Instead of continuing to chase, it tilted its head and looked at Lin Mo with a terrifying expression.

Others took advantage of this opportunity to rush into the room one after another.

Lin Mo didn't close the door in a hurry, but continued: "Old man, don't worry, I know that you died wronged, as the saying goes, if you want revenge, I will help you. I won't say more, I'm a good person, let's make friends, and you'll know everywhere."

After speaking, Lin Mo closed the door.

Because Lin Mo already knew that the fifth child was in room 7, room 2 was safe.

It's safe, at least for the time being.

Without delay, he immediately took out the candle and lit it.

Warmth and brightness drive away coldness and gloom.

Everyone felt safer again.

"Next is Room 3."

They had encountered Gate No. 3 before, but they didn't go in.

At this moment, the three doors corresponding to room 2 are 9, 5, and 7 respectively.

Lin Mo in room 7 will definitely not be able to go again.

"Go to Room 5."

Zhao Dong was captured in Room 5 before, so logically, that side is also safe.

And to go to Room 3, the most likely room is Room 5. According to Lin Mo's understanding of Jiugongge, Room 5 can be entered through Room 3.

When we arrive at Room 3, it will be adjacent to Room 4 without any accident.

In this way, the progress of lighting candles can be improved by a big step at once.

Without delay, Lin Mo led people into Room 5.

Sure enough, there is door No. 3 here.

Without further ado, push the door and go in.

The familiar coldness reappeared.

Lin Mo looked up, good guy, there are actually several large water tanks in this room.

They already know that, in this scene, the water represents the danger.

Because the fifth child was drowned, and every time it appeared, it was in a place with water, and in this room, there was the most water.

Then there is no need to ask whether it is dangerous or not.

Even Lin Mo felt the danger here, which was scarier than Room 7 before.

It seemed that something was stirring in the water tank, and it seemed that something was protruding from the water tank and looking at them.

"Grass, something is grabbing me..." The sick man suddenly yelled from the side.

The next moment, he was dragged into the nearest water tank by something.


Water splashes everywhere.

And this is just the beginning.

The green tea girl over there screamed, and was also dragged into a water tank behind by her pale hands.

The attack has begun.

And it seems to be indistinguishable.

Anyone who is in this room will be attacked.

The next moment, Lin Mo found a cold, wet thing grabbing his feet.

He reacted very quickly, swung the wrench in his hand and smashed it.



The cold and slippery thing shrank back and got into a water tank.

Lin Mo knew that attacking alone was useless.

At this time, the best way is to light candles.

By lighting candles, it is reasonable to drive away the evil spirits and ghosts in this room.

And Lin Mo felt that the ghost here might not be the fifth child.

This is just Lin Mo's guess.

He immediately took out a candle and a match and lit it.

The moment the candle is lit.

With the flames as the center, a burst of light and warmth spread out, directly dispelling the coldness in the room.

The next moment, those terrifying ghost hands disappeared.

The sick seedling struggled to crawl out of a water tank, spitting water out of his mouth and coughing unceasingly.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mo went over and asked.

"I can't die!" Sick Yangzi said.

But the green tea girl who was also dragged into the water tank on the other side didn't have such good luck.

She is dead.

Lying face down in the water tank with her hair floating, her face looked extremely pale in the water.

Turned up, eyes staring, dying with regret.

This kind of death and injury is unavoidable, and other people know that at this time, life and death are the destiny of each person, and if they really encounter it, then no one can blame anyone else.

The plot character from the first level to the third level died suddenly, and Lin Mo was very emotional.

The muscular man cried very sadly, and insisted on taking the green tea girl's body with him.

It's also a kind of love.

Lin Mo asked him, are you afraid of the dead body?

"Dead change?" The muscular man trembled.

But the other party insisted on taking it with him.

"That's fine."

Lin Mo didn't stop him either. Liu Genbao was also drowned before, and there was no corpse change, so it stands to reason that the green tea girl shouldn't either.

Now the candles in room 3 are lit, and the original sense of terror is gone.

The water in those tanks seemed to have calmed down too, and when I went to check it, it was very clear and pure.

Of course, if the candle is extinguished, it may be a different scene.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly realized another problem.

There is a time limit for burning candles.

Starting from lighting the first candle, if the last candle in room 9 is not lit before the first candle goes out, it may fail to clear the level.

The consequences should be catastrophic.

So hurry up.


In this way, if you click on Room 4, you can go straight to Room 5.

It's getting better and better.

Of course, one should be on guard and still have to be on guard, Lin Mo would not do the capsized boat in the gutter.

Chapter 0764 customs clearance, generous rewards

What is experience?

In layman's terms, it is the knowledge or skills acquired in many hands-on practice.

Lin Mo, who has already lit candles in three rooms, now has experience. If the room to be entered next requires candles, he can prepare matches and candles in advance, and light them when he enters the door.

In this way, no matter what scary things are in the house, they can be dispelled immediately and enter a safe time.

On the contrary, if there is danger, you can't deal with it, and you will overturn the car before you have time to light the candle.

So he opened door No. 4, and when he entered, Lin Mo had already lit the candle.

It felt like something dark inside flashed past, and then disappeared instantly under the light of the candle.

"Sure enough, there are dirty things."

Lin Mo mumbled.

He didn't see it clearly, but this problem is not big, no accidents, and it is similar to the previous water tank.

There is also a dead body here.

The death was very fresh and refined, just kneeling in front of a washbasin, drowning with his face stuck in the basin.

No need to ask, this is one of those four people again.

Zhao Dong had been thrown to Lao Wu before, Liu Genbao was the swollen corpse, and the one in front of him should be one of Zhang Dehan or Wang Quan.

In this way, three of the four murderers have died.

There is one last left.

The black man leaned over to look at it at this time, and said that this person died in a strange way, and he actually drowned in the washbasin. No one would believe him when he said it.

Let's talk, but no one touched the corpse.

Everyone remembers the scene where the fifth child got out of the swollen corpse.

But after lighting the candle, the problem should not be big.

"There are a total of nine rooms, and we have already ordered four. If we continue to work hard, victory is in sight." Lin Mo encouraged everyone.

Look at the three door numbers in room 4.

3, 5, 9.

No need to ask, I have to order Room 5 next.

Moreover, Room 5 is in the middle of the room. After clicking this, if there are basically no accidents, the game clearance is a certainty.

Pushing open the No. 5 door, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

They had passed by Room 5 twice before, and Zhao Dong also found it in the closet of Room 5. It stands to reason that Lin Mo is already familiar with this room.

But when he opened the door at this moment, the room that greeted his eyes was different from the one in his memory.

Seeing that Lin Mo stopped and didn't go in, the black people and sick people who followed him knew that something must have happened.

The two of them took a look and gasped.

The problem is not what is seen, but what is not seen.

It was pitch black in front of him, but it couldn't be said that there was no light at all. There was a kind of dim light, but this dim light appeared and disappeared from time to time, floating here and there, and I didn't know what it was.

Most importantly, there seems to be something in this room.

It seems to be water.

The whole house is full of water.

The weirdest thing is that the door frame is the boundary, like an invisible wall, blocking all the water in room 5 inside.

"I'll touch it."

The sick man squeezed in from behind. The skin he used was very special, which could counteract the attacks of many evil spirits, so he did all the temptations like touching things.

Stretching out his hand into the water curtain in room 5, the sick man was quickly taken back.

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