She didn't get it.

Lin Zheng did not explain.

He naturally remembered that the other party did say hello before, saying that a small change had been made in the plot.

But if it's really just a small change, Lin Zheng won't care at all. After all, acting does require some self-expression.

But in fact, it can be seen from the first act that Lin Manyu's changes are really not a single star!

Chapter 37 Am I forgetting something?

Lin Manyu's follow-up lines and actions are completely absent from the script.

All are added by the other party himself!

And the entire length is even more than the original content of the script!

"Show me your script." Lin Zheng planned to ask Lin Manyu's script first to see if the other party had any "ingenious" extras.

Lin Manyu obediently put the script in Lin Zheng's hands.

She lowered her head, her face was a little flustered, but she still explained sincerely: "I have studied the script for a long time, and according to the plot, the role I am playing is about to be handed in homework, and she has been working for a whole week. No homework was done.

According to the situation in our country, if so many tasks are not completed, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

So I think it would be too unreasonable for her to leave as soon as she saw that she was playing outside, and at least she had to struggle a little inside!

I have read the book before, and I know this very well. If we shoot according to the original plot, it will be too unreal, and the audience will definitely not have a sense of substitution..."

The more Lin Manyu spoke, the quieter her voice became.

And Lin Zheng looked at the dense words in the script, his scalp tingling.

It can't be said that Lin Manyu is adding drama randomly, but if it is really done as she thinks.

The cost of the entire film, I am afraid, will rise exponentially.

It may not be finished until Lin Zheng goes bankrupt.

Looking at this script, Lin Zheng only had one thought in his heart.

Wouldn't this person have read "On the Self-Cultivation of Actors"?

Obviously, Lin Manyu is serious and diligent.

But her problem is also very deadly.

the reason is simple.

He is a little too serious!

I also love to play on my own!

It's just like... a female version of Stephen Chow in "The King of Comedy".

If Lin Zheng's time and funds are sufficient, Lin Zheng doesn't care, let's take a look at this little dragon trick whose ancestors studied medicine for three generations.

Will he also have the qualifications and potential of the movie king like Zhou Xingchi.

But the problem is that, with his lifespan and funds hovering on the dangerous line, he has no such qualifications at all now.

Lin Zheng covered his forehead and hesitated, but in the end, he didn't say anything serious.

Although Lin Manyu added the show on her own, it was a waste of time and certain resources.

But Lin Zheng also knew that the other party was kind after all, and he really wanted to make the film better.

Moreover, people have also notified in advance, so this matter, he himself is also responsible.

Therefore, Lin Zheng could only be patient, and carefully explained to Lin Manyu why he couldn't come like this.

With his current funds and the ability of the crew, there is no way to ask for so much in these details.

If played according to the original plot.

He just needs to take a random video of someone playing volleyball, and then edit it and he can get away without any extras.

But if you add these contents of Lin Manyu.

The volleyball scene outside, as well as the actors playing volleyball, must be real, and another person has to be found to speak the lines of the dialogue with Lin Manyu.

As a result, the cost will increase significantly!

These unforeseen costs may even prevent him from making the entire film.

It will also affect the release time.

Fortunately, although Lin Manyu has a lot of "plays", she still understands these principles, and the reason is to follow Lin Zheng's opinions.

It didn't cause any more trouble.

After explaining to Lin Manyu, Lin Zhengcai returned to his position and continued filming the next scene.

Teacher Chen, who was in charge of the phone, shrugged at him with a wicked smile.

Lin Zheng could only helplessly shake his head.

For each subsequent shooting, Lin Zheng will communicate with Lin Manyu about the plot in advance, trying to ensure that the other party has room to play, and will not increase the burden on him as a director and investors.

Only then will filming begin.

Fortunately, Lin Manyu has always been very cooperative.

It was only then that the whole day of shooting was able to proceed smoothly...


When Li Changsheng and others drove the car and entered the city again, it was already night.

The atmosphere in the car was a little dull.

Everyone was thinking about how to solve the weirdness in the school.

Even if they knew, it was almost impossible for them to think of other effective ways.

"Actually, I think... there's no need to be so pessimistic. Maybe after a year or two, the resentment will dissipate."

Cao Desheng suddenly said: "And that Principal Yang may have done nothing wrong, but it is obviously not a good thing.

It happened that the school was closed, and it was a small punishment for him, these damn compradors. "

Zhou Xinyi sighed: "I just think... this resentment is quite pitiful, I have seen the only memory left of it, and there are those two sentences in it, and it keeps looping, constantly looping...

And in its emotions, in addition to anger and pain, there are regrets and guilt.

It may be regretting that it gave up its own life for two words from a rotten person.

And guilt, when it fell, it must have thought of its family and friends..."

Cao Desheng frowned upon hearing this: "What you said is too mysterious and sentimental!

It's just a program now, it's nothing, it doesn't know anything, and it doesn't feel anything.

