Luo Feng slapped it down and said coldly, "When you wake up, don't pretend to be asleep."

"I don't know, you have experienced anything in your dreams, and I don't know why your physical body has become stronger."

"However, I know that dreams are always dreams, and there is no possibility of realization in reality."

"Reality is always reality. Even if he is extremely cruel and extremely difficult, there is still a possibility of realization."

A slap made Zheng Zha sober a lot.

Zheng Zha thought for a long time, looked at the sky, then looked at the collapsed mountain in the distance, nodded and said, "You are right."

Slowly stood up, took a pot and cleaned it up for myself.

The person is still the same person, the temperament has changed a lot.

If it is said that Luo Feng, as an otaku, is tolerant, the line of goodness in his heart is extremely low, before crossing the bottom line, he is easy-going and does not want to cause trouble.

Once the bottom line is crossed, the shot should be relentless, and he has a very thorough view of things. Zheng Zha is an adult who has experienced the facts. He seems old-fashioned, but he has certain fantasies about impossible things.

This big dream evokes fantasy, but also shatters fantasy.

back to reality.

Chapter 69 We paid

Luo Feng told Zheng Zha about the events of the past few years.

Zheng Zha's face was unpredictable, with anger, emotion, and sadness. For a long time, it turned into a sigh.

Things have happened, there is no other way but to accept it.

The current situation can be regarded as a blessing in a misfortune.

The only pity is the death of Biqing, but fortunately, there is a chance to be reincarnated again.

It's like a long farewell, and sooner or later we will meet.

A hundred years of parting, although painful, is also within the acceptable range.


In the Heavenly Escape Valley, Luo Feng devoted himself to forging puppets, intending to create a puppet that could transfer time and space.

At that time, you will be able to operate across time and space, and you will have a stable batch.

At first Luo Feng didn't want his friends to be involved in such a big cause and effect event.

However, in front of him, Zheng Zha split a mountain range into two sections with a smile.

Luo Feng waved his hand tiredly and let him go.

This beast, with the modifier turned on, a big dream is comparable to Luo Feng's decades of hard work.

Now, he can't beat this gorilla.

Where does this make sense.


A month later, Luo Feng stopped the control of the nesting doll in his hand and stopped the puppet experiment.

It's not that there is a critical problem, or that Luofeng's technology is not good.

But the material is not enough.

As we all know, figurines burn money, and high-level figurines like puppets burn even more money.

The burning is all the treasures of heaven and earth, divine iron and gold.

Even if Luo Feng is rich, he can't stand the burn.

If you play high-level figures every day, you will lose all your business.

Staring at the [-]-mile storage space warehouse, I saw nothing in it, not even the northwest wind.

Luo Feng couldn't help falling into contemplation.

How fast is it to throw your own money? !

I am short of money, what should I do? !

What is lacking is still high-level money, heaven and earth treasures, divine iron and spirit gold.

In today's Inhuman Realm, there is no commercial organization similar to Heibai, Luo Feng can't borrow it, the treasures of heaven and earth, god iron spirit gold.

Luo Feng, who was at a loss, manipulated the No. [-] puppet of the Shangqing faction and asked Zheng Zha.

As a former white-collar worker, Zheng Zha is not a business genius. Otherwise, he would have gone to the city channel long ago, where would he have gone to the main god space and went to the infinite stream.

After a while, Zheng Zha choked out four words: "Open source and reduce expenditure."

Throttling is impossible to throttle, and it is impossible to throttle for a lifetime.

Besides, it didn't flow to Luofeng Festival.

Next, there is only one way to open source.

However, now all the factions are very well behaved.

Not to mention Luo Feng finding an opportunity to touch porcelain, that is, as soon as he appeared on the stage, many patriarchs of the major sects offered him as an ancestor.

Luo Feng really couldn't find a target to start with.

Zheng Zha pondered for a while, then walked outside, and after a while, he came back with a world map in his hand.

Unfolding the map, Luo Feng's eyes lit up and said in surprise, "You want to..."

Zheng Zha nodded with a smile: "You speak first."

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "It's up to you to say it first."


"Otherwise, we'll point it out later." Zheng Zha pondered for a while and made a suggestion.

Luo Feng nodded in agreement.

Expanding the world map, Luo Feng and Zheng Zha have a little bit of a consonance...

Fuck it!

Luo Feng pointed to Dongying, and Zheng Zha pointed to Great Britain.

Luo Feng's face darkened, he put away the world map, and asked: "I have no psychological pressure to do things in Dongying, what is there in Great Britain?"

Zheng Zha smiled awkwardly, and then slowly said: "Have you heard of Jin Galleon and Gringotts?!"

