In the document, there are various evidences that can prove that Gen Tokugawa is mentally ill.

The words that Tokugawa Gen said were attributed to De Chuanyuan himself.

What a general of a country said, especially in such an important occasion, faced with so many people's words.

Of course, it is impossible to casually pretend that nothing has been said.

If you only react to this sentence, no matter how you make up for it, it may not have any effect.

No matter how you deny it, some people will believe it.

Therefore, we must start with Tokugawa Gen, the speaker.

As long as Gen Tokugawa is denied, then what he said will naturally not have such great power.

Proving that Gen Tokugawa is mentally ill is only the first step.

In the future, there will be one measure after another to completely drive Tokugawa Gen into the dust.

At the same time, let's deny the sentence that Tokugawa Gen said.

It should be more or less effective.

And as for another thing.

It is how to deal with the summoning shrine.

Although temporarily let those Tokugawa source supporters leave.

But the statement that there are ghosts in the shrine must be rejected.

At that time, there will still be people who want to enter the shrine after all.

In other words, as long as the shrine still exists, and at the same time, the weird one in the shrine has not been wiped out.

There will still be a steady stream of islanders entering the shrine, and there will still be a steady stream of islanders being targeted by that weird one.

Then use methods that there is no way to prevent them, all kinds of methods, to kill those people one by one.

As the chief of the island country, even he himself has to go to the shrine to worship on a fixed day every year.

If he didn't do this, he might be blocked at home by angry people just like today.

It might not even wait until the next day, when his position as chief no longer exists.

And if the weirdness inside was not killed, and he went to worship, it would be tantamount to seeking his own death!

This is the status of the shrine in the island country.

Under their propaganda generation after generation, there are indeed countless island people who believe that the heroes of their country are placed in the shrine.

The shrine is also extremely important to the island country.

Want to put an end to all this.

Either it is to completely eliminate the weirdness in the shrine.

Or... destroy the shrine itself!

As the chief of the island country, for his own life and the lives of the people of the island country.

He has to make a decision.

Moreover, it must not be too late for this decision.

After all, in order to avoid the common targeting and hostility of other Blue Star countries.

They must deal with Tokugawa Yuan and the consequences of Tokugawa Yuan's words as quickly as possible.

And the faster they deal with it, the faster the people will be threatened by the shrine!

But by that time, if the weirdness in the shrine has not been eliminated.

They really were able to come up with a perfect reason against the will of all the populace.

Get rid of the shrine?

Especially at such a critical moment.

Yes, especially now.

After the director of the Great Xia Kingdom made such a fuss on the Internet.

The anger and emotions of the people of the island nation have long been provoked.

If he, the chief, stands up and says that the shrine will be demolished.

No matter what reason he came up with.

In the eyes of the angry people, they are all admitting to cowardice, and even betraying the country.

Maybe the shrine has not been demolished by then.

His chief position may be gone first.

The chief sat quietly in the office, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eye sockets.

He has never felt that this chief is so difficult to do.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Familiar, I always feel like there are 1 ants crawling in my heart.

But no matter how eager he is.

After all, I can't think of any solution that can solve the matter in front of me.

It seems that one can only hope that the Ninja Department can successfully clear up the weirdness in the shrine during this period of time.

At this moment, suddenly, the chief's eyes lit up, and he took a breath of cold air.

"Perhaps... that's okay?"

In his mind, such a picture is emerging.

The Summoning Shrine stood there quietly.

Because of rumors of haunting, all the residents within a few miles have moved out.

At this moment, a missile with a huge yield suddenly fell from the sky.

The lightning was too fast to cover the ears, and the head fell into the shrine.

Blow up the shrine into ruins...

Chapter 273 Go and see "The Grudge"!

So, is it feasible to blow up the shrine directly with shells?

Although he didn't want to do this very much, the Chief still started to think unconsciously in his mind.

If it is directly bombarded with shells.

That is indeed able to solve the shrine before everyone reacts.

Even, this still can't kill the weirdness in the shrine.

But it can also prevent people from entering the shrine for a long time.

However, this is only palliative.

And doing so can indeed protect the people, but afterwards, he will definitely still face liquidation.

Even finding a scapegoat is useless.

As the chief, he must take responsibility for such vicious incidents during his term of office.

His love for the island country, of course, needless to say, but... everyone has selfish intentions, and he is not yet fully prepared to die for the country...

In the end, the chief sighed: "The most correct way is to find a way to get rid of the weird one in the shrine."

He tidied up his energy and began to carefully consider how to better deal with the weird thing in the shrine: "But now our manpower is too short, and we must ask for help from other countries. We must ask Jinshan Kingdom for help." Ask for help, maybe you can find Daxia... Heh... It's really unpredictable."

The chief never thought that there would be such a day, the Great Xia Kingdom, which was originally regarded as a thorn in their side.

At this time, unexpectedly, he wants to become their savior.

But this is something that can't be helped, because the Great Xia Kingdom probably has a good way to deal with weirdness that even the Jinshan Kingdom has never had.

Isn't it just a little dignity, it doesn't matter!

The chief immediately made up his mind.

When it comes to shameless things, almost no country can be faster than the official elites of the island country.

After all, when they face the strong, they really put their posture very low, and even want to hug each other's thighs and bark like dogs.

And after he became stronger, he completely forgot all the favors he had received before, and instead raised his butcher knife to the other party.

This is a group of lunatic-like devils. In their hearts, only interests are eternal.

But it is also because of this that they can live a nourishing life.

In order to be able to resolve the situation inside the shrine as soon as possible.

On the same day, the chief tried every means to contact other countries.

Trying to get help in vain, which naturally includes Daxia.

He even hoped by name that Daxia could send director Lin Zheng to help them tide over the difficulties.

Very proficiently referred to all previous conflicts as "misunderstandings".

In order to please Lin Zheng, "The Grudge", which had already been taken off the shelves nationwide, was re-screened in theaters.

That's right, even now, the island nation's officials still don't believe that the weirdness in the shrine has anything to do with Lin Zheng's movie.

On the contrary, they naively wanted Lin Zheng, who created this weird one, to turn around and help them deal with the weirdness without any blame.

Why is it so.

Except that it's too incredible to use a movie to conjure a weird one.

There are several other reasons that they cannot trust what Tokugawa Gen said before.

As well as shrines, they have a great relationship with the dead.

There will be weirdness, and it seems that it is not an unacceptable thing.

Apart from that, no living person has really seen what the strange thing in the shrine looks like.

All the people who may have seen Kayako are all dead.

And those who are in the shrine all day long, looking for the weird destroyers of the island country.

It can only show that adding coconuts is very principled, and there is a sequence of killing people.

It's not their turn yet.

It is not difficult to imagine that all this will change after their Destroyer sees the appearance of adding coconuts to the shrine.

But at this time, apart from Lin Zheng, the instigator.

Almost no one can touch the truth of the matter.

However, even though the Daxia government is not aware of the weird truth inside the shrine.

Lin Zheng had already left to go on a mission at this time.

But for the island country to ask for help, they still directly refused.

No matter how nice the island country's words are, how much they are willing to pay.

It even joined forces with Jinshan Kingdom and other countries to exert pressure.

They didn't make Daxia officials take half a step back.

And the reason is very simple.

No matter how huge these external forces are, in this era of weird recovery.

The most important thing is always Lin Zheng.

But now, anyone with a discerning eye can see how bad the relationship between Lin Zheng and the island country is.

If they agreed to help the island nation now, it would be foolish to ask Lin Zheng to help him after he returned from this mission.

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