"Have you seen any other dead people? I happened to see them in the morning. It was the old couple who lived on the second floor. When they were brought out, their expressions were hideous, and they didn't look like they died normally."

The middle-aged man had a mysterious look on his face. Obviously, his words frightened many people, and the faces of several people at the same table turned white with fright.

"Mr. Xue, don't scare us."

"I didn't lie to you. To tell you the truth, I started paying attention to this matter last night." Mr. Xue lowered his voice: "Last night, there was an incident in Lvyuan Community, which is very close to our community. I heard from there. A friend told me to be careful at night and never sleep. Sure enough, in the early hours of the morning, the police came knocking on the door, and you all know what they said..."

"I know, I won't let you sleep, but why didn't you let me sleep? No one explained to us. Speaking of which, I haven't slept all night, and I'm very sleepy now." After the man finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Mr. Xue, do you know any inside information? Tell us about it."

Lin Mo also pricked up his ears, and he urgently needs this news now.

At this time, Mr. Xue's voice was lower: "There is a reason for not letting you sleep. I heard that if you fall asleep, you will die."

Some people don't believe it.

President Xue was also hearsay, he couldn't come up with any hard evidence, and he didn't know the existence of the nightmare world.

Lin Mo was a little disappointed. He thought he could hear some news that he didn't know.

I don't want to listen to each other's bragging.

Taking out his mobile phone, Lin Mo planned to contact Mao Mao to see her situation.

Mao Mao lives in the Green Garden Community, so he must know some news.

What surprised Lin Mo was that the mobile phone had no signal, and he couldn't access the Internet.


"The communication and network of these communities are blocked." Team Leader Liu hurried back from the outside.

This is also a last resort.

Now the rumors about these three communities in Migratory Bird City are already flying all over the sky.

Especially when people in the community post some guesses, coupled with some videos and pictures, it will inevitably lead to more rumors.

"While our people have a full set of protective measures, there are still cases of virus infection and death. This time the source of pollution has been defined as Level [-]. When will the 'experts' come? If it is too late, everyone will die." Song The doctor was a little excited.

After all, not everyone can face death plainly.

And it's the most terrifying way to die.

Team Leader Liu's face was very ugly.

In their department, there are strict definitions for the level of pollution sources.If it is a primary pollution source, the protective measures are effective, but if it reaches the secondary pollution source, their protection is useless.

Team leader Liu took off the protective mask and mask.

Dr. Song over there also took off his mask and goggles.

You don't need to wear this.

If it is determined to be a secondary source of pollution, then as long as people within the range are bound to be infected, regardless of whether they wear protective equipment or not.

"The expert will arrive in an hour. We have to make sure that there is no problem during this time. This is our responsibility." After finishing speaking, Team Leader Liu rubbed his face hard.


The fact that the mobile phone could not make calls and surf the Internet obviously aroused dissatisfaction and anger in the hearts of the residents, but in the end, this matter did not come out.

After lunch, Lin Mo felt a little sleepy.

He is still like this, let alone other people, all of them are full of breath.

There are refreshing things like coffee and strong tea on the table, but for people who have not slept for more than a day and a night, these things are extremely limited.

But even so, no one dared to sleep.

Not even taking a nap.

Some simply stood up and walked back and forth; others jumped and jumped; but more often they chatted with each other.

until night.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, they were obviously confused, and their words didn't match their words.

Lin Mo was fine. He looked in the direction of the Green Garden Community from the window, thinking in his heart.

Get up and go to the toilet.

After looking for the innermost partition, Lin Mo went in and closed the door, sat on the toilet and closed his eyes.

Others dare not sleep, he dares.

Moreover, Lin Mo also wanted to figure out whether he would enter that nightmare world if he fell asleep again.

After a while, Lin Mo fell asleep in a daze.

The brief sense of weightlessness disappeared, and soon, the blood and darkness slowly dissipated. Lin Mo opened his eyes and found that he had really returned to his previous nightmare.

Or the second floor corridor.

It was quiet here, not a single sound.

The whole world seems to be covered with a layer of dark gray fog, and everything is extremely dim.

Chapter 0007 Spiders

Lin Mo was wearing a military coat, and he felt the coldness behind him disappear.

After looking down at his feet, there was nothing.

"The ghost has left?"

Lin Mo guessed.

He reached back and touched it, but found nothing.

It looked like the pale ghost had really left.

It's normal to think about it. After waking up in the real world, I will definitely disappear from this world. That ghost can't wait here forever, just don't know where it went.

