Finally recruited.

Of course, before confessing, he also talked to Lin Mo about the conditions and said a lot.

Finally, an important piece of information was revealed.

"We came in through a special door. This door is in the city of swallowing whales. The specific location is..."

The other party said an address.

After Lin Mo finished listening, he was silent for a moment, and then asked the other party to describe the special door.

"The door is made of bronze, very special, like leading to another world. The memory of that time is fragmented and I can't remember clearly. After I came out of that place, I never went back. Later, I met this Man, I copied him, then killed him, and finally, replaced him."

"What I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can go to that place and have a look. When you go there, you will know that what I said is true."

Lin Mo asked him, you conspired before and mentioned 'repairer, eyes and blind', what exactly does this mean.

That's their code name, the dummy said.

"It's all random, so when we contact each other like this, it won't arouse suspicion."

"Oh I see."

Lin Mo waved his hand and asked someone to take the dummy out.

After that, Lin Mo got up and moved around.

The door next to it opened, and a person walked in.

Be Zhou Expert.

"The trial is over?"

"Yes!" Lin Mo nodded.

"How reliable are these dummies?" Expert Zhou asked, obviously wanting to know Lin Mo's judgment on this matter.

"None of what they said is true." Lin Mo's conclusion was quite unexpected, and then he thought for a while, and then said: "In addition, the address where the dummy confessed just now is definitely a trap. If you really go, you must something happened."

Chapter 0746 It Doesn't Harm To Be Cautious

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Expert Zhou thought about it carefully and shook his head: "No way, it hasn't been long since they were caught, and they haven't contacted outsiders at all. In terms of time and possibility, there is no There will be pre-set traps, which cannot be logically justified, and there is no time to prepare."

In fact, expert Zhou's deduction is not wrong, even quite correct.

If it was normal, Lin Mo might think so too.

But Lin Mo always remembered the prophecy he got from the clown divination machine in the death chamber game.

That prophecy showed that his trip to the Whale City was definitely not that easy, and it was very clear that the danger often arrived when he didn't expect it.

So ever since he came to Twhaling City, Lin Mo has been extremely cautious in handling things, and once he finds something is wrong, he will take action immediately.

It is for this reason that he used his authority to target Fu Chong.

No matter what, first pull the opponent off the horse.

In case the other party secretly tricks them later, the destructive power will be extremely strong.

It is always right to strike first.

Lin Mo used a routine to interrogate the five dummies this time, and the five dummies seemed to be hooked.

And one even confessed.

If it is a normal situation, even if Lin Mo has doubts, he will go to the place that the dummy said first to test the truth.

However, based on that prophecy, based on the principle of being cautious, if you don't make a move, it's fine, and making a move is a killer move. Lin Mo preconceived that this was a trap set by the other party.

Because the opponent entered the set so smoothly, it was as smooth as if it had been rehearsed in advance.

Of course Lin Mo was suspicious.

"Investigate the address mentioned by the dummy first, and then take five dummy there separately. By the way, I checked the list of experts from the Whale City Security Bureau before and found that there is a candidate expert who is very suitable for this mission. Take that man with you."

Zhou experts ask which?

"It seems that the surname is Lu, the one who can manipulate other people's actions in a short period of time."

As soon as Lin Mo explained, Expert Zhou understood.

"You are talking about Lu Xian. That guy is really special, but the sub-bureau's evaluation of him is 'in danger of losing control at any time', so until now he is only an alternate expert, and he is rarely asked to perform tasks. Team leader Lin , are you sure you want to take him with you?"

"Sure, and don't worry, with me here, he can't get out of control."

Soon, Lin Mo saw the alternate expert he was going to carry out the mission.

This is an uncle character.

Looking unshaven and messy hair, I feel like I'm almost 40 years old.

But Lin Mo had read the other party's profile, and he was only 28.

"You look really anxious." Lin Mo couldn't help but say something.

"Group leader Lin was joking. I'm too lazy to cut my hair and shave my beard. If I tidy up, I'd be pretty young." Lu Xian was not stage fright either, and he had a pretty good personality.

On the other side, Expert Zhou also arranged for five teams to escort five dummies to that address.

Lin Mo specifically confessed that the five dummies should think that they were brought there alone.

Because it is easier to defeat each other than to deal with the enemies in a group in most cases.

In the car, Lin Mo got the investigation results about that address.

"It's an old town, and it didn't get any development bonus in the past. The surrounding area was demolished, leaving only this place. I heard that some developers took a fancy to this place in the early years and wanted to demolish it too. What kind of commercial center was built, but the night before, some demolition workers died inexplicably inside."

"You think, if someone dies, it is unlucky to open the door, especially for business, this is the most important thing, so the developer just withdrew."

"Later, some people said that the old city was full of yin, and the feng shui of this place was not good, and people had died, so no one cared about it, so you see, there are tall buildings around, just such a place, It's still a shabby street."

