Once anything unusual happens in Lin Zheng's dormitory, they will be notified immediately.

But the three of them had just left the dormitory building when Zhang Xirou appeared behind them.

Zhou Xinyi and Cao Desheng both took precautions.

Li Changsheng was very calm, but said: "Mei Jixing's ability is biased towards fighting, you are so confident in Lin Zheng's strength, don't you plan to watch?"

Zhang Xirou was stunned for a moment, she hadn't mentioned Lin Zheng's great strength today.

But she also knew that with the ability of the Blade of Destruction, it was easy to get this information.

After a nonchalant snort, she said, "No matter what, he's just an ordinary person. I don't believe you dare to do anything outrageous behind that old guy's back."

Li Changsheng also smiled, without making a decision, he turned around and continued on his way.

Zhou Xinyi and Cao Desheng naturally did not speak.

Just let Zhang Xirou follow behind.

The group of four quickly reached the downstairs of the classroom, and then ran to the roof without stopping.

Several people first took out instruments and measured the level of yin here.

After finding that it was only 4 o'clock, I immediately felt relieved.

Li Changsheng glanced at Zhou Xinyi and said, "Let's start, I will protect your safety, Cao Desheng, be careful...don't let that thing run away."

Cao Desheng patted his thick chest: "Don't worry, I can't run if I'm here, unless I run into a ghost, then I must run first."

Li Changsheng glared at him fiercely, but did not speak.

As a monster destroyer, Cao Desheng's ability can directly control the monster and make it unable to act.

Depending on the strength of the weirdness, the control time will also change.

However, if there is no accident like in the previous "Sunstone Psychiatric Hospital".

This mere 4 o'clock yin qi is strange, and basically it will not pose any threat to them.

But be careful, it's always right.

Zhou Xinyi nodded to the captain, took a step, and walked straight to the edge of the top floor, where the two victims jumped off the building.

Then she sat down, and after being silent for a while, she said in a tone that was completely unlike her usual speech:

"It's okay, it's okay, there is a teacher, don't cry, don't cry, don't be so stupid in the future, you can tell the teacher anything, how can you do such an impulsive thing?" The person who said this is obviously a teacher .

After saying this, Zhou Xinyi's face suddenly changed, and then she sobbed, and then changed into a completely different tone, crying: "Wuwuwu...I thought you would scold me, teacher."

This sentence is obviously said as a student.

Such a scene, staged on the roof of the campus teaching building late at night, is extraordinarily strange.

Zhang Xirou quietly stood not far away and watched, without speaking.

But he knew very well in his heart that the other party was playing the two victims, a teacher, and a student in the incident of jumping off the building.

Although Zhang Xirou was not a member of the Blade of Destruction Department, she knew a lot about this department.

Before getting to know Lin Zheng, she had met countless times with these members of the Blade of Destruction at the place where the strange incident happened.

Also know a thing or two about the abilities of most of them.

The abilities of these members of the Blades of Destruction all originate from the strangeness that is raised in their bodies.

Use your own body and soul to raise and control the weird, so as to obtain the weird ability and deal with the weird.

Feeding ghosts with one's body, fighting poison with poison.

This is also the reason why Zhang Xirou said that Li Changsheng and the others were neither human nor ghosts.

Because this method is not safe and stable, as time goes by, most of the members of the Blade of Destruction will almost be attacked by the strangeness in their bodies.

If handled properly, nothing will be lost.

But if they are not handled properly, the strangeness in their bodies will bring even more trouble.

Moreover, this kind of backlash is usually unknowing, there is no advance warning, and even the ghost destroyer himself cannot detect it.

I don't know at all when I can no longer resist the strange influence in my body, and even gradually assimilated.

Zhang Xirou had personally experienced such a situation. It was a memory she didn't want to think about at all.


Zhou Xinyi, who was playing role-playing at this time, got the ability from the strange body in her body, which she called "Nightmare".

With this ability, Zhou Xinyi can invade the dreams of other souls and obtain the deepest part of the other's memory.

And these so-called other souls include both humans and ghosts!

This is why Li Changsheng chose to let Mei Jixing stay by Lin Zheng's side.

Because strange actions have certain rules.

Before they could figure out the law, the best way to make the weirdness in this school appear is to repeat the scene of the last time it appeared.

And this, only Zhou Xinyi can do it!

In fact, before interviewing Lin Zheng during the day, Li Changsheng and the others had already been to the hospital to visit the two victims of the jumping off the building.

Zhou Xinyi also used her ability to read the most profound moment in the memories of the teacher and the male student about this incident.

in their memory.

It was during this conversation.

Suddenly, an inexplicable force pushed the teacher down first.

Then, the boy was pushed down.

So they know very well that this case is completely a strange and murderous incident, not a murder.

The responsible head teacher and the poor boy were just victims of this strange incident.

Zhou Xinyi sat on the edge of the top floor and continued to perform.

She put on the teacher's tone again, with a smile, very gentle: "Hey, I have been a teacher for more than ten years, what kind of scene have I never seen? How can I scold you for this little thing? In the future, there are You must tell the teacher about anything..."