Luo Feng suddenly remembered that in this world, in addition to practicing Qi, there are also alchemists.

The only bank in the wizarding world run by goblins, where you can deposit money or rent a vault.And it's the safest place in the world.

These are not the point, the point is that the gold Galleons inside are all rare metals and belong to spiritual gold.

Although the quality of Jin Jialong's spirit gold is extremely low, and it is used as a refining material too little.

But that is the number of one, if there are thousands, ten thousand, it is hundreds of millions...

Luo Feng's eyes lit up, bursting with dazzling brilliance.


"Is there a list?"

"Hehe, each faction has not forgotten, be prepared."


As we all know, to do bad things is to open a vest.

Luo Feng first created a Dongying ninja puppet, and then changed his Qi and makeup on the basis of Dongying ninja.

Dress up the No. [-] puppet as a kind-hearted, gray-haired old wizard.

With a grey beard, grey cape and a grey-blue pointed hat, he holds a weapon that looks like a wand but is actually a scepter.

After everything was done, Luo Feng nodded with satisfaction, so that even if he was discovered, it was done by Dongying ninjas.

You are looking for Dongying ninjas, what does it have to do with me, Luo Feng.

With a flick of the robe, the puppet rose with the wind, followed the atmospheric circulation, and took advantage of the force to travel to Great Britain.

10 minute later.

No. [-] Luo Feng, tidying up his robes, leaning on his scepter and looking around.

Finally determined the target and found a passerby wizard, because he gave a little girl candy, it seems that it is easy to deceive... ahem, good communication.

Luo Feng asked in a pure British accent: "God, my old man, you want to know what "Gringotts" is, what the hell, I don't know much about it. For Merlin's sake, why don't we sit down?" How about a cup of coffee?"

"I'll pay."

The passerby wizard is a kind-hearted person. When faced with Luo Feng's question, he immediately answered enthusiastically: "Oh! God, you are so polite!"

"Listen to me, old gentleman, Gringotts is in the third passage on my right, it joins Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley! Glad to help you, oh, it's my pleasure! Merlin will testify for me of!,"

According to the guidance of the passerby wizard, Luo Feng turned a corner and quickly found Gringotts.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank, a towering white building in Diagon Alley, London.

Gringotts' first door is a gleaming bronze gate, guarded by goblins in scarlet and gold uniforms, bowing to customers as they come.

Luo Feng smiled and stepped forward, the goblins looked at this strange guest with vigilant eyes.

Goblins are different from elves. They attach great importance to wealth and do not allow a single gold coin to be lost from their own hands. They hold the economic lifeline of the wizarding world.

Passing through the second silver door and entering the spacious marble hall, about a dozen goblins sat behind the long counter and registered in the large ledger.Some use a balance to weigh coins, and some use an eyepiece to detect gems.

Luo Feng found a goblin who was relatively free, but was actually still carrying a bag of gold Galleons, and said with a smile, "I'm here to pick up some things. We paid for it many years ago."

The idle goblin pushed her golden eyes and looked at the unfamiliar guest. She was full of doubts, but she still followed the procedure: "Name, what to take, and also, do you have the key? Sir?"

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Gandalf, I want to take all the gold Galleons from Gringotts. We paid for it a long time ago."

The goblin was stunned, and immediately screamed: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Gringotts definitely does not have such a large number of transactions!"

"I've seen all the records of Gringotts transactions."

With a weapon that looked like a wand but was actually a scepter, Luo Feng knocked on the floor, and said seriously and solemnly: "History is undeniable! We have paid for it!"

"More than 100 years ago, Lafayette paid for us!"

Chapter 70 Puppets Across Time and Space

The goblin screamed, "Sir, please leave now, guard, guard!"

He had already decided that the wizard, who called himself Gandalf, had come to do things.

Luo Feng shook his head, these days, to be honest, no one believes it.

We did pay, and Galeries Lafayette paid for it for us decades ago.

Two, although there is not much dialogue, but in order to prevent the soul torture method of the wizarding world and prevent the old silver coin detective from seeing clues.

Still be cautious.

Everything was completed within three seconds, Luo Feng finished, and the eyeing guards rushed up.

Pull out the physical wand and cast physical magic.

Knock all the way across.

On the side, the goblin in charge of collecting the money was stunned, this is a wizard!It's a fucking wizard!

Then, run down quickly, robbing a bank is a technical job that requires speed.

All the way, Luo Feng was unimpeded.

Until I met a dragon, a western dragon.

Look at the western dragon with its teeth and claws.Luo Feng stepped forward directly, knocked off the chains on the giant dragon three or five times, and said with a smile, "You are free."

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