But immediately, he reacted, and when the captain said this, his tone didn't seem right.

Mei Jixing was jolted, and immediately regained his energy, stood on the spot, raised his chest and raised his head: "No! I'm still more suitable to be a ghost destroyer! I stayed up late last night to film, I just didn't wake up, and I didn't respond, captain, I was wrong! "

Li Changsheng's complexion, however, did not change for the better because of Mei Jixing's explanation, instead it became more gloomy, almost ashen.

"I said why you didn't call me yesterday to report the progress of the task, I thought you had a bad memory.

Now it seems that you have a bad memory, you even remember to bring meals to the crew...

I asked you to stay here because I asked you to follow that Lin Zheng to film, then stay up late to play movies, then get up in the morning and bring them breakfast by the way, right? "

Li Changsheng's tone gradually intensified and became more and more gloomy.

The last sentence was even squeezed out of the gap between the teeth.

The negative emotions that caused the mission failure due to Li Hongxia's death before, all came up at this time.

It wasn't that he was venting on purpose.

It was Mei Jixing's performance in front of him, and the attitude revealed in the other party's words, which was really outrageous!

They came so early, and when they met Mei Jixing, the other party didn't even mention their mission.

Just remember to bring breakfast for Lin Zheng's crew?

Who can bear this?

This would be fine on weekdays, but this is on a mission!

We are all overwhelmed by the task, you put it here to film?

This was so outrageous that even Li Changsheng, as the most gentle and talkative captain of the entire Blade of Destruction, couldn't accept it at all.

Mei Jixing was also annoyed at this time.

He really didn't wake up, otherwise he wouldn't behave as outrageous as before.

Mainly because I was too relaxed yesterday, and I slept too much this time...

and many more!

Why was my spirit so relaxed yesterday?

Mei Jixing suddenly frowned.

After thinking for a while, he immediately widened his eyes, slapped his thighs violently, and exclaimed: "Damn it! I just said that I seem to have forgotten something! I did! I forgot such an important thing! "

Zhou Xinyi: "???"

Cao Desheng: "???"

Li Changsheng: "???"

All three were startled.

In this kind of atmosphere, Mei Jixing's reaction... was like hitting Li Changsheng in the face.

"Brilliant! Brave, my friend!" Cao Desheng lowered his voice and couldn't help giving Mei Jixing a thumbs up.

And Li Changsheng was even more stupid. After reacting, he only felt a burst of anger, rushing directly from his chest to the top of his head, and then sprayed out from the Tianling cover.

I am teaching you a lesson now!

I am your captain!

What is your reaction?

Are you listening to me?

Too disrespectful, right?

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed at Mei Jixing, gritted his teeth for a long time, but was unable to say a word.

If before, he still retained some reason.

Now, it is completely swept away by anger!

"good very good!"

He nodded, pointed his finger at Mei Jixing, and laughed angrily: "Come on, I want to hear, how important things have you forgotten, come, tell me, tell me, come."

He turned his body and put his ear in front of Mei Jixing, as if listening.

Beneath the smile on that face was the anger that was about to erupt violently like a volcano.


Mei Jixing was not afraid at all, smirked, and said directly: "Captain, you don't need to be angry, Wang Xiaomeng's resentment has been eliminated by Lin Zheng, and our mission has been completed!"

Chapter 39 Let Lin Zheng join the Blade of Delusion?

"Captain, you don't need to be angry, Wang Xiaomeng's resentment has been eliminated by Lin Zheng, and our mission has been completed!

I said why I was so relaxed yesterday.

I had called you all at the time, but I have agreed to help Director Lin play the role as a friendship.

You said, director Lin Zheng helped us so much, can I not keep my promise?

Should I thank people?

Am I doing something wrong?No... what's more, I'm hugging my thighs..."

Mei Jixing said it to himself, looking elated.

As the first eyewitness of Lin Zhengxie at that time, at this moment, his sense of superiority is simply sky-high.

But just now, I just heard the first sentence that Mei Jixing just said.

The smile on Li Changsheng's face, and the anger that was about to erupt violently under the smile, all froze.

At the same time, there was also Zhou Xinyi who was melancholy beside her.

And Cao Desheng, who was excited and ready to watch the excitement.

"Wang Xiaomeng's resentment was resolved by Lin Zheng?"

After a while, Li Changsheng widened his eyes and looked at Mei Jixing in a daze, his eyes were incredible.

"You'd better not be joking with us." Zhou Xinyi was equally shocked, her face full of disbelief.

