Nothing was found.

This is also normal, because the dummy confessed that the bronze door was in the nightmare world, and it is not surprising that it was not found in the real world.

At this moment, with the old building as the center and extending outward, the residents within 100 meters are already in the car, and have begun to use isolation belts to isolate them.

Lin Mo thought about it, and decided to dream about it.

Among the dreamers were action members, Expert Zhou, Lu Xian, and of course Lin Mo himself.

Looking at the old building in the nightmare world also felt eerie. This time Lin Mo didn't let the action team members in.

Instead, let someone bring the dummy over.

He wanted Lu Xian to manipulate one of the dummies to investigate.

Because this place has been determined by Lin Mo to be a trap. Since it is a trap, he must not allow his own people to enter. It is most appropriate to control the dummy to enter.

By the way, also look at the reaction of the dummy.

The five dummies were actually a little uneasy from just now.

They obviously know the place.

Lin Mo caught the confession dummy in front of Lu Xian.

The dummy wanted to struggle and run, but in Lin Mo's hands, it had no chance.

Lu Xian came over at this moment.

On Lu Xian's back, there was a nightmare.

I don't know how they grew up together, anyway, it looks like one person riding on another person.

That nightmare was special.

The body is made of flesh and blood, but the ten fingers are extremely long, like bamboo poles, and a silk thread hangs in front of each finger.

It's like a puppeteer grafting something that manipulates wood onto its fingers.

In addition, the head of this nightmare is actually a mirror.

An oval mirror about the size of a head.

At first, a human face was reflected in the mirror. Lu Xian told Lin Mo that the other person looked like this, but if he controlled other targets, he could reflect the scene seen by the controlled target.

I don't know about others, anyway, Lin Mo was surprised to see this place.

There is still such a nightmare?

How is this different from a remote control robot?

The dummy seemed to see something and struggled vigorously, but to no avail. Lin Mo asked it and it didn't make a sound, so he let the "puppeteer" on Lu Xian's back manipulate it.

It was actually the thin thread from the puppeteer's fingers that fell suddenly and wrapped itself around the dummy's neck and limbs.

All of a sudden, the body of the dummy began to shake, and then the puppeteer moved his fingers, and the dummy moved forward with strange steps.

"Group leader Lin, the puppeteer can't control it for more than 3 minutes, otherwise, I might die." Lu Xian showed a painful expression at this time.

Apparently, using the power of Nightmare on his back was torture for him.

3 minutes?

That's enough.

Seeing the terrified expression of the controlled dummy, but still walked into the old building without hesitation, Lin Mo looked at the puppeteer's mirror. From this mirror, you can see what the dummy is seeing at this moment scene.

It was dark in the old building.

Can't see anything.

So most of the mirrors are dark.

Lin Mo looked at the time, one and a half minutes had passed.

As for Lu Xian, his face was already pale, his legs were shaking, and he was in more pain than before.Seeing this, Expert Zhou hurried over to support the other party, otherwise, he was afraid that Lu Xian would not be able to hold on, and he would fall to the ground.

The opponent's ability is very strong, but compared to the opponent, it is also subject to more restrictions.

Hope to find something in the remaining 1 minute.

In the vision in the mirror, a door appeared in front of him.

Lin Mo asked Lu Xian to manipulate the dummy to open the door.

But at this moment, something in the mirror shook and flashed by.

The mirror immediately adjusted its angle, and the next moment, in the dark corridor, they saw a huge and fat figure.

"What is this?" Lin Mo said to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat black figure in the mirror suddenly rushed over.

Then, the shadow exploded.

It really exploded.

The scene in the mirror disappeared in an instant, and the mirror seemed to have been impacted, and several cracks appeared.

Almost at the same time, the old building in the distance made a loud noise at this moment.

The remaining glass on it was completely shattered, and even the wall and door frames were lifted up. The scene was like a bomb explosion.

Lin Mo reacted quickly, and immediately pulled Expert Zhou and Lu Xian to hide in the alley.

They were 100 meters away, and they could still feel the vibration over there, and a lot of debris flew over.

It is conceivable that if they were in that old building at that time, or even just at the door, they would definitely be affected by this explosion.

There is no doubt that he will die.

When the shock disappeared, Lin Mo took a look.

"It really is a trap!"

He was grateful for his caution this time.

