Lin Mo snapped his fingers and thought.

His tactics against the enemy are basically a routine, and he pays attention to knowing himself and the enemy.

Regarding the information about Yedi, many answers can be found in that Bible. Fortunately, Lin Mo has read this book and has a reserve of knowledge in this regard.

So he searched in his mind, how to kill Ye Di.

Then after a while of combing and searching, I got an answer.

"The Spear of Longinus!"

This thing once killed Yedi. Naturally, there is a corresponding historical background story.It is said that later this god-killing artifact was broken into three sections and scattered in different places.

Some of them are hidden in hell.

This is not made up by Lin Mo, it is recorded in Ye Di's Bible.

Of course, this paragraph is not in the orthodox prologue, but in some of the letters that are not recognized by the orthodox.

Lin Mo remembered that he played a horror game before, which was about the trip to hell of this artifact. At that time, he had a little personal interest, so he also consulted a special encyclopedia, so he knew the legend.

Since the "Longinus Spear" that can kill gods is in hell, why not look for it?

May not be found.

Because this hell is not necessarily the hell described in the Bible.

But it is also possible to find.

Because this hell may be the one described in the Bible.

At least it's worth a try.

Find that god-killing weapon first, and then think about others.

With a goal, Lin Mo immediately became energetic, not as decadent as before.

The first thing he felt about this change was his mother. She stood not far away, clapped her hands lightly, and then made a gesture of cheering.

The younger sister jumped over at this time, pointed to the erupting volcano in the distance, and said that she wanted to go to that place to play.

Mom came over and told my sister not to mess around.

The little girl with the paper bag head obviously lost her temper. After snorting, she climbed to the ceiling and couldn't come down.

"My little Romy, although this trip is short, my mother is very happy. Compared with this, it can refresh you, which is more important than a family trip."

Mom seemed to feel something at this time, and said something.

Lin Mo can feel it too.

His mental strength is rapidly weakening.

The effect of NZT-47 is disappearing, which means that the family members in the cozy house will also disappear.

It's just different from the previous parting.

As long as there is NZT-47, it means that they can meet again, so there is no sadness.

The family members disappeared.

It was sudden, but Lin Mo was not surprised.

Because Lin Mo thought of a possibility, maybe that Yedi is also in hell.

At least that's a possibility.

Well, this means that the next big fight will be fought in hell nine times out of ten.

If this is the case, Lin Mo will definitely use NZT-47 to call his family members out to help. Thinking of this, Lin Mo is a little eager to try.

I don't know who the family members will be strong and who will be weak against God.

Lin Mo walked up to Xi Wenjun.

"Sister Wenjun, we are the only ones left, you will follow me and help me."

"it is good!"

Xi Wenjun agreed very readily.

It wasn't the first day they knew each other, and they had absolute trust in each other.

At this time, Xi Wenjun told Lin Mo that the devil in hell is immortal. Don’t look at her killing the devil who was entrenched here before, and peeling off the opponent’s skin and tearing off the head, but in fact, the opponent still alive.

After speaking, he raised his head in his hand.

Lin Mo looked at the bloody head, it was ugly.

He said hello, but the other party ignored him.

Xi Wenjun's finger forcefully pierced the opponent's head at once, just like Lian Jiuyin White Bone Claw, there are five more blood holes on the head.

This bloody head really opened his eyes, looking extremely reluctant.

Xi Wenjun told Lin Mo that he could use these demons to make some articles.

After being reminded like this, Lin Mo immediately reacted.

Xi Wenjun was right.

What is this place?


According to this logic, there is no doubt that the demons here all hate Yedi, and they are natural enemies.

What is there to say?

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

That hell is full of friends and brothers.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo immediately reached out and touched the bloody head in Xi Wenjun's hand: "Friend, let's have a good chat."

Lin Mo really chatted with this devil.

After persuading and coercing, the devil named 'Moore' became friends with Lin Mo.

Chapter 0900 hell everywhere is friends

Inside the ruins, the pungent smoke and dust with the smell of sulphur, was rampaging under the sweeping wind.

Listening to the wind outside, Lin Mo looked at the devil named Moore.

"Brother, I'm sorry, look, you didn't know Miss Wenjun before, so there was a little misunderstanding, and your body was lost. But it's okay, you still look handsome now, I don't know how many hellish succubi can be charmed."

Lin Mo was full of nonsense.

The other party's eyelids twitched twice, and he said thank you against his will.

"I see that your face is covered with blood, and it looks red all over. Let me wipe it off for you." Lin Mo reached out and wiped the other person's face.

It was found that there was a little blood, but not much.

But this guy's whole face, including his head, is red, because he doesn't have long hair, so he looks like a red-skinned sweet potato.

"Hey, why can't it be wiped off?"

Lin Mo began to exert force.

