Mom still didn't rush, walked over and dragged dad over.

Just as Lin Mo thought, the father in the cozy hut has an extremely weird temper. Even if he encounters something he likes, he will never show it.

He cursed and muttered, most likely scolding his mother.

But the family members seem to be accustomed to his way of doing things.

You can scold him, but at the critical moment, he is the one who is least likely to lose the chain.

No bells and whistles, no small talk.

Go up and do it.

Lin Mo was a little worried for a while.

After all, the enemy is 1357 terrifying monsters, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the evil tiger is afraid of wolves.

Mom didn't seem worried at all, though.

She said that the program is well arranged and your father must like it very much.

When talking, the two sides were already fighting together, and mother pulled Lin Mo back a few steps, saying not to splash blood.

The younger sister jumped up and down excitedly, and from time to time she would make a sudden move to kill a monster, or catch the monster and throw it in the air.

After finding out that throwing them in the air is more interesting, in the following time, I don't know how many monsters were brought into the air by her, and then let go and threw them on the ground.

The strength Dad displayed at this moment was incredible.

He actually blocked the attacks of these monsters by himself. His speed and explosive power are the strongest among the people Lin Mo has ever seen.

Including Nightmare, none can reach this level.

The butcher is much worse than that.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly realized something.

He patted his thigh.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked curiously.

Lin Mo said it was wrong, you are spiritual bodies, and you will only appear in the spiritual realm, or in a special space created by spiritual power.

Like Black Lagoon Asylum.

How could it be in this place?

It was also Lin Mo who had just recovered from the medicine before, and then he reacted.

At this time, mother was moving those beautiful high-heeled shoes, stepped on the ground with her sharp heel, and then said: "How do you know, this is not a spiritual realm."

Lin Mo said that I have a knife and a brick and hammer. If it is the spiritual realm, these external equipment do not exist.

"Did you forget the madhouse?" Mom reminded.

Lin Mo was stunned.

He knows what mom means.

This is not a spiritual realm, but it is very likely that, like the Black Lagoon Asylum, it is a place created by some kind of spiritual power.

If this is the case, mother and the others can naturally appear here as well.

This can be explained.

But here's another problem.

Who created this with spiritual power?

Over there, the father and sister were happily fighting, and the mother was very elegant, she would never participate in such fighting.

Obviously, she also wanted to train Lin Mo to be like her.

In case of danger, let others go, we just need to chat in the back.

At this time, my mother seemed to have discovered something. She turned her head to look in the direction of the second floor, then stretched out her hand with a white glove, and waved it gently.

It seems to be saying hello to someone.

Lin Mo also looked up.

He saw a familiar figure.

This made him very surprised by his mother's behavior just now.

Can't help but ask.

"Mom, do you know her?"

Mother smiled softly, turned her head and whispered: "I don't know, but it must be right to say hello first. The other party is the owner of this place. Say hello to the owner. Maybe she will entertain us."

"Needless to say, it will definitely be entertained."

Lin Mo was decisive and confident this time.

After speaking, he shouted at the figure on the second floor: "Sister Wen Jun, it's me."

A fight was interrupted by this accident.

Dad was a little unhappy, and attacked the burning car frantically from behind to vent his anger.

The younger sister was squatting behind Xi Wenjun, touching the meticulously crafted red wedding dress curiously, as if she was very interested in this kind of handmade clothes.

As for the mother, she was greeting Xi Wenjun with a smile.

It felt like a good friend or best friend whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Lin Mo remembered.

When he was in the weird community, he once wanted to call out Xi Wenjun for help, but he took out a mirror and saw that Xi Wenjun was dragged into a crack full of lava.

The place where the crack leads to is probably this place.

Xi Wenjun was the first to come, so of course Lin Mo had to ask where this place is.

"This is hell!"

Xi Wenjun gave an answer.

Lin Mo then learned from Xi Wenjun what happened in the weird community before.

Before they came, Xi Wenjun had already fought against that Emperor Ye, but obviously, he was not an opponent, not only suffered heavy injuries, but was also thrown into hell by the opponent.

But Xi Wenjun is not a soft persimmon. Even if she was dragged into hell, she immediately gained a firm foothold in this place, killed a devil here, and actually controlled the building.

