and fought with the old wizard, and they were evenly matched.

People can't help but admire, this is a battle between dragons and tigers.

In the middle of the battle, the old wizard was a little embarrassed. It was a loss of face for not taking it down for so long.

First, a powerful spell was thrown over, followed by two silent spells.

Luo Feng vigilantly avoided the first big spell, then there was a thrilling escape from a silent spell, and then unexpectedly hit the second silent spell.

The old wizard smiled triumphantly.

Luo Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, finally waiting for you, the clear spring is like water.


The second silent spell is that the spring is like water. Luo Feng borrowed the power of water to wash and make up, and then revealed the face of a ninja.

The battle stopped, and the old wizard frowned and murmured, "People from Dongying?"

The puppet Luo Feng touched the face of his own Dongying people, and suddenly turned pale in shock, picked up a cloth to cover his face, and ran out of the way without hesitation.

The old wizard wanted to try his best to stop it, but there was nothing he could do.

The 504 puppet Luo Feng couldn't beat the old wizard, but he also couldn't stop the 504 puppet.

Since then, the smoke has dissipated.

The next day, there was a big news in the Western Inhuman Realm.

The Dongying people disguised themselves as sorcerers, made a scene at Gringotts, and stole a lot of gold Galleons.

The Eastern Inhuman Realm was extremely shocked after learning of this.

Luo Feng, an elder of the Shangqing faction, expressed sympathy and condolences for the misfortunes encountered by the alien wizards in Great Britain during this disaster, and expressed his appreciation for the large-scale rescue and reconstruction after the disaster.

At the same time, we strongly condemn and resolutely oppose the Japanese Inhumans breaking the peace of the Western Inhuman World.

After half a year,

The heat of Dongying Yiren's rioting at Gringotts gradually dissipated, and Yiren no longer set their sights on it.

Turning to the discussion, the major news that happened in the rivers and lakes, which sect changed, the patriarch abdicated, the story of the big brother and the younger brother...

The rush of time obscures fame.

A year later, Luo Feng stared at himself spending half a month to build a puppet, and nodded with satisfaction.

This puppet, which cost a huge amount of money to build, is a puppet with a limit of twenty layers.

Run the Lord God Fragment, the beam of light is turned on, and go to World No. [-]. The coordinates come from the Lord God Fragment itself.

After a while, Luo Feng showed a hint of joy.

This time the puppet was successfully teleported without losing contact.

Across time and space, operate a successful puppet!

Chapter 1 The Sinister Advanced World

At the limit of twenty layers of puppets, Luo Feng spent a lot of effort and smashed all [-] million gold Galleons into Gringotts.

Emperor Tian paid off, and finally created a puppet with a limit of twenty layers.

This puppet, apart from the obvious disparity in combat power, also has a remarkable feature.

Luo Feng's spiritual sense can be settled in it, which is more flexible and vivid, like a clone.

Unlike other puppets, which can only be manipulated with infuriating energy, it is too rigid.

To commemorate this great technological breakthrough, but also to distinguish numbered puppets, such as No. 1 Luofeng, No. 2 Luofeng, No. 504 Luofeng, and No. 505 Fairy Luofeng.

Luo Feng specially gave this puppet a name.

surname Luo, name Tianyi

Full name: Luo Feng finely crafted the second version of the ultimate [-]-layer puppet Luo Tianyi!

Name: Luo Tianyi

Race: Golem

Limit: 20

Evaluation: One punch, one celestial master

"In [-], the devils entered the Central Plains, first opened the Marco Polo Bridge, and then entered the Shanhaiguan."

Luo Feng hummed a little tune and sang a song.

With a little divine sense, he kept moving, manipulating Luo Tianyi, a puppet on the extreme [-]th floor, to explore the surrounding environment.

I saw the surrounding scenery is excellent, and the East China Sea is soaring.Danya strange rock, cut wall strange peaks.On the red cliff, the cranes chirped in unison, and the sound was sweet; in front of the cut wall, the strange beast was lying alone, majestic.At the top of the peak, you can listen to the chirping of the divine birds, and watch the dragons enter and exit the grottoes every time.

It can be said to be brilliant.

Looking at the mountains and forests, there are Zhilan Xianghui, Yaocao and exotic flowers swaying, scattered everywhere, and Lingshen Xianzhi in extreme places, growing everywhere.If it was an alien world, the major sects would have been detained long ago, but at this moment it is like weeds and wild flowers, no one pays attention to it, allowing the beasts to chew.

It is really a paradise, heaven and earth.

However, Luo Feng's attention was not on the picturesque scenery and naive beasts.

Sensing the abundant aura of heaven and earth around me, and then looking at the flowers and trees full of aura, I can't help but take a deep breath.

The rare sage grass that is placed in the alien world to cause a fight is like a weed that goes unnoticed.

If there is no accident, the density of spiritual energy in this world is extremely dense.

If the alien world is one, there are at least ten thousand here.

This is just a corner of the world, maybe it's a backcountry.

This means, what? !

Explain that this is an advanced world!

Let's take a look at the harmonious natural atmosphere around, all kinds of spirit beasts, and the iron-clad high-level immortal world!

The advanced world is synonymous with danger!

In my memory, the bigwigs of the advanced world.

The heavenly immortals who move mountains and seas with their feet, smashing stars with their fists, the Tathagata Buddha who opened up the three thousand worlds with one thought, will destroy the world at every turn, and the great supernatural beings who re-establish the geomantic omen of the earth stand one after another. In front of me, high in the sky, out of reach, and I am an ant at the bottom of the mountain.

"The world is too dangerous."

Luo Feng murmured a word, and immediately corrected his mentality, he stopped singing songs, and stopped humming small tunes.

Take out the mentality that you just passed through in the past, act cautiously, and have a stable and safe style.

Look around, surrounded by sea, a vast ocean.

As we all know, the ocean is far more dangerous than the land, whether it is the high-level world or the low-level world.

The danger on land is on the surface, at most lurking, while the danger in the ocean is invisible and intangible.

After thinking for a while, Luo Feng manipulated Luo Tianyi, walking lightly and cautiously towards the mountain forest.

After half a day, I found an ordinary small cave, sat in it, and opened the space for the puppet.

He took out many reserves of talismans, formations, one-time instruments, spirit treasures, explosives, poisons, and healing medicines, then observed for a while, and caught a beast without spirituality.

Experiment on the beast one by one.

Talisman: Invisibility Talisman is available, King Kong Talisman is available

Formation: large defensive formation is available, and its power is doubled; soundproof formation is available, and its power is not reduced; mist formation is available, and the fog is reduced by one level. , invalid; Qingyun Poison Sword, invalid drug: Yuan Qi Pill can be condensed, and some healing medicines can be used, after some experiments with some poisons.

Look at the scarred, half-dead beast.

Luo Feng couldn't bear it, sighed and slapped him.


Luo Feng just thought about the Sutra Sutra, and suddenly realized that this is not a world of aliens, but a higher world.

In case of alarm, what should I do, big brother in the scriptures? !

This probability is very small, but not impossible.

Luo Feng stopped reading and began to wait.

About 10 minutes later, the soul of a wild beast floated out, dazed and unresponsive, slowly fell to the ground, and then disappeared.

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, picked up his notebook and wrote it down.

In this world, there seems to be an underworld.

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