Expert Zhou pointed to the front and explained to Lin Mo.

With the information in hand, Lin Mo also had a preliminary understanding of this place.

It's daytime now, people will come out of the safe area during the daytime, they should work and entertain, and this old building is also occupied by people.

But because of the action, Lin Mo asked Expert Zhou to evacuate all the residents in this area in advance.

Interestingly, the address mentioned by the dummy, the old building with the specific house number, is uninhabited.

The reason is that it is too old.

It has become a dilapidated building, so no one has lived in it for a long time.

But it is often in this kind of place that all kinds of terrifying urban legends are born.

According to the terrifying urban legend, after a nightmare strikes, a corresponding nightmare will be born, and this kind of nightmare is extremely powerful.

Lin Mo had encountered a similar situation before.

Isn't the murderous Zhou Li met in Migratory Bird City a living example?

The other party is a terrifying perverted murderer, because he has committed many crimes, many people are afraid of him.And he would always leave one or two 'living mouths' in the process of committing extremely cruel cases.

It's not his kindness.

Instead, he intends to let these people live and spread terror to him.

The more you fear him, the stronger the nightmare you will become in the nightmare world after he dies.

This has been proven.

Vehicles have entered this old neighborhood from the intersection ahead.

Lin Mo looked at the street signs on the side of the road.

Shenjiang Road!

At this moment, Lin Mo said to stop.

The driver immediately stopped the car on the side of the road.

"Team Leader Li, what's the matter?" Expert Zhou was puzzled, and Lu Xian who was sitting in front of him also didn't understand why, because there was still some distance from the dilapidated old building.

"You wait for me."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he opened the car door and went down.

Then I walked into a small shop on the side of the road.

Here are all old buildings, each of which looks very old, and some of the ground floors facing the street have also been transformed into shops.

But it can be seen that there are few people here on weekdays, and it is very deserted.

After the advent of the nightmare era, this kind of real economy has become even more difficult. There are ten shops and nine closed stores in the surrounding area, or they hang the sign of "prosperous shop transfer".

Lin Mojin's small shop didn't have such a transfer sign.

Of course, this small shop is quite special, not a tobacco shop, not a clothing store, and not even a convenience store.

It's a 'model shop'.

The facade is small, and there is a sign that it is open on the glass door. In addition, there are some hand-made models.

Men like this kind of shop.

Even if you don't go in, you will take a few more glances when passing by.

Lin Mo came in because he saw a model.

This model is placed in a small window, almost as tall as a person, wearing two-dimensional clothing, holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

It should be a character from a game or anime.

Looking at the model, Lin Mo actually felt like a wooden dummy, so he got out of the car and came in to have a look.

The store is not big, because it is full of various models and figures, so it looks crowded and narrow, you may have to be careful when walking, otherwise it is easy to knock something off.

Behind the counter in the front, a person is lowering his head to repair a model figure, very seriously, of course, because there is a sensor at the entrance, when someone comes in, there will be an electronic sound of "Welcome", so the other party also knows that there is a guest coming in.

"Look at whatever you like, it's not expensive."

This boss-like man didn't even look up, and was still focusing on his own business.

Lin Mo took a look. There are too many hand-made dummies here. The floor, cabinets, and walls are almost all hung up. Some hand-made dummies belonging to the healing department are okay, and the funny ones are not bad.But that kind of horror and weird series is a bit uncomfortable.

All kinds of zombies, zombies, vampires, and monsters hung on the wall.

The mood lights are still on, thanks to the fact that it is daytime, if you suddenly see it at night, you will definitely shudder.

Lin Mo turned around, and finally pointed to the model that was somewhat similar to the wooden dummy and asked, "How much is this?"

The boss glanced up, then lowered his head and continued to work.

"That one is not for sale, you can look at others."

not for sale?

The other Lin Mo was not interested either.

And he still had a mission, so he didn't look any further, turned around and walked out.

The sun outside was nice, and I felt a bit of warmth. It was much colder than outside in that small shop just now.

In the car, Expert Zhou smiled: "Leader Lin also likes these Two-dimensional?"

Lu Xian looked at Lin Mo even more, his eyes shining brightly: "Leader Lin, I like it very much too, when can we chat?"

Lin Mo waved his hand.

He got out of the car just now because he wanted to see the model that looked like a wooden dummy, but there was no need to explain this matter so clearly.

The car drove to an intersection ahead and stopped.

"It's the old building, the outer door is locked, and the one that says dangerous building." Expert Zhou pointed.

After that, he said again: "Do you want to arrange for the action team to go in and have a look?"

Lin Mo pondered for a moment.


Expert Zhou made arrangements immediately, and after a while, another car drove past and stopped in front. Four action members got out of the car, quickly cut the outside lock with pliers, pushed the door and walked in.

The old building is not big, with a total of three floors, plus a basement, and the investigation will be completed in a short while.

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