Lin Mo had already explored the second floor before, except for one room that locked the door and could not enter, he had explored the rest, and there was no danger.

Walking to the entrance of the corridor, pushing the security door open a crack, Lin Mo looked out.

On the third floor, the black fog that had blocked it disappeared.

The hanged female ghost is also gone.

look down.

Lin Mo frowned.

The cobwebs on the first floor were still there, and the cobwebs were about to spread to the second floor. Just as Lin Mo was watching, a black figure suddenly came up from the first floor, and the speed was extremely fast.

He closed the security door immediately.

The next moment, with a bang, the door frame of the safety door was bumped, and it was actually slightly deformed.

Lin Mo hurriedly ran back without saying a word.

He could see clearly just now that it was a huge spider that climbed up from the first floor.

Although he only glanced at it, Lin Mo could see clearly that this spider was bigger than an adult, and it was covered with all kinds of human faces. These faces were twisted and crowded together, showing a painful expression and screaming constantly. .

A normal person would freak out just by looking at it.

Lin Mo is fine, he has a good mentality, his legs are not weak, and he runs very fast.

The security door of the corridor is not locked, and even if it is locked, in Lin Mo's opinion, it can't stop the big spider. Once this thing rushes in, the situation will be very dangerous.

To Lin Mo's surprise, the human-faced spider did not enter the second floor.

It just pushed the security door open a crack and glanced in.

In the darkness, several eyes of different sizes looked through the crack of the door, and the sense of oppression was enormous.

After watching for a while, the spider returned to the corridor, listened to the movement, and went down to the first floor again.

Lin Mo, who was hiding in the dark, saw it clearly.

"Why doesn't it come in?"

Naturally, doubts arose.

This is clearly abnormal.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Lin Mo imagined several possibilities. Among them, the most tingling possibility is that there is something in the second floor that makes the human-faced spider fear.

So it didn't come in.

It can be understood as the concept of territory.

I looked at the second-floor corridor again, and there was a hint of strangeness in the dimness.

At this moment, the door of the innermost room of the corridor creaked open.

The sound is not loud, but it is very harsh in this silent corridor.

Immediately afterwards, a darkness flowed out from that door, and the floor and walls seemed to be swallowed by a darkness, and then the darkness swept out.

The temperature in the corridor dropped a lot in an instant.

Lin Mo felt the danger.

However, he soon discovered something, and stopped his steps to escape, but turned around and turned his back to the black mist that swept over.

Lin Mo could see clearly just now that there was a pale ghost in the dark fog.

Almost instantly, Lin Mo felt the familiar gloomy cold behind him.

It was the pale ghost who turned and killed.

It's here again.

It turned out that it did not leave the second floor, but was hidden in the innermost room.

Anyway, the pale ghost stared at Lin Mo again, and followed behind him again.

But for Lin Mo, who is already familiar with this ghost killing routine, this may not be a bad thing.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Lin Mo is not only not afraid, but has a surprise in his heart.

He has a wealth of horror game clearance experience.

Just like now, the exit on the second floor is blocked by the spider, and it is impossible to get out under normal circumstances.

But if we borrowed the previous speculation, spiders did not enter the second floor because of fear, then as long as they found something that the other party was afraid of, maybe they could borrow this thing to deter spiders, and then leave safely.

Lin Mo felt that the man-faced spider was most likely to be this pale ghost.

However, it still needs to be verified.

Lin Mo walked out of the corridor without rashness. He thought about it again and again and decided to continue to explore the second floor first.

Lin Mo had searched the other rooms on this floor before, but found nothing, only one family had locked the door and could not get in.

At this moment, Lin Mo walked to this door.

To his surprise, he found that the door of the house was damaged, the door lock had failed, and the door opened as soon as it was pulled.

This method of violently opening the door has been seen by Lin Mo before.

That's what Pale Ghost did.

Could it be that it is?

It may have done something and entered this room while it was away.

During this process, the constant thoughts of the pale ghost behind him tempted Lin Mo to turn his head, but Lin Mo's willpower was as strong as a rock, no matter how the pale ghost tossed, he would not turn his head.

It was a little colder, but Lin Mo could still bear the military coat.

Nothing in the world is difficult, just get used to it.

Pulling the door open, Lin Mo looked inside.The decoration style of this family looks normal, just like people who usually live their lives, they are full of messy daily necessities.

"anyone there?"

Lin Mo asked at the door.

The answer is yes.

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