Thanks to the clown's divination and the prophecy, sure enough, the danger came from unexpected.According to Lin Mo's previous habits, even if he knew it was a trap, he would not pay much attention to it.

In his mind, a trap is to ambush the enemy in advance, or some kind of sneak attack.

Who would have thought that they made a bomber for you this time.

It's an exaggeration.

Needless to say, the dummy controlled by Lu Xian just now triggered a certain attack mechanism, that is to say, as long as someone enters this old building in the nightmare world, the bomber will rush out and explode.

Lin Mo had never seen such a self-destructing nightmare.

It was a mess outside, and some action team members were lying on the ground and injured, but fortunately, no one died because of the distance.

This is the luck of misfortune.

On the other side, some action team members ran over.

This is the person who guards and guards the other four dummies on the perimeter.

"Report, when the explosion happened just now, those four dummies really wanted to escape. According to Team Leader Lin's instructions, we killed three and let one go."

An action member said at this moment.

Expert Zhou was taken aback.

And this thing, why don't I know?

He looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo smiled apologetically: "It was a temporary arrangement. I didn't expect there to be an explosion, but I guess, if there is a trap here, once something happens, they will definitely try to escape, so I made some arrangements in advance, and I am afraid of miscalculation, so Didn't tell you."

Expert Zhou said in his heart that I don't believe it, you just want to keep it secret.

But he wouldn't say that.

Although I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, I admire Lin Mo's way of doing things.

Only this kind of person can solve the dummy crisis.

People can be entrusted with important tasks by the General Administration, definitely not by luck, but by strength.

"Leader Lin, have you already arranged for the tracking masters of the action team to follow up?" Expert Zhou asked.

This is also normal.

Letting one go on purpose is to catch big fish with a long line.

As a result, Lin Mo shook his head.

"Don't underestimate those dummies. If you follow them, the possibility of being discovered is too great."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I didn't send anyone to follow me!" Lin Mo said straightforwardly and confidently.

Expert Zhou was immediately taken aback.

He felt that Lin Mo was joking, and he went through the whole process in his mind.

From the moment of arresting these five dummies, a trap was deliberately set up, and the five of them were locked together. At the same time, surveillance was set up in the cell, and enough guards were arranged in the nightmare world of that cell.

So the five dummies can only negotiate secretly in the real world.

But this kind of discussion is actually the deliberate appearance of five dummies.

Afterwards, they were interrogated separately, and they used divorce tactics, which seemed to force a dummy to turn his back on him, but in fact the other party did his tricks and gave out an address.

Here is the key.

This address has obviously been tampered with long ago. If Lin Mo really believes the other party's words, if Lin Mo takes someone in, the end will only be a dead end.

Of course, Expert Zhou didn't know that even if Lin Mo went in and endured the explosion, he wouldn't die.

Because Lin Mo has the curse of the undead.

But Expert Zhou didn't know about it, and the dummies didn't know about it either.

Let's talk about the trick, the trap was detonated, and the surviving dummies escaped. Lin Mo arranged for people to kill three and let one go. At this point, he already had an absolute advantage.

As long as you follow this dummy who has run away, you will definitely gain a lot.

But Lin Mo actually said that no one was sent to follow him.

Expert Zhou sorted it out here, and began to look at Lin Mo suspiciously.

Lin Mo smiled, he knew what Expert Zhou was thinking.

"Don't think about it, I'm not a dummy accomplice!"

Lin Mo said something, and then took out a paper crane from his arms.

Expert Zhou blushed after being guessed, and his attention was quickly attracted by the paper crane in Lin Mo's hand.

"what is this?"

"Paper Crane!"

"I know, I mean, what can this paper crane do?"

"I didn't send anyone to track down the escaped family member because there was no need for it. With this paper crane, no matter where it is, we can find it."

After speaking, Lin Mo wrote a name on the paper crane.

It was written that the dummy copied the names of living people.

The dummy's ability to replicate is so strong that even paper cranes can be fooled. This Lin Mo has done experiments, so he is so confident.

After writing the name, Lin Mo tore a few more holes in the paper crane's wings.

Like the curious baby, Expert Zhou asked why.

"If I don't tear it apart, we won't be able to catch up with it at all."

After speaking, he blew on the paper crane.


The paper crane fluttered its wings and flew forward.

It was the first time for Expert Zhou to see him, and he was dumbfounded, and the others almost avoided him, and Lu Xian wanted to follow, but Lin Mo told him to take a good rest.

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