In this way, even if it consumes some energy and resources, it is completely worth it!

"Can you post videos too?" Zhou Xinyi was taken aback.

Mei Jixing said, "Certainly, otherwise, are all the ghosts in "Kunyanchi" real?"

Cao Desheng: "That's called "Kunchiyan"."

Boom boom boom!

Li Changsheng knocked on the wireless charging pad next to the co-pilot, stopped this unreliable conversation, and thought:

"With these two videos, our analysis and conclusions about him cannot be simply based on ordinary people!"

He glanced at Zhou Xinyi and instructed: "Xiao Zhou, write these two videos and the previous information in the report, send them to the minister, and wait for the minister's reply.

Then, from now on, we split up!

While following Lin Zheng, monitoring his every move.On the other hand, without attracting his attention, investigate the strange events in the school as usual.

To get along and cooperate, don't be noticed and startled! "


The three of Zhou Xinyi immediately answered in unison.

Although these two videos do not prove that Lin Zheng is harmful to society.

But it can also be proved that he cannot be treated in the same way as ordinary people!

"Then who is going to monitor this Lin Zheng?" Cao Desheng asked suddenly.

Before Li Changsheng could answer, Zhou Xinyi raised his hand.

She looked at the three teammates very seriously: "It's the same sentence I said before, after all, I'm a girl, it's not easy... It's not easy to start a snake, so I'm the most suitable, yes! That's it."

Li Changsheng rolled her eyes at her, then shook his head and vetoed: "You can't go, to investigate strange events in the school, you must use your ability, and Cao Desheng can't, your ability is useless to ordinary people..."

Li Changsheng's eyes swept over the three team members one by one.

In the end, it stopped on Mei Jixing's body: "It's you! Your ability is the most useful to ordinary people.

If Lin Zheng senses something at that time and wants to run away, you can directly attack him and control him, as long as he doesn't die, you can do anything! "

Mei Jixing was stunned for a moment, with a visibly embarrassed look on his face: "According to the content of the video, strictly speaking... This Lin Zheng is not an ordinary person, right? Besides, there is Zhang Xirou next to him..."

Li Changsheng: "That's just the worst case. If there is no accident, they shouldn't notice anything, so you just need to follow him quietly."

The smile on Mei Jixing's face was a little reluctant: "I think we can still discuss it from a long-term perspective..."

Li Changsheng interrupted directly: "Okay, needless to say, this matter will be handed over to you!"

"Oh..." Mei Jixing closed his mouth and bowed his head aggrievedly.

"Then do we still want to ban his movies?" Cao Desheng suddenly asked next to him.

Li Changsheng shook his head: "Ignore it for now, just report it. This kind of ordinary people's business, let the Minister have a headache."


Chapter 18 Uncle Wang's Abnormal Behavior

Wait until Lin Zheng is done.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was about to set.

He called Zhang Xirou directly and was about to go to dinner together, but only when he asked, did he know that the elder sister Zhang Zhang had gone to the teaching building where the incident happened.

And ran to the top!

Although the police in the teaching building have already checked, they have not emphasized the need to ban.

Principal Yang also gave them the right to investigate.

But they are not real celestial masters, so rashly broke into the scene of the crime, how can it be done.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zheng hurried over there.

But just before the teaching building, Uncle Wang, who was in charge of sweeping the floor, squatted at the door of the teaching building like a statue, trembling slightly.

In front of Uncle Wang was a pile of burning flames, and there were still some unburned paper money on the fire.

Lin Zheng felt a little strange, so he slowed down, walked slowly behind Uncle Wang, and then heard voices and slight sobbing.

"Don't kill anymore, those people are innocent... The bad guys have already deserved what they deserved.

good!rest in peace!ah? "

Lin Zheng stood there listening, and was stunned.


Uncle Wang is crying?

Why is he crying?

Scared by ghosts?

And what do these words mean?

Pleading with a ghost?

Not like ah.

Just when Lin Zheng was wondering.

Perhaps feeling something, Uncle Wang turned his head and saw him.

Lin Zheng stepped forward immediately, squatted beside the other party, and asked, "Uncle Wang, what are you... doing?"

Uncle Wang was obviously taken aback, looked panicked, and immediately wiped away his tears: "You haven't left yet, I thought you left."

As he said that, he got up from the ground, smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "Hey, it's not obvious to me, burn paper."

In such a big school, there are only three people inside, and he is not always outside, so it is normal that they do not meet each other.

Lin Zheng didn't care, smiled, and continued: "We are going out to eat, but...why are you burning paper? The two victims, aren't they all right?"

Uncle Wang wiped his tears, his cloudy eyes were slightly red.

He continued to smile a little stiffly: "I burned it to that ghost, I begged her, I want her to reincarnate quickly, don't hurt anyone anymore, by the way, when did you come here? "

Lin Zheng nodded, his doubts cleared up, and he said relaxedly: "Hey, I just arrived, you... don't need it, we have to believe in science, there are no ghosts in this world, don't you think that's what the relevant departments say ?"