In other words, thousands of monsters here are obeying Xi Wenjun's orders at this moment.

Lin Mo hadn't said anything yet, but her sister was already screaming excitedly.

Said sister, you are so cool.

Lin Mo had long noticed a bloody head held by Xi Wenjun in his left hand. Not surprisingly, this was the devil she killed.

Perhaps, this bloody head is also used to control the monsters here.

But Lin Mo is not in the mood to study that at this time.

He deduced a possibility from Xi Wenjun's words, maybe he was also beaten to hell by Emperor Ye.

Chapter 0899 Knowledge is Power

Lin Mo felt that the situation was not good.

At this time, he can be sure that Yedi has not been killed.

Because Xi Wenjun said this is hell.

Lin Mo runs a game studio and has played all kinds of games. As a professional player, he needs to know the background of many games.Among the horror games, there are many games made with the background of the Yedi Bible.

Therefore, Lin Mo read the Yedi Bible.

According to the content recorded in it, hell was also created by Emperor Yedi, and it is a prison used to detain and exile terrifying demons and sinners.

But to put it bluntly, whoever resists him is a devil and will be thrown into this terrifying hell.

Guilty or not, Ye Di has the final say.

Moreover, the place created by Yedi is similar to the spiritual realm, so the family members of the cozy cabin can appear here.

According to Lin Mo's understanding of spiritual power, if Yedi dies, this place will also fall apart.

If this hell still exists, it means that Ye Di is not dead.

It's that simple.

After figuring this out, Lin Mo became a little irritable.

The Redemption Society is really powerful. I don't know how to get out of this 'Yedi'. It is no exaggeration to say that the other party is the most powerful existence Lin Mo has seen so far.

At that time, I had ultra-luxury equipment, not only Grandma Meng with a G value of more than 20000, but also Doudou.There is sister Yue who has undergone the sacrificial ceremony and her strength has skyrocketed.

How fierce is Sister Yue?

Killing the four great gods in seconds before was a real strength.

In addition, there is Xiaoyu and himself, and he is himself after drinking the magic soup, Lin Mo can't imagine, who can stop this kind of siege.

But the other party really didn't die, and sent himself into hell.

There are two situations.

One is to beat yourself down alone.

The second is to beat others down as well.

Lin Mo hoped it was the second type.

In this way, at least no one will face Yedi alone, but no matter what it is, the situation is not good, so he is irritable.

How to break the game?

Lin Mo couldn't figure it out for a while, mainly because he had used almost all his hole cards before and still didn't kill Yedi. Even if he did it again, the situation would only be worse.

At this moment, Lin Mo began to bite his fingers.

At this moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

You don't need to look at Lin Mo to know that she is the mother in the cozy cabin.

"Encountered troubles? Problems?"

Mother's voice is always so elegant, full of laziness, very comfortable to listen to, like a pair of hands that can soothe the soul.

Lin Mo nodded.

"My little Romy, my mother said that we are a family, your business is our business, if you have any troubles, please tell me, and my mother will analyze it for you."

So Lin Mo told the story, including some details and his worries.


Mom sat beside her and reached out to grab Lin Mo's hand.

"This is indeed a difficult problem. I understand why you are irritable, but being irritable will not solve any problems. It will only torture you and make you make mistakes again and again."

As he spoke, he held hands tightly.

Lin Mo felt the strength in her mother's palm.

"Mom, you are right." Lin Mo took a deep breath, and the original irritability disappeared.

Indeed, irritability and anxiety do not solve any problems, but will affect one's choice of the correct coping method.

"That's right." Mom was very happy: "And from another point of view, the other party is nothing special, because if the difference in strength is really too great, he can kill you directly, why bother to kill you?" Get this place? It looks powerful, but it is actually incompetent."

Hearing this, Lin Mo's eyes lit up.


If that Emperor Ye could really crush them, he would have died long ago, so why throw him to hell?

That means that the opponent has no way to kill them.

This sentence directly gave Lin Mo a booster, and his original irritability immediately disappeared, but at this time he was still a little eager to try.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, the mother withdrew in time without disturbing Lin Mo's thinking.

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