"what happened?"

"It's cool!"

The sick man wiped the water off his hands with his finger, sniffed it up to his nose, and cursed, "Fuck him, it's not water, it's oil!"

No wonder it's so shiny.

It turned out to be oil.

In this way, the problem is a bit troublesome. If it is oil, how do you go in and light candles?

If it is hard, it will definitely cause a fire.

Obviously, this is a kind of difficulty that is automatically triggered in this level, and it is also a kind of level. There must be a way, and it depends on how to solve it.

Lin Mo and the others are all old players, and they thought of a way at this time.

"Go, detour!"

"That's right, this is not the only way to go to Room 5, and it's okay to go around."

Lin Mo then closed the door again.

Because it is a nine-square grid, so taking room 5 is indeed not only a route from 4 to 5, but also a detour.

"Pass through Gate 9!"

They haven't been to Room 9 yet, so it's good to take this opportunity to have a look.

It is of course good to have door No. 5 over there, but it doesn't matter if you don't have it. When you enter other rooms, the door number will change. Lin Mo and the others all understand the principle of Jiugongge, and they are always the same, so they can definitely be found.

Opening the No. 9 door, the inside looks quite normal. There is no blood, no signs of blisters, no water basins, and no water tanks.

Lin Mo stepped in, followed by the black man and the sick man, followed by the two plot characters.

At this moment, the remaining two plot characters are already in the saddle for Lin Mo. Anyway, they know that whether they can survive depends on whether Lin Mo can take them through the customs.

On their own?

A dead end.

The three doors corresponding to Room 9 here are numbered 2, 6, and 1.

Two of the rooms had already been lit with candles, room 6 was not.

"Which one will go next?" Now, no matter the black man or the sick child, Lin Mo has the right to make the decision. That is to say, they will go wherever Lin Mo says to go.

"let me see!"

Lin Mo was reminded of the changes in Room 5.

In the final analysis, the rooms here are actually the same, but because of some force, the same room has been marked nine differently.

And the properties of the room represented by this mark are not invariable.

This creates more obstacles and troubles for handling and wayfinding.

As far as is known, whether the candle can be successfully lit in room 5 is the key. Lin Mo has a feeling that if he can light the candle in room 5, then it will be smooth and smooth in the future.

If not, don't even think about clearing the level, and all of them will die in this level.

The factors that affect the results must be in the process.

This process is, in all likelihood, the chosen route.

"Search Room 9 first and see what you can find." Lin Mo ordered, and then began to review the entire process and all the details of the third level from the beginning to the present in his mind.

Suddenly, he found a problem.

The face of the fifth child.

He immediately found the group photo of the photo he found earlier.

At that time, both he and the sick man always believed that the person whose head was smeared with a ballpoint pen in the photo was the fifth child, and this was also a normal reasoning.

But when Lin Mo recalled the appearance of the fifth child he had seen before, he found that the appearance of the fifth child was very similar to one of the other four.

At this moment, he took out the photo and looked at it again, and it became more and more similar.

The sick man had also seen Lao Wu, so he showed the photo to the sick man, and the latter's eyes lit up.

"Hey, don't tell me, it's true, this guy is really similar to that ghost of Lao Wu. But it's not right, then if this person is Lao Wu, who is the person who was painted out by the ballpoint pen?"

Lin Mo regretted it a little at this time.

I didn't ask Zhao Dong who was caught before carefully, which was also caused by inertial thinking.

After all, at that time, who would have thought of this?

"I don't think this is a big problem. Even if the person who was painted out is not the fifth child, he is still one of the four murderers." Sick Yangzi said.

That's right.

But Lin Mo felt that this was a "designed" game scene, so the photos as important clues would not engage in such meaningless graffiti.

Since this person's face was painted, there must be a reason.

Possibly, it is still a crucial clue.

"Pervert, think about it carefully, when we threw Zhao Dong to Lao Wu, the expression on that Lao Wu's face." Lin Mo said again.

The memory of this sick young man is still fresh.

"The other party was full of malice and showed no gratitude."

"Not only that, but even looked at us with hatred, as if we had a grudge against it." Lin Mo added.

Don't say it yet.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case.

"You said, we have no grievances against it, and we helped him catch the culprit. It's fine if the other party doesn't appreciate it. Why did we continue to attack after that?"

Lin Mo was talking about the water tank house.

At that time, the sick man almost drowned, so this, the sick man was very serious.

"What you said makes sense, but the evil spirit's actions are illogical. Maybe the other party did it entirely out of hatred for living beings, just to vent their resentment."

"It's also possible."

Lin Mo nodded.