Just when Zhou Xinyi said this.


A gloomy wind blew from the edge of the roof, and then the temperature of the entire roof suddenly dropped several degrees.


Li Changsheng, who was always paying attention to the surrounding situation, immediately shouted loudly, then rushed to Zhou Xinyi's side and pulled him back from the edge of the roof.

Cao Desheng, who had been concentrating all the time, suddenly appeared several blood-colored threads with yin energy on his hands, hands and feet, which quickly stretched and spread.

Like a vigilant viper entrenched in vigilance, ready to go.

Zhou Xinyi, who was still immersed in the state of "acting", immediately pulled out of that strange state, and after taking a few deep breaths, she regained her composure.

Her eyes narrowed, and a violent Yin Qi suddenly emerged from her body, flooding the surrounding area, directly covering the entire ten-square-meter space on the edge of the roof, including the three of them.

Although it is somewhat incomprehensible, why such a loving dialogue can activate the weirdness lurking on the top floor.

But in any case, this strange animal has been attracted by Zhou Xinyi's performance.

And it's coming soon!

Chapter 20 The Lowest Eccentricity: Grudge

In addition to nightmares, Zhou Xinyi had another kind of ability that he had obtained from his body.

It was the wall of Yin Qi surrounding her at the moment.

She calls it the shadow wall.

If you use this ability to deal with ordinary people, there will be a more down-to-earth name: Ghost Fighting the Wall.

Ordinary people who are in it will gradually be affected by their five senses and six senses, and the longer they stay, the harder it will be to escape.

But weirdness has no five senses and six senses, and naturally it cannot be affected.

So when this space is dealing with weirdness, it can only limit weird actions to a certain extent.

Make teammates' attacks more targeted.

Other than that, it's useless, so Zhou Xinyi is not a fighting-type monster destroyer.

Li Changsheng stood beside Zhou Xinyi for protection, ready to go.

Like Mei Jixing, his abilities are biased towards combat.

At this time, the strangeness has not yet appeared, and according to the detected concentration, there is a high probability that he does not need to take action, so it has not been stimulated yet.

The three of them looked around attentively.

After a while, a bloody shadow finally slowly appeared in front of the three of them.

It was a vague figure of about ten years old, covered in blood.

If you look closely, you can see that there are cracks everywhere on his body and face, and then they are put together again.

At this moment, the blood-colored figure was obviously full of resentment, with yin energy all over his body, and he rushed towards Zhou Xinyi, pushing him down the top floor.

Zhou Xinyi thought about it, and the shadowy wall surrounding her immediately began to move.

Leave the bloody figure and Cao Desheng in it.

"Cao Desheng!" Li Changsheng shouted as a reminder.

But actually, before he spoke.

Cao Desheng has already started to act.

He stepped directly towards the bloody figure, and the bloodshots gushing out from his hands and feet also seemed to have life, twisting and approaching quickly.

When the strange figure was still three meters away from the edge of the dream wall.

It was bound by countless blood-colored silk threads, and was directly fixed in place. There was no movement at all, just like falling asleep, and froze directly.

After that, after more than ten seconds, Li Changsheng and Zhou Xinyi relaxed after seeing that the bloody figure had no other movements.

Cao Desheng, who was tensed all over, also squeezed out a smile: "It's good, this time there is finally no accident."

Li Changsheng rolled his eyes at him and stared at the bloody figure a few times, especially the pair of eyes that were slightly blurred, but black and white.

"It's still a grudge. I haven't killed anyone, so I'm not a ghost." Li Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The difference between resentment and ghosts is in the eyes.

The ghost's eyes will be covered with blood, and the more people you kill, the stronger the blood will be.

And the strange eyes, as before, will not change.

At the same time, resentment is also the lowest level in the strange, and it is best to deal with, that is, it will not cause much threat.

More importantly, resentment can be eliminated, that is, killed!

And once the hand of resentment is stained with human life and becomes a ghost, in addition to the great increase in danger, it will also become impossible to eliminate and kill forever.

Zhou Xinyi untied the dream wall and walked over, looking at the irregular cracks on the blood-colored figure, a trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes: "It should have been a fall to his death, no wonder it was also a jumping incident this time."

The strange behavior patterns are mostly related to the resentment in front of them.

Li Changsheng was also a little embarrassed, but he quickly calmed down and looked at Zhou Xinyi.

Zhou Xinyi also nodded, walked in front of the bloody figure, and stretched his hand into the other's non-existent body.

Closing her eyes, she activated her ability again: Nightmare!

As I said before, Zhou Xinyi's ability to dream can be used by both humans and ghosts.

When used on people, it may also cause some mental damage, after all, the human spirit is complete and stable.

But when using it on ghosts, it was Zhou Xinyi who had to be careful.

If she doesn't control it, it is very likely that she will be eroded by the ghost's resentment, which will affect her mood and spirit.

Of course, resentment like this is generally not strong, so in general, she is still safe.

The entire top floor was unusually quiet.

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