Moore couldn't hold back anymore, and said thank you, my skin is this color, and it can't be wiped off.

Lin Mo remembered that in some descriptions about hell, the skin of some devils was indeed red.

"The red one is good, the red one is beautiful, festive, look at you, how festive you look." Lin Mo was not embarrassed at all, and the other party who praised him directly became shy.

The politeness was almost over, Lin Mo started to ask serious things.

Regarding the situation in hell, how many devils and demons there are here, is everyone full of hatred for Yedi, and another important point, do you know where the gun of Longinus is in hell?

Whether Moore is willing or unwilling, he has to answer honestly at this moment.

It doesn't know how many devils and demons there are, but it is certain that the existence in hell is full of hatred for Yedi. As for the gun of Longinus, it doesn't know.

Lin Mo was not satisfied with this answer.

"I want to unite the devils and demons in hell to fight against Yedi, what do you think?" Lin Mo planned to listen to the other party's opinion.

After all, they are locals.

"This is a bit difficult. All the devils and demons are full of suspicion among each other. They have never cooperated or thought about it."

"Didn't I help you figure it out? Look at you, it's a mess now. How can you become bigger and stronger? Listen to me, let's form an alliance. We are all friends. Let's kill Yedi together. He is dead. You Can't you eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and be at ease?"

Lin Mo imagined a bright future for the other party.

Not to mention, Moore is really tempted.

In the past, it was used to confuse and deceive others, but this time it was tricked by Lin Mo.

"I plan to visit all the devils and demons around me first, so that we can work together. When necessary, you have to persuade them for me. Just say that I am sincerely making friends and have no malicious intentions. It is entirely to help Everyone."

After discussing with Mo Moore here, Lin Mo immediately started to act.

With the guidance of Moore, he quickly led the people to find a powerful devil around him.

This is a devil with the same scarlet skin and a hell flame burning on top of its head. It has a tail and goat's hooves, and it is resting in a pool of blood.

Lin Mo went to say hello, but the other party might be a little shy, so he jumped out of the blood pool and rushed over.

"Sister Wenjun, you can talk to it first."

After speaking, Lin Mo took a step back.

He felt more and more like his mother.

Next, Xi Wenjun had a preliminary contact with this devil called 'Azib'. They were very friendly, at least they didn't skin each other.

This process was actually very tortuous. At first Xi Wenjun was dragged into the pool of blood by the other party. Before Lin Mo had time to worry, the red wedding dress on Xi Wenjun's body had already sucked up the blood pool.

'Azibu' who had no blood pool was pressed to the ground by Xi Wenjun within two strokes.

Lin Mo saw that the time had come, and immediately went up to establish a friendship with the other party.

At the beginning, 'Azib' was very indifferent, but when he heard that he was going to unite to kill Yedi, his interest immediately rose, and it seemed that he hated Yedi very much.

Lin Mo was curious, and wanted to ask why your hatred was so deep, 'Azib' showed Lin Mo his back.

You can see two symmetrical vertical wounds on the back of the opponent, about where the shoulder blades are, the wounds are hideous and terrifying, the flesh and blood are turned out, and blood is flowing all the time.

"I used to be an angel, but because of a little mistake, he forcibly tore off my wings and sent me to hell. He also cursed me so that the wound on my back would never heal, and I would suffer this pain forever."

'Azib' gritted his teeth.

It turned out that the previous blood pool was formed by the pooling of blood from its body.

"Is it so cruel?" Lin Mo was surprised when he heard it.

"You feel cruel too?" Azib asked.

Lin Mo said, if this is not vicious, then is there any vicious thing in this world?

"Angels are said to have been created by Yedi. To a certain extent, he is your father. Where is the father of such a pair of children? It's too cruel, too cruel, how can he bear it?"

"I believe you were heartbroken at the time, but you still kept a glimmer of hope. I hope your father will change his mind and take you back. At that time, you won't even blame him."

"But this irresponsible father let you down again. He gave up on you and let you suffer endless pain. Hope after hope turned into despair... Hey, brother, you are too miserable. You are not worth it."

Hearing Lin Mo's heartfelt words, Azbuna nodded again and again, because Lin Mo said what was in his heart.

This is meeting a confidant.

No need to ask, Azib is naturally willing to go with Lin Mo and fight against Yedi together.

In Lin Mo's words, this is called a journey of righteous revenge!

The corners of Moore's mouth were all twitching.

When they left together, Moore secretly gave Azibu a wink, and finally found an opportunity to tell the other party to be careful of this new friend.

He also said some unkind things to the other party.

"Shut up, I don't allow you to say that about my friend." Azib snapped angrily.

Moore rolled his eyes and almost fainted, thinking that you can ignore me if you don't want to hear it, big brother, what the hell are you doing so loudly?

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