Even Cao Desheng looked frightened and stupid, and said solemnly: "I have to tell you to emphasize that in this matter, I don't want to liven up the atmosphere..."


From Mei Jixing's mouth, after learning all the things that happened in the school in the past two days.

Li Changsheng immediately rushed to the roof of the teaching building with Cao Desheng and Zhou Xinyi, took out the instruments, and began to measure.

Mei Jixing did not go with them, but took a leave and went to buy breakfast as originally planned.

This is what Lin Zheng promised!

How could he not do well?

Although Li Changsheng felt that his captain was being compared by Lin Zheng, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But now, obviously there are more important things in front of him.

In the early hours of the morning, the sun has not yet risen, and the surrounding is gray.

The three of Li Changsheng stood on the top of the building, looking at the metal instrument that had once tested Lin Zheng's identity and flashed green light more than ten meters away.

quietly waiting...

Measurements came in quickly.

The instrument is green throughout.

Yin Qi concentration is 0.

In other words.

This top floor really does not have any weird existence!

"how can that be?"

Li Changsheng's eyes widened, and he still couldn't believe it.

So, he asked Zhou Xinyi to go to the edge of the roof again.

Using the previous method, try to activate the weird again.

Zhou Xinyi also didn't believe it, didn't refute, just sat on the edge of the top floor and started role-playing.

He repeated the conversation that attracted Wang Xiaomeng's resentment that night.

But the result is still... nothing shows up.

The instrument, too, is still green.

No matter how hard they don't want to believe it.

All of these situations have been fully proved.

On the top floor, Wang Xiaomeng's resentment has indeed been completely eliminated!

Now, there was only one thought left in Li Changsheng's mind.

That is, how did Lin do it?

Just then.

Mei Jixing, who had already bought breakfast and put it on the set, finally arrived late and arrived on the roof.

Looking at the three teammates with shocked and sluggish faces.

Mei Jixing's face was full of smiles: "That's right! I'll just say it!"

He was triumphant: "Do you know who made all of this happen? Me! I used my wisdom to complete this task! No, two tasks were completed!"

"Didn't Lin Zheng do this?" Zhou Xinyi asked with a strange expression.

"Uh..." Mei Jixing was taken aback, and immediately explained, "He did the right thing, but the reason why he is willing to do this is because I brought him here and then defeated him with my wisdom.

This made him use his unique skills. Do you know how dangerous the situation was at that time?My wisdom almost lost to him, if it wasn't for me..."


Li Changsheng stopped Mei Jixing's bragging, and asked the most crucial question: "How did he do it?"

Mei Jixing: "How did you do it?"

Li Changsheng's forehead was throbbing with veins. He resisted the urge to hit the opponent, took a deep breath, and asked word by word: "Lin Zheng, what method did you use to get rid of this resentment?"

Only then did Mei Jixing understand what the captain meant.

He recalled for a while, his expression suddenly became serious, he took a deep breath, his tone became low, and he said very solemnly: "He uses the method that can connect the world, span the past and the present, and overcome all the grievances lingering in the world with great power. Soul's... Go! Live! Curse!"

Li Changsheng's face was full of surprise, stared at Mei Jixing, and repeated: "It can connect the world, cross the past and the present, and use great power to transcend all the resentful souls lingering in the world... Go! Life! Curse?"

"Not bad!" Mei Jixing nodded and smiled, "It is the one that can connect the heavens and the earth, transcend the past and the present, and use its mighty power to transcend all the resentful souls lingering in the world... Go! Live! Curse!"

Zhou Xinyi: "..."

Li Changsheng: "..."

"Do you still remember what this "Rebirth Curse" is like?" Li Changsheng asked.

As soon as he asked, Li Changsheng covered his forehead.

With what he knew about Mei Jixing, he probably wouldn't get the answer he wanted to this question.

Sure enough, Mei Jixing shook his head: "Although I paid attention to the follow-up and asked him to teach me a few more times, the spell was too long. I didn't remember it? I forgot it later."

Li Changsheng closed his eyes tightly, and said angrily, "I knew it, I knew it, I shouldn't have hoped..."

"But I recorded everything." Before Li Changsheng finished speaking, Mei Jixing spoke again and interrupted, "When he was chanting, I recorded every sentence and every word."

Li Changsheng immediately changed his words: "I shouldn't put my hope on the idiot Cao Desheng! Good job, Mei Ge!"

Cao Desheng: "???"

"Show me the recorded video!" Li Changsheng said quickly.

Mei Jixing: "The camera is still on the set."

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