Chapter 272 Maybe you can... blow up the shrine?

Outside the door of the secret room closed by Hitomi Inoue.

Hearing the chief's voice on the phone, the personal female secretary who had been by Hito Inoue's side all this time was taken aback for a moment.

And right now.

The door of the secret room in front of her was so tight that even shells couldn't open it, it was suddenly opened from the inside.

Then, Hito Inoue, who was covered in a layer of black robe, moved in front of her in an instant at a speed she had never seen before.

The secretary was taken aback.

Because she found that the Hito Inoue in front of her eyes had changed too much.

The original Minister Inoue was just a dry and thin old man.

The height was not even up to her neck, but at this moment, under the black robe, it seemed that there was a person who was definitely over two meters tall.

No, not people!

Because at the next moment, the secretary saw accurately that Minister Inoue lifted his black robe while moving.

Under the black robe, patches of pale skin were exposed.

It is no longer as black, thin and yellow as in the past, like dry bark.

Instead, it was pale, and it was covered with one after another, dancing granulation at will!

That's right, it's granulation!

The secretary opened his mouth wide in shock, as if he almost forgot to breathe, and was unable to utter a word.

"Minister Inoue turned into a monster?"

The secretary's heart trembled, and such a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although before, Hito Inoue's body was already somewhat different from ordinary people.

But after all, it still belongs to the category of human beings.

The secretary also knew there was a reason for this.

But no matter what, the huge Hito Inoue in front of him was a little too scary.

But before she could figure it out, Hito Inoue had already stood in front of her lightly.

"How's the situation?"

Hito Inoue's voice was very strange, as if something had strangled his neck severely, and it was hoarse like iron plates colliding.

And it can be clearly heard that Inoue's tone is full of anger.

The female secretary was so frightened that she reacted immediately.

She tightly squeezed the mobile phone in her hand, thinking about the words the chief said just now on the phone, suddenly filled with endless fear in her heart.

He didn't even dare to say what the chief just said.

But Hito Inoue was obviously in a hurry, and it was impossible to give her time to react.

He spoke again: "I'm asking you, how is the situation now?"

The voice was even more terrifying, as if it was like a drill bit, it pierced straight into the secretary's heart.

At the same time, the secretary only felt a gaze shot directly into his own eyes.

That was the gaze from under the black robe.

Through the light, one can see that Inoue Hito's face is also full of granulation, sharp and jagged canine teeth, scattered up and down, and the mouth is greatly split to both sides, looking like a big crocodile.

Although you can still see some similarities with Minister Inoue Japanese.

But there is no doubt that this face is definitely not human anymore!

The secretary's entire body trembled, trembling uncontrollably.

Being watched by that beast-like gaze, she finally couldn't bear it anymore, opened her mouth, and truthfully spoke out what the chief executive of the island nation had just said on the phone.

"The chief...the chief just called and said...that the matter has been resolved, and you don't have to go there anymore."

After the voice fell, the small space outside the door of the secret room immediately fell into silence.

Quietly, only the sound of secret breathing can be heard.

But at the next moment, the only sound of breathing disappeared.


The secretary's mobile phone fell to the ground, showing a good craftsmanship, and it didn't break.

But immediately after, one drop, two drops, three drops, scarlet, even steaming blood dripped to the ground.

Soon it became a trickle.

Afterwards, what fell was a mixture of white objects, fine bone fragments, and long black hair in the whole area, mixed together, like mud.

Finally, the secretary was gone, and the headed body fell to the ground.

Blood spurted from the neck.

Dye the entire ground completely red.

There was another roar from the thick door of the secret room.

Hito Inoue, who was standing opposite the secretary just now, has completely disappeared.


In the secret room, Hito Inoue lay naked in the hot spring.

The granulation buds on his body were like living tentacles, constantly bending and twisting.


Hito Inoue gritted his teeth and muttered silently. He suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes. His face, which was already very different from that of human beings, was full of ferocity and pain.

before this.

Originally, everything was proceeding according to the program he imagined and arranged.

He successfully manipulated the monster in his body.

And successfully established contact with the monster, got the power of the monster.

Next, you only need to follow the steps step by step, and slowly integrate the power of the monster into your body.

After the final success, he Inoue Hito is still the original Inoue Hito.

Although there may be some changes in the body.

But that would only make him stronger.

At that time, not only the weirdness that is raging around the island country at this moment cannot stop him.

Even other countries in Blue Star will definitely feel fear when they see him.

The glory of the island nation will once again be restored.

He will lead the current island nation and make this era of weird recovery an opportunity to rise.

Go to the peak of the entire blue star.

There is absolutely no one in this world who can stop him.

But at such a critical moment, the current chief of the damned island country forcibly destroyed his retreat.

He even threatened to bomb the place where he retreated with shells.

It is naturally impossible for Hito Inoue to accept this kind of thing.

In desperation, Inoue Hito could only open the closed place.

When I was about to help solve the problem.

But suddenly heard the news just now.

At this moment, Hito Inoue was almost devoured by anger, reason and soul.

He wished he could rush in front of this year's chief now, as if he just crushed the damn female secretary's head.

Squeeze every inch of the opponent's body into mud.

But the problem is that after the retreat was interrupted, his body also had problems.

It was still in a state of doze, a monster that could be faintly manipulated by him and steal its power.

Now that there are signs of awakening!

This is an extremely terrible thing.

Hito Inoue knew very well how terrifying that monster was.

Once that monster really wakes up, with his current half-human, half-monster body, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to suppress the other party, but will become a breeding ground for the other party!

And at that time, he wasn't the only one who died.

Therefore, even if the anger in my heart at this moment is simply indescribable.

Hitomi Inoue had no choice but to return to the retreat place as quickly as possible, and continue to try to suppress the monster in his body.

"You don't even know...what the hell are you doing..."

Hito Inoue gritted his teeth and said slowly.

His heavy panting and voice full of hatred echoed throughout the secret room.


As Hitomi Inoue said.

The chief of the island country naturally didn't know what he was doing.

Although the chief of the island country knew that there was a secret hidden in the body of Hito Inoue.

This is the reason why we must respect each other so much.

But what kind of secret is it? As a chief who will be replaced every few years, he is not qualified to know it yet.

At the same time, it is also because the status of Japanese Inoue is too detached.

Even for previous chief executives, they will come when they are called, and they will go away when they are waved.

After all, as the head of the ninja department, he has undoubtedly been in office longer.

Therefore, from a long time ago, the icing on the cake arranged some related matters of the yin and ninja department and made some decisions.

They are also completely in charge of their own decisions, and there is no intention of discussing with the chief.

The gap between the two sides was buried unconsciously.

Hence the misunderstanding.

Hitomi Inoue is indeed in seclusion, and he is in seclusion. There must be a very important reason for him to do so.

The chief of the island country also naturally understands this matter.

But in the eyes of the chief of the island country, what happened at the gate of the shrine at that time was undoubtedly more important.

Anyway, things have come to this point.

After all, the chief of the island country did not know what kind of crisis the people in Inoue were facing.

After resolving the conflict in front of the shrine, he didn't even have time to be proud and happy.

You must focus your energy and time on the next thing.

The first is the disposal of Tokugawa source.

Tokugawa Gen said that there are ghosts in the shrine, which scared all his supporters back.

Of course, this sentence cannot be just words.

After all, Gen Tokugawa is the shogun of the island country.

Therefore, the chief must eliminate the impact of this sentence.

Almost only half an hour later, the island country officials issued the document.

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