"Yes, yes yes yes." Uncle Wang nodded in a perfunctory manner, patted the dust on his body, extinguished the fire with the water that had been prepared a long time ago, and cleaned it up.

Then, he looked up at the sky, sighed, and said, "It's almost night, I have to go back too, since the principal also said, this key will be given to you, Master.

Tomorrow morning, you can come here by yourself, and you should go back early, this school... is not very safe. "

When Lin Zheng heard this, he was not happy at the time, and was planning to continue to emphasize that this is all feudal superstition, and there are no ghosts in the world.

Zhang Xirou just happened to walk out slowly from the gate of the teaching building.

And Uncle Wang has already adjusted his mood, said hello to Zhang Xirou, turned around and left.

Lin Zheng was not given a chance to speak at all.

The dry body was hunched, walking slowly, step by step, and soon disappeared into the night.

Zhang Xirou walked closer, glanced at the fire on the ground, and asked, "What's the situation?"

Lin Zheng explained the details.

After Zhang Xirou listened, a little doubt appeared in his eyes: "Burning paper for ghosts...Aren't you afraid that ghosts will come to you? How courageous..."


When Lin Zheng and Zhang Xirou walked to the school gate.

The car with the words "weird media" happened to drive to the school gate again.

The two sides collided.

Lin Zheng thought that the other party was looking for him, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

Li Changsheng got out of the car, shook hands with Lin Zheng, and explained, "I had planned to go back, but I received a mission from the company and said that we should drop by to investigate this school.

We've asked the principal of this school and got permission. "

As soon as Li Changsheng finished speaking, Lin Zheng's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was the call from Principal Yang.

On the phone, Principal Yang said that Li Changsheng and others would come over and hoped that Lin Zheng would help open the door.

After all, Li Changsheng and others were employees of relevant departments, and there were countless ways to obtain the authorization of Principal Yang.

And, no one would be suspicious.

As far as Lin Zheng is concerned, the principal has spoken by himself, what other opinion can he have?

When even a few people were welcomed in.

Li Changsheng politely said thank you to Lin Zheng, then glanced at Zhang Xirou behind him, and seemed to ask casually, "Director Lin is... going home?"

Lin Zheng immediately shook his head: "No no no, we're just going out for a meal."

Li Changsheng said, "Eating? We didn't eat either. We bought some food when we came over. There is definitely enough food. Why don't we eat together at school?"

"Why is this so embarrassing..." Lin Zheng refused intentionally.

"It just so happens that we have another matter about the interview, and I want to discuss it with Director Lin." Li Changsheng said.

Lin Zheng's eyes lit up immediately and changed his mind: "Oh? What's the matter?"

Li Changsheng smiled and pointed to the large bag of food in Cao Desheng's hand: "Let's chat while eating?"

Lin Zheng only hesitated for a moment, and then immediately said, "Then we'll be welcome."

Zhang Xirou didn't say a word, just stared at Li Changsheng and the others with vigilance in his eyes.


"Didn't Director Lin say before that he wants to shoot new movies in this school?"

In the dormitory building that Lin Zheng specially selected.

Li Changsheng held the boxed lunch and said while eating, "It just so happens that we also have to do tasks here.

With such a good opportunity, we thought, why don't we give Director Lin your new film, do an exclusive interview, and make a short documentary!what do you think? "

"Of course it's fine!"

How could Lin Zheng refuse such a good thing, he nodded in agreement immediately, but then he looked concerned and asked, "Will this affect your mission progress?"

Li Changsheng immediately shook his head: "Of course not, we can divide our forces into two ways."

With that said, he beckoned and brought Mei Jixing, who was eating next to him, over: "This is the member of our team who understands documentary filming best, Mei Jixing, he will follow you and be responsible for filming and recording. As for the company's tasks, we will Three people are more than enough."

In other words, Mei Jixing was almost useless.

Being so connoted by the captain, Mei Jixing couldn't express his bitterness, so he could only squeeze a stiff smile on his face and nodded to Lin Zheng: "Hello Director Lin, I will take care of you in the future."

The smile on Lin Zheng's face was also a little reluctant.

He still remembered that during the day, he couldn't open his eyes when he was illuminated by the light.

Lin Zheng still doesn't know what the documentary accomplishments of the other party are.

But the other party's lighting technology is absolutely rotten to the point that it can't be rotten any more.

However, considering that this is a free documentary after all.

He didn't have the face to raise too high demands, so he nodded immediately and agreed.

Chapter 19 Feed ghosts with your body, fight poison with poison!

late at night.

After Lin Zheng fell asleep.

The three of Li Changsheng immediately left the room in the dark and walked towards the teaching building where the strange incident occurred.

Mei Jixing slept in the dormitory next to Lin Zheng.

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