There is no living person, but there is a dead body.

In the room inside, Lin Mo found a young girl. She was lying on the ground on her side with a very grim expression. Her hands were pinched on her own neck.

It looked as if she had strangled herself to death.

It's kind of magical.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to happen, because if you pinch it in the middle, you will faint due to lack of oxygen, lose consciousness, and you will not be able to use your hands.

Next to the female body is a small table.

On the table is a pen and a piece of paper.

Lin Mo leaned over to look, there were many words written on the paper, the most prominent one was: You will strangle yourself!

"This girl was playing pen fairy before?"

This is not Lin Mo guessing.

Because on the paper it says 'Are you a pen fairy? ' such a question.

Lin Mo looked around, there was only one corpse here.

"Don't you need at least two people to play Pen Fairy?"

For this kind of basic common sense, Lin Mo still knows a little bit. There are similar horror elements in the horror games he has played, so he is half an expert.

Put the girl's hand down first, and Lin Mo put her in a comfortable position to lie down.

This is respect for the dead.

Then Lin Mo thought about it and sat on the chair next to him.

This chair was supposed to be a girl sitting before, but strangely, there was also a chair opposite.

Lin Mo reached out and picked up the pencil on the table.

The pencil looked very ordinary, and it seemed to have something on it, but it looked dry and dark, the kind of dark red.

He got closer and smelled it on his nose.

Smells pungent.

Kind of like dried blood.

Lin Mo knew that something like a pen fairy was a kind of lonely ghost, but he knew a lot of things.

Basically, there's a question and answer, which is pretty magical.

Coincidentally, Lin Mo now has many problems.

For example, what is going on in this nightmare world.

Where did these monsters come from?

There are too many similar questions.

Looking at the old pencil in his hand, Lin Mo thought, could he also ask the pen fairy?

As soon as this idea pops up, I can't go back.

Try it!

Using the theory of game clearance to explain Lin Mo's current death behavior is that he is unwilling to let go of any opportunity to get clues.

Chapter 0008 Pen Immortal

in an old house.

Dim and silent.

The girl's corpse on the ground next to her had a grim expression, and she couldn't rest her eyes.

A man in an old-fashioned military coat is sitting at a table, holding a pencil, with his arms outstretched and the tip of the pen resting on the white paper on the table.

And behind this man, a pale and black figure stood motionless, and no one could see its appearance clearly.

"It should be played like this, the wrists and elbows can't touch the table, there seems to be some kind of spell, but I forgot... Come on soon." Lin Mo said to himself.

He remembered that the game was best played with closed eyes.

At this moment, he closed his eyes, and then said in his mouth: "Pixian, Bixian, are you here?"


In the room, except for Lin Mo's voice, the silence was terrifying.

Just when Lin Mo thought that nothing would happen, suddenly, Lin Mo felt a cold hand holding his pen without warning.

The fingers were frozen and unconscious.

Lin Mo immediately opened his eyes.

Originally, there was another figure on the empty chair opposite.

It was a girl in a dirty school uniform. The other party lowered her head, her long hair fell down, her face could not be seen clearly, and her body was full of resentment and malice.

Blood dripped down the corners of his clothes.

The ground has been stained red.

In an instant, an extremely dangerous feeling struck, and Lin Mo could feel the resentment in this evil spirit, which was the malicious intent to kill all living people.

Playing the game of pen fairy is actually very dangerous.

Because it is likely to attract some kind of terrifying evil spirit, it is okay to meet a reasonable evil spirit, but if you encounter an unreasonable one, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

Obviously, this one in front of him is an unreasonable one.

Before Lin Mo asked a question, it started to write.

The pencil moved.

The power of this evil spirit is great, and Lin Mo's hand began to write on the paper uncontrollably.


you will die!

Every word is malicious.

Lin Mo secretly thought that the words written with this pencil might become some kind of terrifying curse.Just like the poor girl from before, she strangled herself to death according to the 'die method' written above.

The lessons from the past are lying on the side, can not ignore.

No one can guarantee how the death method written on the paper will be realized.

What if the written method of death will definitely be realized?

Lin Mo is definitely not willing to be cursed for no reason.

But his power is obviously no match for the evil spirit on the opposite side.

The tip of the pen slowly writes words on the paper.





Lin Mo watched the words written out, he knew what the last word was.

Definitely the word 'dead'.

The girl was strangled to death just now, and he was hanged to death.

That must not let the other party write the last word, Lin Mo resisted with the strength of sucking milk.

When ordinary people encounter such a situation, they must be frightened with cold hands and feet, and they will be slaughtered by others.But Lin Mo is not only wrestling with the evil spirit with all his strength at this moment, but he also prepares a backhand.

He intends to use the other hand to remove the paper from the table.

No paper, I see how you write.

In a hurry, even the table has been flipped for you.

Under Lin Mo's full stop, the dead words were still half written.

Can't wait any longer.

Lin Mo was about to start, but at this moment, something unexpected happened.

A pale arm suddenly stretched out from behind Lin Mo and held it in the hand of the opposite pen fairy.

Lin Mo was stunned.

The pen fairy evil spirit on the opposite side was also startled.

Lin Mo could obviously feel the other's hand shaking.

The scene at this moment is that Lin Mo is holding the pen, the evil spirit of the pen fairy on the opposite side is holding his hand, and the pale ghost behind Lin Mo also stretched out his hand and held it in the hand of the evil spirit.

The three-legged situation?

Such surprises are not common.

Lin Mo stopped preparing to draw paper.

He intends to wait and see, as long as the last dead word is not written, there should be no curse, no real curse, so he doesn't need to be afraid.

Now it was replaced by the pale ghost and the pen fairy evil spirit began to wrestle.

In the house, some pots and pans began to vibrate, some fell directly to the ground, smashed to pieces, and some strange noises and sounded one after another, like whispers and curses.

Both of these two have more power than Lin Mo, and Lin Mo can feel that it seems that the pale ghost has more power.

The pen fairy evil spirit was suppressed.

Lin Mo also took advantage of this time to quickly analyze the current situation.

He probably knew why the pale ghost wanted to step in suddenly.

This is not the other party's good intentions to help themselves.

On the contrary, the one who wants to kill himself most now is probably this pale ghost.

Lin Mo could feel that after countless attempts to lure him back to no avail, the pale ghost was angry, and he could clearly feel the anger and hatred that resulted.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the pale ghost does not want to die in the hands of others.

It wants to let itself die according to its own way of dying.

Just like the prey that a lion is staring at, it must not be taken away by a maned dog.

The current situation is still very dangerous, but because of this, Lin Mo sees an opportunity.

He stretched out his left hand like lightning, pulled out the paper on the table, then stood up and kicked the table over with a kick.

A loud bang.

The strange noise in the room disappeared instantly.

The two ghosts also withdrew their hands at the same time.

The pale ghost stopped, motionless at the moment.

The evil spirit of the pen fairy on the opposite side disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

However, Lin Mo knew that the other party did not leave, but hid in the pencil in his hand.

When a normal person encounters what happened just now, he will definitely not dare to play pen fairy again, but Lin Mo is obviously different from normal people.

Mainly because he really has questions to ask.

Rearranged the table that had fallen on the ground, and then took a new piece of letter paper from the side and placed it on it.

Sitting down, Lin Mo stretched out his arm and held the pen, pressing the tip of the pen against the paper.

"Pixian, Bixian, it was just a little misunderstanding just now, let's come again."


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