Weird to be so powerful, there are memories, feelings, and feelings.

Then what kind of people do we still need to be, let's just be weird. We live for hundreds of years, have special abilities, and don't need air conditioners in summer. How cool. "

Zhou Xinyi gave this disappointing guy a vicious look.

However, he did not refute, but looked out of the car window helplessly, with a melancholy expression on his face.

Speechless all the way.

When they arrived near Yongxin International Noble Academy, it was already twelve o'clock in the morning.

Li Changsheng directly asked Cao Desheng to drive the car to a nearby hotel: "It's already so late, let's not go to the school for now, stay outside for one night, and come back tomorrow to see if there are other ways to resolve our resentment. .

By the way, I have to plan tonight, how to deal with this Lin Zheng matter, it is not very convenient in school. "

Cao Desheng said with some puzzlement: "The minister doesn't know what he's doing. It's been two days, right? I haven't seen him reply to the email. And Mei Jixing, he didn't call us to report today!"

Li Changsheng sighed, "And with his memory, I didn't expect him to remember to report every day. Anyway, I can see him directly tomorrow, and it's not a bad night."

The three got out of the car and walked into the hotel. From beginning to end, they were shrouded in deep helplessness and depression.


At this time, the school was busy for most of the night, and all the scenes of "Happy Ghost" today were finally completely filmed!

Because they were too tired, after the end, everyone ordered something to eat and went back to the dormitory.

Mei Jixing was lying on the bed, a little excited: "Today's filming experience is really good."

After speaking, he suddenly frowned: "Why do I always feel that something has been forgotten by me?"

He mused.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up: "That's right! Director Lin and I volunteered, saying that we are going to buy breakfast tomorrow, how can we forget such an important thing?

Gee!Gotta set the alarm clock right now! "

He immediately took out his mobile phone, and after correcting the alarm clock for tomorrow morning, he turned off the lights, and Meimei fell asleep...

Chapter 38 Brave and brave my friend

At six o'clock in the morning the next day, it was just dawn.

The three of Li Changsheng packed up their things and came to school early.

At the gate of the school, I met Uncle Wang who just came to clean up.

"Good morning, uncle, are you here to sweep the floor so early?" Cao Desheng greeted Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang smiled and nodded: "Hey, scan once in the morning and once in the afternoon. You have to do things after you get the money."

The last time Li Changsheng and the other four came over to interview Lin Zheng, they met Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang also knew that these people entered the school with the consent of Principal Yang as well.

Moreover, he is a sweeper anyway, and this school is not his house.

There is no need to worry about it, so after Uncle Wang brought everyone into the school, he went to clean up by himself.

Watching Uncle Wang leave, Cao Desheng suddenly frowned and said suspiciously, "The more I look at it, the more I feel that this Uncle Wang looks a lot like the grandfather in Wang Xiaomeng's file. Do you know what Uncle Wang's name is?"

The other two shook their heads. When they checked the file before, they didn't pay attention to this.

He didn't take Cao Desheng's words to heart.

After all, Cao Desheng's thinking has always been quite evasive. If he really takes his words seriously, he will have a lively atmosphere the next moment.

Embarrassing is yourself.

As teammates, they know that.

Only Cao Desheng still stared at the back of Uncle Wang's departure, frowning in thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Mei Jixing, who had received a call from Li Changsheng 10 minutes ago, finally got up and rushed over. Three days later, he reunited with his teammates.

"How's the situation?" Li Changsheng asked when he saw that no one else was following Mei Jixing.

Because it was too late last night, Lin Zheng and the others were still sleeping.

Lin Zheng slept on life-saving sleep, while Zhang Xirou slept naturally as beauty sleep.

Several other crew members also need to rest.

Because he fully knows the overall plot and the reasons for the finished product, Lin Zheng's shooting rhythm is very fast, so it often takes only a short time to complete a whole movie.

But dealing with this kind of fast-paced and high-intensity shooting, the energy consumption of the staff is naturally very large.

Even Mei Jixing, the elite of the Blade of Destruction Department, had not yet fully woken up at this time.

He rubbed his eyes, still in a sleepy state, and said confusedly: "They are still sleeping, and I just have to bring food for the crew. Let's go together and talk while walking on the road."

Cao Desheng joked in surprise: "You've been very successful undercover, and you've already started bringing meals to the crew. If you need to, you can directly poison them, and their entire crew will be gone? "

Mei Jixing yawned and smiled smugly: "What is this, I also played a role in the movie as a friendship. Director Lin always praised me for my talent yesterday. Today, I just want you to appreciate my acting skills!"

Cao Desheng was in awe, and gave Mei Jixing a thumbs up: "Brilliant!"

But Captain Li Changsheng frowned and said coldly, "Since you are so talented in acting, why don't you just stay in his crew and film with him?"

"Actually, that's fine." Mei Jixing nodded subconsciously.

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