But he is a person who likes to think wildly and has a big brain.

To be more specific, when he thinks about problems, he does not look at problems from the perspective of normal people, but from the perspective of evil spirits and perverts.

This will have a strong sense of substitution, and it will also allow Lin Mo to speculate on the thoughts of the evil spirit at that time.

"There is another possibility. The fifth child finds out that among us, there are his enemies!"

Lin Mo mumbled.

As soon as these words came out, goose bumps all over the sick man's body.

"You, you mean..." He lowered his voice, and looked at the few people around who were looking for something.

Lin Mo whispered to the sick man that there was one thing he had been brooding about.

The sick man asked what was the matter.

Lin Mo took out a card.

The sick man took it over and looked at it, and it said, "There is a ghost hidden among you, find him before you clear the level!"

"This is the hidden mission I got from the horror house boss when I first entered the horror house scene."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he took out a few more cards.

These are all he found from the plot characters who died before.

Lin Mo didn't tell anyone about this.

"Their hidden characters are the same as mine, which means that the characters who have died are not ghosts."

"At first, I thought that this ghost was a so-called evil spirit and monster. But later I found out that it was different. 'Ghost' might just be a synonym. A person could also be a ghost, because the other party was burdened with evil, which is the so-called 'ghost'. There are ghosts in my heart'."

The sick man is also a master. Hearing what Lin Mo said, he also reflected it.

"I understand."

"Tell me what you think."

"You suspect that there is something wrong with the other two plot characters who are still alive."


"And you plan to look at the card in their hand. If it is a 'ghost', then the hidden task on the other party's card is definitely not to find the ghost. It is very likely that it says 'You are a ghost, don't let others find you' Category."

"Either we hit it off, that's what it means. And I even suspect that the reason why the old five chased us so hard before, and looked at us with that kind of hatred, is actually not looking at us, but looking at that 'ghost' '. More likely, this 'ghost' was one of the four people who killed it before."

"Ah, no way?" The sick man was really shocked this time.

These two things seem to be at odds.

But thinking about it according to Lin Mo's thinking, I really think there is such a possibility.

Because they have arrived in almost every room now, and they have found two corpses, as well as the living person Zhao Dong. Apart from this, no other corpses or living people have been found.

Now it's three out of one.

Just one less person.

So, could it be that this person used a ballpoint pen to smear his own face on the group photo when he fled?

Sick Yangzi usually likes to use his brain, but when he is with Lin Mo, he doesn't want to.

Because Lin Mo can think of him every time.

Just ask directly.

"Who do you think it will be? It's definitely not you and me, and it can't be black. The other two plot characters, the muscular man and the middle-aged man, who do you think?"

Lin Mo smiled: "How can this kind of thing rely on intuition, it depends on evidence."

The sick man understood: "You are right."

He immediately walked over to pull the black man over, whispered a few words, and then the three of them surrounded the two plot characters who were looking for something.

The two of them also found that something was wrong, and looked at Lin Mo and the others at a loss.

"Why, what's the matter?" the muscular man asked.

The middle-aged man next to him also looked scared, and hid back.

At this time, Lin Mo stopped beating around the bush.

"Before entering the first level, the card given by the owner of the house of horrors, take it out and let me see."

"Why do you want to watch that? I accidentally lost it in the first level." The muscular man said.

The middle-aged man touched his pocket subconsciously, but said nothing.

Lin Mo sighed.

"I'm not discussing with you now, but an order, whether you agree or not, whether you cooperate or not, you have to show it."

While talking, he shook the wrench in his hand.

The sick man next to him also grinned grimly and took out his knife. The black man showed off his biceps, and his figure was incredible.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to take out a card from his pocket and hand it over.

Lin Mo took it over and took a look.

Like my own, it is a task of finding ghosts.

Afterwards, Lin Mo looked at the muscular man.

There is no expression, but it just makes the other party's heart tremble and his hands and feet feel weak.

At this moment, the muscular man's expression was a little cold and helpless, and he suddenly smiled awkwardly at this moment: "Actually, it's like this, I didn't lose my card. It's because the task on this card is rather strange, so I didn't dare to say it. Later Think about it, isn't this just a game, and there's nothing wrong with it. Well, I admit it, I'm the 'ghost', but I'm not a real ghost, this should be a little 'werewolf' in the house of horrors Killing the 'game, I'm just assigned to be a 'ghost'."

As he spoke, he also took out a card from his pocket.

The content written on it is really different from other people, and it is similar to what Lin Mo guessed about the 'ghost' card before.

At this time, the other party still wanted to get away with it.

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